34.88% Games We Play -Shaman / Chapter 15: Body Augmentation (R-18)

章 15: Body Augmentation (R-18)


[Type: Valean Falcon]

[Skills: Falcon Dive, Falcon Gaze, Tracking]



[Type: Westerland Eagle]

[Skills: Claw Descent, Eagle Eye, Prolonged Flight]

'Curious… I can predict what kind of Totem powers these birds would give.'

Falcon would be powerful for its dive ability from the air, While Eagle would bring its size and claws to kill the enemy.

Both would give the ability to fly…

Though Eagle could potentially allow it to float longer while Falcon could give swift descent.

As Raynor was thinking about this on his arm was Aquila, he was feeding this bird some fresh meat he got from his last hunt.

His inventory is God sent. He has a whole Stag in his inventory and some other bits and pieces. But his smoked meat is running low.

As he was watching how his new feathery friend was eating the meat he was thinking about the current situation, he had around 5 months left.

No specific time but he has this time window to get the fossilised dragon eggs and bring them back.

To bring them back to life he needs a strong life force. So he is thinking of sacrificing Drogo. The Dohtraki Khal, the supposed future husband of Daenerys.

There is a time window where they are in one place and just outside Pentos.

Incredibly nice time to hunt and get a dragon.

As nighttime arrived someone knocked at Raynor's door. He used his spatial awareness to gaze at who it was.

To no surprise, it was his darling golden rose. It would appear she is increasing the intensity of her game.

"Come in Margaery."

The girl opened the door and sneaked in before closing it behind her. She was dressed in a very skimpy dress.

"What can I do for you?" He asked her pretending to be clueless.

"Nothing specific~ I am here to express my gratitude for what you did for my family AND what kind of gift you gave us~" As she said that she walked over and sat down on his lap while facing him.

She was quite the seductress with that coy smile on her lips.

His hands sneaked around and squeezed her rear. This made her smile get even bigger as she leaned forward and started to kiss him.

Slowly her simple kiss got more intense as his sensitive nose started to get bombarded by her smell, as he started to drown in lust.

The thing was he doesn't need to worry as he made sure he turned off his fertility, so he can go wild.

Without wasting time his hands went up to her shoulders and pushed those thin strings aside making her dress drop and revealing her breasts.

When the girl sensed that she pulled back and took a deep breath she was getting excited.

"Shall we take this further? You did say that I belong to you~" Margaery said with a hot voice.

Instead of saying anything he grabbed her thin and skimpy dress and lifted it and removed it completely.

The girl was completely naked underneath her dress…

"Aren't you a naughty one~ I guess I need to keep you in my bed from now on. Otherwise who knows what you will do~" As he said that he started to explore her by touching them all over her body.

This made Margaery get hotter and hotter as she didn't expect such… Barbaric action from him.

"I-If this is what you want~"

As she said that he picked her up quite effortlessly before walking over to his bed, and threw the girl into it.

She squeaked for a bit before realising that he would most likely destroy her…

Not that she cares about this one bit.

As Margaery was thinking about naughty stuff Raynor made his clothes disappear before he sneaked Into the bed and went on the offence and started to kiss the beauty.

The girl started moaning into his lips as she sensed his fingers around her most sensitive area. It didn't take long for the hunter to start fingering the girl who started to breathe heavily.

Her man was not holding back with his offence.

It didn't take much for her to start rubbing herself into him and demand more. She was in heat.

As he pulled back he grabbed her legs and spread them apart before aiming his cock at her pussy entrance he pushed in without wasting time.

The girl's eyes widened for a bit before she took a deep breath. She groaned from pleasure as her cave had to expand to accommodate the intruder.

He didn't wait for her to adjust to him as he started to pump into her while spreading her legs apart.




Not long after she started to get bombarded by pleasure the thrusting increased and the wet slapping sound started to spread through the room.

Feeling that he was close Raynor lifted her legs before leaning forward and releasing his load into her depths.

This made Margaery have a silly look on her face as she realised that he released his load into her deepest part.

"...This was amazing~"

She expected him to pull out but he just flipped over and made her sit on the top.

"It was, now you need to serve me like a proper lady~," He said with a tease as the girl realised that this was not over. This made her smile lustfully as she realised what kind of man she got.

They can do this longer!

Soon enough the beauty started to dance on his cock, showing how good her hip movements are. She made sure his eyes were only on her and only her.

To get more out of this she grabbed his arms and put them on her considerable assets.

After showing off her hips movements she then proceeded to lean forward and then accelerate her ass movement.

She then groaned hard as she felt another load entering her womb.

She dropped on top of him with a sweaty forehead. She was breathing heavily. Not only that but she was tired.

"...Was it….good?"

She asked between deep breaths.

Instead of answering he changed his position into a sitting one.

"It was beautiful. Now that the warm-up is finished we start a proper session."


~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~

Margaery slowly opened her eyes. She tried to move but her body was very heavy.

She tried to recall what happened to her but it was all pink…and carnal.

It was utter insanity, how can a man last this long? By the end of it, she asked for a break, she needed to catch her breath and rest her tired body.

Even after the break he resumed fucking her.

Regardless he released a lot of his stuff into her… It's enough seed to make her pregnant with several of his children.

"My sleeping beauty is awake~"

She heard him whispering into her ear. She smiled for a while with a lot of effort and she rolled over to look at him.

"...You are something else, my Lord."

She said with a tired and dreamy voice.

"Well, I had a naked beauty sitting on my lap. Hard to resist such a thing."

He said that while pulling her closer to himself.

"With the amount of seed you released I might be pregnant~"

Raynor smiled at her before deciding to explain how her scheme had completely and utterly backfired.

"Oh, you sweet little thing. Do you think I have no means to fight against women's greatest weapon?" He said that with a teasing tone. Which made Margaery turn stiff.

"...You mean."

"Fertility magic. Do you remember your ancestor? The one which had a massive harem of women in these very halls? You do know that this magic works in reverse?"

Her eyes widened to a large degree before she giggled and just gave up.


"I guess, I was silly to think I can get some sort of control over you." She truthfully said to him as she was back at square one.

"As I said~ you are all mine."

As he said that he pulled her up and proceeded to kiss her once again.

Though this time…the brown-haired beauty had utter panic in her eyes! What is she going to do now!? She doesn't want to die!


"It appears you have struck gold, sweetling," Oliana said to her granddaughter. The old lady had her midday tea with her daughter-in-law.

"Margaery, you look spent!"

The girl didn't say anything, she just walked over and took her seat. Her actions were quite un-ladylike.

"I am tired…sore…defeated and terrified."

"Oh? Tell us. We are excited to hear about your time with your future Lord husband!" Alerie Hightower, the mother of Margaery asked with an even more curious tone. What kind of boy is that!? A savant?

"We were doing it the whole night…I think…we went to sleep when the sun started to rise…"


"How is that possible!?"

"You might be with a child already!"

"...No…He told me he knows fertility magic…"

What they heard made their world start spinning in the opposite direction! What kind of nonsense is that!?

If people learn that he can manipulate fertility… It will be utter chaos!

"...This… I see…"

"Worst of all… He told me that we will be sleeping in one bed from now on!" Margaery said with a horrified voice. She was cornered!

"This IS troublesome…" Oliana said with a thoughtful look in the meantime Alerie was hugging her only daughter with one hand while stroking her back. This was a serious situation.

"... It's not a normal situation and the Wolf King is not a normal man. It appears he will decide when he wants children. In that case… How are your ladies-in-waiting? Do they fancy Lord Raynor?"

"...Grandmother…you don't mean…"

"Bring all of them with you. This way you will at least get some sleep."


"What? Do you think anyone will say anything when they learn that their daughters have slept with the Wolf King?" Oliana said with an eye roll.

No one around here in Reach has the Balls to say things to the Wolf King's face. They will die and no one will do anything to stop that Wolf anyway…

"...I suppose… It's for the Greater Good."

"YOUR Greater Good. But remember, don't gain competition. We don't want him to look at anyone else!"

"Of course Grandmother."

And so Margaery was feeling like a rock had been moved from her chest. She can breathe easier.

~~~~~~With Raynor~~~~~~

While Margaery has a lady talk with her mother and grandmother. Raynor was in front of the Rejuvenation/Augmentation Totem. Or is it more like the Rebirth Totem?

Something like that. He was feeling quite refreshed, he might have used three Souls to keep his libido going. But he needed that. He needed to put that Rose girl into her place.

One should never give up ground to an ambitious girl.

As he was thinking about his last night he walked around the pond. Which was completely fresh. There is not a single droplet of dirt in this crystal-clear water.

His gaze ended up on the blood bowl which was clean and empty. In other words, all of the blood was used in the ritual to fix up Willas.

Honestly, after the ritual, Willas became a fighting beast. The Heir of Highgarden needs to take on three people at once to get sweat running. All Raynor can say is that the ritual was a complete success.

As the Hunter took the ritual bowl he summoned his inventory and selected a bucket with Bears blood.

The bucket was quite large as it was meant to hold large animals' blood.

Raynor carved a few of these after the War Totem. Without wasting more time he started to pour the Bear's blood into the ritual bowl.

Once he was done he placed the bowl into its place and waited for a bit. Soon enough purple particles started to manifest while the water started to turn into pink/purple colour.

It looked like water diluted with blood.

After looking for a bit longer he removed all his clothes with inventory then proceeded to enter the pond and submerge into the water completely.

~~~~~~Storm's End~~~~~~

As the ritual was taking place on the other side of the continent. A woman with red eyes and red hair was looking into fire as she was observing someone.

Even after all this time, even after all her tries and confusing visions, she has not cracked the mystery which is the Great Wolf.

The Great Wolf. Who will consume the World and will leave chaos in his path. A creature that will make the Great Others, the White Walkers nothing but a mere afterthought! The great Night which plunged the world into eternal darkness will be nothing more than food to this Wolf!

The Red Witch already told her champion to prepare to fight the great evil which is the Great Wolf. The best who eats souls, a beast which commands powers of dead animals and men. A beast that takes away the afterlife of people.

Such a thing has to be killed and removed. The longer they wait the stronger it becomes.

"Oh Lord of Light, tell me what I should do? The Great Wolf is about to become even more powerful!"

As she said that she tried to look into the future and look for an advantage but that moment a pair of wolf-like grey eyes smashed her out of her fire vision!


"Melisandre, what happened?" Stannis Baratheon, the Storm King asked with a slightly worried tone.

The woman has been staring at fire and mumbling in several different languages for a while now.

"The Great Wolf is marching and golden thorns are following him."

"...I see… So the Wolf King gained Tyrells as allies." Robert's middle brother said with realisation.

"It's more than that…he grew more powerful… I saw him bathing in bear blood… He is more dangerous than ever."

Stannis solemnly nodded. He is well aware that this is a borderline suicidal battle to fight the Wolf King on its own since the boy already crushed armies before. But now he has 100 thousand Reachmen following him into battle.

It was an almost impossible thing to do!

"I understand. Regardless, we have no other choice. We either fight now or we die if we wait."

"Yes, my King. He already blessed the Heir Rose with his magic. The Golden Rose is now nibble as a deer."

"Concerning… but it doesn't change our priorities." As Stannis said that he looked at the Hand of the King and then at a young boy.

"Send the word. We are marching tomorrow."

"Yes, Your Grace."

As the man left, Stannis then focused on the boy.

"From today onwards you are no longer Edric Storm, but Edric Baratheon. I name you my Heir and Prince of Storm's End. The Baratheon name will live with you."

"...Uncle…" Robert's Bastard son said with a shocked tone. He was no longer Bastard but Legitimized Baratheon!

"Don't think much about this. Know this, if I die then it's up to you to stop the coming calamity which is the Great Wolf, and the Long Night which the Wolf will consume. You already heard how he destroyed Winterfell and King's Landing. The Wolf King will not stop until there is utter Chaos and no laws or rules."


After saying his piece the Storm King left the Solar to prepare for war.

~~~~~~With Raynor~~~~~~

The Wolf King's eyes snapped open as he pushed himself out of the water.

*Deep Breath*

After taking some air in, which was quite a bit, Raynor could feel he could suck air like a vacuum cleaner.

"Not bad…just from this I could tell my body constitution increased by quite a bit." As he said he inspected his hands. It looked like they were made of steel turned into flesh. Not only were the muscles robust but they were compressed. So it doesn't look like he gained much height, just sheer density.

With a simple leap, he was out of the pond and on the grass.

"I like this."

He said with a smirk, not only he had explosive force but he was just as nimble. Like a feline.

Looking around for a bit he found his target, a robust tree, like on a springboard he lunged forward doing a spin midair he delivered a simple kick that cracked the tree bark.

Not only he didn't feel any sort of extreme pain but he cracked the tree bark. This is just a simple and basic strength of his.

He didn't use any of his totem's powers.

'I am pretty sure I could kill a person with basic strength now. No weapons, no magic, a simple punch to face…instant death.'

'Guess I am getting close to borderline supernatural… In raw power.'

After thinking for a bit he turned around and used his inventory to dress up.

The thing was his hunter gear is starting to get too tight for him. And he is still growing. This means he will need to spend time making another set of ritualistically prepared clothes.

Maybe this time enchanted on top? So not only helps with basic stats but with extra powers?

'Something to think about once we get back on the road.'

As Raynor was walking back to Highgarden he remembered what he saw with his Greenseer ability.

That red bitch trying to scry at what he was doing. But all she is getting are obscure visions in the form of animals and nature. It is so garbage that it makes him want to slap that woman through visions.

Which worked, as he was successful in pushing her out of her fire-gazing. Amusingly he made Stannis now come to him.

He will be able to deal with that Hero wannabe and his Fire bitch.

'Once they are gone I can take a trip to Pentos.

Kinda like a goodbye trip to the Asia version of Planetos.'

As he returned to his room after the whole ritual he was quite exhausted.

So he was thinking of taking a nap but then…

A knock on the door followed by Margaery's voice.

"My Lord~ are you thinking of resting without me~? I have a surprise for you~"

As she said that she entered the room. Behind her were four girls dressed in similar skimpy dresses to hers…

"...What are you plotting, My little rose?" He asked curiously.

"...I am evening out the odds. You have your magic, I have my numbers."

"...Isn't this kind of stuff frowned upon? You know…"

"You are the most feared King since Aegon who had two wives…The Faith can stomach if you have fun from time to time~"

Hearing that Raynor laughed. Before sacrificing another soul to regain some of his vigour.

Time to test his new augmented body.


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C15
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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