13.63% New Start: Pokémon World / Chapter 2: Trainer ID

章 2: Trainer ID

"Good morning sir, how can I help you?" 

"I'm here to for an appointment to receive my Trainer ID that I requested two weeks ago." 

"Very well, could you give me your name please?" 

"Lukas Emerald." 

"Ah yes Mr. Emerald your Trainer ID is indeed ready, let me get it for you, happy belated birthday by the way." 

"Thank you." 

After leaving for a few minutes to the back of the center, the nurse came back with a small tray holding an ID card and surprisingly a pokeball. 

"What's up with the pokeball?" 

"Your mother registered you for the Kanto Royal Starter initiative, are you not aware of that?" 

"No, but I guess this is what she meant when she said there would be another birthday present waiting for me." 

"So, do you know what the Kanto Royal Starter initiative is, or do you need me to explain it to you?" 

"No need, I know about it." 

He learned about the Kanto Royal Starter initiative while he was still attending trainer school. Basically, while the concept of starter pokemon exist in this world as well, it is of course impossible for every aspiring trainer to receive one of the three starters the local region is known for. Although dedicated breeding centers specializing in breeding the royal starters exist, they wouldn't even come close to meeting demand if every new trainer were to be promised to choose one of the three as their starter. 

By registering for the initiative, for a certain sum of money, one guaranties receiving a Royal starter from a reputable breeding center. People not registered also have chances to receive one by merit of exemplary academic results or something like that. 

After getting over his surprise, Lukas pocketed the pokeball after registering it to his DNA deciding to meet his new partner later. Finally, he also took his ID from the patient nurse, thanking her again and slowly making his way out of the poke center. 

His Trainer ID looked similar to a regular ID with his name, picture and so on, the only thing special is his official Pokemon Trainer-Rank. 

"Rookie-Trainer Lukas, huh." 


"I know with the new guy, I'm already only one more pokemon from reaching the Junior-Rank." 

Advancing from Rookie to Junior is very easy, with the only requirement being to possess three pokemon of the Iron-Rank. Now with all pokemon that are not newly hatched automatically reaching the Iron-Rank, all you basically have to do is catch 2 random pokemon besides your starter to advance. 

Trainers who don't put any thoughts into the pokemon they catch like that are probably those who will reach the Senior-Rank at most. 

Having left the poke center, Lukas made his way around some Trainer-markets stocking up on some consumables and checking if anything else rouses his interest before after years full of anticipation making his way out of Rowland Town. His first destination? Viridian Forest. 

Sometime later, Lukas and his Riolu could be seen walking on route 1 leading to Viridian City. While walking, Lukas is musing how different from the games, official routes are less small path you walk to get to the next settlement or point of interest and more designated safe zone in-between larger Cities. After all the distance between cities mostly range from 100-250 km. 


Riolu immediately springs to attention as he notices a nearby bush moving. Shortly after, Lukas too becomes alert and puts his focus on the new surprise guest. 


3 Rattata spring out of the bush getting ready to attack. A quick check with his Pokedex ability shows Lukas that two rattata are only at the (low)Iron-Rank, whereas the one in the lead is at the (mid)Iron-Rank. 

"Alright Riolu, use Quick Attack to close the distance with them and dodge the leader, after that use Brick Break one of the other two." 


Acknowledging his order, Riolu starts dashing in the direction of the three opponents, the leading Rattata tried to hit him with a Scratch yet came up empty. Leaving the strongest Rattata behind, Riolu quickly reaches his first target, the Rattata not expecting to be attacked first can't even react before Riolus glowing paw strikes it square in its face. 


Crashing into a nearby tree, the first Rattata faints after the first exchange. Unfortunately, the second (low)Iron-Rank Rattata used this chance of Riolu attacking its partner to land a Tackle. Lukas witnessing this quickly orders Riolu to take the hit and to retaliate with another Brick Break, it being the only Fighting-typ move Riolu currently knows makes it the only effective move Riolu can use against the Rattata. 


Neutralizing his second opponent Riolu turns his attention to its last foe. 

"Doge his next attack with Agility, then finish it with another Brick Break." 

Riolu uses Agility to doge, almost being hit by the Rattatas Bite. After dodging Riolu again attacks with a Brick Break. Different from the first two, this Rattata managed two stay standing, tho barely. So Riolu quickly follows up with a Quick Attack, ending the surprise encounter. 

"Are you alright Riolu?" 

Hearing Riolus cry of affirmation Lukas casts one last glance at the three unconscious pokemon before shaking his head and continuing on his way. 

He, of course, knows what will most likely happen to those three defenseless Pokemon but after eating his 2nd fried Pidgey growing up he slowly came to accept that Pokemon are just as vulnerable to death as humans and mundane animals in this world, though he has no desire to slaughter any random Rattata with low intelligence he comes across in the wild. 

Speaking of, when he first found out about pokemon dying, he immediately searched his internal Library about this topic. He found that although pokemon can indeed die it almost never happens in battles, because for some reason even if an Iron-Rank pokemon gets hit by a full power strike from another one several ranks above the result will always be the Iron-Rank pokemon fainting not dying. Attacking a fainted pokemon then leads to a pokemon losing its life. That's also why pokemon battles between trainers can be executed without really endangering any of the pokemon participating. 

A few hours of walking and battling wild pokemon later, Lukas seeing the sun slowly setting decides to make camp near one of the many small creeks running through the environment that is already showing signs of the truly giant Viridian Forest. 

Sitting in front of a self made bonfire in his camp with Riolu eating his poke food Lukas pulls out the poke ball he received earlier this day. 

"Hey, are you ready to finally meet our new companion?" 


Lukas already knew when he got the poke ball which of the 3 starters it was, after all over the years growing up he never shied away from voicing his favorite among them. So unless his mother wants to play a prank on him, the pokemon in the ball should be... 

"Come out Charmander!" 


Indeed, as he thought, out of the ball jumps an energetic little orange Charmander greeting its future trainer enthusiastically. Its attention was quickly diverted to Riolu who was at this moment curiously observing the new guy. 

"Hi Charmander, I'm Lukas, I'll be your new trainer from now on alright?" 


Seeing Charmander tilting its head, Lukas had to suppress a chuckle before he continued. 

"Well, we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other from now on, I'll take care of you and you of me, ok?" 

Charmander gave an acknowledging cry whilst Riolu was standing by the side with arms crossed and nodding as if saying ´you can count on me´. 

"It's already late, let's talk about your abilities and future training tomorrow." 


After recalling both pokemon into their respective poke ball, Lukas made his way into the `Alliance approved Trainer-tent for newbies in the wild`. Lying down on his sleeping bag, Lukas quickly drifts into sleep, already looking forward to tomorrow and the rest of his future in this world.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


