62.26% A Strange Moon's Multiversal Adventure / Chapter 29: Chapter 29

章 29: Chapter 29

MChapter 29

9/15 3:54 (Summer, Day)

Immediately various electric attacks rained down on the Paralyzed Lunarian only to be stopped by the combined efforts of her newly restored Familiars and her True Images before this last ones returned fire by Casting various Spells.

Lightning bolts were blocked by barriers Casted by the True Images attuned to negate the Lightning-Attribute while her metal knifes were blocked by her Familiars effort while she was recovering from both the Paralysis and the Damage she recieved from the previous lightning bolt.

A group of 2 D- and 4 E-Ranked Golems flew towards the Images led by a C-Ranked one in a "V" formation while the others Golem continued the bombardment of ranged attacks only for the E-Ranked ones to be suddently struck by blades of Black Blood launched by her Vision-Weapon wielded by one of her True Images through its new "Projectile Fire" Skill, piercing their body and sending them crashing to the ground thanks to the "Presence Concealment" Skill.

*Luna Gained 100 + 5 Magicules.

*Luna Gained 100 + 5 Magicules.

*Luna Gained 100 + 5 Magicules.

*Luna Gained 100 + 5 Magicules.

*Luna's Familiar Vision Gains the Skill "Coordination".

*Luna's Familiar Warden Gains the Skill "Coordination".

*Luna's Familiar Ash Gains the Skill "Coordination".

*Luna's Familiar Blitz Gains the Skill "Coordination".

The reason for such a choice was simply and exclusively based on her future more than her current situation, sure, but even now it helped her Familiars defend her against the continuous assaults of the other Golems.

Slowly, painfully, Luna restarted to move just in time to block the ramming at high speed from another of the C-Rankers, being dragged away, her feet digging two deep trenches in the ground before slamming against the solid barrier of lightning, her Warden's barrier doing its best to shield her from the damage.

Slowly Luna found purchase around the Living Golem's "Barrier", before ever-so-slowly deflecting her aggressor to the ground before burying it under a flurry of punches covered in Vital Mana, flames and lightning, trying to shatter its "Barrier" and its body at once, the ground around them being bombarded in assaults.

This was far from enough as her Ash-Wings started to release explosions from her back with Luna redirecting all the force of the explosions in her blows, that accelerated more and more, faster and faster, the ground around them continuously shattering as rocks were reduced into nothing around them by waves of pure destructive power.

Finally, after a good thirty minutes, the Golem fell apart as Luna was breathing heavily, the bones of her hands completely destroyed even with her Armor, only not bleeding because she was manually moving her own Black Blood while regenerating.

*Luna Gained 100 + 5 Magicules.

*Luna's Familiar Warden Gains the Skill "Barrier".

She smiled, exhausted, as the barrier caused by "Imperial Scale" ceased to be before reappering around her fused with Warden's new Skill, compressing the Aura around Luna in a dense layer just two centimeters large.

Not only that but the barriers she could previously Cast by taking advantage of the fact Warden on its own is more or less incorporeal that were half as resistant as the one around herself and even more fragile, was completely rebuilt thanks to its new Skill in a Barrier vastly sturdier and capable to share her own and Warden's Resistance Skills with the "Barrier" as shown by the fact that her barrier was recovering faster than the feathers could damage it and its "Metallic Body" Skill increased its defensive power further.

Stretching slightly to regain feelings in her arms and especially her newly regenerated hands, she turned back to her remaining preys.

It was time for her to feast, smiling as her Barriers formed directly before the C-Rank Living Golem's flight path, making it crash into it and disturbing its flight long enough for the Vision-Weapon to return in Luna's hand, joining its Aura to her own.

And so what would in the future be known as the Whole Moon raged, the electric cage around her being overwhelmed in an instanct and destroyed by her black Aura exploding in a wave of pure power.

Wave that quickly condensed in a black pulsing sphere around her with a range of two meters, before rainbow cracks formed in the black surface, cracks that slowly grew, until the sphere reached its limit, collapsing and releasing a rainbow-colored beam of annihilation that enveloped and erased the last remaining C-Rank Golem and two of the remaining D-Rank, this last ones being fed to her "Devouring Evolution".

*Luna Gained 100 + 5 Magicules.

*Luna's Familiar Ash Gains the Skill "Acceleration".

*Luna's Unique Skill "Singularity" Rank increased to C-Rank.

*Luna Gains the Innate Skill "Lunar Resistance".

*Luna's Innate Skill "Familiar Summoning" Expands thanks to "Devouring Evolution".

Luna breathed, in and out, repeatedly calming down her aching body from her failed tentative to activate "Annihilating Conversion".

All Unique Skill had an active effect and that was the failed Activation of her Unique Skill's.

Yes, this failed Activation had this much power, sure, but that was but a pale shadows to what a successfull Activation would entail.

The only reason why she was able to Activate it while not being at the right Rank to theorically use it was because she concentrated on raising her own Aura and her Familiars' as high as she possibly could while being familiar with it's Effect, having activated it when she was still Scarlet.

The purpouse of this Activation was simple, really.

A complete Conversion and subsequent Domination of all Matter and Energy within its Range to rebuild herself completely into a superior version.

However she wasn't able to completate this Process and the Energy she wasn't able to integrate into herself was released as that wave of destruction.

Luna proceded to Summon her Familiars again as they were annihilated by the Activation of this Process, feeling her own and her Familiar's Power rising with every single one Summoned thanks to their "Coordination" Skills and the change occuring within her own "Familiar Summoning" Skill making it so it would count as a "Coordination" Rank E Skill when it comes to her Familiars.

Meanwhile, she felt it.

The power of her targets fell significantly because of the elimination of the relatively high-Ranked Golems, losing in Existence, Energy Recovery and Energy Quality.

Not only that but they had no more chance to recreate the cage of before having neither the Total Quantity required to sustain it or enough Quality for the barrier to matter even if they could.

The battle was over, the only thing left was for her to clean up.

And clean up she did as her Aura exploded from around her, mixing with the Aura of her own Familiars into a perfect mix, as she jumped towards the remaining Golems, her Aura following with her blows to bring an end to this fight.

After all, on their own Living Golems are actually nothing special at equal Ranks and Lunarians are pratically one Rank higher that what they should be even if they are specialized in survivability.

Now that they were at equal Rank, this battle was over.

*Luna's Innate Skill "Lunar Resistance" Expands thanks to "Devouring Evolution".

*Luna's Innate Skill "Familiar Summoning" Expands thanks to "Devouring Evolution".

*Luna's Spells [Mana Burst], [Release], [Greater Self] and [Mana-Clad Warrior] and [Burning Grasp] fuse together into the Innate Skill "Unleash Aura".

*Luna Dissolves the Oath "I will never Manifest my "Unique Arma" without Awakening it."

Luna closed her eyes, stretching slightly in pleasure at her newfound power, her Unique Arma Manifesting around her arms and legs, her Rings accepting the bodies of the bird-like Golems.

She moved around, adapting to the difference from before as it now completely covered her forearms and forelegs, while being slightly more armored then before.

Once done with it she Summoned her four Familiars but the result was quite different as before thanks to their new "Coordination" Skill and the change in her own "Familiar Summoning" Skill.

Where before four different Familiars existed, now only one Collective Familiar was Summoned made of their temporary partial Fusion.

Not only that but also their looks were quite different.

Her new Armor looked like a skintight suit made out of what looked like black scales with purple highlights surrounding them, her long silver hair passing throught her helm, this last one being a perfect copy of her face except for the eyes shining like purple stars, three of them, two her own and an additional one on her forehead, with a pair of horns growing from between her hairs.

From her back grew a pair of great wings, a strange fusion between Draconic and feathery ones, and a long tail ending in a snake's head, it too having shining purple eyes.

And not only that but those eyes were present all over her body, granting her well above 360° vision, while her claws digged in the ground and the claws of her hands cut in the air.

Her Black Aura exploded around her thanks to her new Skill, before changing thanks to her Familiars' Summoning, becoming composed by both Fire- and Lightning-Attribute in addition with her own Vital Mana.

She stepped casually to the left, noting the increase in speed derived from the Skill "Acceleration" active at the moment from her Familiar and the effect this Skill had on her own Aura.

This last one having in base higher power than her previous combination of [Greater Self] and [Mana-Clad Warrior], even without considering the Boosts from her Familiars.

She neared a tree outside of the area where the battle had place and punched it, voluntarily missing it by over 5 centimeters, only for her Aura to still shatter it into pieces, these last ones being attacked by both Fire and Lightning simultaneously with her blow.

Her curiosity was concentrated, however, on what the two groups were running from before uniting into the group that challenged her.

Curiosity that she was more than willing to seek an answer to.


9/15 5:17 (Summer, Day, Nord Lowrar)

The battle between the Humanoid-form Phoenix, Amber, and the Humanoid-form Ice Dragon, Aurora, was at this point lasting by hours and approaching its end, even despite this first one's desperate attempts.

Her Resurrection given her by the Innate Skill "Undying Body" was already spent as she panted heavily, her right arm completely encased in ice.

Ice that wouldn't melt even with her flames and heat but was instead biting deeply and painfully her arm even with the combination of her healing caused by "Regeneration", "Undying Body" and her natural regeneration and her natural Resistance to Cold in general.

Not only that but the bruises and scratches she sported were healing very slowly while her opponent, even if sporting burns and cuts, was standing there, furious but focused, an almost feral grin on her face as an armor of what looked to be ice covered her body together with the Barrier of her newly Gained Innate Skill "Imperial Scale", the only major injury Amber was able to deal her, a cut from left shoulder to the waist, already sealed shut by ice.

And all of this progress was only possible because of the Awakening of her Unique Skill "Bestower", the ability to grant Names, and conseguently her Skills.

Some may wonder at the usefullness of said Unique Skill but in truth it had immense potential as it shared all of her Skills at the same Rank as she possessed them and changed to fit the thing or Being that was Named, at a minuscule Initial Cost and no Cooldown.

In other words, everything she was wearing was something she personally Bestowed a Name to, from her "clothes" to her Ice Armor, her Ice Claws and even every single one of her Spells and Technique recieved a Name, vastly amplifying the Potency of every single one of them.

As such, even Amber's strongest attack that she was able to refine slightly thanks to her experience with using it previously, found itself having to pass through three different Barriers and then two extra layers of Armor, one made out of Ice, and the other out of Aurora's own Scales, weakening the blow enough that the attack barely damaged her, especially considering her newly Gained "Fire Resistance".

As Amber trembled because of the spikes of ice buried within her legs, Aurora started to walk towards her, leaving behind frozen footprints on the ground, as the ice grew slightly around her body.

"Don't worry, Amber. I have no intention to kill you. I have a much better idea."

These threatening words were more than enough for Amber to guess her intent considering how she understood that the other forcefully Awakened her Unique Skill, thing that in a True Dragon rendered them even more similar to a False Dragon, only while maintaining all of their intelligence, power and sapience.

And False Dragons had the terrible habitude to store their still living preys in blocks of ice to function as addition to their hoards.

And considering how she was unable to melt it and how painfull it was, she was quite certain what her future woud be if she lost, an eternity as a frozen statue.

Thing that was slightly wrong as Aurora didn't intend for her to be a pretty statue but was planning on forcefully rewriting her Name with her Unique Skill so that her enemy would become nothing more than her obbedient pet.

All the same Amber refused either futures flames exploding from all over her body, Mana and Vital Energy becoming flames that formed a sphere before her, air distorting because of the heat concentrated into a miniature star that she launched at her opponent as a beam of concentrated flames.

Hurriedly Aurora move to continuously create various walls of ice, each of them granted a Name by her, to stop this final attack.

After a long ten minutes the attack finally ended, as Aurora moved back to the barely conscious Amber, ready to claim her as her own.

In that instant she was distracted, her left arm, burned by this attack, was grabbed from behind her before she was thrown away, a punch exploded against her chest sending her away.

The newly-arrived Person, the only Lunarian alive, quickly grabbed the Phoenix and retreated with her to safety.

Total Magicules 74002 (V)

Stored Magicules 90

Total Grade: X + V + V + V + V + IV + V + V + V + IV + IV + IV= LXI (61)

Racial: Lunarian D

Magicules: 10k/100k. (V)

Unique: Singularity D → C

Magicules: 10k/10m. (V)

(New) At C-Rank, the User's Energy is too dense for other's to interfere with it, upgrading's the owner's Status Resistance to Nullification.

(New) At C-Rank, the owner can also start the process of "Annihilating Conversion" but is not able to be properly brought to completion, releasing instead a beam of Energy influenced by all the Skills of the owner by consuming all the Matter and Energy in the area, activated at no cost and only once every Month.

Growth: Soul Harmony C

Magicules: 10k/10m. (V)


Growth: Unique Arma: Sorcerous Armor of the Singularity C

Magicules: 10k/10m. (V)

A person is considered such if they have an Unique Skill, whether it is active or not.

This is nothing but the use of Orichalcum to manifest it in a physical form able to be wielded only by its owner.

This particular Unique Arma is derived by the Unique Skill "Singularity" and, as such, is extremely efficient at Converting, Transfering and Amplifying Energy.

Additionally, this Skill increases the Quantity and the Recovery of Energy of the owner, depending on the Unique Skill "Singularity"'s Rank.

Manifested State:

_At E-Rank this Skill increases the Existence of the owner and their Spells, Techniques and Crafting are Activated as if with extra Energy depending on this Skill's Rank.

_At D-Rank the owner's Damage Resistance is increased and so is the Quality of all Energy of the owner.

_At C-Rank, while it is Manifested, it additionally enhances the Existence of the owner further and it will be able to awaken by using the command "Awaken!".

_This Skill manifests for the moment as two armored gloves covering a little beyond the owner's forearm and armor that covers the owner's feet and a little beyond their foreleg; principally made of a black scale-like material, had a circle made of Orichalcum on the center of it, both in the palm and the back of the hand with details in platinum around them connecting with a bracelet made of the same material around her wrist.

Awaken State:

_While in the Awakened State, all incoming damage is sharply reduced while the power of all Energy Uses is increased further.

_The cooldown is equal to one hour plus the Activation Duration.

_While it is Awakened, it constantly absorbs Vital Mana from the User.

Finally, every day, the owner will receive Magicules depending on this and the corresponding's Unique Skill Ranks.

Growth: Devouring Evolution E

Magicules: 1k/1k. (IV)

Innate: Regeneration C

Magicules: 10k/10m. (V)

Innate: Authority: Vital Mana D

Magicules: 10k/100k (V)

Innate: Familiar Summoning C

Magicules: 10k/10m (V)

(New) _Devouring Evolution: The owner of this Skill has the Effect as the Skill "Coordination" D when it comes to the owner's Familiar.

_Coordination D:

__The owner is linked to the Coordination Link.

__All those in the Coordination Link no longer interfere with each other while Casting.

__All those in the Coordination Link have their Existence increased by 3%.

__All those in the Coordination Link have their Energy Recovery increased by 3%.

Innate: Authority: Black Blood E

Magicules: 1k/1k (IV)


Innate: Lunar Resistance E

Magicules: 1k/1k (IV)

This Skill denoted the ability of the owner to comfortably live in an active hostile territory with no effort.

This Skill also increases the owner's Damage Resistance and Status Alteration Resistance.

_Devouring Evolution: The owner is even more Resistant to Physical and Lightning-Attribute Damage and related Status Alteration.


Innate: Unleash Aura E

Magicules: 1k/1k (IV)

This Skill shows the ability of the owner to Unleash an Aura of Energy to enhance their combat power.

Unleashed Aura:

_The owner's Existence Value is greatly increased.

_Every single Melee hit from the owner will inflict extra Magical Damage and Knockback.

_At any time the owner can deactivate this Aura to inflict Damage to all Enemies in a Range inversely proportional to the Damage.

_It is fulther altered depending on the owner's other Innate and Ability Skills and, especially in this case, thanks to the Familiars.

_Familiars influence:

__Vision: Increased Energy Control; Every Melee hit from the owner will inflict extra Damage; Melee hits have an increased range of 10 centimeters or an increase in Damage.

__Warden: Reduction of all incoming Damage; Reduction of all incoming Physical Damage further; Reduction of incoming Knockback and Backlash; Once every 10 minutes, fully block a lethal hit.

__Ash: Every Melee hit from the owner will inflict extra Fire Damage and the Status Alteration "Burning"; Increase the Speed of the owner; Increase the Flying Speed of the owner further; Singularity Effect: Fire-Attribute Affinity is considered equal to the owner's No-Attribute Affinity.

__Blitz: Metal Weapons Wielded by Enemies will be slowed down; Every Melee hit from the owner will inflict extra Lightning Damage and the Status Alteration "Paralysis"; Lightning-Attribute related effects from the owner will be Strenghtened; Singularity Effect: Lightning-Attribute Affinity is considered equal to the owner's No-Attribute Affinity.

Ability: No Attribute Sorcery C

Ability: Unharmed Technique C

Ability: Weapon Mastery D

Ability: Artifact Proficiency E

Ability: Meditation C

Ability: Presence Suppression D

Ability: High-Speed Processing D

Ability: Parallel Processing D

Ability: No Attribute Magecraft E

Ability: Formalcraft E

Ability: Crafting E

Magicules sources.

#Lunarian #Singularity #Authority:Black_Blood

The final gain of Magicules is 100 plus the Magicules absorbed by the victim, all of it increased to 105%.


Every day, then, the owner will gain 66 Magicules times 5, 330.

#Unique_Arma #Singularity

At the moment Unique Arma is C-Rank and Singularity is at C-Rank and so, every day, the owner will gain 1000 Magicules.


At the moment the Skill Grade is 4 and so, every day, the owner will gain 400 Magicules.


_Vision D

Third Eye of Physicality E

Weapon Mastery D

Projectile Fire E

(New) Coordination E

_Warden D

Imperial Scale D

Physical Resistance E

Metallic Body E

(New) Coordination E

(New) Barrier E

_Ash E

Fire-Attribute Magecraft D

High-Speed Flight E

(New) Coordination E

(New) Acceleration E

_Blitz E

Magnetic Amplification E

Electrify E

Lightning-Attribute Amplification E

(New) Coordination E



Roaring Destruction

Magnificent Ray


Attribute Modification

Attribute Reflection

(New) Attribute Barrier


Fire Ball


Fire Rain



Mana Laser


Heat Ray


Mafel (Spectral Elf D; US Malice Generator D) E

Sabel (Human D; US Unknown) E


"I will always be in a state of "Deep Meditation"."

"I will never use Vital Energy and Mana separated."

"I will never use Blood and Shadows separated."

"I will never use Artifact made by other's hands if they aren't made explicitly for me."


Thanks for reading and comment if you have any thought about this chapter or story in general.

If you want to read chapters in advance of this and my other story, I have a pa treon: patr*eon.com/White_Chaos

White_Chaos White_Chaos

Thanks for the Comments to: AchroniaSamara; BocchiWithTism; Teial.

Thanks for the Power Stones to: Teial.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C29
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


