I was bored so I made a chapter hope you enjoy.
[Third Person Pov]
"I thought you would ask me that, that's why I brought this" Alexia said as she proceeded to take out a large bag of coins and put them infront of Cid on the table.
"I heard you guys come from a low noble household, so I would like to hire you to teach me what you know" Alexia said rather smugly, pleased with herself for thinking of something so smart.
Cid just looked at her unimpressed. "I'm not broke"
"What" Alexia asked in a stunned expression.
"I said I'm not broke, I can make good money so what you are offering is virtually something worthless in my eyes"
"But... but.... you come from such a small noble family, I thought that you were in need of funds. And thanks to my help you would be forever grateful that I would be helping you out with your money problems, that you would happily teach me"
"Sighhh, you really need to stop assuming things about me. You, yourself know that I'm strong, strong enough that you want me to teach you. Why would you think I am in need of money. Since I'm strong what makes you think I can't just go out and hunt rare creatures and sell their parts for money."
"I never really thought about it, I just thought you were one of those swords obsessed hermits, the ones that didn't have a life and only live by the way of the sword. And human interactions was like your worst enemy."
"How the hell you want me to teach you and then start insulting me to my face"
Alexia flinched slightly as soon as Cid said that and while blushing says "Sorry... but it's true"
Alexia then started getting fidgety in her seat "So what do you want"
Cid just went back to eating "what? I don't really want anything, you can't possibly have anything that I would want"
"So what is it that you want, I'm a princess, I can give you practically anything that you desire. I'm even willing to make the sacrifice of just going on one date with you"
Cid just looked at her in disgust "Ew" as he just went back to eating.
Alexia then slammed her hands on the table and stood up "WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN EW?!"
Alexia's face then grew red when she noticed she grabbed the attention of everyone in the lunch room.
Her face grew even redder when she heard them start talking about them.
"Wow look, it looks like the princess and the Dark Prince are sitting alone together"
"Dark Prince? Why is that his nickname"
"Its due to his personality and looks, I mean look at him. He's so beautiful, ahhhh, I wish he would just take me and choke me against the wall."
"The hell is wrong with you, just continue what you were saying about his personality, I was really interested on why they would call him the dark prince"
"Huh? Oh right, he beats up anyone that bothers him, its only been a week since this semester started and I heard he already sent more than 20 people to the nurses office. Thats why people are too scared to even go and talk to him.
I mean I totally would go and talk to him. Maybe if I go and talk to him now he would grab me by the neck, slam me across the wall and tell me to stop bothering him *bites lip*"
"*sighhh* why am I even friends with you MacKenzie"...
Alexia sat back and with a red face asked "What do you mean ew, I'll have you know it would be an honor for you to even be in my presence. Just so you know, even though the week of this semester just started I have been already asked out by more than 10 people.
So me willing to sacrifice my time to go on a date with you should be something you should be extremely pleased about."
"The more you talk the more I just don't want to help you"
Alexia at this point starts panicking slightly seeing none of her plans working and so she resorts to her very last trick up her sleeve. Something she really doesn't want to do but since none of her previous actions weren't working, she has no choice...she pleaded.
She bowed her head just slightly "Please help me"
"What?" Cid asked not expecting Alexia to lower her pride for something like this.
"Please help me get stronger, I know you are strong, like really strong. I saw the way you delt with Zenon, I was there during the test. I saw just how easily you delt with him. You weren't even trying. After fighting him you said that he wasn't even trying but the way I saw it, you weren't even trying either."
"Sigh, why do you want to get stronger"
Alexia looked up and with a determined expression said "I want to win against my sister" Alexia's fist then tighten "I'm always being compared to her, no matter what I do. I hate it. So I'm going to grow stronger and defeat her infront of everyone and show them that I'm not just her sister I'm my own person as well"
Cid just closed his eyes and sighed. "Very well, but here's the thing I won't teach you anything specific. We would be sparring everyday in class and if you manage to pick something up from them good job towards you I guess.
But if you don't pick up anything, it's not my problem. You just suck and aren't meant to use a sword. Deal?"
Alexia hearing him pumped her fist "Yesssss"
"You seemed confident, that's good I guess"
"Please I'm great, of course I'm going to pick somethings up from our sparring sessions. Well what are you waiting, classes are about to start and I want to get started already"
Cid stood up and put away his tray and started following Alexia "I'm regretting this already"
Alexia walking ahead just scoffs "Oh please you're going to spend the rest of the afternoon with me, what more could you possibly want"
"To spend it by myself away from you"
"I'm fun to be around you don't know what you're talking about"
The two of them soon reached the training hall, and went and got changed onto their fighting uniform.
They both then stood at a respectable distance. "Enhanced your sword with magic so it doesn't break that quickly"
Alexia nodded and enhanced her sword. She then ran towards Cid and swung her sword towards him which he masterfully deflected, making a counter attack
Alexia seeing his counter attack tried to block it as well but got pushed back due to the force. She fixed her stance copying how he was standing and took off running towards Cid once again.
Cid didn't even attack using his sword, he used his leg and use a sweep under her feet knocking her down.
"Don't copy me, use a stance you are most comfortable with, using something you don't know while in the middle of a fight is suicide"
Alexia hearing him just smirked and offered her hand to help her up "I thought you said you weren't using words to teach me"
Cid just teased her back "Well I realize you were too dumb to understand actions and needed words to make you understand"
"Wha-" Alexia not expecting to get teased got stunned for bit before smirking once again and getting back into a fighting position she was most comfortable with.
While Cid did the same and they resumed their earlier sparring.
Whether it was on how to properly hold a sword, to how to use a proper footwork. Cid started teaching her all the basics she had previously messed up.
After a few minutes of sparring, more people started coming inside the room due to class starting but Cid and Alexia just ignored them.
With a smile on her face Alexia started absorbing everything Cid was throwing at her.
What Alexia didn't notice but Cid did however was the teacher Zenon watching them with narrowed eyes. Watching their every move carefully and what Zenon didn't notice however was a pair of purple glowing eyes watching him from the shadows.
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/W8h2tAKX
This ain't an important chapter really I'm just bored and really like Gamma
[Third Person's PoV]
It has now been a month since school started. Feeling bored Cid decided to pay a visit towards Gamma's company earlier than expected.
It wasn't that hard to find where it was, the building itself was standing out compare to all the other buildings. It was made using the knowledge Cid had given the girls about architecture.
When Cid arrived infront of it he saw the name that was used for their businesses, it was the same name they used in the original "Mitsugoshi Company".
As soon as he entered the girls working about immediately knew who he was. It would have been weird of they didn't, afterall why wouldn't they know the face of their main leader of their organization.
Two girls dressed in work attire soon stood infront of Cid. "What can we do for you today sir."
"I'm just looking for Luna" replied Cid, Luna being Gamma's alias she used when undercover as the owner of Mitsugoshi.
"I shall inform miss Luna of your arrival sir" said the lady.
Cid just patted her head "There's no need Nu, I know where to find her"
[Pics of Nu]
Nu getting her head patted blush as she asked "You know of me sir?"
Cid then looked at her weirdly and in a low voice said "You are a part of Shadow Garden, why wouldn't I know of you. What a weird question to ask"
Nu then got embarrassed and lowered her head slightly 'As expected of our lord, even though he isn't present for most of the time, he is aware of everything without even being there'
"Well it was nice meeting you Nu I have places to be"
Nu just bowed "It was good seeing you as well my lord"
With that Cid started following Gamma's mana signature, when he arrived infront of her office he didn't bother knocking and just marched right in.
Gamma looked up from her piles of paper in surprise, as she didn't detect anyone approaching or gave permission for that person to enter.
Cid just gave her a smirk as he said "Hello my love, I came to give you a surprise visit"
Gamma seeing that it was Cid squealed slightly in excitement, she dropped everything she was doing and started running towards Cid.
When she got close enough she couldn't contain her happiness and jumped into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.
Cid just started chuckling as he held her by the waist and twirled her around. When he was finished he still held her by the waist and went and took a seat where she was previously sitting with her on his lap.
While sitting down Gamma laid her head on his shoulder with her arms still wrapped around his neck. "You should have told me you were coming to visit"
"If I did tell you, then it wouldn't be a surprise visit now would it"
"Hehehehe, I guess it wouldn't. But why did you decide to visit me, hubby" said gamma while squeaking the hubby part at the end with a flushed face.
"Isn't obvious, I miss you and I'm worried about you. Out of all of the girls your are probably the most busy at the moment so we barely have time to see each other. Plus you're working all the time, no matter how many enhancements or upgrades you get, you'll still grow exhausted from constantly working and no breaks"
'Kyaaa, it feels nice to have someone worry about you' Gamma thought unable to contain her smile.
Cid seeing her smile gave a smile of his own and kissed the side of her head. "So what were you doing before I came in"
Gamma just sighed as she let go of Cid and while still sitting on his lap reached out for the papers in her desk and showed them to Cid.
"I was overlooking our earnings and profits. Due to how new and recent we are, not alot of people have heard of us. So while the earnings are high, the profits aren't, it'll take a while for our name to become trusted and well known.
So far what we're doing is advertisements. We got some of the girls to disguise themselves and join major house parties around the kingdom and showcase what they are wearing. When asked where they got such high quality goods our name would be mentioned, spreading it all over.
So when many people keep hearing the name of our company over and over again it will get more people interested. And when those people realize the quality of our goods they will mention our name to their friends and their friends to their friends etc.
So what do you think, I used everything you taught us about business. Even though it still in the beginning stages just looking at the numbers I can already see a significant increase."
Gamma then turned her head towards Cid looking for praises. Cid just grabbed her chin and pulled her close for a kiss.
After kissing for a few minutes their lips separated.
"You my little witch never fail to surprise me, you were always the one with the better business sense out of everyone." Said Cid.
"On an unrelated note, I just have a tiny question"
"Yes?" Gamma asked batting her eyelashes in a quick manner.
"Are you ever going to take off the witch hat I gave you?" asked Cid while looking at the witches hat Gamma still had on since they were little. She hasn't taken it off even once, it was like it became a part of her permanently.
Gamma just flashed Cid a smile as she said "Nope" popping the P.
"Why? doesn't it get in the way of your disguise when you put on the Luna persona?"
"No not at all, I used the stealth skill you gave us but instead of using it on myself, I use it on the hat so it turns almost completely invisible with no one being able to see it... except for my lord as nothing could be hidden from your eyes"
"I see... I'm curious why do you like it so much, it was just a gift"
Gamma just took a hold of the hat and lowered it slightly covering her eyes "To me it's more than just a gift, to me it's a presentation of the confidence you have in me. I would have been nothing with out you my lord, this hat shows me that you believe I could be someone important and have the skills to do it.
To me this hat is a reminder that you have faith in me and it keeps pushing me forward"
Cid gave Gamma a tight hug and asked "how can you be this adorable"
Gamma just took a hold of the hat with both her hands and brought it all the way down covering her face to not show how embarrassed she was.
Cid and Gamma sat like that for a while not long before hearing a knock on the door "My lady, I brought back the report of our recent sales and profits"
Nu just opened the door with a folder of papers in her hands. When she saw Cid and Gamma she just slowly closed the door as she said "I guess I'll come back when your not busy"
Nu quickly closed the door and walked out of there not wanting to bothered them on whatever they were doing.
Gamma then buried her face in her hands "Kyaaa! I can't believe someone saw us like this, how embarrassing"
Cid teasing her asked "Oh? So your embarrassed to be seen with me."
Gamma hearing him panicked and waved her arms around frantically "No, no, no, no, thats not what I meant what I meant was..."
Cid just chuckled as he shook his head "Gamma, I'm just teasing you relaxed"
Gamma hearing him gained a stunned expression before pouting.
Cid just chuckled once again and kissed her cheek once more "It was a fun visit but I have to quickly leave"
Gamma hearing him whispered "Do you have to leave so soon?"
Cid just grabbed her face and kissed her for a few more minutes which quickly turned passionate.
"I wish I could stay as well but I have things to do"
"Sighhh very well, be sure to visit more often."
Cid just stood up and put Gamma back where she was sitting and gave a peck on her lips "You can visit me as well when I'm not busy you know"
Gamma gave Cid a quick nodded and quickly grabbed his collar pulling him into another deep kiss
With a sigh Cid softly backed away "You really are making it difficult to leave"
Cid then gave her another quick peck before leaving her office and going back to school.
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