33.45% The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows / Chapter 90: Chapter 89

章 90: Chapter 89

A/N: words: 2,450.

A large part of it is from the manga, some parts are not, like the fight scene but the dialog is mostly the same…

Enjoy 🥰 😉 🥰 😉


[Third Person's PoV]

A few minutes earlier…:

Everyone who was by the sanctuary entrance soon followed Epsilon as she followed the sweating Nelson inside.

When they all entered Alpha first gave Epsilon her orders, "I'll leave the investigation of the sanctuary to you"

Epsilon made a military salute, "Yes ma'am. It shall be done"

Alpha then turned towards Alexia and Rose and looked at them for a while before sighing, "Why are the two of you even here?"

"We mean no harm, we–" before Rose could finish her sentences Alexia interjected.

"It's a door, it was opened, so we entered. It was accessible towards everyone"

Alpha looked at her for a moment and wondered what the consequences would be if she slapped her.

Alpha inwardly sighed as she decided not to and be the mature person about it. Especially in front of all her subordinates, since they would just look at her weirdly.

"Fine, I'll allow it" She said as she turned back around and faced the giant statue of the hero Olivier.

"In fact it might be better if the two of you acquire this knowledge, knowledge of the truth of which the Diabolos Cult has kept hidden"

"The Diabolos Cult… Is it related to them" Alexia whispered to herself remembering what occurred during her kidnapping

Alpha then reached for her hood that was covering her face.

Nelson, Alexia, Rose looked at Alpha in shock, she looked almost identical to the statue in front of them.

Alexia then narrowed her looking more closely at Alpha's face, 'She looks familiar but at the same time not… Just who is she?' Alexia thought to herself while examining Alpha's facial features.

Which Alpha noticed causing her to inwardly smirk, Alpha then continued where she left off "We have mostly figured out the truth, The 'demon possessions', The fact that the cults true goal isn't the resurrection of the demon Diabolos,-"

'So they are related, It was the Diabolos Cult, as she called them, that kidnapped me for the supposed resurrection of a demon' Alexia thought amidst Alpha's speech, remembering her time as a captive.

"-As well as the reason why the hero Olivier looks exactly like me." Alpha said with a hand on her chest.

Nelson was in shock upon seeing Alpha, "What- You… Weren't you supposed to have died after being 'possessed'!? IMPOSSIBLE! Are you telling me you somehow found a way to survive and Awaken purely based on your strength! The methodology for such a feat has long been lost!" Nelson shouted about to get close to Alpha.

But Delta growled and pulled him back baring her fangs, "Zip it, Baldy!"

Alpha then went on to explain the story about the hero Olivier, "Long ago in these lands, the Hero Olivier faced off against the demon Diabolos and sealed its left arm.

However, the cost was by no means small, countless warriors lost their lives. The magical power they left behind kept swirling, turning into the core of this place– The sanctuary. This is the grave of lingering ancient memories and resentment"

Everyone felt a deep chill travel down their spines as Olivier's statue started to glow a faint golden color.

Alpha's blue eyes then turned into a pair of golden dragon ones intimidating anyone that stared at them for too long.

"Now! Answer my call Olivier. Let us behold those memories of yours!!" Alpha said with a serious tone.

The scenery then started to change as if they were being transported somewhere else.

Rose and Alexia looked around the place, "This is…" Rose started, "A prison…?" Alexia finished her sentence.

Alexia looked around and was in shock at what she found inside. There were little kids all locked up inside, looking malnourished and wounded.

"Help me"

"It's hurts, please stop"

"I'm hungry"

"Make the pain go away"

The cries and plead of the little kids resounded through their cells, making Alexia look up it in horror.

"This is just cruel, what on earth is this is" Alexia said while covering her mouth to stop herself from puking at such a sight.

"Demon possession" Beta mumble in a cold, emotionless voice, detaching herself from the situation and keeping her emotions in control.

Alpha who's eyes returned to normal,then started to explain, "Long ago, the organization would gather orphans with no relatives to carry out a 'certain experiment'"

"An experiment?" Alexia asked in confusion.

"'Diabolos Cells' The experiment was to plant these cells inside children's bodies in order for them to attain power equal to that of a demon.

The vast majority of those kids exhibited a rejection towards these cells and ended up dying. Only a few girls managed to display compatibility with the cells, one of those girls was the Hero Olivier" Alpha explained to them.

"W-Wait a minute all of that 'Hero' and 'Demon' stuff you keep talking about… are these the same one from the fairytale?" Rose asked as the scenery started to change once again.

It should Olivier putting her sword back in its sheath as the left arm of Diabolos laid on the ground.

"Someone has rewritten history to make it so. For example, Olivier in the story was said to be a man but that was not the case, with the success of the experiment that girl managed to obtain powers on par with a demon and she was ordered by the cult to defeat Diabolos.

They made her believe that by doing so she would bring about peace. However, the cult had a different objective." Alpha continued

The scene changed once again and it showed people wearing black hoods and scientists studying the arm.

Alpha then went and explained the scene in front of them. "Their true aim was to monopolize that power and to further cultivate more Diabolos Cells"

"That thing is…" Rose said in shock to which Alpha nodded her head.

"Diabolos' left arm, even after cutting it still remained alive"

The arm took a hold of one of the cult members and squeezed the life out of him making blood explode everywhere.

While that happened the scene changed once again showing a scientist with long white hair taking a hold of a red pill and swallowing it.

"Using the Diabolos Cells that held such astonishing vitality, the cult managed to create a medicine that grants enormous power, as well as immortality."

Alexia looked at the red pill in shock, "That pill it's exactly the same as the one Zenon consumed"

Alpha then pointed to the scientists with long hair, "Don't you see the resemblance between that man wearing the white coat" Alpha then pointed at Archbishop Nelson, "And the acting Archbishop?"

The effect is imperfect, it seems that the medicine was still defective, wasn't it? As to what that defect is… why don't you tell us?"

Alexia then looked at Nelson up and down and slammed her fist into her hand and made a face of realization, "It makes you fat and ugly!"

A tick mark appeared on Nelson's shiny head and just before he blew his top off, Alexia stuck out her tongue, "Just kidding, you're just naturally like that, a certain part of the body keeps aging no matter what, right?"

"YOU!" Nelson shouted while glaring at Alexia and gritting her teeth.

Alpha unexpectedly chuckled before continuing, "You're right, about the aging on I mean, The name of the medicine is 'Diabolos Drops'. Its defect is that one needs to consume one drop per year, otherwise the effects will be lost. That, and the amount that can be produced each year is very limited"

"That amount is precisely 12 drops per year" Nelson said with a growing grin on his face.

"The number of the 'Knights of the round' happens to be exactly 12 as well…coincidence, I think not" Alpha says as she and Nelson stare at each other.

A large grin is then plastered on Nelson's face, "You're not wrong. I'm surprised you managed to find all of that out" the air around Nelson then started growing heavy and ominous,

"This and only this, is something that I shall praise you for! I own the 11th seat of the 'Knights of the Round' Nelson the 'Avaricious'! Unfortunately for you, this is our territory!!! No matter how much information you may have–"

Nelson's words were got short as a giant shadow claw swung across Nelson dissecting him into pieces


Alexia looked at Nelson's now split and cut open body with shock, while Alpha just face palms,

"Oh come on Delta, are you incapable of obeying 'Stay'?" Alpha asked while sighing

"It's not Delta's fault!!!" she shouted, pointing her index finger, now a large shadow claw overlapping with her normal hand, toward the bloodied Nelson.

"He's using the name Bossu gave Gamma, he deserves it. Nobody takes what Bossu has given out to us, Alpha-sama. Delta did nothing wrong. I'm sure Bossu would praise me!!!" Delta exclaimed, sounding confident of her case.

The scenery broke once again as it changed into just a completely blank room.

"Here he comes," Alpha announced.

"The closer you come to the center of the Sanctuary, the more your magical power will be drained. I was planning to make my move after you're a bit weaker" Nelson then reappeared with a sword in hand looking like nothing ever happened to him.

Soon more and more Nelson's started appearing throughout the white room.

"But it matters no more, this area should be close enough" Nelson said as he surrounded Delta.

Delta blinked a lot trying to understand what was she seeing, she even rubbed her eyes, "So many baldies, his shiny head is bothering Delta's eyes"

Nelson positioned himself to swing his sword at Delta. "I hold the location advantage. Now come and try to take a bite out of me you will mutt!!" He yelled as he swung his sword.

Delta simply blocked it with the claws of her shadow hand, which shocked Nelson, "WAIT! HOW'S THAT POSSIBLE! HOW ARE YOU STILL ABLE TO USE MAGIC!!!"

Another Nelson appeared behind Delta with his sword already in a swinging motion, when suddenly a large wolf snout manifested from Delta's shadow and bit Nelson in half.

Delta gave a blood thirsty grin and her eyes turned into dragon slits, "Delta has an awesome Bossu and a Terrible teacher that beats her up"

Cid found that Delta's learning style favored action, instinct, and pressure, so he utilized Beru as her training partner to teach her how to wield shadow magic. By facing the challenges Beru presented, Delta was forced to adapt or face the consequences, making the training more effective for her.

Another giant claw soon manifested in Delta's other hand, making Delta grin even wider and scarier.

Alpha smiled towards Nelson and put on an expression of fake pity, "Oh dear, it seems you've aroused her hunting instincts, try not to go too far Delta" Alpha smiled towards the end.

Delta remained silent with a large toothy grin on her face, as she leaped towards the Nelsons. With her large shadow claws slashing and slicing, she dispatched each of Nelson's bodies with precision.

Conjuring a giant wolf head from her shadow, it lunged forward, devouring five Nelsons in one bite. As it made a chewing motion, blood spurted from the corner of its mouth.

Alexia's and Rose's faces paled at seeing such a gruesome, they couldn't but cover their mouths and turn away to stop themselves from vomiting.

Although they turned their face away to not see it, they could still hear the sound of bones crushing, blood gushing, and fleshing being ripped apart.

At the end they looked back as they heard the Archbishop screaming for help, the scene in front of them only made them feel sorry for the Archbishop.

Puddles of blood stained the white floor, limbs everywhere, to the point they were stacked together forming a miniature mountain.

Delta stood on top of the hill and let out a cry towards the sky, "AWHOOOOOOLLLLL"

The remaining Archbishops all tried running away when Delta stopped howling and focused her attention on them.

"STAY AWAY FROM US YOU BEAST!!!" Nelson cried as he tried to run away.


Alexia and Rose seeing all of that were having trouble deciding who the bad guys truly were.

Delta disappeared from where she was standing and reappeared behind two Nelson's that were running away. She plunged her claw inside their torso easily and pulled out their spinal cords.

Alpha then aimed her sword at the neck of the real Nelson and smirked, "It looks like you can't replicate clones forever. Humans aren't skilled enough to control multiple bodies with one brain. You might as well have summoned target practices."

Nelson backed away in horror, he raised his walking stick towards the sky and shouted, "Stay away! The sanctuary's power… is far greater! Come to me Olivier!!!"

The white ceiling breaks like it was just a scene and down came a clone of Olivier.

As Olivier lands and opens her eyes, Alpha notices the emotionless and lifeless look in her eyes.

"Olivier… just as I thought you're…"

"HAHAHAHAHA ARE YOU MY NEXT CHEW TOY" Delta asked with a grin.

Epsilon suddenly appeared behind Alpha, "Reporting. I have explored the entire sanctuary and gathered the necessary information that we needed on this floor."

Alpha smiled at Epsilon and nodded her head, "I see well done… that's enough wasting time Let's go"

"A-Are you running away! HAH, you're just cowards who stood no chance against Olivier." Nelson said arrogantly, simply forgetting he was pleading for his life a few seconds ago.

Alpha looked at Nelson coldly as she then said, "Don't get the wrong idea. You are at the very bottom of our priorities, our business has already been taken care off"

Alpha turned towards Delta, "Come on Delta we're leaving" She commended.

"GRRRRRRR" She growled towards Alpha, which frightened Epsilon, 'is she looking to be punished?'

Alpha didn't say anything as her eyes just turned into dragon slits.

Which scared Delta out of her blood frenzy, "Delta is sorry, please don't take my time away from bossu, Delta apologizes" Delta looked at Alpha pitifully

Which just causes Alpha to let out an exasperated sigh, before gathering everyone and sinking into her shadow with everyone else.

'It matters not their strange powers and magic, I remember their faces, setting up a trap and acquiring their blood will be a huge achievement. For now I should take care of the other intruders still here' he thought to himself…

章 91: Chapter 90

[Third Person's PoV]

Cid smirked after getting rejected. "You know it only makes me want you more, right?"

Aurora, standing before the chained double door, sighed while shaking her head with a small smile. She turned towards Cid and gave him a teasing smirk. "Haven't been told no by a woman before?"

Cid smirked and walked up to her, holding her chin to make her look at him in the eyes. "It's more of a if I want something for myself, I'll just take it."

Aurora scoffed, smacking his hand away. She turned her head to the side, hoping he wouldn't notice her blush covering her cheeks. Quickly changing the subject, she started talking about the door in front of them.

Aurora pulled on the chains in front of her, "Hmmm, no good, it won't budge and I'm afraid I can't cut these chains either. There should be a key of sorts around here somewhere"

Before Cid did anything towards the chain Aurora looked around and realized that they were now in a different room,

"Well ain't that convenient" she said, causing Cid to look where she was looking. In front of them stood a golden sword embedded on a stone slab with what appeared to be ancient runes writing on it.

"Only the blood of the hero can pull out the holy sword" Cid read out loud, taking Aurora by surprise.

"You can actually read and understand that at a first glance!" She exclaimed in surprise.

Cid just nodded his head, "They may appear to just be ancient runes but they're actually sophisticated magic runes"

Aurora was shocked once again and knelt down to decipher it. After a minute she looked at Cid in surprise, "You're right, what you just said it's exactly what's written here!"

She then looked at the slab and and then at Cid and asked with a hint of wonder in her tone, "Is it thanks to your dragon eyes? Do they help you translate magic runes?"

"They don't" Cid said shaking his head, "They help me see the flow of magic everywhere, Like I can see the magic flowing through the magic runes but I wouldn't have known what they meant if I didn't study them "

"Amazing," Aurora said, feeling quite jealous of his beautiful eyes.

"Hmph, too bad for you, that door won't open for the likes of you." Nelson said, walking towards them with Olivier walking right beside him.

Aurora and Cid turned around to look at them

Nelson took a step back as sweat began dripping down his back when he saw Cid looking at him coldly with his dragon eyes.

He quickly composed himself and tried to appear confident since he had Olivier with him,

"Since you're here that means you must be the one that summoned Aurora, you must be shadow then. It's good that you're here, that means I finally get a chance to end you" He exclaimed with a large grin.

"You shall die after being led astray by that Witch, Cut them to pieces Olivier!" He shouted with joy.

'She really does look like Alpha… so this is the Hero', "Stand behind me Aurora" Cid calmly said.

Aurora, aware of Cid's strength even without using magic, did as she was told but still looked at Cid's back with worry in her eyes.

Olivier sent a quick flying slash towards Cid, which would have been impossible to see for a normal person.

Cid coated his fist with Armament Haki and smacked the slash away with the back of his fist, sending it flying towards the walls next to him and creating a large cut.

To test the Hero's strength, Cid used a bit of his slime, which he always keeps with him, and created a sword.

Olivier and Cid both disappeared from where they were standing and clashed in the middle, creating a powerful blast of wind due to the force.

Nelson and Aurora had to hold their ground to not be blown away, with hands to their faces to stop the wind from bothering them, and Aurora's hair flowing behind her.

Cid and Olivier's hands blurred as their swords clashed, shocking Nelson and Aurora.

"How! How can he keep up with her!"

'He's not using magic… He's purely using his physical might,' Aurora thought in awe.

Cid side-kicked Olivier, sending her flying back. Cid followed and slashed his sword down.

Olivier quickly regained her footing on the ground and blocked Cid's strike with the side of her blade, causing the ground beneath her to cave in.

She pushed her sword up, forcing Cid's sword away from her, and thrusted her sword forward.

Cid twirled his sword in his hand and blocked Olivier's sword with the side of its blade before their hands blurred once again, with Olivier trying to get a hit on Cid.

They moved throughout the space they were in in a blur, with the occasional sound of their blades striking against each other.

Aurora and Nelson tried to follow their movements, but it was difficult for them to keep track.

Cid then reappeared in front of Aurora while Olivier reappeared next to Nelson, back to the place they were before they started fighting.

The next second, cracks started appearing throughout Olivier's entire body before she shattered like glass.

Nelson was left speechless, unable to comprehend how Cid managed to not only defeat Olivier but did it effortlessly as well.

In a final attempt, Nelson summoned multiple clones of Olivier. "If purely her strength and skill isn't the answer, then numbers should be the solution."

Seeing the numbers of clones, Cid then realized why people liked to preach and explain their powers to their enemies, they liked to see the helplessness in their eyes when they realized they couldn't do anything to win.

Cid started to then chuckled and shook his head, making Nelson nervous, "What's so funny!"

"Hahahaha, The funny thing is that you want to use numbers to try and win against me. Especially in a place like this"

Aurora who seen what Cid was capable of smiled as she understood what he meant, while Nelson looking at Cid like he was an idiot

"What do you mean" Nelson then nervously ask

Cid spread his hands slightly as he gained a massive grin on his face, "You want to fight me, The Monarch of Death and Shadows on a graveyard, a place where the memories of of thousands and thousands of warriors resides"

"Now I know what you might be thinking, what could I possibly do with the memories and resentment stored in this place? Right?" Cid asked, to which Nelson nodded his head, wanting to see what Cid was planning.

"You see, as the Monarch of Death, the power of life and death are simple for a being such as I to wield."

One of Cid's hands gained a golden glow, filled with vitality, while the other one was filled with darkness, as if it was sucking the life out of the air.

"One of the many abilities I wield is to turn the souls of dead beings into my subordinates… My Shadow Soldiers."

Nelson and Aurora looked lost on where Cid was going with this. "What are you talking about? If you don't hurry it up, I'll kill you sooner."

Cid didn't listen to him and continued to explain, "An important question to ask is, what makes a soul? That is something I'm still trying to figure out, but one thing I'm sure of is that memories and strong feelings play a big part in it.

Now, what would happen if I gave life to all these memories and resentment?"

Aurora and Nelson's eyes widened at the implications of what Cid was implying.


Cid gave Nelson a twisted grin as he glowed a bright golden color. Nelson covered his eyes to block out the glare, and soon, he was filled with a sense of energy and rejuvenation.

When the golden light faded, Cid's eyes gained a purple hue. All the Olivier clones jumped towards Cid with their swords ready to kill him.

Before they reached him, Cid smirked and said a single word that sent a shiver down Aurora and Nelson's backs.


Multiple beings started forming surrounding Cid, their swords already drawn. Without hesitation, they ran towards the Olivier clones and started slashing and cutting their way through them.

The thousands of shadow soldiers plunged their swords into the clones, destroying them without hesitation.

Nelson turned around and tried to run when suddenly both his legs were cut by a flying slash of a sword. He cried out in pain and looked towards the culprit, his eyes widening in horror – it was a shadow soldier of Olivier herself.

The shadow Olivier didn't do anything else and went on to destroy all of her clones. Cid looked down at the screaming Nelson with a smug expression. "You should be glad; this is the first time I'm actually using this ability on someone. Rejoice, for you were chosen to experience it."

Aurora, hearing this, decided to pay close attention to Cid's every move.

Cid raised his sword in the air as magic power from this world started gathering around the sword.

Cid's deep voice reverberated throughout the entire area in a distorted way.




Cid plunged the sword into the ground, and everything went white for a while before exploding in a giant blast. His magic destroyed the entire area, leaving nothing behind as it obliterated everything in its path, leaving a large hole where the middle of the sanctuary was located.

Meanwhile, Cid and Aurora reappeared in a forest close to the area of the hole.

Aurora sighed, "You are just full of surprises; you never cease to amaze me."

Cid smirked and looked at her, shrugging his shoulders. "What can I say? I'm just that awesome."

Aurora smiled and nodded her head. "Indeed, you are." She then started to feel faint and turned towards Cid.

"Thank you," she said, smiling warmly.

"What for?" Cid asked with a raised brow.

"For destroying the sanctuary and making it disappear from this world, while also giving me a memory for me to enjoy"

As Aurora was disappearing she took a hold of Cid and kissed him on the lips taking him by surprise, "Thanks for one more memory" Aurora smirked.

Cid took a hold of Aurora and stopped her from dissipating, "Did you really believe that you will running away from me after kissing me like that"

Aurora sighed as she her arms were wrapped around Cid's head, "I want to disappear… Please just let me go"

Cid hearing this sighed and took her lips and started kissing her, "Not before giving you one more memory to go"

Aurora smiled, understanding what he was implying, "Okay, just one more memory but afterwards I must disappear and please don't try to stop me then"

Cid pressed his head against Aurora while Aurora started deeply into Cid's eyes.

"Very well then, I guess then I'll make this an unforgettable experience" Cid teased to which Aurora chuckled.

"Please do"

Cid and Aurora started tasting each other's lip and were brought down to the grass where they laid there and started doing the deed, and made love…

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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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