93.33% House of the dragon: The Dragon King / Chapter 14: Deals Made and Deals Offered

章 14: Deals Made and Deals Offered

Narrator pov

"Uncle Bennard, for attempting to usurp my rightful claim as Lord Stark I sentence you…to death"



Daeron POV

"Cregan I know how you Northerners like to deal with these things. 'The one that made the sentence should swing the sword' but as your future King, not even I could protect you from the criticism that would befall you if you become a kinslayer."

Cregan was sitting in his solace, looking at me before he nodded and asked

"So what should I do, just let him rot in the dungeons for the rest of his life? Let someone who spat on my father's legacy and the name Stark just walk free?!"

I smiled at him and said

"No, that is too little for something as serious as attempted usurping… However, I think I have just the solution…"

"Well, my prince, don't keep me guessing?"

He said as I smiled and said

"Alright, here it is…"

I then continued to tell him about my plan for his uncle's execution making him smile and say

"Yes, that does sound like a solid plan. A way to show our strong bond as well as our combined might. HA! You are an evil man, my prince"

"How dare you, I should have your tongue for such words"

I replied to him with sarcasm clear in my voice making him chuckle. He then tapped his table and said

"Now, let's get to business. I know you didn't just come here to help me, although the help is still very much appreciated. What is it you want?"

I smiled at Cregan and said

"You will make a great lord in the future, lord Stark. You are exactly right, what if I told you that I have ideas that will make the north richer than it has ever been, rich enough to buy grain for the next 20 winters and still be swimming in gold."

"I'd say that you were insane and should get checked out by the masters"

"HA! Good one, but no I'm quite sane. Do you want to hear my ideas?"

"Of course, My Prince"

I smiled and said

"First and foremost, Ice. The North is surrounded by it, especially close to Skagos and Bear Island. Have you never thought that ice is an extremely valuable commodity for the Southerner lords? However, I know that the cost of moving all of the ice will be quite hefty and that is where I come in. I will cover most of the costs of moving all trade materials for only a fraction of the rewards."

I saw that Cregan had a thinking expression on his face so I continued hammering while the iron was hot

"I think that we can come up with a good deal that will profit us both. Of course, I have more ideas but this was just a taste of what I can come up with, I also have some ideas to create something revolutionary which I will need some materials from the north to do, which I will give the north a slice of, free of charge."

I saw that Cregan could no longer school his features and he had a smile on his face as he stood up and said

"My Prince, this all sounds too good to be true. I mean here you are, the first Targaryen to come to the North for years, and you are offering me ways to make the North richer? I know I sound ungrateful, but how am I meant to trust your words"

I smiled, as I had expected something like this to come up. I stood up as well, towering over Cregan as I opened my jacket to bring out a parchment and place it on the table. While Cregan read the parchment with wide eyes I said

"I personally believe actions speak louder than words, Lord Stark. I believe this is enough, no?"

Cregan only turned to me with a smile as he nodded and bent the knee before starting to say his oath of fealty. And while he did I stared down at the parchment that read

"Ownership of the Gift!"


Bennard POV


The excruciating cold was the first thing I felt as I was thrown into the snow by two guards loyal to my idiot nephew. I looked up to see said Idiot with an angry look on his face as the incest-riddled monstrosity that is the heir to the iron throne stood behind him, along with all of the northerner lords. I was brought out of my thinking when Cregan spoke

"Bennard Stark, you have been found guilty of attempted Usurping, murder of innocents, and attempted rebellion. You will not get a trial, nor will you get a choice in your death. The prince has spoken and his word is final"

I stood on my knees as I said

"HA! This is what I always knew would happen, you would be too DUMB to see the truth! You are letting this incestuous monster tell you what to do, are you forgetting that they took away our kingdom!! They are the enemy!! And you are just a dumb child my brother left behind which will spell the end of the stark lineage!!!!"

Cregan just shook his head and said

"Goodbye, Uncle"

He then turned around and walked to the incest kid who looked at me all smug. I finally realised what was going to happen so I shouted

"What, will you not kill me yourself!! Are you so craven that you fear the consequences of being a kinslayer!!..... ANSWER ME!!"

Narrator pov

But instead of an answer, Bennard got something worse, Daeron let out a loud whistle and everything went quiet until an even louder whistle was heard. A shadow was cast over the entire area of Winterfell and even more. Everyone looked up and someone shouted


As they were about to run they heard Dearon shout

"Calm yourselves, men, this is my dragon. Previously known as the Cannibal, now known as Neltharion. And he means no harm…well, to you at least"

The lords and guards all stopped their run and stood in place, although ready to run in case it was necessary. Neltharion landed with a loud *BOOM* behind Bennard who was sweating and started to try and crawl away, but his bound hands were more of a hindrance than a help. Daeron only smiled at the sight before saying


Slowly Neltharion lowered his head until his mouth was even to that of Bennard and gently picked the man up into his mouth. All of the lords at the gathering heard Bennard scream for help and for him to be released from the slimy mouth of Neltharion. But it was all brought to an end when Daeron said


All of a sudden Neltharion began to rumble, his throat lit green and whips of flames shot from his teeth. However, the worst and scariest of it all were the dying screams that came from Bennard. They didn't last long, but the effect they had on the lords in the north was more than enough. With this one act, they knew Daeron Targaryen was not someone to mess with.

"Well, my lords. That settles that, does it not"

Daeron spoke, with an almost threatening glint in his eyes before he continued

"Well, I must get going. My wife awaits me and she gets very angry when I keep her waiting"

All of them heard Neltharion gulp down what was probably the burnt remains of Bennard. Daeron then said

"Farewell my lords, I shall hear from you soon I hope!"

Daeron then crawled up Neltharion's massive neck before saying

"Fly, Neltharion"

And with a flap of his wings, they were up in the sky and flying away.


Location: Driftmark 

Laena pov

I was walking around my childhood home when I started to think about my past few months of being married. Daeron was an ideal husband, strong, he held a lot of power, was the most handsome man in all of planetos, and a kind man. Really I had lucked out, I know many ladies that would have been married off to an old man that merely wanted an heir but I got lucky. 

I put a hand to my stomach as I entered the balcony area of my home, and started stroking it gently. I took a deep breath and smiled thinking about the future. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the doors behind me open. I turned around to see my brother and his wife. I smiled and said

"Laenor, Rhaenyra, what a pleasant surprise. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

I saw they both gained sheepish looks and my brother started to bounce on his feet nervously. I started feeling something, a sense of unease so I asked again

"Brother… what is the matter? You are starting to make me nervous"

"Sister… Y-you know I would do anything for you, yes?"

"Of course…and I would do anything for you, but what is the problem? Why are you so nervous?"

"Well, *ahem* as you know I…have different tastes. And because of those tastes, I am…unable to…perform with Rhaenyra"

Laenor gained a shameful and embarrassed look while Rhaenyra stared down onto the floor. Laena started getting an even worse feeling so she gripped her black and blue dress and hesitantly said

"Okay…and what does that have to do with me?"

Laenor gulped and said

"Heh, well…Rhaenyra brought up the fact that… it would be better to have offspring with Targaryen looks…so…if possible…could you let Daeron…impregnate Rhaenyra! Rhaenyra said that they have already had sex before so it wouldn't be weird!"

The entire balcony went silent, I felt myself start to breathe heavily and I started to glare at my brother, I quickly spoke and said


Before I was cut off by a loud, but familiar, roar. We all turned to look up, and quickly spotted the black behemoth that was Daerons dragon. I quickly looked back at my brother and said harshly

"This is not over!"

I then rushed to leave the balcony and questioned my husband. He was in deep shit for not speaking to me about his relationship with his sister, and trust me I was going to make him feel it.


Daeron pov

I had a smile on my face as I jumped off of Neltharion. I mean, what was there to be angry about, I just finished getting the undying loyalty of the North, I had a beautiful wife, I was about to become a dad, and life was good. I turned around and saw my wife storming towards me. I chuckled, she must have missed me quite a bit if her pace was a signal of anything. I smiled as she reached me and said

"Hello there darling–"

It was then I felt a sharp smack on my face, I felt my head move sideways and my cheek burn as I finally realised my wife had just bitch slapped me. I quickly looked at her in shock and saw her nursing her hand. To be fair my skin was quite tough and it must have hurt her to slap me. I was about to say something when she said

"Shut up Daeron, I will be speaking now!"

I immediately closed my mouth and just looked down at her. She took a deep breath and I noticed that there were some tears in her eyes before she said

"How dare you not tell me of your previous relationship with your sister. I don't care that it was before you married me, I thought you told me that we would be equals in everything. I thought you told me that you would never lie to me and always be honest with me. Is our entire relationship based on a lie, do you really not want me as your wife, is it Rhaenyra that you want!"

"Of course not…I do want you as my wife but as you said me and Rhaenyra we had…a relationship. It was me, her and Alicent. Of course, I never had sex with Alicent but…I won't deny that my bond with Rhaenyra isn't there"

Laenas lips wobbled before she turned away and ran into the castle. I was going to chase her but I realised that she might need some time to process all of this. So instead I was going to let out my anger on someone else, my sister and good brother, who were conveniently approaching me. I glared and said

"You will tell me what happened, and you will tell me now!"

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  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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