50% Hadrian Peverell Potter / Chapter 2: Gringotts and Inheritance: Part 2

章 2: Gringotts and Inheritance: Part 2

Skullhead leaned forward and pressed the button on Bloodfang's desk, as Bloodfang presented Harry with the three rings for the families of Black, Peverell, and Potter.

Apparently, he was supposed to put them on and that he would be recorded in the Wizengemot's records as the Lord of the Rings that he wore.

He thought it was a good thing that the records would only record that there is now a Lord of a certain house, not the identity of the person in question.

A brief thought about the Lord of the Rings popped into his head and he suppressed a grin.

He decided to start with the Potter ring. Feeling apprehension in his gut, he hesitantly wore his ring. Slowly he felt power flowing into his body.

He felt the years of abuse fall right off of him, as he saw some of the scars from his arms disappear. Soon, this power started to hurt in his scar on his head, in his chest, and in his eyes.

After it became tolerable, he soon felt something ooze from his forehead.

Reaching to touch his forehead, he looked at his fingers to see a very dark liquid that had the same consistency as molasses.

He grimaced as he felt his body go limp. Soon he saw darkness.

However, seconds later he jerked awake, as if he had a sudden adrenaline rush combined with being high on caffeine.

Slowly the main in his body returned to a dull ache. Drowsily he asked what the hell had happened.

Bloodfang said with interest, "There was a soul fragment of what we guess is Lord Voldemort in your scar, and the bindings on all aspects of your magic were all suddenly ripped out. This means that your magic probably doubled in power.

We also think that the family magics in the ring healed all of the injuries in your body, including your eyesight. This means that you are as healthy as you were when you were born. I think that is a one time thing."

Another goblin walked in with four other rings.

Skullhead took over. "Now, we suspect that you are the Lord of the Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin because of your conquest over Lord Voldemort, who is the last surviving hereditary heir of Slytherin.

He had conquered over the last heirs of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff; thus, we think that before he came to murder your parents, which is a story that we will tell you later, he was already the magical heirs of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

Then, when he tried to kill you and he himself was "killed", he transferred his all magical heirships-besides his hereditary heirship over the House of Gaunt-over to you.

Because of the rules of House of Gaunt, you cannot become the heir, unless if you are a pureblood; thus, you cannot claim the Head of House rings, least it kills you."

Harry suspected that since he was going to become a powerful client to the two goblins, that they would be giving their best to make his successful, and thus themselves successful and had a vested interest in him surviving until the age of becoming ancient.

Harry adorned the rest of his rings without feeling any pain besides a large rush of power. Different rings caused a different influx of power inside of him.

For example, while the Potter ring cause a power rush in all of his body, the Ravenclaw ring cause a large influx of magical energy in his head.

After he had adorned his rings, and after he had received the requested detailed ledger of his holdings and a more simplified ledger, (he wanted to be on top of his game) the goblins soon launched into a description of what he could do with the powers he now had.

The first of every month has a Wizengemot meeting in which he wielded seven votes as the head of seven different Houses.

He also had to keep all seven headships separate. There were rules that he had to follow in the Wizengemot, but he had about a year before he was required to attend the mandatory New Year meeting.

There were several other details, but the two goblins gave him a list of books the he should check out.

Soon, the meeting concluded with a brief overview of where he should go for a full noble wardrobe that would befit his station. Twilfitt and Tatting's.

But he was due about two hour later, as the goblins were going into a meeting with the Account Managers for the Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and for the Hogwarts Trust (that he now owned).

The details of this meeting was to be presented to him, and he was going to be in meetings with all of them throughout the week so that he could straighten out the difficulties behind all of the Houses, as many of them have been dormant for a long time.

Only the Black House did not suffer as much as it has went dormant for about two years after the previous Black Lord.

He had, after getting his wardrobe, he teleported to the attic. After moving the trunk down to his room and giving each of the metal plates five drops of his blood, he dumped quickly organized his new wardrobe into the closet in the first compartment.

He was very curious and tempted as to what was inside of the trunk, but he decided that he would wait until after the next meeting today so that he could spend as much time as he would need exploring the trunk. He left and went shopping.

Soon, Harry had ten different books, including the first year books and the basic introduction books that muggleborns received so that they can better fit into the world. He even got the three book series that many noble families used to educate their heirs or heiresses on how to best behave in public.

After thinking a bit, Harry decided to get several recent history books and the two books on the Wizengemot so he can have a better understanding of what was happening.

Following this line of thinking, Harry went and subscribed to the Daily Prophet and a new startup company, from overseas, called the Owl Courier.

Harry even stopped by Ollivanders for a wand, scoffing at the wooden sticks. He often used his ability to see magic (he coined this ability the mage-sight) and saw that wood were not good conductors of magic.

In his opinion using metals like copper or even aluminum was better as they had the natural ability to conduct magic, after amplifying a bit.

That and metal was hard to snap, and if you coiled it a bit so that it wrapped around some crystal like quartz that he had manage to find, then you have a wand that could store magic.

He shook his head. So far, from what he have seen, read, and saw, the wizarding world was backwards as hell.

The only thing that was going for Ollivanders (in his logical mind, not his childlike heart) was the minimum age restriction of being eleven, when, as Ollivander puts it, magic become to stabilize.

After a while, he headed back for Gringotts.

He was greeted by Griphook, who still had a sneer but was more respectful as he was not glaring at him or doing anything that might belittle him (Griphook seemed to be playing a game of power with every client, as he had seen him do the same as he had left his Account Manager's office with a blond, small child that seemed was too arrogant for his own good).

There were seven goblins inside of Bloodfang's office.

Of course there was Bloodfang and Skullhead, but there was also Axeblood, Swordsmith, Hammerface, Bloodgore, Boneclaw.

As he sat down, he saw that there was a peice of parchment that has a very basic overview of his holdings.

Lord Harry James Potter

Head of the Most Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Potter, Peverell, Black, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff

Account Overview:


Ancestral Vault: 64935 Galleons, 23 Sickles, 2 Knuts

Trust Vault: 1000 Galleons (200 Galleons in Sickles and 200 Galleons in Knuts)

25% of the Hogwarts Trust Fund

(Values do not include heirlooms, jewelries, books, weapons, artifacts, and armor.)


Hufflepuff Castle in Scotland, under Fidelius Charm

¼ Ownership of Hogwarts (the Hufflepuff Deed)


25% of Hogwarts


Ancestral Vault: 75314 Galleons, 12 Sickles, 43 Knuts

Trust Vault: 1000 Galleons (200 Galleons in Sickles and 200 Galleons in Knuts)

25% of Hogwarts Trust Fund

(Values do not include heirlooms, jewelries, books, weapons, artifacts, and armor.)


Ravenclaw Palace, in Scotland (under Fidelius Charm)

¼ Ownership of Hogwarts (Ravenclaw Deed)


25% of Hogwarts


Ancestral Vault: 72376 Galleons, 152 Sickles, 41 Knuts

Trust Vault: 1000 Galleons (200 Galleons in Sickles and 200 Galleons in Knuts)

25% of Hogwarts Trust Fund

(Values do not include heirlooms, jewelries, books, weapons, artifacts, and armor.)


Slytherin Castle, in Wales (under Fidelius Charm)

¼ Ownership of Hogwarts (Slytherin Deed)


25% of Hogwarts


Ancestral Vault: 75269 Galleons, 81 Sickles, 64 Knuts

Trust Vault: 1000 Galleons (200 Galleons in Sickles and 200 Galleons in Knuts)

25% of Hogwarts Trust Fund

(Values do not include heirlooms, jewelries, books, weapons, artifacts, and armor.)


Gryffindor Castle, in England (under Fidelius Charm)

¼ Ownership of Hogwarts (Gryffindor Deed)


25% of Hogwarts


Ancestral Vault: 343103 Galleons, 21 Sickles, 54 Knuts

Heir Trust Vault: 1000 Galleons (200 Galleons in Sickles and 200 Galleons in Knuts)

Bellatrix Lestrange's Vault: 1000 Galleons (200 Galleons in Sickles and 200 Galleons in Knuts)

Narcissa Malfoy's Vault: 1000 Galleons (200 Galleons in Sickles and 200 Galleons in Knuts)

Andromeda Tonks: 1000 Galleons (200 Galleons in Sickles and 200 Galleons in Knuts)

(Values do not include heirlooms, jewelries, books, weapons, artifacts, and armor.)


Black Manor, in England (under Fidelius Charm)

Walburga's Manor, London, England (12 Grimmauld Place)

Ancestral Castle (under Fidelius Charm)


2% Daily Prophet

12% Borgin and Burkes

15% Wizarding Supplies


Ancestral Vault: 301352 Galleons, 19 Sickles, 11 Knuts

Trust Vault: 1000 Galleons (200 Galleons in Sickles and 200 Galleons in Knuts)


Peverell Castle, Lancaster, England (Fidelius Charm has deteriorated)

Assets: NONE


Ancestral Vault: 313532 Vault, 1 Sickle 1 Knut

Trust Vault: 1000 Galleons (200 Galleons in Sickles and 200 Galleons in Knuts)

(Values do not include heirlooms, jewelries, books, weapons, artifacts, and armor.)


Potter Cottage, Godric's Hollow, England (now national monument)

Prongs Retreat, New York, United States (wards are deteriorating)

Lily's Pad, Diagon Alley (London), England (rent expires in two months)


35% Daily Prophet

10% Zonko's Joke Shop

Monthly Payments:

To Molly Weasley, 800 Galleons (to become Harry's mother-in-law)

To Ronald Bilius Weasley, 800 Galleons (to become Harry's friend and spy on him)

To Albus Dumbledore, 800 Galleons (Harry Potter's former magical guardian)

To Vernon Dursley, 800 Galleons (for the upkeep of Harry Potter)

To Hermione Granger (to make a friendship with Harry Potter and spy on him)

(All payments are not required, they are created by Albus Dumbledore.)

Marriage Contracts:

Harry Potter to Ginevra Weasley by Albus Dumbledore (Ginevra has not signed and the contract is voidable)

Harry was slightly angered by seeing the not that Albus Dumbledore was paying himself 800 galleons, and even paying others to become his friends and/or family all the while spying on him.

He will make a conscious effort to make sure that these people will only become his friends because they genuinely want to be his friends.

He looked up at the seven goblins and decided that he might as well start taking charge of his estates.

"I want all of these monthly payments to stop and the marriage contract to be voided. I also want to update all of my properties' wards so that they are top notch and whatever estate the property belongs to will receive the bill, and can someone tell me what this Fidelius charm is.

I want you to hit Albus Dumbledore with every single accusation that you can have and retrieve every single galleon that has been paid.

I also want a list of the exact locations of all of my properties and I want to be tied to the wards off all of my properties so that I have absolute control.

I also want every property of mine to be updated to modern standards and not be in ruins, though the Cottage in Godric's Hallow can stay how it is. How long do you estimate this will take?"

There was some conversation between the seven goblins before Bloodfang turned over to him and said, "A Fidelius charm makes a property's location only known to one person, called the Secret Keeper.

The Secret Keeper can tell anyone that he wants about the location of a place; however, only he, unless if there is a parchment with the location spread about or another form in which anyone at anytime can see the location, can disclose the information of where the property is located.

All top notch ward schemes includes this charm, and costs about 1000 Galleons per property. Each property depends on how large the property itself is, so it would take about a year.

This would boast up the fees to 2000 Galleons plus tax and governmental regulation fees from the Ministry. We are looking at a final price around 3500 Galleons per property. Do I have a go ahead.

Harry thought a bit, then said, "First look at each of the ward schemes of each property. If they look like they could do a lot better then bring it up at our next available meeting. Also, I would prefer it if each estate stayed separate as possible.

Instead, please coordinate your investments, etc., to make the best of profits possible logically. Also, how does the rewards system in Gringotts work?"

Bloodgore, the Account Manager of the Slytherin House, answered this time. "We have a regular commission of 2% of all of your profits.

If you are please with our work or want to give us incentives to work harder, then you will have to sign a letter to us, in your blood, that gives us the goals that we have to accomplish and the rewards we will receive."

Harry nodded. "Alright, can I have a pen and paper."

Soon Harry had seven parchments given to seven goblins that described how he wanted each goblin to coordinately diversify his holdings so that he had at least a ten percent increase in his holdings in each estate.

If the goblins succeeded, then each will receive a 5% raise at the end of the year for the rest of the financial quarter.

Watching their faces, Harry could see that he had given the goblins a large incentive to work hard. He then asked an important question,

Skullhead thoughtfully said. "Also, before you just go barging into the Wizengemot chambers, you should send a letter declaring yourself to the Chief Warlock, Albus Dumbledore, the Steering Committee, and the Identification Committee."

"Why is there a committee and a law specifically for identifying the Lord of Houses?"

Bloodgore took over, "Before then, it was easy for imposters to take control of a house. This law basically demands that the Lord or Lady that the Wizengemot sees and records that is wearing a magically identified, authentic Head of House ring, to be the only one to take control of that House's seat and vote.

This law also give the Heads the ability to appoint proxies, that must undergo a similar verification process.

Basically, this law guarantees that no one is able to take control of a House's vote and seat without the Head of House, and thus the House itself, permission.

Since you are the head of seven houses, you hold the right to vote fore the seven seats of Wizengemot"

"Oh, okay," Harry felt a bit dumb now. "Can I be allowed to send my letter now."

Bloodfang soon gave him the formal phrasing of an introduction letter to the Wizengemot and showed him how to make a magical imprint using his ring so that the verification devices used by the Wizengemot can see that it is from Lord Peverell, which is the one vote Harry decides to "confirm" upon.

He also sealed the letter with the Peverell House seal.

The only difference is that Harry decided that he will appear in the Wizengemot meeting next month on December first.

He asked a last question of how he was suppose to carry out his duties as a lord of the Wizengemot, when one of his goblins told him that the Hogwart's charter allowed those who do have headships to leave the castle with their Hogwart's House Head's approval. Harry nodded, he will cross that bridge when he will need to.

Finally, the meeting was concluded, and Harry agreed that he should use the next week or so to get accustomed to his newly found station and place in another different world. They agreed to meet up on November 8th, 1990.

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