25% Hadrian Peverell Potter / Chapter 1: Gringotts and Inheritance: Part 1
Hadrian Peverell Potter Hadrian Peverell Potter original

Hadrian Peverell Potter

作者: Prahalad_2003

© WebNovel

章 1: Gringotts and Inheritance: Part 1

Dear Harry;

I am so sorry that you have to read this letter as that means that we-you father and I-are dead. I have something very shocking to tell you.

You are a wizard, is something that the wizarding world would tell you; however, I am telling you that you are a Sorceror.

There is a difference. Wizards compared to Sorcerers is like comparing muggles (the non-magical people) to the most powerful of wizards (or the weakest of Sorcerers) Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the Chief Warlock of the Witenagemot and the defeater the Dark Lord Grindelwald.

This might be a shock to you but I am serious. Has anything happened to you Harry that you cannot explain with muggle sciences? (Harry had to grin in self-satisfaction. He had mastered magic before this letter through his own logic and knowledge.)

Anyways, I have prepared this trunk for you because I know how your Uncle Vernon dislikes magic. In this trunk there are seven different compartments, each has a different purpose:

(1) a "walk-in" closet,

(2) a potions lab,

(3) a library of books that you father and I have gathered, some are duplicates from the Potter Family Library (please read you fathers letter that will outline what you have to do to become Lord Potter-Peverell-Black),

(4) dueling/warding room (you can practice your dueling strategies and runes),

(5) a regular, expanding space for you to use this trunk as a trunk (but with near unlimited storage space as it will grow larger as you put things into the trunk),

(6) a large, seven bedroom (1 master bedroom, and each bedroom has its own bathroom), basically its is a mansion inside of a trunk (you will understand once you see it!), 

(7) is a prison for five people, it has magic suppressants, etc., that will ensure that no matter how powerful your prisoners are, they will have a hard time escaping.

This trunk has several anti-theft charms, a blood charm that ensures that only you can open this trunk, a charm that will cause this trunk to go to the family vault once it starts taking damage for security reasons, etc.

Basically make sure that no one will touch your trunk without ill intent. There is also a time-slowing wards in the sixth compartment that will allow you to slow down time four about a month so that one month in the inside is two months outside.

There is a two month cool down period. There is a manual inside if you want to read it.

I have a HUGE surprise waiting for you in the trunk; however please read you father's letter, complete all of his goals, and then come back and drop five drops of you blood on each of the metal pads on the front of this trunk so that the wards are keyed to you.

Please know that I love you with all of my heart and no matter what, both me and you father are very proud of you.


Your mom.

A ten year old Harry looked over the letter from his mother once more, feeling somewhat less depressed, reading his own mother's handwriting about how much she loved him and how true it seemed just made Harry giddy with happiness.

He looked at the other letter addressed to Prongslet, thinking that he was Prongslet and that his father wrote that for him. Carefully opening the letter, he read:

Dear Prongslet (yes, Harry, that is you);

I just want to write this letter just in case things do not turn out right after the war with Voldemort.

I know you mother left that to me because she thought I might make it more humorous than it really is so that you will not mope around, so here goes:

We are fighting this evil villain called Voldemort ("Mouldypants" is the name I prefer) that is trying really hard to kill everyone that will not bow down to him because he has severe self-esteem problems and wants to hear "My lord" over and over.

Then Dumb-as-a-door (aka Professor Dumbledore, he is actually wise as hell but can't seem to use that wisdom the intelligent way) heard this silly long prophecy that seems like shit but includes you.

So we go into hiding with a Fidelius charm with Peter Pettigrew as a secret-keeper in hopes of keeping you safe, and Sirius Black, your dogfather (he is an animagus, a person able to change into an animal, which is a grim/dog named Padfoot), runs around taking attention away from Peter screaming "I am the Potter's stupid and ugly secret keeper that can seem to keep a woman" and keeping Peter and thus us safe.

If we are dead than this means that Peter betrayed us Harry.

There is another piece of parchment in this envelop that has this agreement written in our blood, it was Lily's (your mom's) idea.

Bless her heart.

Also, if Sirius is not there (which is probably why you are reading this letter), and you are not at Alice Longbottom's (your godmother) house, than you are at the Dursleys which means that you did not have a happy life.

If this is the case once you learned magic and are seventeen give them a hard time by pranking them until they beg for mercy.

But there are five points I want to point out:

One, living at there would mean that you do not know anything about the wizarding world at large;

two, you do not know anything about your special abilities;

three, if you are ten then you do not have all of the blocks on your magic removed, which is bad since Voldemort will be returning as he has NOT died;

four, you are oblivious to your noble heritage as you are Harrison James Potter, the Head of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Houses of Potter and Peverell, and the Heir Apparent of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black;

five, you will be a target to be killed from the beginning by the Death Eaters (who are Voldemort's supporters and followers) and will be targeted by Voldemort himself once he returns.

Because of this you will have to go to Gringotts in Diagon Alley. Here is a list of what you are going to do to make sure that you will have the highest possibility to survive.

One: you will go to Charing Cross Road and then go to a run down, miserable looking pub called the Leaky Cauldron. Then you will go behind the pub to the brick wall, and go three bricks up and two bricks across three times, then tap that brick thrice. Once past the portal, you entered Diagon Alley.

Two: go to the big, white, magnificent building straight down the alley. Then, ask a teller to see Bloodfang, your account manager. 

Three: show him the third parchment in this envelope, which is an emancipation permission form from me and your mother which is legally acceptable.

This will mean that you will legally become an adult, which means that if you are tried, you will be tried as an adult. Please use the ensuing privileges in a respectful manner.

Four: ask Bloodfang for you to take up the mantle of being Lord Potter-Peverell, and tell him that you seek to claim your place as the heir apparent of the Black estate and fortunes.

He will then ask you how you lay your claim. Tell him your great-grandmother, Dorea Potter-nee-Black is a Black and that you are the heir of your godfather.

Five: try to find your godfather and your honorary uncle, Remus Lupin, and have Sirius train you in the ways of being a "pureblood".

Six: get yourself a full wizard wardrobe, and start learning about magic.

There are dozens of books in the trunk that your mom is organizing that will include Sirius's, Lupin's, Peter's (do not disregard his notes, even if he did betray us, as he was actually a good person before Voldemort rose to power) notes, books, journals, etc.

Read these as they include all of our tricks as pranksters (which is useful in dueling, I will keep that as a challenge for you to figure out), our specially created artifacts (like a 2-way communication mirror or the Marauder's Map which is a map of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that shows where everyone is in real time), our specially created spells, charms, and wards, etc.

Seven: enjoy your life as much as you could and do not take unnecessary risks.

As you are no doubt know, your mom and I have arranged a HUGE surprise for you in the sixth compartment in your trunk.

Remember, I love you Prongslet and I will forever be proud of you.

(BTW: Me, Sirius, Remus, and Peter were known as the Marauders, and were animagi, besides for Remus who is a werewolf.

I am Prongs, a stag animagus; Sirius is Padfoot, a dog animagus; and Peter is a rat animagus, which would make sense if he "ratted" use out to Voldemort.)

Your father,

James Charles Potter.

Harry looked up after reading the letter. He had so much to do, and he had his parent's wishes and demands in his hands. And he will carry out them to the dot of an "I".

And who was this Lord Voldemort that has apparently killed his mother and father? Just who was this Peter Pettigrew that betrayed his parents? Where was Sirius and Remus in his life?

There was just so many things to think about. Harry looked at the clock hanging above his desk, it was about six o'clock.

Meaning that he was suppose to go down and help his Aunt Petunia cook (and Harry was happy to say that he was helping, not doing things for his Aunt; he had after all forced them to love them by manipulating their minds).

He also had to go to Charing Cross Road to get to this Gringotts, he suppose that the knowledge of what this place was is taken for granted as his father did not put what exactly Gringotts was in the letter.

He sighed, he had plans for tomorrow, which he told his Aunt and Uncle.

After his meddling they actually offered, in nice, friendly tones, to drive him down there. He had accepted and soon went to sleep.

The next day he woke up early, at seven. He was suppose to go with his Uncle at nine when he went to work.

So he got up and did some sparse amount of exercise as he wanted to stay fit (he wanted to boost his stamina so that he could use magic much more efficiently; thus, he had taken up swimming and running/jogging).

Then, he took a hot, relaxing shower, eat breakfast with his seemingly-nocturnal Aunt Petunia. Like he usually done, he quickly reinforced his suggestions to treat him like a nephew in all three Dursleys.

It would not do if these suggestions were to just disappear from their heads and them punishing him.

Finally, it was time for them to leave for Charing Cross Road. As his Uncle drove, Harry could not help but feel nervous.

This was his first time entering the wizarding world. Once he had spotted a sabby pub, he quickly told his uncle that they have reached their destination.

Then he climbed out of the car and as discreetly has he could, he changes his features so that he has auburn hair, hazel eyes, a Pacific tan, and an otherwise older look about himself. He also made sure to make himself look more American.

Then he walked into the Leaky Cauldron, while his heart slowly rose to his heart. Luckily for him, once he saw Diagon Alley once, he could just teleport his way there.

He even found a stuttering person with a garlic-smelling turban and a large hairy man (who the bartender called Hagrid) that acted like his escort into his first foray into the wizarding world.

He slowly went through the crowd hoping that he had hundreds of eyes like Argus from Greek mythology.

But then he saw the big, white building and stopped dead in his tracks. He felt… empty. His first entry to the wizarding world is suppose to be with his godparents and parents, his friends, his friend's parents, and even his friend's friends. It wasn't suppose to be him alone.

He quickly shook him out of his reverie when he felt someone knock into his left shoulder. Apologizing, he walked to Gringotts.

At the door he saw a small poem posted on the entrance: Enter, stranger, but take heed… Of what awaits the sin of greed… For those who take, but do not earn… Must pay most dearly in their turn… So if you seek beneath our floors… A treasure that was never yours… Thief, you have been warned, beware… Of finding more than treasure there.

A while later he entered Gringotts, hesitating. It was a bank, and since he needed to be Harry Potter for his businesses, he decided to forgo his fake identity.

But he did so slowly and discreetly. His change of appearance did not send a ripple of surprise through the crowd, so he assumed that he had succeeded in being unseen. Being with Dursleys does bring some good.

Finally he approached the teller's desk, slightly surprised to find a weird gnarled and fierce looking goblin.

He walked up as confident as he could and told the teller, "I am Harry James Potter, and I want to meet my account manager Bloodfang."

The goblin looked up at stared at him, before slowly nodding, his sneer fading a bit.

"Griphook!" Another fierce goblin appeared, though he seemed more sinister with his arrogant sneer and his younger appearance.

"Take young Potter to Account Manager Bloodfang, as he has respectfully requested."

While the teller's sneer had faded when he know Harry's presence, Griphook's did not; in fact, it seemed to grow larger.

Griphook just turned, after nodding at the teller, and started walking around the teller's desk to the large mahogany doors the the left. As they approached, these doors opened up, which added to the grandeur of this place.

Quickly, they passed several magnificent doors of many Account Managers, including the ones for the families of Black, Malfoy, Nott, and several others.

As they went down the hall, the doors became more magnificent and soon resembled those of that of royalty (thus, Harry concluded that the farther down the hall you progress, the more ancient and wealthier houses are prevelent).

After they passed the door to the Account Manager of the Flamels, the got to Harry's Account Manager.

Stepping into the doors, Griphook announced him, "Account Manager Bloodfang, Heir of the Potter fortunes and estates, Harry Potter, is here to see you."

A "kind" voice (compared to Griphook's) rang out, "Bring him in, and go back to whatever you station is."

Once Harry into a seat in front of the goblin's elegant desk, Harry told Bloodfang, "I am here to be emancipated," and he placed the parchment with his parents signature. "And, I am here to pick up the mantle of becoming Lord Potter, Lord Peverell, and Lord Black, and I even want to take an inheritance test. Afterwards, I want a detailed ledger of all of my holdings."

He had heard the client in front of him ask for this test, and was curious to see what this test yielded as it also showed what magical powers he had, etc., instead of just whom you descend from.

Bloodfang looked at him with an eyebrow raised, then a grin started to form on his face, "Those request may be done easily; however, may I ask how you lay claim to the Black estate."

"You may, I am related to the Black's main "branch" through my great-grandmother Dorea Potter-nee-Black, and that I am my godfather's, Sirius Orion Black's, heir."

Bloodfang looked at him nodding, his grin becoming even more prominent. He leaned forward and pressed a button on his desk.

"May I have an emancipation form and official, an inheritance test, the Account Manager for the Black family, and the Head of House rings for Potter, Peverell, and Black."

A minute or so later, Harry was facing two goblins and a Ministry official with a fountain pen in hand (the official was a muggleborn) filling out a form.

The two goblins were conversing silently, Bloodfang getting more and more uptight and the Black Account Manager, Skullhead, becoming agitated with some of the statements put forth by Bloodfang.

Soon he was done and the Ministry official took the form, read through it, occasionally pulling out various weird devices from his robes, until he nodded in approval.

He left the room, and Harry saw that he was suppose to stay after he made to follow.

Sitting down, he looked around the office. Aside from the gruesome paintings of goblin battles, and a large family tree of the Potters (which he started memorized).

Aside from that, there was a set of rather fancy sofas and a coffee table that was surrounded by large, somewhat frightening books.

Harry soon learned through looking at them that it was a collection of records of the Potters "from day one".

Finally, the ministry official returned with a certificate in hand.

Handing it to Harry, the official said, "Congratulations, Mr. Potter. The Minster of Magic has approved of your emancipation himself, along with the Head of the Department of Children and Child Protection, witnessed by the other seven major heads of the Ministry."

He seemed to pull himself together, and by extension his authority, and his voice boomed in the office, "I, the Official of the Emancipation Office of the Children's Department, hereby declare you, Harry James Potter, to be a legal adult, in the eyes of the law, Wizengemot, and the Ministry of Magic. However, within a year, you must have an adult sign up to become a chaperone to ensure that you are acting responsibly and as a good citizen to the wizarding community at large. Your application has also been approved by our cooperatives in the muggle's government. In all of the UK, you are an adult, I wish you good luck luck."

The official stepped out, and Harry waited a minute for the goblins to sum up their conversation.

Finally, Bloodfang spoke, "Mr. Potter, for your inheritance test, please place five drops of your blood onto this parchment," he slid over a regular-looking parchment, "and let magic do the rest."

Harry did so, and he watched in awe as the following words appeared on the parchment.

Harry James Potter

Inheritance Test

Parents: Lord James Potter and Lily Evan-nee-Potter.

Godparents: Lord Sirius Orion Black and Lady Alice Longbottom

Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter

Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Peverell

Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black (by will and lineage)

Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Gryffindor (by magic)

Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Slytherin (by conquest)

Heir of the Most Noble House of Ravenclaw (by conquest)

Heir of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Hufflepuff (by conquest)

Lord Hogwarts (by conquest, and by ownership of the Hogwart's deed)


Natural Occlumens (completely blocked)

Natural Legilimens (90% unlocked, naturally unlocked)

Natural Telepathic (50% unlocked, naturally unlocked)

Multi-Animagus (completely blocked)

Wandless Magic (90% unblocked, naturally unlocked)

Magic (75% potential; 10% blocked, 5% leached by soul fragment)

Metamorphmagus (completely unlocked)

Sorcery (90% blocked, blocked by parent-registered)

Harry was slightly shocked at the amount of fortunes he has access to. But what was Occlumens and Legilimens? He know what Metamorphmagus and an Animagus was because of his parents letters, the blocks on Magic and Wandless Magic was self-explanatory.

He asked his question to the goblins. The goblins were looking at him like he was a Christmas present that they really wanted. Their fish impressions would be hilarious if it wasn't on goblin faces, which actually made it scary.

Skullhead answered his question.

"A Legilimens was a person that can read minds, and Occlumens was someone that could defend himself from a Legilimens. Telepathic is a similar concept, except of how the mind is read.

A Legilimens would read the memories from the magic of the victim, which means that the victim has a lot of control over what a Legilimens can read.

A Telepathic, however, reads memories and feelings from the soul; thus, the victim has very little control of what is being read. Also, it is ten time more difficult to block out a Telepathic."

Harry nodding in understanding. He had a feeling that he was extraordinarily powerful, but he also realized, from his time being abused, that there was always someone more powerful than you.

Most of the time, those who are more powerful than you and knew that they were more powerful were more than likely to be your enemy.

He looked at the goblins and asked for the Head of House Rings for all of his inherited houses. The goblins were more than eager to help.

Prahalad_2003 Prahalad_2003

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