34.37% Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum / Chapter 11: chapter - 11, Top 8

章 11: chapter - 11, Top 8

Ritchie: (nodding in respect) Well-fought, Ash. Your Snorlax is truly a force to be reckoned with.

Ash: Thanks, Ritchie! Snorlax, that was incredible. Let's keep rolling towards victory in our journey!

Announcer: Amazing folks, Ash Ketchum has done it. he is now advancing to the Top 8 of the Kanto League and we at the Pokémon league will soon bring many other great battle and the next battle is after a small break of 15 minutes and.….. 

As announcer was talking, ash and Ritchie were talking to each other and also shaking his hands. And leaving the battle arena. 

Ash POV –

After giving mine and Ritchie's Pokémon to nurse Joy, I went to my cabin. While Ritchie went to his, while walking I saw something that I made my eye twitch it was Team Rocket posing as the officials from the league and some morons of a trainer were just giving them their Pokémon. I decided to interfere before they could steal any Pokémon. 

Ash: excuse me, before I give you my Pokémon could I see your official Id. 

The 3 froze and turned to me. 

Jessie: oh shit, it's the twerp. 

Meowth: what do ya want ya twerp. 

Ash: really, trying to steal Pokémon, while impersonating the Pokémon League Officials. 

James: what are you going to do about it twerp and you don't even have Pikachu to beat us. 

Ash: true, I don't have Pikachu. But I already called the Officer Jenny using my poke-Dex and for my safety I have someone that would love to meet you. Come on out Haunter. 

As I said that my Haunter came out of my shadow and scared the shit out of them and before they could release their Pokémon, Haunter uses Telekinesis to hold them and uses shadow ball, but that causes a explosion and they go up in the sky. 

Ash 'thinking': what the hell, that explosion wasn't even so strong, was it plot that caused them to escape…

While I was in my own musing, Officer Jenny came and I showed her my Id and as well as the Recording that was in my Poke-Dex for proof and gave her the poke-balls that they took from trainers. After that I went to my cabin for rest and soon I got to know who my opponent for the Top 8 battle would be and it was none other than Asunta Mira Moshi from Viridian City and my match would be a 6 on 6 battle and would be held tomorrow at 4:00PM. 

I know by that time, even after I win the Pokémon centres would be filled and as almost all my matches got over quickly, I didn't have any wait time. So I decided if possible to book my slot for my Pokémon, after the league match and according to nurse joy, that I can book a slot and as long as there is no emergency in the Pokémon centre they would accept my Pokémon and I booked a slot around 5:15 PM and left and I also caught up with Mom and Misty. Later Brock as he was talking to his family when I met them. Soon I went to the computers and looked at her official battle. 

Soon time came for me to battle for me to go to the Semi-finals or the Top 4. As I was waiting in my waiting room, someone announced my name in the speakers. 

Announcer: Ash Ketchum, please report in your designated spot, your battle starts in 5 minutes. 

As I heard that, I took a deep breath, cooled my nerves and went to the stage and was ready for my battle. 

3rd person POV – 

Announcer: now audience, we are in for a treat after a great battle, we have another. And let me introduce our two participants who will be competing with each other to see who will move on from here to the semi-finals. Now let us give a warm welcome to Asunta Mira Moshi from Viridian City and she has given us a beautiful performance in her League battles and her opponent today is non other than Ash Ketchum one of the few people who has not lost a single Pokémon during the entire tournament and he is in his 1st year of journey as well. Now lets give a huge applause as both the trainers are here for their battle. 

As the announcer said that both trainers came on opposite side the battle arena and so did the referee and the audience was giving applauses and cheering for their favourite trainer. 


Delia: good luck honey, do your best. 

She said while petting Meowth. As the cat Pokémon also cheered on, in her own way. While Delia was clicking pictures of her dear son. 


some people in audience could also see showing posters of both ash and Ritchie.

Referee: trainers, this will be a 6 on 6 battle and whosever Pokémon is unable to battle in the end wins and there is no time limit and both are allowed to substitute your Pokémon. is everything understood by both of you. 

Ash: yes

Asunta: yes 

Referee: very well trainers Release your Pokémon.

Ash: I choose you Vaporeon.

Asunta: I choose you Nidoqueen.

The battlefield is set for an intense battle between trainers. Ash, with his versatile Vaporeon, faces off against Asunta and her powerful Nidoqueen. The air is filled with anticipation as the battle commences.

Referee: Let the 1st round begin. 

Ash: Vaporeon, let's make a splash! Hydro Pump, full power!

Asunta: Nidoqueen, brace yourself and counter with Earthquake!

Vaporeon releases a torrent of water with Hydro Pump, aiming to overwhelm Nidoqueen. The sturdy Nidoqueen responds by triggering a powerful Earthquake, shaking the battlefield.

Ash's Vaporeon: (showing water prowess)

Asunta's Nidoqueen: (creating seismic waves with Earthquake)

Ash: Vaporeon, show them your agility! Dodge and use Aurora Beam!

Asunta: Nidoqueen, stay focused! Use Toxic to poison Vaporeon and wear it down!

Vaporeon dodges with grace, countering with an Aurora Beam. Nidoqueen attempts to poison with Toxic, introducing a strategic element to the battle.

Ash's Vaporeon: (nimble and precise)

Asunta's Nidoqueen: (inflicting Toxic to create a status condition)

Ash: Vaporeon, cleanse the toxins with Aqua Ring! Regain your strength!

Asunta: Nidoqueen, press the advantage! Use Body Slam to restrict Vaporeon's movements!

Vaporeon creates an Aqua Ring to cleanse the toxins, simultaneously regaining strength. Nidoqueen closes in, using Body Slam to restrict Vaporeon's movements.

Ash's Vaporeon: (cleansing with Aqua Ring)

Asunta's Nidoqueen: (pressing with Body Slam)

Ash: Vaporeon, let's turn the tide! Dive underwater and use Water Pulse!

Asunta: Nidoqueen, anticipate its move! Use Poison Jab as it emerges!

Vaporeon dives underwater, launching a surprise Water Pulse. Nidoqueen anticipates, countering with a Poison Jab as Vaporeon emerges.

Ash's Vaporeon: (utilizing underwater advantage)

Asunta's Nidoqueen: (counterattacking with Poison Jab)

Ash: Vaporeon, finish strong! Use Hydro Vortex, unleash the water's fury!

Asunta: Nidoqueen, endure it! Use Protect to shield against the Hydro Vortex!

Vaporeon summons a mighty Hydro Vortex, a swirling mass of water. Nidoqueen attempts to endure with Protect, creating a clash of elemental forces.

The battle concludes with Vaporeon's Hydro Vortex proving overwhelming for Nidoqueen's Protect. Nidoqueen, unable to withstand the colossal force, is declared unable to battle.

Referee: as Nidoqueen, is unable to battle the winner of the 1st round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Asunta you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Vaporeon.

Ash: Great job, Vaporeon! Your adaptability and water mastery made the difference.

Vaporeon (Ash's): (triumphant and content)

Ash: you did well, now return have some rest. 

Asunta: that was quite a battle, now for my next Pokémon I chose you Golem. 

Ash: I choose you Tauros.

The battlefield is set for a rugged showdown between trainers. Ash, with his powerful Tauros, faces off against Asunta and her formidable Golem. The tension is palpable as the battle kicks off.

Referee: Let the 2nd round begin. 

Ash: Tauros, let's charge into action! Use Take Down and show them our strength!

Asunta: Golem, brace yourself and counter with Rock Slide!

Tauros charges forward with the force of Take Down, aiming to collide with Golem. Golem responds by summoning a cascade of rocks with Rock Slide, creating a tumultuous clash of power.

Ash's Tauros: (demonstrating raw power)

Asunta's Golem: (responding with Rock Slide)

Ash: Tauros, display your speed! Dodge and retaliate with Horn Attack!

Asunta: Golem, anticipate its move! Use Magnitude to shake the ground!

Tauros showcases its speed, evading Golem's attacks and countering with a piercing Horn Attack. Golem responds by triggering a seismic Magnitude, shaking the battlefield.

Ash's Tauros: (nimble and agile)

Asunta's Golem: (creating seismic waves with Magnitude)

Ash: Tauros, let's go airborne! Use Stomp from above!

Asunta: Golem, endure it! Counter with Earthquake to disrupt its aim!

Tauros takes to the air, executing a powerful Stomp from above. Golem endures the aerial assault, countering with a ground-shaking Earthquake.

Ash's Tauros: (utilizing aerial advantage)

Asunta's Golem: (creating seismic disruption with Earthquake)

Ash: Tauros, change it up! Use Zen Headbutt and maintain the momentum!

Asunta: Golem, defend yourself! Iron Defense to bolster your defenses!

Tauros shifts tactics, using Zen Headbutt to maintain momentum. Golem responds by bolstering its defenses with Iron Defense.

Ash's Tauros: (changing tactics with Zen Headbutt)

Asunta's Golem: (strengthening defenses with Iron Defense)

Ash: Tauros, let's finish this! Giga Impact, full power!

Asunta: Golem, brace for impact! Use Stone Edge to defend against Giga Impact!

Tauros charges with the unstoppable force of Giga Impact. Golem counters with Stone Edge, creating a clash of colossal power.

The battlefield shakes as Tauros's Giga Impact proves overwhelming for Golem's Stone Edge. Golem, unable to withstand the colossal force, is declared unable to battle.

Referee: as Golem, is unable to battle the winner of the 2nd round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Asunta you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Tauros.

Ash: Great job, Tauros! Your power and agility made the difference.

Tauros (Ash's): (triumphant and content)

Ash: now return, you did well, let your other team members do some work. 

Asunta: return, Golem you fought well, and tired that Tauros. Now take some rest, now for my next Pokémon I choose you Wigglytuff.

Ash: I choose you Flareon. 

Referee: Let the 3rd round begin. 

The battlefield is set for a whimsical yet intense battle between trainers. Ash, with his fiery Flareon, faces off against Asunta and her charming Wigglytuff. The air is filled with a sense of playfulness as the battle begins.

Ash: Flareon, let's ignite the battle! Flamethrower, full power!

Asunta: Wigglytuff, enchant them with your charm! Counter with Dazzling Gleam!

Flareon unleashes a scorching Flamethrower, aiming to engulf Wigglytuff in flames. The charming Wigglytuff responds with a radiant Dazzling Gleam, creating a clash of fire and fairy energy.

Ash's Flareon: (igniting the battlefield)

Asunta's Wigglytuff: (radiating with enchanting light)

Ash: Flareon, showcase your speed! Dodge and counter with Quick Attack!

Asunta: Wigglytuff, dance with grace! Dodge and use Sing to lull Flareon into drowsiness!

Flareon displays its agility, evading Wigglytuff's attacks and countering with a swift Quick Attack. Wigglytuff responds by singing a lullaby, attempting to induce drowsiness.

Ash's Flareon: (nimble and quick)

Asunta's Wigglytuff: (utilizing its charming moves)

Ash: Flareon, resist the drowsiness! Use Iron Tail to break through!

Asunta: Wigglytuff, maintain the enchantment! Follow up with Fairy Wind!

Flareon resists the drowsiness and charges forward with Iron Tail. Wigglytuff continues its enchanting moves, countering with a mystical Fairy Wind.

Ash's Flareon: (breaking through with Iron Tail)

Asunta's Wigglytuff: (continuing the enchantment with Fairy Wind)

Ash: Flareon, let's turn up the heat! Use Fire Spin to trap Wigglytuff!

Asunta: Wigglytuff, gracefully escape the Fire Spin and retaliate with Play Rough!

Flareon creates a vortex of fire with Fire Spin, attempting to trap Wigglytuff. The nimble Wigglytuff escapes with grace, countering with a playful Play Rough.

Ash's Flareon: (setting a fiery trap)

Asunta's Wigglytuff: (escaping and playing rough)

Ash: Flareon, let's finish with a blaze! Overpower them with Fire Blast!

Asunta: Wigglytuff, give it your all! Use Hyper Voice and counter the Fire Blast!

Flareon gathers intense fire energy for a powerful Fire Blast. Wigglytuff responds with a resounding Hyper Voice, creating a clash of elemental forces.

The battle concludes with Flareon's Fire Blast proving overwhelming for Wigglytuff's Hyper Voice. Wigglytuff, unable to withstand the fiery force, is declared unable to battle.

Referee: as Wigglytuff, is unable to battle the winner of the 3rd round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Asunta you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Flareon.

Ash: Great job, Flareon! Your fire mastery and resilience made the difference.

Flareon (Ash's): (triumphant and content)

Referee: as Asunta has lost 3 of her Pokémon, we will have 5 minutes break trainers please take a small reast and return within 5 minutes.

In the Audience – 

In the audience we can see various posters and people cheering for their favourite trainers, while both had their family and friends, but both had a group of people very loudly screaming their name and cheering on their favourite trainer in the arena, and they were their fan clubs. While Ash had a majority of Female and few male fans, Asunta had the opposite of Majority of male fans and few female fans. 

While people discussing about the battle, in the VIP section we can see a girl with long golden hair, observing the battle. And this is none other than the future champion of Sinnoh Cynthia Shirona. She was eyeing both the trainers with a critical eye. 

While on her back was a huge dragon like Pokémon was staring at Ash, as she could feel a strong Firey draconic and an electrical Pokémon's scent's coming from him. And he knew that she would face him in Finals of the tournament and maybe just maybe she would finally get a challenge. As she grinned like a battle maniac that couldn't wait to fight the trainer and what she has seen of this trainer till now, she has to say she was little impressed and that was coming from an Alpha draconic Pokémon. And she couldn't wait to battle him and his Pokémon… 

Unaware of her starter Pokémon, Cynthia was thinking which ice-cream she should buy next. 

In the battle arena – 

Referee: trainers, please return to your stages and we will start the battle in 30 seconds. 

And after both trainers got on their respective, sides of the field. 

Referee: trainers, release your Pokémon.

Ash: Primeape, I choose you. 

Asunta: Hitmonlee, I choose you. 

The battleground is set for an intense showdown. Ash, with his powerful Primeape, faces off against Asunta and her agile Hitmonlee. The air is charged with anticipation as the battle to begin.

Referee: let the battle begin. 

Ash: Primeape, show them your fighting spirit! Begin with Close Combat!

Asunta: Hitmonlee, match their intensity! Counter with Hi Jump Kick!

Primeape charges forward with the ferocity of Close Combat, aiming to strike Hitmonlee. Hitmonlee responds with a swift and powerful Hi Jump Kick, creating a dynamic clash of fighting moves.

Ash's Primeape: (demonstrating fighting prowess)

Asunta's Hitmonlee: (showing agility and precision)

Ash: Primeape, let's turn up the tempo! Use Thrash and maintain the momentum!

Asunta: Hitmonlee, evade and strike back with Rolling Kick!

Primeape goes into a wild Thrash, maintaining a relentless assault. Hitmonlee, with agile movements, counters with a precision Rolling Kick.

Ash's Primeape: (unleashing a frenzied assault)

Asunta's Hitmonlee: (responding with precision)

Ash: Primeape, break through! Use Outrage to overwhelm Hitmonlee!

Asunta: Hitmonlee, defend with Protect and wait for an opening!

Primeape enters into a furious Outrage, attempting to overwhelm Hitmonlee. Hitmonlee responds by activating Protect, creating a shield to weather the storm.

Ash's Primeape: (unleashing an intense Outrage)

Asunta's Hitmonlee: (defending with Protect)

Ash: Primeape, focus your energy! Use Focus Punch and break through Protect!

Asunta: Hitmonlee, stay resilient! Counter with Mega Kick!

Primeape gathers energy for a focused punch, breaking through Hitmonlee's Protect. Hitmonlee counters with a powerful Mega Kick, showcasing its strength.

Ash's Primeape: (focusing energy for Focus Punch)

Asunta's Hitmonlee: (striking with Mega Kick)

Ash: Primeape, let's finish this with style! Sky Uppercut, aim for victory!

Asunta: Hitmonlee, stand tall! Use High Jump Kick and meet the Sky Uppercut head-on!

Primeape lunges into the air with a Sky Uppercut, aiming for victory. Hitmonlee responds with a determined High Jump Kick, creating a mid-air clash of fighting moves.

The battle concludes with Primeape's Sky Uppercut proving superior to Hitmonlee's High Jump Kick. Hitmonlee, unable to withstand the powerful blow, is declared unable to battle.

Referee: as Hitmonlee, is unable to battle the winner of the 4th round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Asunta you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Primeape.

Ash: Great job, Primeape! Your fighting spirit and determination brought us the win.

Primeape (Ash's): (triumphant and energetic)

Asunta: (nodding in respect) Well-fought, Ash. Your Primeape is a formidable fighter.

Ash: Thanks, Asunta! Primeape, that was incredible. Now return you have done well rest. 

Referee: trainers, release your next Pokémon in 14 seconds...

Asunta: now for my next Pokémon I choose you go Gyarados.

Ash: Empoleon,I choose you

Referee: very well, let the battle start. 

The stage is set for an epic battle between trainers. Ash, with his majestic Empoleon, faces off against Asunta and her formidable Gyarados. The air is charged with excitement as the battle begins.

Ash: Empoleon, let's make waves! Start with Hydro Pump, full power!

Asunta: Gyarados, brace for impact! Counter with Aqua Tail and show them the strength of the sea!

Empoleon releases a powerful Hydro Pump, a torrent of water hurtling toward Gyarados. Gyarados responds with a mighty Aqua Tail, creating a clash of water and raw aquatic power.

Ash's Empoleon: (demonstrating water mastery)

Asunta's Gyarados: (displaying raw strength)

Ash: Empoleon, showcase your agility! Dodge and retaliate with Metal Claw!

Asunta: Gyarados, follow its movements! Use Dragon Dance to enhance your power!

Empoleon manoeuvres with agility, dodging Gyarados's attacks and countering with a precise Metal Claw. Gyarados responds by executing a graceful Dragon Dance, enhancing its power.

Ash's Empoleon: (nimble and precise)

Asunta's Gyarados: (increasing power with Dragon Dance)

Ash: Empoleon, let's take it underwater! Dive and use Drill Peck from below!

Asunta: Gyarados, be ready for the underwater assault! Use Ice Fang to counter!

Empoleon dives beneath the surface, launching a surprise Drill Peck from below. Gyarados counters with a chilling Ice Fang, creating an underwater clash.

Ash's Empoleon: (utilizing underwater advantage)

Asunta's Gyarados: (countering with Ice Fang)

Ash: Empoleon, show them your resilience! Use Aqua Jet and maintain the momentum!

Asunta: Gyarados, resist the Aqua Jet! Use Thunderbolt and strike back!

Empoleon charges forward with Aqua Jet, maintaining a relentless assault. Gyarados attempts to resist with Thunderbolt, retaliating with an electrifying counter.

Ash's Empoleon: (displaying resilience with Aqua Jet)

Asunta's Gyarados: (countering with Thunderbolt)

Ash: Empoleon, let's finish this with a tidal wave! Hydro Cannon, full power!

Asunta: Gyarados, brace for the impact! Use Hyper Beam and meet the Hydro Cannon head-on!

Empoleon gathers energy for a mighty Hydro Cannon, a tidal wave of water. Gyarados responds with a powerful Hyper Beam, creating a colossal clash of water and draconic energy.

The battlefield quakes as Empoleon's Hydro Cannon proves overwhelming for Gyarados's Hyper Beam. Gyarados, unable to withstand the colossal force, is declared unable to battle.

Referee: as Gyarados, is unable to battle the winner of the 5th round is Ash Ketchum, now Trainer Asunta you have 30 seconds to release your next Pokémon and trainer Ash you also have 30 seconds to decide if you want to substitute or stay with Empoleon.

Ash: Great job, Empoleon! Your water mastery and adaptability brought us the win.

Empoleon (Ash's): (triumphant and majestic)

Referee: trainers, please send out your last Pokémon. 

Ash: Quilava, I choose you.

Asunta: Ivysaur, I choose you. 

Referee: let the battle begin. 

The battlefield is set for a fiery confrontation between trainers. Ash, with his spirited Quilava, faces off against Asunta and her resilient Ivysaur. The air is charged with excitement as the battle begins.

Ash: Quilava, let's light up the field! Start with Flamethrower, full power!

Asunta: Ivysaur, brace yourself! Counter with Vine Whip and show them your plant power!

Quilava unleashes a searing Flamethrower, a blaze of fire aimed at Ivysaur. Ivysaur responds with a whipping Vine Whip, creating a dynamic clash of fire and nature.

Ash's Quilava: (emitting fiery intensity)

Asunta's Ivysaur: (displaying plant prowess)

Ash: Quilava, use agility to your advantage! Dodge and retaliate with Swift!

Asunta: Ivysaur, follow its movements! Use Leech Seed to drain its energy!

Quilava showcases agility, dodging Ivysaur's attacks and countering with a barrage of Swift stars. Ivysaur responds by launching Leech Seed, attempting to drain Quilava's energy.

Ash's Quilava: (nimble and swift)

Asunta's Ivysaur: (utilizing draining tactics with Leech Seed)

Ash: Quilava, resist the draining! Use Quick Attack to break through and strike!

Asunta: Ivysaur, stand firm! Use Razor Leaf to counter the Quick Attack!

Quilava resists the draining effects, charging forward with Quick Attack. Ivysaur responds by launching a flurry of Razor Leaf blades, attempting to counter the speedy assault.

Ash's Quilava: (breaking through with Quick Attack)

Asunta's Ivysaur: (countering with Razor Leaf)

Ash: Quilava, let's intensify the flames! Use Eruption, show them your full power!

Asunta: Ivysaur, withstand the heat! Use Synthesis to recover and endure the Eruption!

Quilava erupts with intense flames in a powerful display of Eruption. Ivysaur responds by using Synthesis, recovering health to endure the fiery onslaught.

Ash's Quilava: (unleashing a fiery eruption)

Asunta's Ivysaur: (enduring with Synthesis)

Ash: Quilava, let's finish with a blaze! Lava Plume, engulf them in molten fire!

Asunta: Ivysaur, endure it! Use Solar Beam and counter the Lava Plume!

Quilava summons molten fire with Lava Plume, aiming to engulf Ivysaur. Ivysaur responds by gathering energy for Solar Beam, creating a clash of fiery and solar energy.

The battle concludes with Quilava's Lava Plume proving overwhelming for Ivysaur's Solar Beam. Ivysaur, unable to withstand the intense heat, is declared unable to battle.

Referee: as Ivysaur, is unable to battle the winner of the 6th round is Ash Ketchum, and as trainer Asunta is does not have any more Pokémon remaining in her team the winner of the Top 8, Ash Ketchum will now move on to the Semi-Final. 

Ash: Great job, Quilava! Your fiery spirit and power brought us the win.

Quilava (Ash's): (triumphant and fiery)

Asunta: (nodding in respect) Well-fought, Ash. Your Quilava is a true flame of determination.

Announcer: Amazing folks, Ash Ketchum has done it. he is now advancing to the Top 8 of the Kanto League and we at the Pokémon league will soon bring many other great battle and the next battle for the Semi-final is after a small and.….. 

As the announcer was speaking, both trainers could be seen shaking hands and then leaving while ash could be seen with a happy smile, Asunta had a sad smile on her face and could be seen as a heartbroken on not winning even after coming to the quarter-finals [Top 8]

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


