
Chapter 3: First day at the Academy

Mizuki slowly woke up because of the sound that Iruka pounding against his door.

Mizuki:" Ugh, what time is it? And who the fuck is pounding on my door, not letting me sleep." (yawns while muttering to himself)

Iruka:" Come on Mizuki, we are gonna be late."

Mizuki:" Oh shit not again, I will be out in five."

After five minutes passed, Mizuki quickly busted out the door to rush to the Academy in a hurry, not wanting to be late on his first day and just as the bell was about to ring, Mizuki somehow slid into class then took a seat next to Iruka.

Iruka:" I thought you gonna be late!" (say in panic tone)

Mizuki:" Yeah, I'm so lucky to make it on time somehow." ( breathing heavily)

From what he had seen on his way to class, most of the Jonins in the series were in the advanced class that is above the class I am in now because my entrance test is so average.

All the talking in class started to die down when their instructor entered the room, a Hyuga chunin that I had never seen in the Naruto series.

Hyuga chunin:" Hello class, today we will learn about Genjutsu....." 

Mizuki started to filter out what his instructor was saying while thinking about how to move to an advanced class so he tried to make a plan for himself.

Mizuki:" Maybe I should practice chakra control like water walking or climbing trees but I have to find out what my elemental affinities are so I need to buy chakra paper after class ends to test it out."

The chunin instructor continued to lecture the students on the rest of the basics of genjutsu before glancing at the clock.

Hyuga Chunin:" Oh, time it up! Meet me in the courtyard in five minutes to start taijutsu."

After finishing his sentence, the teacher vanished immediately making the entire class go up in amazement then Iruka asked Mizuki, clearly awed by the previous display.

Iruka:" Wow! Our teacher just vanished! Mizuki, do you think we will able to do that?"

Mizuki:" Probably, he is using the body flicker technique."

Mizuki: { Should I ask the instructor to teach me body flicker cause mastering it could be a good point to start?} 

Mizuki got up then rushed to the training ground in the academy, the instructor forced them to do basic exercise like running around a track, pushups and situps for the majority of the time when there was twenty minutes left, the instructor taught the kids how to throw a basic punch.

Lunchtime rolled around after making Mizuki feel like an eternity so he asked his instructor about how to perform the body flicker technique after the class ended but the instructor said the way to perform it was very superficial and he discovered their class would not move on to anything practical for next few weeks.

Mizuki:" I should improve my strength and knowledge so that I can move to advanced class as soon as possible, i can not study something valuable if I stay in this class."

Mizuki went up to the cafeteria and got his tray then found a place to sit thinking about his practice plan, Iruka came to take a seat next to him.

Iruka:" Hey Mizuki, Taijutsu was exhausting huh?"

Mizuki:" Yeah"

Mizuki hated to admit it, but he ended up learning very little about taijutsu class making his physically exhausting then he heard the growl in his stomach, and let loose a light chuckle before diving into his meal, a bowl of rice with a couple strips of beef.

Lunch quickly came to an end, much to the complaints of several of the kids and they all moved on to their next class, ninjutsu.

The entire time, the instructor was only teaching about hand seals so Mizuki started to remember hand positions while sneaking practice hand seals under the table.

Mizuki thinks his chakra levels are a bit above average so he decides to not attract too much attention before moving to advanced class and he will try to be in the top ten for most theoretical subjects, making score higher than civilian children while lower than the clan brats, so perfect.

After ninjutsu class ends, anxious to start his training, Mizuki rushes out the door to find a vendor that sells chakra paper, he also buys a dozen shuriken and several kunai with a short sword, the only thing that makes his heart hurt is his wallet is thinner than before.

Rushing back home, Mizuki slammed the door behind him as soon as he entered his apartment, holding the chakra paper in his hands and waiting a few minutes for the results. 

The left half of the paper started to crumble to dust while the other half caught aflame and then started to burn to make Mizuki feel that his future was very difficult to go cause no major characters used earth or fire as their main attacks but at least I can save my life with earth style defensive jutsu while can use fire jutsu to delay time or hold the enemy.

Sighing at his bad luck, Mizuki hoped he could still use Yin or Yang Release but that he would find out later, so he started to read the textbooks that the Academy provided and practice hand seal.

(12 hand seals: Rat-Ox-Tiger-Hare-Dragon-Snake-Horse-Ram-Money-Bird-Dog-Boar)

Mizuki repeated practicing hand seals until it got into his muscle memory.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


