70.58% One Piece:The Lust System / Chapter 83: [83] Skypiea's History

章 83: [83] Skypiea's History

[3500 Words]

Bonus chapter


The Grand Line, Paradise.

Jaya was still burning, with most of the pirates on the island dead and some surviving ones who tried to extinguish the fires, Ren left them intentionally alive, wanting someone to spread his actions to the world.

He also didn't forget to erase their memory of the flying ship they saw; they were too weak to resist magnetic hypnosis.

But Ren didn't change anything else; he didn't want to reveal Elsama's whereabouts at the moment to avoid some enemies with ill intentions from preparing themselves well.

Returning to Cricket's home, Ren sighed with slight disappointment when he received no notification from Miss System.

But he expected that; he did nothing but inform Cricket that the Golden City existed, causing him to drop his jaw in shock on the ground in a comedic scene, but it seems he didn't fully believe Ren's words.

"Stay awake, as you will hear a sound indicating the presence of the city found by your ancestor." He left him these words and returned to the ship under the watchful eyes of Cricket and the confused Shôjô and Masira.

"Let's go, girls." Ren entered the whirlpool that appeared behind the ship's entrance door and didn't forget to snap his fingers and use magnetic hypnosis to make Cricket and his followers forget Elsama's appearance.

Their memories will remain intact, but the part related to Elsama flying will disappear from their minds, so they won't be able to tell anyone about it; all survivors of the previous massacre were like this.

After several hours, news of the Sin Pirates' attack on Jaya Island will spread, and the reactions of many different characters will appear, but that's a different story.


Elsama pierced the clouds and ascended towards Sky Island at a moderate speed; Ren didn't want to fly at top speed because he had to explain the situation on Sky Island to the crew members.

9 people sat together forming a large circle; there was one man and eight women.

Of course, Ren was the only man, and the rest of the girls were Nami, Nojiko, Kaya, Mikita, Vivi, Robin, Zala, and Lorena.

Unfortunately, the blonde secretary wasn't present; Kalifa was currently a spy's successor, and Ren had to make her sleep until he returned, and when he finished his work in Skypiea, he would have some free time before declaring war, so he would take advantage of it to discipline the mischievous successor, and perhaps he could make progress in his relationship with some of the girls in the crew.

Ren cut off his train of thoughts and focused on the present; this stuff can wait, but he must finish his work in Skypiea first.

Some may wonder why he doesn't just go and kill Enel? No, things don't work like that; he would lose many rewards if he did.

So it's better to be patient and devise an effective plan before taking any steps, even if the enemy is weaker than him.

"What's wrong, Robin?" Ren's voice broke the stifling silence in the room; he looked at Robin, who seemed lost in thought, thinking deeply about something.

'Perhaps she discovered it...?' he thought internally then looked at Robin, who turned her head towards him when she heard his words; the rest of the girls knew what she was thinking about but didn't say anything because Robin told them that she had to do it herself.

Zala looked at Ren with strange eyes; she seemed to contain deep shock and...worship?

"I... I'm fine, Captain." Robin smiled, but Ren could tell that she wanted to talk to him about something, so he decided that he would speak with her later.

At this moment, Ren was sure that Robin and Zala knew about his ability to revive, which explains Robin's reaction as she tried to hide it under a facade of calmness; she must have been thinking about her mother without a doubt.

"I'll talk to you later, Robin." The woman nodded her head when she heard his words and then calmed her mind.

When Ren saw that all the girls were listening to him, he finally spoke: "Our goal this time is Sky Island, where the second part of Jaya Island is located, as I told you before."

"There is a person there who claims to be a god and rules the people living on Sky Island; he made Upper Yard his home and classified it as his private holy land because it contains soil, as Sky Island is full of clouds only, so he considers the Upper Yard, which appeared 400 years ago, a miracle there."

"A god? Why does he call himself such a title?" Nojiko said disdainfully; if there is someone who has the right to claim to be a god, it would be Ren, no one else.

"He must have some kind of power to be able to rule Sky Island, right? Maybe a Devil Fruit." Robin placed her hand on her chin and said.

The rest of the girls pondered Ren's words; they now had some understanding of the place they were going to. They all had their own thoughts about this alleged "god."

Ren continued speaking: "You must be interested in the history of Sky Island, Robin; it is said that its inhabitants came from the moon."

"Moon...?" Robin said with a voice full of curiosity and a desire for exploration, waiting for Ren to continue speaking.

"Is there really life on the moon?!" Vivi exclaimed in shock.

"I don't know how anyone can live on that glowing thing," Zala said, her voice filled with surprise.

"Living on the moon... it must be something amazing, right?" Lorena mused, lost in her thoughts and murmured softly.

"Do you have any other information about this, Captain?" Nami was interested in this conversation and the history of Sky Island, while Nojiko and Mikita felt the same.

When the girls saw their interest in the history of Skypiea, Ren smiled lightly; undoubtedly, the word "moon" is what made girls like Mikita and Zala interested in history.

He didn't remain silent and continued narrating the history he knew; in his previous life, he had read many articles about the history of Sky Island and the moon's inhabitants, so he had a library of them in his mind thanks to his photographic memory. He didn't forget any details and recounted all the historical facts to the girls.

"Long ago, three races lived on the surface of the moon, they are the three Sky Peoples: Skypiéns, Shandias, and Bilcans. They lived on the moon for a long time before descending to Earth and settling in the Heavenly Island now known as Skypiea—our destination."

Then he continued talking when he saw that all the girls were immersed in his words: "You must know that Skypiea existed before Upper Yard ascended there a long time ago. A "god" was elected to rule Skypiea. Everything was fine until half of Jaya Island ascended there and became known as the Upper Yard later... So, the "god" who ruled Skypiea at that time was fascinated by the Upper Yard as a miracle, so he decided to take it by force, leading to a conflict between Skypiéns and Shandias."

Immediately after he finished speaking, several questions were swirling in the girls' minds, so Robin spoke up: "Weren't Shandias and Skypiéns allies living on the moon with Bilcans? Was the Upper Yard enough to make them wage war against each other? "

Robin was extremely excited; she didn't expect to find such a rich history hidden from everyone.

As usual, the girls didn't know how Ren knew this information and didn't ask; they had already learned from past experiences.

"And why would the Upper Yard be the cause of conflict between Skypiéns and Shandias? Couldn't they just divide that piece of land among themselves and avoid a war that would harm both parties?" Lorena wondered.

"And what about Bilcans? Why didn't they intervene in this conflict as well?" Vivi asked.

"Wait, girls, Captain Ren didn't say that the three races that descended from the moon settled all in Skypiea!" Nojiko sighed at the foolishness of these questions.

Robin's eyes lit up when she heard Nojiko's words and thought internally:'Captain didn't mention Bilcans, so it seems that the conflict over the Upper Yard occurred between Shandias and Skypiéns only... If we gather all the points together... So the original inhabitants of Jaya are...!"

But Robin's thoughts were interrupted by a feminine voice:

"You all forgot to ask an important question, which is, what role did the original inhabitants of Upper Yard play in this conflict?" , Nami asked the question Ren was waiting for.

This made him wonder, when did Nami become this intelligent?

She wasn't very smart, but at least better than her OG version.

"Right! I almost forgot about that!" Lorena sighed.

"In fact, I was about to say my theory about this..." Robin said calmly.

The girls looked at each other with frowns; from the beginning, this discussion was a hidden competition among them to determine who was the smartest. Only the smartest would be able to complete the history Ren narrated to them, because the history of Jaya Island is related to Skypiea!

'Did she beat me again...?' Nojiko sighed sadly, feeling threatened by this new older sister; she may not be strong, but she is extremely intelligent.

"What is it, Robin? Tell us," Ren watched the girls' reactions and their discussion from the beginning; after seeing Robin pointing out that she had already figured out the identity of Jaya's original inhabitants...

"Cough," Robin cleared her throat and began to speak.

"I think that the original inhabitants of Jaya were the Shandias who descended from the moon."

Under the astonished gazes of the girls, Robin continued her speech: "Let's assume that the Shandias descended to Earth and settled on Jaya Island, while Captain told us that the Skypiéns settled in Skypiea. After many years, the two races came together because a part of Jaya ascended to Skypiea..."

"So, as Captain told us, the god of Skypiea at that time tried to obtain the Upper Yard, but the Shandias fought for their land. That's the simple reason for the war."

"This... this is logical..."

"So, that's why the war broke out between the Shandians and the Skypieans... In fact, the Shandians were defending themselves from colonization!" Vivi said sympathetically.

"Fate works in a strange way indeed..." Nojiko sighed. The story of the conflict over the Upper Yard seemed like a poorly scripted movie, if it weren't for the current that caused the Upper Yard to rise, none of this would have happened.

"Damn, Robin, how did you come up with such a theory?!" Mikita exclaimed in astonishment and admiration.

"It seems we're getting used to her intelligence..." Nami said playfully.

She didn't know why, but she was starting to like this mature woman.

Don't get it wrong, I see you smiling, you pervert. She love her as a potential new sister in the family (harem).

Anyway, the girls still had other questions.

Ren answered them all, telling them about what happened in the conflict over the Upper Yard. After 400 years of war, both sides had reached a truce, but the arrival of Enel ruined everything.

Enel arrived with his priests and defeated both sides, then took over the Upper Yard and considered it his Holy land. The Shandians were forcibly expelled from their land and forced to live in the clouds.

"Unfortunately... after centuries of resistance, the Shandians lost." Kaya felt sorry for them.

"That's because they weren't strong enough, and the weak have a clear fate, they perish on the ground." Nami's cold voice spread around, showing no sympathy for the Shandians.

'If it weren't for Captain Ren, I would have remained weak too and let others control my destiny... that's why, no matter how long I live, I won't be able to repay my debt to you, Captain...' Nami's heart throbbed strongly every time she thought of her beloved Ren and what he did for her.

Rescuing a weak girl from the depths of despair and giving her strength wasn't a simple matter.

Nami, who experienced both heaven and hell at the same time that day, knew the darkness of this barbaric world well.

"But-" Vivi wanted to defend Kaya, but then remembered her own story.

Without Ren, what would have happened to her, her father, and all the people of Alabasta?

Vivi fell silent and didn't speak again.

While Robin knew exactly what Nami meant, she knew that everything in this world was about power, so there was no sympathy for the Shandians. In her eyes, what happened to them, and what would happen to any weak person, like her and her mother and her island...

Ironically, Robin's heart had already begun to die, but after meeting Ren, he pulled her out of the vortex she was in and gave her hope, to the point that she discovered something that shocked her deeply and she still thought about it to this day, it was about her mother after all.

"Kyahaha aha~ Nami is right." Mikita laughed, but Ren could feel the sadness in her expression and tone of voice, it seemed as if she remembered a painful memory that she wouldn't have talked about if she hadn't been weak.

"Okay girls, pay attention to me for a moment." Ren spoke when he saw that all the girls were immersed in their different thoughts.

"Let me tell you about the power of the god of Skypiea who took over the Upper Yard."

"Nice!" Mikita clenched her fist.

"Yeah tell us Captain!" Zala was excited.

"Is he from the moon too?" Nami touched her chin and thought.

"Captain said something about the priest, does he come from a religious group?" Nojiko remembered Ren's previous words.

"Fufufu~~ You're all so impatient, girls." Robin laughed and was excited too.

"Mo~ Captain deliberately makes us curious!" Vivi puffed up her cheeks and pouted.

"Heeeh..." Lorena could only sigh when she saw this warm scene among the crew members, she had become more attached to this crew and didn't want to leave...

In addition, she began to feel a mysterious affinity with Ren after the recent incident when she felt a headache when entering this modern house.

"What a strange feeling..."

Ren didn't know Lorena's different thoughts and wasn't in a position to allow himself to, because he was busy talking about Enel and his devil fruit power, his origin, and personality, so they would be ready when facing him.

He also talked about the famous places in Skypiea so that the girls wouldn't be confused when they arrived there.

Ren ordered Nami to stop Elsama in the sky for now, so the ship was floating in place and no longer moving. Ren did this so that he couldn't reach Skypiea before he could finish his conversation with the girls.


Far away from Elsama, in the blue sea, a pirate ship sailed through the dark at its maximum speed towards its destination.

"Vice Admiral Garp seems very sad lately, do you know why, Helmeppo?" a boy with pink hair spoke, he was slender and held a broom while sweeping every part of the ship.

Helmeppo, a boy who looked the same age as the boy with pink hair and was also slender, answered, "How do you expect me to know what's on the mind of The Vice Admiral, Koby?!"

"Sigh..." The boy called Koby sighed sadly, he didn't like seeing Vice Admiral Garb like this, and it spoiled his mood.

"Let's just focus on our own affairs." Helmeppo spoke and continued sweeping the dirt off the ship.

In Vice Admiral Garb's office.

"Crocodile is dead?!" Garp exclaimed in shock when he heard his friend Sengoku announce Crocodile's death through Den Den Mushi.

"Yes, when Magellan was conducting his usual patrol on Level 6, he checked Crocodile's cell and found nothing. At first, he thought he escaped, but he quickly ruled out this possibility because the cell was peaceful and there was no disturbance... and when he entered Crocodile's cell, it was a surprise."

"Continue, what happened?" Garp said, his voice lacking any hint of relaxation, his carefree personality disappeared due to the previous events, and it seemed that his hair had become whiter than before.

Sengoku continued speaking through Den Den Mushi: "The remains of his decomposed body were found in the cell, it seems to have been due to poison.

Magellan knew this because, as you know, there is no one in this world who can handle toxins better than him." Sengoku's voice carried a hint of anger, Crocodile was someone the Five Elders wanted to interrogate, and his Devil Fruit power was strong and would cause chaos if it fell into the wrong hands.

Unfortunately, Sengoku didn't know that his fears had already come true, and his Devil Fruit had indeed fallen into the wrong hands.

"I see..." Garp sighed and sat back in his chair.

"Do you think it's related to the Black Death?" Garp said.

"Anyone could guess that, but we have no evidence of that, and we can't do anything about it at this critical time... you know, we need to use all the human resources we have to face Whitebeard..." Sengoku said in a low voice.

Garp heard his old friend's voice coming through the Den Den Mushi and could only grimace when he remembered the taste that the Marines would use to force Whitebeard to come... It was his grandson, although he wasn't of his blood, some relationships are stronger than blood.

"Understood... I need some rest now, goodbye." Garp closed the line immediately and leaned back in his chair, the frown never leaving his face.

"It's better for Luffy to not get any scratch... or else you'll regret it!"

He yelled as he said the last part, causing the hearts of the Marines on the ship to tremble as it cleared the way for the first meeting between the Marine hero and the captain of the Sin Pirates!


Far away, in the Marineford, Hina, a Marine soldier who was captured by Ren but became free after Ren's deal with the Marines.

More than a day has passed since Hina returned with Tsuru and Gion to Marineford. Initially, she wasn't strong enough to stay here, but as one of the few soldiers who hadn't died after encountering the Black Death, she proved useful to the Marines in gathering more information about Ren and the Sin Pirates.

So arrangements were made for her to stay in Marineford, and her family was brought along.

Her supposed family was her younger sister, Mina, who was 15 years old. Since their parents' death a few years ago, Hina had been taking care of Mina, showering her with sisterly love.

Now, in Hina's house, the beautiful Marine soldier stood in her room, looking at the younger girl with an affectionate expression: "Mina, are you okay? If you're not feeling comfortable, just tell Hina, and Hine will make sure to find a solution!"

Hina said, looking at her frowning younger sister in front of her.

Mina was a medium-sized young girl, 1.77 meters tall, with long pink hair reaching her waist, she didn't tie it and let it flow behind her back, she wore golden earrings in her ears, with sky-blue eyes, she was more beautiful than Hina!

She wore a black shirt that showed her shoulders and bare skin, her large breasts threatened to tear the shirt, and she wore tight pants that showed off her wonderful and sexy curves.

Undoubtedly, these weren't the curves of a 15-year-old girl!

[Image here]

"I'm fine, sister, but are you? Why are you so absent-minded since your return?" Mina sighed and looked at her older sister.

Previously, when she heard that Hina was captured by pirates, she was extremely worried to the point of shedding tears.

So after knowing that her sister was alive and would return, she relaxed, but since Hina's return, she seemed absent-minded, apparently thinking about something.

Facing her sister's stern interrogation, Hina didn't know what to say, then opened her mouth and said, "Hina is fine, Hina is just a little tired..."

Mina sighed again and with an expression full of love, she reached her older sister and hugged her.


There was a brief silence in the room as the sisters hugged each other, after a minute, Mina broke the hug and said, "Take a break, sister.."

Hina nodded in response to Mina's words and said, "Hina will do that.."

Unbeknownst to them, a pair of feminine eyes quietly observed their previous interaction from the keyhole. The eyes disappeared, revealing the presence of a woman.

"So she has a sister... information that might pique Captain Ren's interest..." The voice was extremely low, barely audible to anyone. Soon, the owner of the voice vanished into the darkness.


Author's gossiping.

Do you feel bad for the Shandias? Personally NO.

History of the three civilizations coming from the moon is more interesting than the history of the twenty kingdoms.

2000 PS= Bonus chapter.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C83
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


