64.28% Northern Rise

Chapter 9

At the break of day, the Red Keep was enveloped in golden light, reflecting off its historic stones. I woke up feeling a sense of new beginnings and dressed in comfortable clothes suitable for the journey ahead.

Leaving my room, I headed to Ashara's, which was right next door. Knocking on the door, I heard Ashara's voice from inside asking, "Who is it?" I replied enthusiastically, "It's me, mother!" She warmly responded, "Come in, Alaric." I pushed the door open and entered.

Ashara's room was a haven of tranquility and elegance. She sat in front of the dressing table, combing her long hair, already dressed and ready to leave. I sat down and we started chatting as she finished getting ready. After a few minutes, she set the brush aside, and together, we left the room.

We walked to the dining hall, where Ned was already seated, having his breakfast. Two additional plates were prepared beside him. We sat down, and I greeted him enthusiastically, "Good morning, Uncle Ned." Ashara joined in with, "Good morning, Ned."

Ned, with a warm and fatherly smile, replied after swallowing his food, "Good morning to both of you. Did you sleep well?" I nodded, "Yes, Uncle Ned." Ashara also confirmed, saying, "Yes, I slept well."

Curiously, I asked, "What time are we leaving, Uncle Ned?" He replied, "We will leave right after saying goodbye to Robert, Alaric."

I remembered Jon Arryn and asked, "And Jon Arryn, I heard you were his pupil. Aren't you going to say goodbye to him?" Ned, looking thoughtfully at his plate, said, "He's not here. He left a few moons ago to deal with some issues in Dorne. He'll probably be back soon, but I don't plan to wait for him." I nodded, understanding the situation.

Our breakfast was interrupted by the heavy footsteps of Robert entering the room. "Good morning, Ned, Alaric, and Ashara. Did you sleep well?" he asked with a smile. We all responded affirmatively, and he sat down in the empty seat next to Ned.

As we ate, Robert asked, "When are you leaving, Ned?" Ned, finishing his meal, answered, "We will leave just after finishing breakfast, Robert." Robert seemed a bit disappointed but quickly changed his expression.

"I've already sent the letter to the Night's Watch, and the gold dragons are loaded on your ship, Ned," Robert informed. Ned thanked him: "Thank you very much, Robert." I also expressed my gratitude.

After finishing our meal, we went to the castle entrance, where a carriage awaited us. Robert embraced Ned tightly and said, "Have a safe trip, Ned. Come to see me when you can." Ned responded with a smile, "I will. And be careful, you know the court people are not trustworthy."

Robert then turned to Ashara, shook her hand, and wished, "A safe journey, Ashara." She responded with slight displeasure, "Thank you." Robert ignored her discontent and approached me. "Have a good trip, Alaric. I expect to hear great things about you in the future," he said. I replied respectfully, "Thank you very much, King Robert." He ruffled my hair amiably and, as he was about to leave, he added, "My condolences for your father, boy." I thanked him quietly.

We then set off for the carriage, which took us to the port. The journey to White Harbor was marked by clear weather and calm seas, making the voyage smooth. During the trip, Ned shared more about the North, and its culture, and taught me about the Old Gods. I decided to follow these gods, as I genuinely did not like the Faith of the Seven. I thought about convincing Ned not to build a sept in Winterfell and to teach Sansa and Arya about the Old Gods and the culture of the North.

After 17 days, we sighted White Harbor in the distance. After disembarking at White Harbor, Ned announced that we would make a stop at New Castle to introduce me to the Manderlys, a practical decision considering our proximity. "Since we're here, it's a good opportunity for you to meet Wyman Manderly," Ned said practically.

Our arrival at New Castle was met with a warm reception. The Manderlys, known for their loyalty to the Starks, received us with respect and curiosity. Wyman Manderly, a man of imposing stature and a welcoming smile, showed genuine interest in our visit.

During our conversation, Ned spoke about my true lineage, revealing that I was the son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne. Wyman's surprise was evident; it took him a moment to process the information. "Brandon married to Ashara? That's... unexpected," he said, clearly surprised. "After all, Brandon was betrothed to Catelyn." But upon presenting the documents proving the union, his surprise turned into acceptance. "This changes many things," he reflected, looking at me with new eyes.

The banquet that followed was a pleasant occasion, filled with conversation and laughter. Wyman Manderly proved to be a generous host, ensuring we were all well taken care of. Ned took the opportunity to discuss various topics, from Northern politics to trade and defense issues.

After the meal, we thanked them for their hospitality and requested two horses to continue our journey to Winterfell. "It's time to return home," Ned said with a tone of seriousness mixed with a hint of anticipation.

Mounted on our horses, we left New Castle behind us. The road to Winterfell stretched before us, surrounded by vast green lands and the open sky of the North. As we rode, my heart beat with anticipation of what awaited me in Winterfell, the place I would soon learn to call home.

Nox_Aeternus Nox_Aeternus

Today I had free time and nothing to do so I decided to write another chapter since I enjoyed writing

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


