This is for a discord friend that said they were bored. You know who you are... well enjoy
[Third Person's PoV]
While Cid was getting whip, a guard came through the door quickly.
"The princess demanded for him to be released earlier than usual" he exclaimed as he entered.
The guard holding the whipped just click his tongue "Why should we, we don't follow orders from that bit-" the guard with the whip stopped midway and look towards Cid and clicked his tongue once again.
He couldn't risk his position if the kid decided to snitch on him. So he just changed the question "What did master Zenon say about this"
"He allowed it and said to just follow orders for now and release him"
Hearing this Cid opened his eyes and swung both of his arms breaking away from the chains that were holding him up.
He started rotating his shoulder and turned towards the guy holding the whip. Both of the guards just had their mouths wide open in shock as Cid held out his hand and asked
"Can I get my uniform back, I don't want to go outside without a shirt."
The guards nervously backs away into a table and reached backwards grabbing the shirt, he then stuttered while giving it to him "Y-Y-Yeah, here you go"
Cid without any emotion on his face nods his head and says "Thank you". Cid then used his magic and started healing his back although slowly.
When it was healed he put on his uniform and exited the chamber. Once he was outside and away from everyone's view two shadow figures appeared right next to him.
They were both Igris and Beru. Igirs had this solem silence to him not his usual peaceful one, while Beru showed an enraged expression with tears unwillingly coming down his eyes.
"My Liege... why, why would you allow yourself to go through such torment. There was no need for such a thing to happen" Beru said in a soft low voice
Igirs didn't say anything and just nodded his head agreeing with Beru.
Cid just sighed before explaining his reasoning to them "It was a punishment for myself. I wanted that to be my punishment for killing that maid a few years back. Although normally one doesn't decide their punishment, I felt that, that was the most fitting one"
Beru still looked enraged not liking what he was hearing one bit "So what if she died my lord? Didn't you revive her? That worthless being should have been honored to be killed by someone of your caliber. Being killed by your gracious hands should be something that she should celebrate.
So forgive me for still not understanding, your actions my lord. Forgive me if I'm repeating myself but please let me be the one to go and hunt them down myself, right here and now"
Cid patted both Igris and Beru on the back as he said "You don't have to understand. Think of this as something I had to do for myself to be able to have a piece of mind. I allowed that to happened to show myself that my actions have consequences.
And Beru I already said later, if you killed them now then the first one they will suspect is me. And then I would have to fight an entire kingdom. Although such a thing is fairly easy it's not worthwhile and would serve no purpose"
Both Igris and Beru reluctantly nodded. Igris cause he accepted Cid's explanation, while Beru nodded since he had no choice but to follow his masters wishes.
They both then slowly sank back into his shadow. And Cid made his way towards the populated area, while making his way through the crowd Cid just randomly said
"Meet me back at my dorm room"
The hooded figure that walked past Cid just nodded it's head and silently dissappeared into the crowd.
Cid just slowly made his way back towards the school ignoring all the odd looks he was receiving and made his way towards his dorm room.
As soon as Cid opened the door to his dorm room, he found Alpha sitting ontop of his study table wearing the female's school uniform. The blouse of said uniform already had a few buttons undone showing her amazing cleavage.
Cid just gave Alpha a sly smirk as he closed and locked the door behind him.
Alpha while leaning back on the table wiggled her index finger calling Cid towards her with a seductive smile plastered on her face.
When Cid walked over, Alpha reached out her hand and grabbed Cid by his tie and pulled him in into a deep long kiss.
While their kiss turned more passionate with every second, their tongues came out and started to wrestle with each other.
"Ahhh~ my lord"
Alpha moaned in Cid's mouth as she felt Cid's hand take a hold of her thigh.
They slowly backed away from each other, the only thing connecting them was a string of saliva as an aftermath of their tongue's battle.
Alpha wrapped her long and tender legs around Cid's waist and pulled him closer. With their forehead pressed against each other, Alpha looked deeply and sensually into Cid's eyes as she demanded
"Take me my lord, right here and now. There's no need for foreplay as my insides are always wet and longing for your touch."
Cid just gave her a smirk as he lowered his pants slightly, taking his cock out from their confines. He took a hold of Alpha's waist and brought her closer to his crotch, Cid lifted her skirt slightly showing her black lingerie, making Cid's cock even harder.
He slowly and softly started to tease Alpha's private right through her lingerie making the fabric that separated them soaking wet. Which just caused Alpha to let out soft and subtle moans.
"Ahh~ mmhmm~~ my lord please~~ I can't take it anymore"
Alpha pulled Cid's head closer and whispered into his ear "Pleaseee~ I want to feel my husband inside of me~"
That was all Cid needed to hear, he brought both of his hands up her skirt and took a firm squeeze of her voluptuous butt. He then slowly moved a hand into her inner thigh and slowly moved her lingerie to the side with a thumb.
He started to rub his member with her bottom lips lubricating it. Once it was lubricated enough he aimed his cock at her entrance and slowly made his way inside.
"Mmmhm~ Yesss~"
With a final thrust Cid's entire cock was enveloped in her wet and moist warmth causing him to grunt slightly due to the pleasure.
Alpha moaned sluring her words, Cid started to then slowly exit and enter her pussy. At first he started nice and slowly.
"Mmhmmm~ Fasterrr my lord, please go fasterr~"
Moaned Alpha which made Cid pick up the pace. Due to their motions different kinds of sounds kept coming from the room.
The sound of the table smashing against the wall, the squelshing sound of their privates going against each other and their moans and grunts.
"YESS~ YES~ YES~ OH MY GODDDD YESSSSS~ I FEEL COMPLETE WITH YOU INSIDE ME~~ I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH" moaned Alpha while making a face close to an ahegao.
Cid just kept fiercely thrusting his cock deeply into Alpha's pussy, making the tip of his cock penetrate right through the entrance of her cervix.
Each time his tip would enter Alpha would moan even louder in pleasure.
When Cid heard this he felt Alpha's inner walls tighten around his cock making it even more pleasurable.
Thrust after thrust her walls just kept getting tighter. When Alpha felt Cid's cock twitch inside of her She knew it was time.
Alpha unwrapped her legs around Cid stretching them outward, giving Cid more space making his thrust faster.
And with one big final thrust they both came at the same time.
Alpha's leg stretched even further making her toes curl when Cid started cumming deep inside her.
Alpha had her arms wrapped around his neck for support as she was breathing heavily due to the high amount of pleasure she just experienced.
Cid just took a hold of her thighs and made her wrap her legs around his waist once more. And with his cock still inside her, he picked her up.
He just gave her a smirk and said "Don't think we were only going for one round"
Alpha gave Cid a lustful smirk back and said between heavy breaths "I wouldn't dream of it."
He then brought her and took her to his bed and started to slowly take their clothes off.
And just like that they spent the rest of the night unable to keep their hands off each other.
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/mpyDFbGY
[Third Person's PoV]
Both Alpha and Cid were laying in bed, Alpha was ontop of him with his member still inside of her. If one were to look carefully one would see Cid's cum flowing slightly out of Alpha.
While Alpha was snuggling with Cid she started sharing her report "The Knight order is most likely infected with members of the Diabolos Cult. They wanted to use you as a scape goat due to you're close relationship with the princess, which I still don't understand why you let people think you were in a special relationship with her"
"Our "sword instructor" is a high member of the Cult. He's close to becoming a member of the round table, he wanted to use Alexia for her blood and resurrect the demon Diabolos. Thus securing his position.
Although Alexia didn't know this, she still had a bad feeling about the guy. And the guy in order to get her blood proposed to her in order to capture her.
Alexia didn't want to get married to him due to her previous bad feelings about him, so she asked me if I wanted to enter a fake relationship with her, so he would stop bothering him.
And you know the rest, since I was her supposed boyfriend and due to my know strength they thought it was a good idea to get rid of me by blaming their kidnapping of her on me. Thus killing two birds with one stone"
Alpha then gained a smugged expression "As expected of my lord is already aware of the situation. I would have expected nothing more. So what's the plan?"
Before they could continue their conversation a letter was slipped under the door of their room. Cid seeing the letter raised a brow and used Ruler's Authority to bring the letter to his hands.
He didn't even bother opening it and just passed it to Alpha. Alpha although reluctantly sat up and got off Cid's member with a moan
When she got up, one could see a tiny bulge in her stomach due to the amount of cum inside her.
Alpha looked at the bulge in amusement, she then started to press down on it pushing all the cum out of her.
While it was coming down she started to giggle at it, which was followed by her puffing up her cheeks and making noises with her mouth "plop, plop, plop, plop, plop,"
Hearing a snicker Alpha turned her head and saw Cid turning his head with a red face, while covering his mouth with a hand to stop himself from laughing out loud.
Cid turns his head to look back at Alpha who is just looking at him with her cheeks puffed and as soon as they make eye contact they both burst out laughing, enjoying the moment together and finding it the funniest thing ever.
After Cid cleaned up everything with his magic, Alpha layed back down in his arms and held up the letter so they could both read it together.
When she opened it, she read the letter out loud
"If you want Alexia back safe and sound, come to the forest path behind the academy"
When Alpha read the letter she just laughed at it and burnt it from existence. She then reluctantly left Cid's arms and sat on the edge of the bed, she summoned slime from her shadow and got dressed.
She turned her head and gave Cid one final kiss before going to the window and sitting on the ledge. "I'll go and get the girls and get everything ready, you don't have much to worry about my lord... today is the day the world would finally learn of Shadow Garden... I can't wait"
Alpha winked as she blew Cid a kiss as she seamlessly fell backwards from the window completely disappearing.
Cid just chuckled at that and sat up. He got dressed and went to his classes like nothing happened.
When it was lunch time Claire came running from out of nowhere and wrapped Cid in a tight hug
"They didn't do anything mean to you did they" Claire started to look at all over Cid's body by lifting his shirt and everything.
Cid patting her head reassured her "Relax, did you really think they are capable of doing anything to me?"
Claire who still have her arms wrapped around his waist just pouted "Just cause you can't be killed doesn't mean you can't be hurt. I swear Cid if you got hurt because of that stupid bitch, I swear I'll kill her and no matter what you say you wouldn't be able to stop me"
Cid just softly smile as he patted her head once again "You can relax nothing happened to me". Beru wanted to come out and protest but a warning look from Cid shut him up.
Claire narrowed her eyes at him not believing him 100 percent but still chose to believe him. Claire then started pouting once again "You know I was totally going to go and bust you out of their and kill that bitch there and there but stupid Alpha stopped me from doing so"
Even though Claire just called Alpha stupid, one couldn't detect a hint of malice in her voice "She said to trust you that you must have a plan, since you always think 10 steps ahead of your enemies. I had no choice but to believe her, so don't think I abandoned you, okay?"
Cid exasperated at this point just sighed "Yeah, Yeah, don't worry about it, I believe you"
Claire spent the rest of the lunch period being extra clingy towards Cid and annoying him every chance she got.
By the end of the school day, Cid was standing ontop of the school rooftop with Beta kneeling to his side
"Sigh Beta what are you doing kneeling we talked about this we're married you don't have to do that"
Beta nodding her head said "We may be married my lord but Beta is forever your follower first and foremost"
Cid just waved her off and said "Yeah, yeah I get it, You can get up now. So did Alpha send you?"
Beta nodded "That's right my lord, Alpha wanted someone to be here with you at all time when you go deal with the "ambush" the cult has planned out for you"
Cid just nodded before jumping down from the roof which was followed by Beta. As Cid turned the corner an object was thrown at him, which made him instinctively catch it.
It was Alexia's loafers.
"Ohhh, look at what we have here... If it isn't Mr. Cid Kagenou with Princess Alexia's shoes. And what's this? There's still some of her magic power lingering around it"
Cid was soon surrounded by 30 guards who all had a sinister expression. Beta had an enraged expression and was about to make a sword using her slime suit but Cid stuck out his hand stopping her.
"Sorry Beta, I already promised someone the special privilege of dealing with them"
Due to Beta's high mastery of her stealth skill it was like she wasn't even there, so the guards grew confused when they saw him talking to himself.
Cid's eyes then glowed a bright purple color which made the guards draw out their swords from their scabbards
Cid only said two words afterwards
"Arise... Beru"
Beru came out of Cid's shadow and let out a loud cry announcing his presence.
The guards started shaking in fear due to the amount of magic power Beru was releasing. "JUST WHO IS THIS MONSTER" one of them screamed. Due to how freaked out they were, they all started running with their sword raised ready to attack.
Beru who was enraged at what happened to his Liege earlier didn't have time to play with them and just went on the offensive attack.
Beru in the blink of an eye appeared infront of one of the guard and plunged his claws into the guard's chest ripping out his heart.
Beru disappearing from their view reappeared and lifted a guard up and ripped him in half spilling out all of his guts and intestines.
He then dissappeared and reappeared infront of another guard gripping him in place and biting the guard's head off with his mandibles.
Again and again and again and again. Beru would dissappear from their view and reappeared killing off a guard more violently than the last.
The guards tried running away but they couldn't escape Beru's speed. The only sound that could be heard were the sound of agony from the guards and their last breath.
With the very last guard Beru injected his claws into the guard's head and ripped him in half from head to toe showing what his insides look like from the brain to the lungs. Everything just fell out from the guard
When Beru was done he let out a roar to the sky as he was surrounded by the bodies of his majesty's enemies, signifying his victory.
When he was done Cid enveloped himself in his shadow fully entering his persona of Shadow, the leader and owner of Shadow Garden.
Shadow turned towards Beru "Good job"
Beru quickly dropped to one knee and bowed showing his gratitude for such praises.
"Return Beru" Beru bowed once again and sank into Shadow's shadow.
"Let's go Beta, it's time the world finally knows who truly rules the place from the shadows" said Shadow as they both disappeared from where they where with a wave of his coat.
Shadow appeared ontop of the tallest building in the capital... the clock tower behind him stood eight beautiful women who were awaiting his order.
Alpha stood back a little with a hand on her sword as her hair flew freely in the wind.
Beta stood opposite to her adjusting her glasses with one hand
Next to Alpha sat Gamma floating in her broom with her witch hat in full display
Next to Beta sat Delta on all fours with a battle hungry smile excited about her future battle.
Next to Gamma stood Epsilon swinging around her new weapon, an Axe in the shape of a guitar.
Next to Delta stood Zeta while brandishing her chakram with a small smile.
Next to Epsilon stood Eta with her lab coat made out of dark slime flowing against the wind, with her droopy eyes ready for action.
Adelfi (Claire) stepped forward and stood next to Zeta and with a serious expression put on her mask, as this will be the first real mission as a group she will be part of.
Shadow stood at the edge of the tower with his hands in his pockets, he closed his eyes as he felt the wind blowing on his face.
When he opened his eyes, they started glowing a beautiful violet color, and while looking at the capital he spoke in a deep tone...
All over the capital multiple shadows started coming to life and appearing everywhere.
Shadow then looked at both sides before speaking to everyone
"Tonight is the night everyone shall learn the true might of the Shadow Monarch, am I clear"
The girls then all smirk as the replied at the same time "Of course My Lord"
Shadow nodded before stepping over the ledge, completely dropping down with his hands still in his pockets and his cape flowing fiercely against the wind.
All the girls then jumped from the tower performing their own moves as they spread out and made their way through the capital...
If y'all can't tell by now I like writing edgy chunni scene's...
I had too much fun writing this chapter. I think it turned out fantastic, but y'all can tell me otherwise...
🥰🥰🥰 hope you enjoyed it
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9VYYCZ5R