86.95% Can I be a tamer in HP wizardry world? -Fanfic- / Chapter 80: ch 80 Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

章 80: ch 80 Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

March 9, 1992, Monday 6:20 am, Greengrass Residence

- Third-person POV-

"Hmm..haaauo.." a groggy Astoria Greengrass woke up, stretched her arms and got up from bed. She quickly walked to her bathroom to freshen up and do her daily morning routine.

Few minutes later, she walked out of her room newly dressed, energetic and sporting a bright smile on her face.

It is difficult to believe that a few months ago, this very same girl could hardly get off her bed without any assistance, and needed to be pushed in a wheelchair to even just go from one place to another.

Such remarkable changes were brought upon by the inconspicuous golden bracelet she is wearing, given to her by her sister's school friend, Marshall Witcherly.

Every now and then, the image of that red head boy with a handsome face and silly smile crosses her mind, and how he helped her with such a nonchalant attitude.

This morning, like any other morning, Astoria walked in the dining room for breakfast with her parents.

But as she saw her parents at the dining table, Astoria could already tell that's there is something going on.

"Good morning!"

The little girl greeted her parents and gave each of them a kiss and hug before taking her seat next to her mother.

As Astoria waits for her mother to finish making her a sandwich, she noticed her father reading the newspaper. His face is showing a frown and a smirk at the same time.

"Daaaadd.... What are you reading?" The girl childishly asked.

"Here Love, read for yourself.." Mr. Greengrass turned to her daughter, smiled and gave her the newspaper for her to read.

Receiving the paper, Astoria looked at the front page. Her attention was first caught by the drawing of a boy's silhouette and a large question mark on the face.

That surprised her since normally the headline features a moving photograph, but then she was shocked by the headline...



Another article is highlighted below...

"Who is Marshall Witcherly?"

Immediately, Astoria turned to her parents and asked, "Is this true? Marshall is Merlin's heir?! THE MERLIN?! THAT MARSHALL?! Sister's friend Marshall?"

Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass each gave a nod.

Their daughter looked down on her wrist and stare at the golden bracelet that the shiny red-headed boy gifted her to combat the malediction plaguing her body.

To her parents's surprise , she cursed, "Bloody Hell!!"




6:37 Scamander Residence, Dorset UK

The elderly Scamander couple are currently seated side-by-side, reading The Daily Prophet while having a light breakfast.

Tina leaned back a bit, sipped her tea, and said to her husband, "So that's why the Flamels threat Marshall so cautiously. The boy already holds a lot of power, being named as Merlin's heir."

Putting the paper down, Newt tried to remember how Marshall interacted with Nicolas and Perenelle.

It became apparent to him that the grandson and grandmother pair knew who the Flemings really were, unlike the Lovegoods.

The Flamels seems to oppose the kid being someone's heir… like they see it as a bad decision in the boy's life. It was obvious that they already know who that someone is at that time.

Then there was how the Flamels, especially Nicolas, seem to be cautious around the boy's grandmother, Dora, who they say was a squib. But Newt is sure that there's more to her than being a powerless old lady.

With a sigh, Newt just let go of all the questions he had regarding the Witcherlys. He turned to his wife and said, "We better warn Rolf not to write anything about the Witcherlys without their consent."

His wife put down her cup and pointed at the second article titled "Who is Marshall Witcherly?", she regretfully said, "Unfortunately Dear, it is too late for that."

"Hmmm?..." The old man reread the article again and focused on the part pointed by his wife that said...

".... According to our reliable source who had been to the home of Mr. Witcherly...."

Newt just rubbed his temple and sighed, "Oh Merlin…"




6:50 am Hogwarts Great Hall

-Marshall's POV-

At the Gryffindor's dining table…

"I'll have an English breakfast… grill the tomatoes and mushrooms… egg? Scrambled…toasts, and black coffee, give me a separate milk and sugar. Thank you…"

The first to appear after I ordered was the cup of hot coffee, accompanied by two porcelain containers for the sugar and milk. After a few seconds, a large plate appeared that had bacon, scrambled eggs, sausage, black pudding, baked beans, grilled tomato and mushrooms, and toasts.

I'm going to start eating, but as I was about to take my first bite, I felt uncomfortable with all the stares directed at me.

Putting my knife and fork down, I sighed and said, "If all you guys will do is stare at me while I eat, I'll just move my plate to my house's table."

Everyone near me started ordering from the menu, most picking the first item on the list regardless if they even like it or not.

After having a few bites, they still kept taking glances at me.

"I'm still me, guys. Nothing changed." I casually said in between bites.

Harry hurriedly said, "But you're Merlin's sole heir..."

I quickly replied to him, "And you're The-Boy-Who-Lived. Did that ever change you, Harry? Or did you actually want people to treat you differently?,… Like what Snape said?"

"No. Of course not!"said Harry immediately.

With a smile, I said, "Case and point. It's the same for me."

Hermione cuts in and slowly asked, "Do you really know Merlin?"

Shaking my head, I explained, "Hardly, I only met Uncle Merlin once when he visited my place last Holiday."


There were many who reacted, but the most violent were the Weasley brothers, especially Percy.

With a cracking voice, Percy almost seemed hysterical, "WhAt?! Last HolidAys? YoU mean to sAy that wE could hAve met Merlin if we toOk your offer to spEnd thE holidAys at your plAce?!!!"

The twins, Ron and Harry realized what Percy was being hysterical about.

"I didn't know that I'll be meeting Uncle when I invited you guys before the Christmas break. But yeah, if you came with me, you would have met him." I honestly answered.

Regret could be seen on their faces.

Ron was frowning while eating and looking over the articles about me in the newspaper. He asked me, "Who is this 'source' that had been to your house? Some stuff about you were exaggerated."

"Ugh, it's probably that Rolf Scamander fella. He came with his grandparents when the Lovegoods and Flemings returned from their trip to France. We had dinner that time. He works at the Prophet. Dude has some issues with me." I explained with a bit of a frown.

The older students who were listening in reacted when they heard Rolf's name mentioned.

Again, Percy became hysterical, "ROlf!? His grAndparents!!!? YoU mEt Newt ScamAndEr!!!?? And wE could alsO hAve mEt hIM?!! WhAt is up with yoUr plAce, MarshAll?!! Why are bIG shOts visit thEre???"

"Gulp*..."still swallowing my food, I just nodded to what Percy said and shrugged my shoulder to his comment regarding my home.

Ron was making weird faces and mumbled, "I can't believe that Loony Luna got to meet Newt Scamander----".

"RONALD WEASLEY!!!..." calling Ron out mand making him flinch. I gave him a warning, "... How many times have I told you to not call Luna names. You better get rid of that habit of yours before Luna and Ginny enters school, or else I don't mind beating you up like how I beat Fred and George."

Hermione softly asked Harry, "Who is Luna? Marshall's girlfriend?"

"Ahhh?.. No. But they're close. Unlike how Marshall is strict with us boys, he spoiled Luna and Ron's little sister very much. He's like a doting older brother to the two. More so, Marshall is very, very protective with Luna because she's… uhm… Unique." Harry cautiously choose his words when describing Luna 'less he wants to be caught in Witcherly's crosshairs.

Hermione just gave a nod after hearing his explanation.

Ron quickly straightened up, "Okay.. Okay.. It was just a slip-of-a-tongue, Sorry Mom… eh… I mean mate."

"Just make sure you do… Now, wipe that sauce off your chin and eat properly..." Marshall kept on reprimanding Ron.

George chuckled, "That's the same old Marshall we know ,alright..."

"...Such a MOM." added Fred.

Harry agreed happily seeing that his friend didn't change after having a new found fame and status. .

Ron quickly changed the subject, "But we can still tease Ginny and Harry, Right?"

Me, Fred, and George simultaneously yelled, """OF COURSE!!"""

Harry quickly became beat-red out of embarrassment.




6:54 am Weasley Residence, "The Burrow", Ottery St Catchpole, Devon UK

-Third-person POV-

The youngest and only daughter of the Weasley couple is having her breakfast with her mother in their kitchen.

Suddenly, her left ear started to itch. She frowned as she scratch it and complained, "Who is talking smack about me?"

"It might be Harry, Dear." Molly teased her daughter.

"MOM!" Ginny complained and added,"I think it's one of my brothers or Marshall. My fist also itch."

"Oh you! Why so violent? Who did you learn that from?" The girl's mother asked.

While they're talking , Arthur came in and greeted the two. He handed yesterday's newspaper to his wife to read and keep.

To save up some money for subscription to The Daily Prophet, Arthur will read today's newspaper from the free ones that were given to each department in the Ministry. After work, he'll take the newspaper home for his wife to read.

That's why Arthur is always a few hours behind the latest happening in the wizarding world.

Arthur said, "I heard Marshall being mentioned? Ginny, remember to say thanks to him for the gift cards he gifted you."

"Okaayy.." The girl nodded and noticed the old wall clock and reminded her father, "Dad, you're going to be late."

The Weasley couple looked over and realized what time it was.

Arthur quickly, grabbed his suitcase, kissed his wife and daughter and dash toward the fireplace.

Grabbing a handful of Floo powder, he positioned himself in the fireplace and shouted, "Ministry of Magic!!" 🔥

After Arthur left, Molly and Ginny began cleaning the dishes.

*Knock! *Knock!

"Ginny! Ginny! Come quick!" They heard Luna calling out from their front door.

The mother and daughter quickly walked to the door and opened it. They were surprised to see the whole Lovegood family standing there.

Xeno asked, "Did Arthur left already?"

"Yes. Just now. Why?" Molly asked.

"Look at this, Molly." Pandora handed her today's edition of the Prophet.

While Molly and Ginny are reading, Xeno said, "I received a letter regarding this last night, but quickly dismissed it. I thought it was just another of those pranks that try to trick me into writing an outrageous article on Quibbler. Apparently, it's all true."

The Weasley mother and daughter were still shocked about what they read about Marshall.

As the grown-ups were thinking about the gravity of the news, Luna innocently asked, "Do you think I can ask Marshall for some strands of Merlin's beard?"





6:58 am, Ministry of Magic

Whoosh ~🔥🔥💨

Arthur Weasley arrived in the Ministry's Atrium along with the countless wizards and witches who work there.

"Scourgify!" He cast a cleaning spell on himself to remove the ash that stuck on his person before proceeding to make his way to the where he works, in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office.

But he only took a few steps, before he noticed the strange atmosphere in the Atrium.

Most were holding a copy of today's Daily Prophet with different expression on their faces.

Some even formed groups and are discussing something.

Curious, he was going to approach a group of acquaintances to inquire, but was stopped by his friend and neighbor, Amos Diggory.

"Arthur, quick follow me, old chap. From the look on your face, you haven't read today's Prophet yet. Am I right?" Amos said as he grabbed Arthur by the arm and dragged him to the side hall, away from the view of everyone else.

Arthur was flustered but let himself be led aside. When it's only the two men, he asked,"What's happening, Diggory? Why so tense?"

"Here! Read this!" Amos gave him a copy of today's paper.

Immediately, Arthur read the front page and found out what's going on, "Merlin's alive?! Oh my! And his heir? Who?... !!!... Blimey!! Marshall?!"

Excited, Amos said, "You lucky chap. Who would have thought, Mr. Witcherly was such a big shot! And he's friends with our kids. I thought that him being related to the Flamels was great enough--- !! Oh, my damn mouth!! Forget what I just said. There's a gag-order about that."

"Whaat?! That kid is related to the Flamels as well? As in The Alchemist?!..." Arthur can't handle the flood of surprises he heard in a short amount of time.

Diggory quickly reminded him, "You better keep that secret to yourself, mate. That Witcherly kid likes his privacy…"

"... I heard that the Announcement letter sent by Gringotts and other world banks specifically mentioned not to disturb that kid. It's pretty obvious that Merlin came out from his seclusion, not to simply announce his heir, but to WARN EVERYONE to leave the kid alone."

After digesting what he read from the paper and what Amos said, Arthur agreed with his friend and thought, 'Yes, that's definitely a warning to everyone. Only a fool will try to go against Merlin's order'




8:30 am , Hogwarts Headmaster's office

"Why can't we meet Mr. Witcherly, Headmaster?" asked Dolores Umbridge, who came in with Cornelius Fudge, The Minister of Magic.

Dumbledore massage his temple while leaning back on his chair and explained, "Cornelius, didn't you receive a letter from Gringotts? It came with a 'request' from Merlin to not disturb Marshall for no reason. That includes any form of solicitation. The letter addressed to me came with specific instructions that said, 'Unless Marshall allowed it, no one is to disturb him while in Hogwarts, OR ELSE...' so please, leave."

Dolores obnoxiously reacted, "Solicitation? Are we prostitutes? We're only here to greet the Young Lord. Ain't that right, Minister?"

"Y-yes, That's right. Just to greet--" Fudge is parroting what his secretary said but stops when he noticed a golden light coming from the inner pocket of his jacket.

He checked and saw that the golden letter sent yesterday to him was emitting a pulsating glow. It's giving off an ominous feel.

Panicked, Fudge asked Dumbledore, "Albus, what's happening?!"

The Headmaster rolled his eyes and said, "I'm guessing that this is a warning that something will happen to you if you keep insisting on disturbing Marshall. This is Merlin we are talking about. He won't waste time giving out empty threats. Now, do you two still want to meet young Witcherly? I'm also quite curious what would happen to those that didn't heed Merlin's warnings."

Umbridge and Fudge look at each other and quickly walk toward the fireplace. Before leaving, Fudge asked Dumbledore to give his regards to Marshall.

When it was Umbridge's turn to use the fireplace, she leered at Dumbledore before Flooing back to the Ministry.

Once those two were gone, Dumbledore let out a sigh of relief now that the office was at peace again.

However, he immediately frowned, while imagining other fools who didn't listen to the warning in the letter that might be making their way towards the school.

The Headmaster realized that he became an unwilling shield for Witcherly.

~end chapter ~

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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