[Third Person's PoV]
Cid looked at both Iris and Beatrix, "Well, now that I know you two are alright, I need to go check on my sister," he said as he turned around and left.
Once he was far enough from everyone, his shadow started to expand slightly as shadow appeared from underneath it.
Cid just covered his face with his hands, "Please dissolve me already, that was so embarrassing, I want to die."
"How do you think I feel? It was the real me that was actually saying all those things, and I don't need to explain why I did what I did, right?" Shadow asked.
To which Cid just sighed and shook his head, "Yeah, don't worry, I got it, I got it. Now nobody would even consider Cid and Shadow ever being the same person, no matter how much strength you showed as Cid."
Shadow nodded his head before 'Cid' went poof and burst into black smoke that dove into his Shadow's shadow.
Shadow then transformed back into Cid before simply walking away as if nothing happened.
A few hours later…
A Carriage pulled up in front of Beatrix, who was seen waiting outside the God of War Festival stadium.
She was confused at first before a woman jumped from the driver's seat and opened the door, "Please get in, madame Alpha awaits you."
Beatrix was at first surprised before nodding her head and getting seated on the opposite side of Alpha, who was simply staring out the window.
As the door closed and the carriage started moving, Alpha continued staring out the window as she asked, "Tell me, you have been alive for a long time and been to multiple places around the world. Have you ever heard of the name, The Diabolos Cult?"
Beatrix was surprised at first before she started shaking her head, "My main focus was finding you and making sure you were alive. I didn't pay much attention to anything else that wasn't related to that. I probably did hear of them but didn't think it important and probably forgot about it."
"I see…" Alpha said before looking at Beatrix, "Then if you are going to be following close behind me, you need to know a few things about me and what I do."
Beatrix didn't say anything as she gained a serious expression while looking at Alpha, curious about what she was going to say.
"To get the full picture, I'll start from the very beginning…" Alpha said with a smile, reminiscing about how she met Cid.
"When my mother died, I was then later kidnapped by bandits after they found out I had what is known as 'Demon possession'. To get money, they were planning on selling me to the church, who buy children who are said to be experiencing similar symptoms so they would 'Cleanse' them and stop it from spreading."
Beatrix noticed Alpha emphasizing some of the words but didn't comment on it and let her continue.
"On my way to being sold, I was inching closer and closer to death, but then I was saved. The tarp of my cage was thrown off and there stood the boy who would later be known as my Master and husband. He reached out his hand to my decaying body and started healing me, bringing me back from the brink of death."
Beatrix was quite shocked to hear how close Alpha was to death; she didn't expect it to be that bad. She wanted to reach over and console her, but she knew Alpha had more to say so she let her continue.
"As he healed me, I was quite surprised to find all of the bandits that took me dead where they stood. It was after that, that he revealed the truth of the world to me. There is no such thing as Demon possession; it's not a disease, it's not an illness, and it's definitely not contagious, or a Demon trying to possess and take over our bodies," Alpha sharply said, causing Beatrix's eyes to widen.
Although she doesn't know much about the Diabolos Cult, she knows about 'Demon possession'. She had seen it countless times on her journey. She saw how it affected the body and what it does to someone, so hearing it's not what she thought it was came as a great shock.
"If it's not what you just mentioned then what is it? What is causing this?" Beatrix asked, unable to contain her curiosity.
Alpha then went on to explain how the Diabolos Cult changed history and how it truly ended, how the cult changed the narrative of what truly occurred between the heroes and the demon Diabolos.
"So you mean to tell me, 'Demon possession' is just a curse on the hero's bloodline, and those who experience the symptoms are most likely their descendants?" Beatrix asked with a hand over her chin and mouth, to which Alpha nodded.
"After that revelation, Master offered me to join him, join his organization, an organization he was creating to stand against the Diabolos Cult. He wanted me to be the first person to join, and it is up to this day one of the greatest honors I have received.
He saved my life, and I owed him everything. How could I decline such an offer, and so of course I accepted. He did all he could to train me. Thanks to him, I became stronger, more knowledgeable, wiser. As we trained, more people started to join until there were 7 of us, the 7 of us became like sisters serving under the same master, growing stronger.
Once our strength became sufficient, we started saving more people under the effect of 'Demon possession' before the church or the Diabolos Cult could get a hand on them. Slowly but surely, our organization started to grow, acquiring more members the more people we saved."
As Beatrix was digesting all of the information she was hearing, Alpha tapped on the Carriage window that was on the back of her, which caused the Carriage to stop moving.
Outside underneath the Carriage, its shadow started growing darker and darker before it started to expand. The Carriage then started to sink into the Shadows before reappearing in front of a foggy forest. The Carriage then started moving again.
Beatrix was perplexed by the sudden change of scenery and was unsure of how Alpha was doing it.
The fog outside parted slightly, making way for the Carriage before closing up behind them as they made their way through the forest.
"Where are we headed?" Beatrix asked, looking outside not sure where she was; she's been to a lot of places but she doesn't seem to remember such a place.
"We are making our way towards our headquarters, where the majority of our members reside. Now tell me, after hearing all this, do you still wish to follow close to me?"
Beatrix gained a serious expression, "Yes, I do, now more than ever. You are doing something so noble if what I'm hearing is correct. I would be more than glad to fight by your side."
Alpha nodded her head, already expecting such an answer.
"Now tell me, what is the name of this organization you have built alongside Cid?"
"That's going to be Master. If you're planning on joining, please respect his position and call him as such."
Alpha coldly said, which caused Beatrix to gain an awkward expression.
As they were out of the forest, Alpha pointed outside to the window, which made Beatrix stick her head out and take a look.
As she did, her eyes widened seeing such a huge city, "Welcome to the Hidden City of Nightingale, where our organization, 'Shadow Garden' resides."
They soon passed through the city gates as the carriage made its way towards the castle.
"I see, so Shadow Garden is the name of the organization, it's a beautiful name," Beatrix said with a smile which caused Alpha to smile back and nodded her head.
They soon stopped as the door to the carriage was then open, "Come along, master demands your presence," Alpha said as she got out and started walking ahead, Beatrix simply followed close behind still admiring everything around her, from the city to the castle in front of her.
As they made their way inside, Alpha felt she needed to once again state, "I'll remind you again to please be mindful, as you are in our master's home and need to be respectful, even if you are my Aunt, I wouldn't forgive any disrespect towards our Master."
Beatrix nodded her head with a serious expression, as she didn't want to disappoint Alpha.
They soon arrived in front of the throne room, where two ladies dressed in their Shadow Garden outfits stood outside the room by each door.
"The master has been expecting you, my lady," they both nodded before reaching for the door and shouting, "Now Presenting Lady Alpha, the Sin of Pride and Lady Beatrix, the War Goddess."
They slowly opened the door as they did Beatrix and Alpha stepped inside, and when she looked towards the throne Beatrix froze on the spot, her mouth hanging open with her eyes widening as large as saucers.
"S-S-Shadow!?" She stuttered out, it wasn't that long since she had her ass handed to her by him and now she's meeting him again causing her a great amount of shock.
Shadow on the throne simply chuckled before lowering his hood, "We just seemed to keep running into each other, don't we Beatrix?"
Beatrix's eyes started swinging in circles as her fingers moved in opposite directions, "But, But, But, Shadow, and then Cid. But they fought. How can there be two?"
Beatrix's brain short-circuited and went blue screened as she wasn't able to wrap her head around the situation.
[Third Person's PoV]
Cid sat on his throne with his chin resting on the back of his hand, looking at Beatrix in amusement as she tried to wrap her head around the situation.
"How's that possible?" Beatrix couldn't help but mutter as she stared at Cid who was wearing Shadow's clothing.
Meanwhile, Alpha simply ignored her and started walking up the stairs to the throne. She sat around the armrest before wrapping her arms around Cid and kissing his cheek.
Cid snaked his arm around Alpha's waist while continuing to smirk in amusement. "What is there to not believe?"
"I clearly saw and felt the fight between the Shadow and Cid. Your magic power and his felt different. It didn't just feel different; it felt completely opposite. So how… how is it possible that the two of you are the same person!?" She asked while raising her voice.
Alpha glared at Beatrix to remind her of her place, but Beatrix wasn't paying attention to her. Her sole focus was on Cid.
Cid parted his hand from Alpha's waist and held them out in front of him. "It's honestly pretty simple to do. What you detect is my magic power frequency. So you know, no two frequencies are the same; each one is unique for each person. But for a being such as I, being able to change my magic's frequency comes pretty easily."
On one hand, Cid expelled the magic power Beatrix detected from Shadow, and on the other hand, she detected the one she felt from Cid.
Beatrix stared in awe at his skill and magic proficiency. Her expression went from one of disbelief to one of pure curiosity.
Since her long life, she has seen and experienced many wonders of the world, which included many people and different skills, but this is the first one where she was genuinely amazed at a person's skill.
"But then how were you able to be at two places at once? Can you please explain that to me?" She asked with humility, which caused Cid to raise a brow at that but decided to ignore it and answer her question.
"Tell me, do you remember during my spiel what I called myself?" he said, answering her question with a question of his own.
Beatrix was at first confused, unsure of what that had to do with anything, but went into thought to try and remember. After a few seconds, she nodded. "You called yourself 'The Shadow Monarch'."
Cid nodded. "Do you believe that title is merely for show? Everything that is related to the shadows is under my command. I have another inquiry for you: what are shadows?"
Cid didn't even let her get a chance to answer as he answered for her. "I'll tell you. Shadows are, after all, merely reflections of oneself, and as the Shadow Monarch, calling forth such reflections is as easy as a wave of my hand."
And Cid did just as he said; he waved his hand, which caused his shadow to expand, and from his shadow, black mass started to build up before taking form—his form to be exact. They were all seen wearing the same thing as his school uniform.
They all did the two-finger salute as they greeted Beatrix.
"Yo!" They said as their voices overlapped one after the other.
Beatrix had a look of amazement while Alpha smirked at the shadows.
"Don't even think about it," Cid said in a cold voice, which caused Alpha's cheeks to turn pink.
"Sorry," she muttered, while Cid just poked her waist with his finger.
"Yeah, you better. You're becoming a little too naughty; we might have to fix that," he said in a teasing way. Alpha just started to giggle, which only made Cid smile in return.
Beatrix watched their interaction with a smile, happy that her niece found happiness. Her expression then turned serious as she asked, "I have one last question, if you don't mind."
Alpha's expression then turned a little cold. "You're asking an awful lot of questions."
Cid stopped her. "It's okay, I'll allow it. Ask away."
"Why are you telling me all of this? Why entertain my questions?"
Cid's smile widened hearing that question and only said one word, "Guess."
Beatrix didn't say anything and continued looking at Cid before releasing a sigh of resignation. "You're not planning on letting me go, are you? You're making sure that I know too much, where I have no choice but to stay…"
Her next actions then surprised both Cid and Alpha, more Alpha than anyone else. She approached the throne and knelt down on one knee, stabbing her sword into the floor in front of her before lowering her head.
"I, Beatrix, known by many as the War Goddess, offer my blade to The Shadow Monarch."
"Why do you prostrate yourself before me?" Cid asked in a cold voice. "What is your reason?"
"There are four reasons," Beatrix began. "First, you have exposed yourself to me in order to keep me here, so I might as well offer my services, as I have no choice in the matter, really.
Second, if what… Alpha has said about you is to be correct, then you are a noble man. You are fighting against an organization that is targeting innocent women and children and using them for their selfish gains. I don't mind bowing my head towards a man with a noble cause.
Third, you have bested me in combat and showed that no matter how hard I try, I wouldn't be able to defeat you, even if I had received help. There is a reason why I haven't served anyone before, and that reason is because no one has ever won against me. But you did, and it wasn't even close. Once again, I don't mind bowing my head in front of greater strength.
And the fourth and last reason, you make my niece happy." Beatrix then looked up and smiled happily towards Alpha. "You saved her life, protected her from further harm, and gave her a home and strength, and for that, I would be forever thankful.
And for those reasons, I'm prostrating myself before you and offering my sword. If anyone has any rights towards my strength, it would be none other than you."
Alpha nodded, proud that her aunt could see the things that made Cid awesome in her eyes. 'Not bad…'
Cid stood up from his throne and started to slowly walk towards Beatrix. He casually held his hand out to the side, causing Beatrix's sword to fly from the ground into his grasp before landing on Cid's hand.
He walked down the steps with her sword in hand and stopped in front of her, looking down at her. He lifted the sword up with a smirk before patting her shoulders with the sword.
"I, Cid Kaguno, The Monarch of Shadows, accept your sword. From here on out, The War Goddess Beatrix shall become a Knight of Shadow Garden."
As Cid knighted her, he transferred some of his magic power to her, empowering her, causing her to almost moan out loud.
'Such power… I can feel myself getting stronger… When was the last time I ever felt myself growing strong? I see… this power, this is the power of the man known as the Shadow Monarch. Fascinating,' Beatrix thought before offering her hands to Cid.
Cid put her sword back in her hands before walking back towards the throne. "You shall be placed under Alpha's command in the meantime. Do you have any complaints?"
Beatrix shook her head. "None, my lord," she said, a little surprised with herself at how smoothly those words came out of her mouth before smiling.
Cid nodded his head before looking at Alpha. "You know what to do. I don't need to give you any instructions."
Alpha nodded. She kissed him on the cheek once more, unable to contain her love as she found his actions cool before standing up from where she was sitting.
"You are both dismissed," he said, causing Beatrix to stand back up.
"Follow me, I'll give you a proper guide of the base now that you have properly joined," Alpha said, walking ahead of her.
Alpha then stopped and turned around. "Oh, and one more thing," she said before smiling at Beatrix. "I officially welcome you to Shadow Garden."
Beatrix smiled and nodded her head, happy that she was going to be spending time with her niece.