13.33% House of the dragon: The Dragon King / Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Rebirth

章 2: Chapter 1: Rebirth

Unknown POV:


As I open my eyes and see nothing but an endless sea of stars and night the only thing I start to feel is shock. The feeling of shock then transforms into a mix of sadness and awe. Sadness at the fact that I had died but awe at the pure beauty that was in front of me. I heard someone, or something, clear their throat behind me making my head swivel around to see who made the noise.

"Dear god…"

"Sorry man, I'm not the big guy himself but simply the one he deemed responsible for the reincarnation of souls that have died before they should have."

"Uhm…I mean…uhhhh… Wait. I…I died before I should have? Where am I? Is this Hell?"

"I can see that you are a little bit confused right now, which is what normally happens when your soul is flung into this space, so let me explain. You, my good sir, are Daniel Smith. You are a construction worker that got an untreatable cancer located by your brainstem. During your time with cancer, you decided to not let it control you and applied to an online university where you studied history and business. However, you met your unfortunate end when walking towards your local cafe and being hit by a driver going 100 in a 50 zone. Needless to say, that man was very drunk. Anywho, God flung your soul here, to the middle Earth which is the destination between Earth and heaven where you will be reincarnated with some favours as our apology. We at Heaven Inc. are very sorry about your untimely demise "


"Yeah, it's all coming back to me now. That was an unfortunate end to my life, hurt like hell and I couldn't even go and finish my business degree. Anyway, you really don't need to apologise for that accident, I had already accepted my death."

The being smiled at me before pulling out a computer and something that looked like a hand scanner. The being cleared its throat once again and said

"Alright, please place your hand on the scanner and let the magic computer do its work."

I just shrugged before placing my hand on the scanner, before feeling something latch around my hand and it starting to purr gently. I looked down and saw that a metal case had outlined my hand. I decided against questioning what the fuck was going on and just looked at the computer in front of me.






The being held an excited smile as he said

"Ooooh, the results are here!"

The computer screen was then filled with multiple columns 

that read:

[World: House of the Dragon

Looks: Geralt of Rivia but with pure amethyst purple eyes <The Witcher>

Year born: 95 AC <2 years before Rhaenyra Targaryen and 3 years after Laena Velaryon>

Advantage 1: Pure Dragons Blood <Born with the purest Targaryen blood>

Advantage 2: Perfected Super Soldier Serum (<I think we all know what this does. You will be able to do what Captain America did but better. Enhanced Strength, speed, endurance, healing, intelligence, and stamina>

Advantage 3: Perfect Vision <Chivalry of a failed knight. "Perfect Vision is a technique, which lets him see through his opponent through tracing their small tendencies and personalities in a battle to where he can predict and react to their next moves.">

Advantage 4: Conqueror's haki (nerfed) <while you will be able to make the weakest-willed men pass out, the only thing this advantage can really do is to give you a threatening aura so to speak> (however, during the time of gaining control of your body, this advantage will be temporarily increased to its full power to make the scene more dramatic)

Disadvantage 1: Dragon's rage

Disadvantage 2: Increased libido <when you get going it will take a lot for you to stop, you will have the libido of a hundred men. I worry for your future lovers>

Disadvantage 3: Godly charm <You will not be able to turn off your charm. You will have the perfect body, the perfect voice, the perfect way of walking, and you will just be perfect. This will draw loyal people into your cause, however, it will also lead to massive amounts of jealousy from some people around you. This was automatically locked in when you got the looks of Henry Cavill in 'The Witcher'>

Disadvantage 4: Fractured knowledge <You will be able to remember some of what happens in the show but most of your memories of the show will come from dreams that are vague and tell you of future events that are about to happen. And you will receive a gut feeling about people who are bad guys and people who are loyal. This will, however not hinder any other knowledge of modern world inventions or the fact that you are reincarnated>

Weapon: Dragonslayer <From Berserk, the Dragonslayer, is the sword that Guts uses. However, it has been modified so that the metal has been changed to a mix of Valyrian steel and the heart of a fallen star and was gifted to you on your 1st Name day. Only those with your blood can wield it>

Time of body access: 110 AC (DEATH OF MOTHER and spare)

Dragon: THE ALMIGHTY CANNIBAL (he will be Buffed after consuming some of your blood when you meet him) 


"Uhhhh, What the fuck!!!?"

I asked while turning to the being next to me, who was just staring at the screen with its mouth agape. I started at it for a while before it turned to me and said

"I have never, in my many millenia seen rolls as good as these!"

I just looked at it and said

"What rolls, what do you mean? What is this screen!"

The being shook its head and just said

"Yeah, let me explain quickly before I send you on your way. So basically, the hand scanner is a device that extracts your karma and mixes it with one wheel for every category you see on the screen. The wheels start spinning and, using your Karma, stop randomly and what it stops on is what is chosen. However, I have no idea what you did to deserve such good stuff as this. I mean 2 of your disadvantages are barely disadvantages!"

The being shook its head before saying

"Anyway, now it's time for you to enter your body. Let me warn you though, it will be painful since you kinda got screwed with the time of entering your body. You will basically be getting a lot of memories all at once while your soul simultaneously merges with the hollow soul that used to be in the body which, once your memories mix together, will result in you feeling more like you belong in the world"

"Wait, what do you mean Pai–"

Before I could finish my sentence, the beings' large hands grabbed me and threw me into the sky where I ended up being sucked into something. The last thing I heard was 

"Hope you had a good experience here at Heaven Inc.!!"

All of a sudden, a burning pain enveloped my body and I heard a 

female voice shout


And then orange and yellow flames washed over me resulting in extreme pain as I saw my skin turn black and slowly some of it peel, revealing a fair white tone underneath. However, that did not stop me from letting out an intense scream of pain, not only due to the thousands of memories mixing in with my own but also because of the fire.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


