
章 60: Omake: Evil Cycle

Tossing and turning on his bed, Lars was sweating.

"Ugh, urgh." He was sweating, but the temperature in Monstro is always regulated.

All of the 7 symbols on his back had a dull glow on them.

Throughout the night, he continued to roll around in distress.

The morning came, but he was still in his log cabin.

He's a relatively light sleeper that always gets up early, but he didn't.

A few hours pass and noon came, but he still wasn't seen by anyone. Which was odd.

"Lars is still asleep?" Alfia returned from the deeper floors and the concerned leaders of the xenos nodded at her.

"Yeah, we checked on his cabin. But he's just sleeping there." Ray pointed at his house.

"Lars-chi doesn't get up late, ever." Lyd added and Gros just nodded.

"Why don't you just check for him yourself?" Alfia raised a brow.

"Ahhh, you see... Just looking at his cabin gives us the creeps. Our instincts are telling us not to do anything rash." Ranye shuddered.

"Nonsensical, I will wake him up then. It is not good to be lazy." Alfia pushed them and she went towards his cabin.

"I've warned her. My spider senses are tingling." Ranye shrugged.

Alfia busted down his door open and she grabbed his blanket.

"Wake up, Lars. It's already late in the afternoon? Don't tell me you're using Acedia for a big fight?" Alfia shook him.

He would normally put up a sign that he was using his skill. But that wasn't the case here.

"Noisy..." Lars slowly sat up with a heavy frown on his face.

"Excuse me?" Alfia was shocked that he would say something like that to her, that was her trademark.

"I said you're noisy, woman." Lars glared at her. Something was terribly wrong, and he looked a bit different.

"Ahh, I've been having a good sleep. And you come in and ruin it." Lars ruffled his hair in annoyance.

Alfia was shocked and she thought of something. 'Is this anger I feel... Something that they experience as well?'

She could see the parallels of his attitude right now with her normal behavior.

And she was self-aware enough to notice that he was making her angry.

"How are you going to pay me back for that, huh?" Lars stood up and she walked up to Alfia.

He pinned her onto a wall and she didn't quite disklike that.

"Uhh..." Alfia didn't know how to react at his sudden change.

"You don't even know? Then I'll decide for you." Lars lifted her chin and Alfia could see the deviousness in his eyes.

"Wha? Hngh!" Alfia's mouth was suddenly violated by his tongue and he inflicted a lot of energy on it, using Luxuria.

'Oh my gods! It... It feels heavenly!' Alfia's body seized as all the nerves inside of her body fire.

If she wasn't a level 9, she would be like a victim of nerve gas right now. But he controlled it immaculately.

Giving only enough intense stimulation for her nerves that only Alfia could handle.

He grinned at her, his teeth showing. Lars shoved two fingers inside of her mouth as he spun her around.

Lars caressed her chest, his fingers glowing purple. Filled with the power of lust that made her brain melt.

"Call me master, Alfia." Lars licked her neck and Alfia was already in a daze.

"Mashter~" She then snapped out of it and she pushed him away, her level 9 magic stat resisting his ministrations. But not for long.

"Hoh? What a bad servant you are, I have to punish you more then." He flicked his wrist and she was sent to the bed.

"Lars, snap out of it! This isn't how you usually act!" Alfia got worried.

He laughed at her. "How I usually act? Honey, this is plain old me. But better, let me show you." Lars went on top of her and he ripped her clothes.

Alfia went wide eyed. He kissed her little nubs softly and her brain almost melted as she gritted her teeth so hard she created a shockwave.

'M-maybe this isn't so bad after all?' Alfia smelled a sweet scent in the air and Lars grinned at her.

"That's it Alfia, beg for forgiveness and bark for me." Lars put a collar on her neck and she bent over.


After an hour of mind numbing ecstasy, Alfia was unconscious in his cabin. Out for the whole day as she twitched from time to time.

"Hmm, that was some good stress relief." Lars breathed in the air.

"But I want more." He licked his lips and looked for his next target.

"Hi Lars, how's it going? You aren't sick or something?" Ranye found him and she waved at him.

"No, not really. But have you ever heard of bondage?" Lars asked her with a smile.

"Bondage? Restraints you mean?" Ranye tilted her head.

"Yes, yes, excellent. How about we experiment on that?" Lars moved his fingers lightning quick.

"Eh?" Ranye felt her arms get tied behind her and her spider legs were bunched up together, incapacitating her immediately.

"We'll have a lot of fun~" Lars brought her to his cabin and she was confused as hell.

__Some time later__

Alfia now had a partner on his bed, a tied up arachne. And they were both out for the count.

He slicked back his hair as he drank some water to rehydrate. He gave them a lot of moisture after all.

"Hmmm, you two need a lot more endurance. Laura and Marie has you beat." He tapped their butts and he went back out again to find more willing targets.

And he found a group of them at the guild. "Ahhh, Lars! Finally woke up? You sleepy head!" Tiona lunged at him as she hugged him tightly.

"Yeah, what's up with you?" Tione was worried that the was under the weather.

"Lars-sama, is everything alright?" Haruhime saw that he looked a bit different. His eyes were a bit sharper.

And when his scent hit her, she froze on the spot.

"Lars? Sleeping in? That's really rare, in fact. This is the first time I've heard of it." Rose who was exchanging loot for the party commented.

"Yeah, do you need healing or a doctor?" Airmid checked him out, but there was nothing really wrong with him.

"I do need something, but I believe it's better if we talk in private." Lars smiled at them and their hearts skipped a beat.

His pheromones already did short work of them and they followed him to a private room in the guild, courtesy of Rose.

"So? What's up?" Rose asked him and he smirked.

He put a film of mana around the room, eliminating all vibrations that hit it. Meaning, no sounds comes out and in.

"First of all, thank you very much for your service. Second, thanks for the meal." Lars smirked at them and they saw a pink mist float around the air.

They immediately went wide eyed. The pink mist acted as stimulants and their desires were prioritized immediately.

And the first ones to budge were of course the honest amazons.

"Lars~" Tiona shimmied off her clothes immediately and Tione did so as well.

The older twin went down on her knees as Lars put some lube between her cleavage. Tiona kissed him with hunger in her actions.

"L-Lars-sama..." Haruhime panted heavily and Rose who was beside her was getting more animalistic by the second.

Her fangs grew longer, her hackles stood on end. And she was heating up like a furnace, ready to mate.

She growled, lunging on Lars as she used her legs to lock his face down.

"Easy, girl. You're quite greedy, aren't you?" Lars grinned as Rose ripped her pants in a hurry.

"Lars! W-what's happening?" Airmid was breathing heavily, but she resisted it the most. Due to her ridiculous resistances, being a paladin.

"Oh nothing, just making your desires surface. It's what you want deep inside, what you lust for." Lars grinned and Airmid frowned.

"S-something's wrong with you." Airmid resisted with all her might.

But she was suddenly attacked by a wild Haruhime from the rear.

Haruhime's rough tongue licked her neck and Airmid shuddered in delight due to the increased sensitivity.

"But you didn't deny it. Airmid-san, how about we give Lars-sama a good time?" Haruhime breathed headily in her ear.

Her fluffy tail caressing her legs softly. Airmid's vision spun as she watched Tione's ministrations on him.

Tiona was kissing Rose while Lars dined on her. He paused on his duty for a quick second and he smiled at them.

"Come and get your reward for being a good girl." Lars' voice was soft, yet it was clear in her ears like a demon.

Airmid looked like she was running out of breath. "I-it's fine right?" She asked no one in particular.

"Come, Airmid-san. Let us indulge in pure joy and receive Lars-sama's love~" Haruhime's sweet voice broke her in.

__Hostess of Fertility__

After a few hours, Lars was currently eating at the infamous pub. He got hungry due to all the exercise.

And he called upon his patron deity; Demeter. "Lars~ what did you call me for? Did you miss me?" Demeter greeted him in all her fluffy glory.

But that quickly changed when she saw his slightly sharper look.

He grinned at her and Demeter could feel that something was wrong, but she couldn't put a finger on it.

"Goddess, I of course missed you." He gave her hand a kiss and she blinked. He wasn't really the flirty type.

So her mind ran a mile a minute to check what was wrong.

"Hi, Demeter. Did Lars also call you here? He said he has something in store for us." Hephaestus also arrived as she sat down on their table.

"Y-yes, he did." Demeter didn't know it yet and she stared right at him.

"Well, I suddenly craved for something a little... Divine." Lars smiled sweetly and Demeter could feel goosebumps on her skin.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Hephaestus was confused.

"Bar wench." Lars called out and everybody in the pub went quiet as their eyes went hollow.

Syr looked around and she blinked in shock as she pointed at herself.

"Yes, you. Come here you little bitch in heat." Lars demanded and she was flabbergasted.

In her shocked state, she walked towards him unconsciously.

Lars grabbed them and they disappeared as he flew, using his psychokinesis.

They arrived at a hotel that he already reserved and he entered through the window.

"Lars!? What's the meaning of this?" Demeter was confused as hell.

"Y-yes... And I am not a bitch in heat!" Syr glared at him.

"I mean... Why'd you bring us here?" Hephaestus raised a brow at him as she crossed her arms under her bust.

Lars snapped his fingers and their clothes were eviscerated.

The two goddesses just looked at him in surprise while Syr crouched down as she screeched.

"Lars-" Hephaestus was about to ask what he was doing, but they suddenly stilled due to his psychokinesis.

He then walked up to Syr and he pulled down his pants.

"Stop pretending, you little slut. You want this don't you? I can smell it on you, Freya." Lars grabbed her hair and everybody went wide eyed.

"H-how did you know!?" Freya's transformation got invalidated as Lars used anti magic on her.

"I can smell divinity on you. And I can smell a horny bitch. And Ishtar isn't in Orario, I turned her into my slave for my boy Gilgamesh." Lars grinned.

"Y-you can't do this. Even if you are my Odr, you're out of it right now." Freya tried to resist.

But he smacked her with his excalibur and she shut up.

'W-what is this? Why do I feel so excited? So alive?' Freya awoke something in her.

He then grabbed her head and went to town on her.

Demeter who was able to resist his magic due to her being his patron deity. Dropped some ichor on his back to know what was wrong with him.

"Y-your soul... The black part is overpowering the light!" Demeter got worried.

"Hmm, I'm just a bit stressed Demeter. Don't worry, it will pass. Just like a cycle. Hmm, I'll call it evil cycle! Ain't I a genius?" Lars grinned as he used Freya like a toy.

"Demeter... What do we do?" Hephaestus didn't really dislike his domineering behavior, but it was weird.

"We have no choice Hephaestus... We have to fight back." Demeter furrowed her brows.

"How?" Hephaestus was powerless and Freya was being violated right in front of them.

"We have to team up." Demeter kneeled down besides Freya as she sucked on some other parts.

"That's right, you can't let Freya handle all the load, now can you?" Lars grinned and Hephaestus did a guts pose.

"We just have to fuck his brains out? I'm in." She issued a battle cry as she lunged at him.


Lars was standing beside the window, his face shone under the soft sunlight. Like his skin was made of diamond, it shimmered.

"Ahhh, I feel so relaxed~" Lars stretched as his so-called evil cycle finished.

The three goddesses were panting heavily behind him and Freya received it the worst.

She was twitching from time to time as she drooled, her eyes were in a daze.

"L-Lars... You can't get in that cycle again." Demeter didn't want to go through that again.

'I definitely pulled a muscle or something...' She winced as she felt her back hurt.

"You do know that I have great arm strength, not core strength?" Hephaestus is a blacksmith unlike Demeter who was a farmer.

She had great arms, but her core and legs wasn't anything special. And she felt that her lower body was like jelly, while her abs and back were sore as hell.

"Odr... Odr... No more..." Freya whispered like a loon as she drooled.

"What a wonderful way to start the day." Lars felt like he could work for a few more years again without stopping.

Meanwhile, an alliance was formed and everyone in his life made sure that he didn't receive a lot of stress.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C60
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


