[Third Person's PoV]
Shadow turned towards Elisabeth, "Join Shadow Garden… you are looking for a place where vampires and humans can coexist, right? Then there is no better place like Shadow Garden. We have a place where it's always night. If you are scared of ever going on a frenzy again, don't be…"
Shadow looked towards the girls; they immediately understood the message. They flared their magic power, causing Elisabeth's and Mary's necks to drip with cold sweat.
"Since they will be powerful enough to stop you…" Shadow extended his hand towards Elisabeth. "So what do you say, would you join us?"
Mary didn't say anything and waited for her master to speak, although she wanted to object since Elisabeth is the progenitor so she shouldn't be under someone. She knew it wasn't her place to make such decisions.
Elisabeth looked at Shadow with a serious expression. "Tell me, why do you want to help us? What do you gain by helping us? You already showed that you're strong, even your subordinates are stronger than us, so why? And I don't even know what your organization does. You can't really expect me to just accept."
Shadow nodded his head, understanding where she was coming from. "It's because I pity you."
His answer shocked her and Mary to the core. "What!?" Mary growled. But Delta growled louder, baring her fangs.
Mary shrank back as she knew she wasn't a match for her due to her earlier display.
Elisabeth looked at Shadow with a displeased look, but before she could say anything about it, Shadow raised a hand to stop her from speaking further.
"Hear me out first before you say anything else. The act of pity is to feel sorry for what another person has experienced. I truly feel sorry for what you went through. You accomplished your dream, you had your perfect utopia where humans and vampires coexisted, but because of your subordinate, you ended up going on a frenzy and destroying what you worked so hard for with your very own hands."
Shadow saw Elisabeth's lips start to quiver slightly as she lowered her head. Shadow sighed as he put a hand on her head and started patting it.
Mary wanted to protest but decided that it was best not to. She knew what her master went through and understood her pain.
"If that isn't something to pity, I don't know what is. As for the matter regarding our organization…" Shadow put a finger by his glabella and slowly started extracting a string of his memories which contained the information every person gets when finding out about Shadow Garden and what their organization does.
He pressed his finger towards Elisabeth, which caused her to go into a trance as she viewed the memories, causing Mary to look at her with worry.
After a few seconds, Elisabeth started rapidly blinking, reconfiguring herself. "I see… to think such an organization existed."
'If such an organization learned about me and I'm alone with just Mary, I doubt I would know peace…' she thought before studying Shadow once more, causing her to sigh.
"Very well," she said as she took Shadow's hand. "Thank you for taking us in and helping us out in our time of need."
Shadow nodded his head with a smile, having completed one of his goals. Shadow then looked back and saw how the other members of Shadow Garden all had downcast expressions, which caused him to sigh.
He didn't even care if his image was tainted at the moment; he was a husband before anything else, so he started to comfort them.
"Treat this as a learning experience, so when we have kids together you would know what to do. Plus, who says you wouldn't be a mother to my daughter? You're my wives; it should be obvious by this point."
Aurora smiled as she rubbed her stomach softly, while Yukime felt like she shouldn't be there in the first place.
"We're sorry, my lord, we're just upset at not being the first one to bear your child," Alpha said with a smile as she felt happy at the fact he was taking his time to console them.
"We shouldn't be sad or that much upset. We should be happy. After all, it's a child of our lord; it should be something we should be celebrating!" Gamma announced with her hands in the air and an excited expression.
Which caused the others to nod in agreement. Even Zeta, who was normally uncooperative with the others most of the time, agreed with Gamma.
Yukime then sighed, "Since the matter of the Crimson Tower is already taken care of, I guess it's time for me to take my leave," she announced as she started walking away.
'Go to her, Yukihime. Show yourself to her when she's alone. I don't want to interfere between the two of you.'
Yukihime grew tears in her eyes and nodded her head as her shadow rushed towards Yukime's own shadow.
'Thank you, my liege, for everything,' Yukihime sincerely expressed as Yukime left through the door, causing Shadow to just smile in their direction.
"Is everyone ready to leave?" Shadow asked, since he didn't have anything more to do in Lawless Town, causing the others to nod their heads with a serious expression.
Shadow surrounded all their bodies with his shadow powers and they were all immediately transported to Nightingale.
As they arrived in the throne room, Elisabeth and Mary looked around in amazement. "Woah," they both muttered, looking at the large room.
"Beta, I leave the arrangement of their accommodations to you," Shadow instructed as he went and sat on the throne while removing his slime suit and returning to being Cid.
Beta bowed. "It shall be done, my lord." She went behind Rose, who hadn't moved a muscle since finding out Cid was having a child, and started pushing her out while turning towards Elisabeth and Mary. "Follow me."
Mary and Elizabeth looked at each other with a weary expression and followed closely behind.
Cid turned towards Gamma and smiled. "You know, you're right. The fact that I'm going to be a father should be celebrated."
Cid used Ruler's Authority and softly lifted Aurora up and brought her to his lap, taking her by complete surprise.
"Can I leave the matter of throwing a huge party to you? Let's celebrate the creation of a new life," Cid announced while softly putting a hand on Aurora's hand that was softly caressing her stomach, causing her to smile.
Gamma nodded excitedly. "It shall be done, my lord!" She said before trying to rush out, which only caused her to trip and roll all the way towards the door, hitting it face first, causing the others to slightly wince.
Gamma shakily raised a thumbs up. "I-I'm okay," she said with an equally shaky voice.
Cid covered his face and sighed in amusement. "Alpha, as always I count on you to supervise them."
Alpha was at first confused as he only sent Gamma to do it and didn't see the need to supervise the others, which Cid noticed her confusion and explained while smiling at the others.
"I can already tell you guys are also very excited and want to participate in the organization of the party, right?"
The others rapidly nodded their heads with an excited expression, to which Cid nodded. "Go ahead, but be sure to follow Gamma and Alpha's lead."
They rapidly nodded their heads before they all rushed out after Cid dismissed them.
Alpha grabbed one of Gamma's arms and turned towards Adelphi, who went back to being Claire. "Help me out."
They both took hold of her and slowly dragged her out while her feet dragged along the floor.
Seeing this, Aurora just chuckled and had a look of amusement.
"Well, now that we're alone, we have a lot to talk about between the two of us. Like how are you feeling? Are you nervous, excited? We also have to discuss the name of our child, and a lot of other things," Cid said, looking at Aurora with a smile.
Aurora cupped his cheek with a hand. "Thank you…" she said softly while tears started pooling in her eyes.
Cid grew confused and tilted his head into her hand. "For what?"
She smiled while caressing both his cheek and her stomach, tears streaming down her face as she continued smiling. "For giving me a reason to live…"
[Third Person's PoV]
Cid grabbed the hand that was grabbing his cheek and gave it a kiss, before wiping away her tears.
"Let's think about our future now…" Cid said with a calming smile.
Aurora nodded her head, smiling as well. "Speaking about the future, I honestly don't believe it will be long before I give birth."
"Just how fast has she been growing?" Cid asked curiously.
"Too fast, seriously. I have never been pregnant before, but even I can tell this is abnormal. Your blood is something special," Aurora said, shaking her head before looking at Cid with panic.
"She isn't going to rip open my stomach and crawl out, right?"
Cid looked at her in surprise, "Huh? Of course not," he said before chuckling.
He then waved his finger towards her belly and started wiggling it at her stomach and talking in a soft voice, "She's too smart for that, she knows she shouldn't hurt mommy, is that right?"
Just as Aurora was looking at Cid in amusement, she felt pain as a foot protruded from her stomach slightly.
"SHE KICKED!" Both Aurora and Cid exclaimed together before looking at her stomach and then back at each other with a look of surprise and excitement.
Upon realizing they were making the same expression, they started chuckling, causing Aurora to let out a satisfied sigh towards the end and lean back further into Cid.
"Like I said, she'll be smart," Cid said smugly.
"You know, I haven't thought of a name. I didn't even try to come up with one," Aurora revealed to Cid.
"Oh yeah? And why is that?"
"Since I had hoped you were the man you are, and would take responsibility, I wanted to try and come up with names together," she said with a proud expression.
"There are just so many names to choose from. It's going to be difficult to pick one… first, let's get this out of the way. Do you have anyone important to you, someone who you would want to name our child after?" Cid asked.
Aurora pondered the question for a bit before ultimately shaking her head, "I don't. What about you?"
To which Cid also shook his head. 'I would have said my master's name from my first life or a girl version of it, but that bastard didn't even tell me his name,' Cid inwardly mused.
"Hmm, let's try combining our names. Ciora… hmm no, Aurid, not it either. Even the first one was better than that," Aurora said with a dissatisfied look.
"What's wrong with Ciora? I think it's nice," Cid said in confusion.
"Thanks for letting me know you have no naming sense," Aurora said with a plain look, raising a hand to stop Cid from continuing further.
"What– I'll have you know I have one of the best naming senses around," Cid said, offended at her accusations. 'Although she isn't wrong, I still have my pride. There's just no way I could admit defeat.'
"Oh yeah? Then prove it, right here and now. Come up with a name that could satisfy me, oh mister naming wizard."
"Fine…" Cid said, narrowing his eyes at her. "But first let the baby council and me discuss among ourselves."
Aurora grew confused until she saw Cid cuff his hand over his mouth and lean in into his stomach, making whispering noises.
He then put a hand towards his ear and leaned towards his stomach to listen. Cid would occasionally nod his head in understanding before repeating the process.
"I see, I see, what a start lady you are," Cid muttered loudly enough for Aurora to hear. After using that time to brainstorm a name, Cid looked at Aurora with the utmost seriousness.
"The council of baby and me have come to a conclusion. She would like to be named Celeste."
"Celeste," Aurora softly muttered the name, intrigued. "How did you come up with such a name?"
Cid looked proud of himself. "Well, for starters, the name starts with a C, which adds a bit of me to it, and both Aurora and Celeste are things related to the sky or the space above.
Aurora means 'Dawn', while Celeste means 'Heavenly' or 'of the sky'. So, although the names and meaning are somewhat different, it all revolves around the same essences. Making a perfect combination of the two of us… so what do you think?"
Just then, the baby kicked again, almost in agreement with the name. Tears then streamed down her face as her lips quivered.
"Was my naming sense that bad? Or did the kick hurt more than it was supposed to?" Cid asked with worry towards the last part.
Aurora's lips continued to quiver and sniffle while shaking her head. "No, it's just… it's beautiful…" Aurora then started loudly crying. "Even the baby thought it was a beautiful name," she sobbed.
Cid just started patting her back as Aurora continued to cry before she suddenly stopped and rubbed her stomach. "You know, I'm suddenly craving something cold…" She said, standing up and wiping her tears.
She then started to walk down the steps carefully. "Come, lead me to the kitchen," she said while waddling ahead.
'What the hell is happening…' Cid inwardly pondered, 'Do hormones really affect her this much? She was literally crying her eyes out, and now this little penguin just wants to waddle to the kitchen all of a sudden?'
"Oi, don't keep me waiting," Aurora called out, snapping out of his thoughts.
"Coming, coming," Cid said with amusement.
Aurora then started to cry all of a sudden.
"What's wrong?"
"You're sick and tired of me already, aren't you?" she cried out.
"What gave you that idea!?" Cid asked in shock.
"People repeat the words they say two times when they're tired of someone. I'm sorry!" she apologized while crying.
"I'm sorry *sniff* for being *sniff* such a fat pig," she apologized once more.
'I'm so thankful you're growing fast, Celeste,' Cid inwardly praised as he started reassuring Aurora that he didn't think of her in any negative light she painted herself in.
"You do know we could just shadow travel us there, right?"
Aurora shook her head. "I need the exercise," she said calmly.
'And she's calm again… that's nice.'
As they made their way towards the kitchen, Cid saw many of the girls running around carrying party objects with a frantic look on their faces.
They would stop and bow towards Cid before they all started running again.
"So are you going to impregnate all the girls in your organization?" Aurora asked curiously.
"Huh!?" Cid's head snapped to look at her in bewilderment.
Aurora then gained a perverted smile as she looked at Cid. "Just imagine, every girl that passed, each with a bloated stomach just like mine, each carrying your DNA inside of them creating a new life."
'Is this the perverted personality of Aurora? Personality no.25?' Cid inwardly sighed.
They soon arrived at the kitchen where people were zooming back and forth with a determined expression.
A girl with black pigtails and glasses appeared before Cid with a bow. "Is the boss in need of anything?"
"She wants to eat something cold, Kuala," Cid replied.
"Hay! It shall be done, My lord!" she said before rushing around and bringing a big bowl of ice cream.
"Hope you enjoy," Kuala said with a smile. "Would you be needing anything else, my lord?"
Cid shook his head. "No need, thanks for the help," he said, patting her head, which caused her to beam before joining the others.
As Aurora was stuffing her mouth, she then asked with a blissful expression, "Do you know the name of everyone here?"
To which Cid nodded with a serious expression, "Everyone that joins and becomes part of Shadow Garden joins for a cause and pays with their servitude. The least I could do for them is remember all of their names."
Aurora looked at Cid in surprise and then respect, while the others who heard him smiled widely, happy to have him as their leader, which caused them to work harder and more efficiently.