/ Fantasy / Fatal Revelation: A Righteous Crusade In Asphodel

Fatal Revelation: A Righteous Crusade In Asphodel オリジナル

Fatal Revelation: A Righteous Crusade In Asphodel

Fantasy 18 章 10.1K ビュー
作者: FamiliarHydr


詳細 目次


In the world of Asphodel, a tale rides the breaths of its people. It sings of an Inquisitor, an exorcist of great renown.

In the Elysian Orthodoxy, many tell of the one raised by the Interrogator. The little monster to the Exalted Butcher, his eyes pierce through the veil of the material world, as if they had seen the peerless void beyond space and time, and travelled between its infinite bounds. Unfeeling and unmoved, many even doubt his existence.

Many say he has devoted his life butchering the evil that lurks about the murky shadows, to inspire great fear, so that they don't even dare leaving their caverns in the underworld. He fights for the Lord, his mind tempered by the muddy flames of evil, and his spirit guided by hallowed light.

"Is that what they say? Ridiculous, this has gotten out of hand."
"It is. You've garnered quite the reputation, yet this-"
"-is not favorable to an Inquisitor, I know. What can I do? You know I don't focus on anything else when I'm fighting, people just-"
"-happen to see, I know. It's a bad habit. But forget that, you have a new assignment."
"About time."
"We have detected movements from the Holy Ankou Sovereignty. The Archbishop suspects demonic activity."
"And deal with it. I trust you, go on."
- - - - -

A reincarnation story centered around the question, "Why do main characters just ignore the implications of the existence of an omnipotent being?" I felt that was an unexplored element in all these stories, so... let's see what happens, shall we?

-Also posted on Royal Road-
- - - - -

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

General Audiences
  1. FamiliarHydr
    FamiliarHydr 貢献した 48
  2. Feeble_Person
    Feeble_Person 貢献した 5
  3. ViolettAbyss
    ViolettAbyss 貢献した 3


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット



  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Obligatory shameless Author Review! As stated before this novel is essentially an extended train of thought of what would happen if the implications of an omnipotent being/creator were to be directly involved with the story instead of a plot device to move the MC to the new world. I have spent a lot of time fleshing out the world of Asphodel, and I sincerely hope you guys find it interesting. Remember to support the novel if you like it. Power stones, comments, reviews especially, anything is appreciated! See ya!

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Well done Author! I have enjoyed the read so far. I find stories like these fun to read, this story gave me the same feeling when I read "Paladin in a dark fantasy*. I hope you continue writing.PS: Nice writing

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作者 FamiliarHydr