Okay thred questions
1. Should I make this story a potential multiverse story in the future and if so what do you recommend.
2. Since OG Cid 'I Am Atomic' move is the representation of his desire to surpass a nuke should I keep the line the same as it is or should I come up with an original line when performing a similar move or replicating it.
3. Should I introduce Chakra into the mix of power systems.
Ps. Some of you are going to hate it but every one of the characters has to get at least a bit of dialogue or a paragraph about them. It's not going to be always but I don't want to leave anyone out and be exclusive.
Ps to the ps (Dont know if that has a name). I'm trying to show that the Mc although only known them for a short time truly cares about each and everyone them.
~Omni pov~
Hearing him the girls just stood there in shock, they were to stunned to be able to express how they were feeling at the moment.
Even though they felt invigorated due to the abundance of energy they received they were still frozen in shock.
Cid seeing them shock just said "That wasn't all that was in the droplet, there is also a skill that hides your magical and physical presence making you completely undetectable.
And finally the ability to control shadows. This one just gives you the ability it doesn't make you an expert at it, you would have to train hard in order to make it a good skill to have so everything is up to you."
Alpha then lowered her head slightly and asked "But my lord how are we ever going to repay your kindness. These blessings you have given us how could we ever thank you."
They suddenly felt themselves being washed by an unexpected energy they couldn't comprehend
It was Cid's will, his Conqueror's Haki washed over them suppressing them slightly as his eyes glowed a tiny bit.
"The only way to can repay me is by becoming an unparalleled existence. Become so strong that my gifts to you don't go to waste and became something meaningless. Failing to do so would be considered a act of betrayal"
Everyone's eyes grew in shock not expecting such a thing.
They all suddenly knelt down once again and in unison said "by your will"
Cid then nodded and as he did he said "Well enough of that, you guys can start practicing your new power system. Tusk and the other magically inclined shadows with help you with that" and with that Tusk came out of Cid's shadow followed by shadow soldiers wearing wizard robes
And as Tusk did he crossed his arms and gave an intimidating grin promising to push them through the wringer.
Which caused some of the members to smile wearily. And with that they started to test out their mana control and trying to control the different elements until late in the night...
Cid then gather everyone and took them back into the mansion and as he did the girls were amazed by the interior, even tho they helped build it taking a look at the completed project is a whole different story.
They then started to explore the entire place, the different kind of rooms, unseen utilities Cid made, what they do, and their own bedrooms.
They then all went into the kitchen where Cid said he cooked something for them.
Luckily the shadows helped out since he made alot due to Delta's stomach. "Well what are you waiting for let's eat." And with that everyone soon took a seat and started digging into it with stars in their eyes due to how good and unique some of the dishes were. They never tasted anything like this.
After everyone finished eating. Cid then started to tuck everyone to bed.
'...I feel like a Dad taking care of everyone. What has my life come to. One moment I'm talking about reaching the pinnacle of existence and the next I'm putting them to bed.
Well I guess this could be practice when I have kids of my own in the future... Kid's of my own huh, I really haven't thought about it, this is my third life time and I yet to have a kid in any life
But that thinking could wait, I'm still only 10 after all.'
Cid first started with Alpha he tucked her into bed and kissed her in the forehead.
He then went into Beta's room where he proceeded to continue where he left off in the stories he told. He continued the story using the Light elements to make projections "STRAW BOY! I CAME TO SAVE YOU, IN THE NAME OF FRIENDSHIP!!!". Beta was just laying in bed crying bawling her eyes out, and when he finished he kissed her forehead and headed to the next room.
Cid, when he came into Gamma's bed started patting her head and as he did he said "I hope you liked my gift out of everyone else"
Gamma under the covers just looked at Cid in surprise she rapidly blinked her eyes as she asked "Me? But why my lord" while pointing at herself.
Cid then scoffed "Don't think I don't keep a close eye on you guys, I know that recently you have been feeling depressed and unworthy to be in Shadow Garden just caused you aren't physically gifted like the other members are."
Gamma's eyes then grew wide and with teary eyes covered her head under the blanket.
Cid just faintly smiled as he lighly draped the covers off of her "Calm down, you were never meant to be a physical fighter in the first place you were just never meant for it"
Gamma hearing this was just an inch away from crying, all she ever wanted to do is be able to fight alongside her master, to be able to support him in battle, being told she wasn't born for such a thing broke her heart.
"You weren't meant to he a physical fighter, your made to be a magical one, your strength isn't your body it's your mind Gamma.
With the mana core in place, now you don't have to really move alot in battle which was one of your previous weaknesses due to your clumsiness. You can stay where you are and fire crazy new spells you come up with.
I have full faith in you to be an amazing powerful witch in the future"
Gamma, hearing how someone say they believe in her, especially that someone being her lord the one person she doesn't want to disappoint, started silently crying, the tears just came out flowing out without her being able to stop it.
Cid then stood up and reached into his shadow, he then pulled out a purple witch hat with a black broom and presented it to her.
"Here I made these just for you my little witch."
Gamma then stood up with a happy shout and with an excited expression asked "Really my lord!!! For me?!?!?" She then jumped out of bed and rushed to him and wrapped her arms around him giving him a big hug.
And with her close by Cid just put the hat on her head.
Once Gamma felt the hat on her head she jump back from Cid and started twirling around which caused her to trip and as she was about to fall she started swinging her arms wildly to balance herself.
She managed to stop herself with her arms spread widely which she quickly followed by covering half her face with a hand and laughing weirdly "Ku! ku! ku! ku! What do you think my shadowy lord"
(Pic of Pose)
Cid then started clapping lightly with a faint smile "ohhh very good"
Gamma then just continued to laugh weirdly while still holding the pose "Ku! Ku! Ku! Ku! Ku! Thank you my lord."
Gamma then got embarrassed and turned red, she then grabbed onto her hat and lowered it furthur down to hide her face.
Cid just shook his head "alright go to bed and we could test out the flying broom tomorrow"
Gamma then lifted her head from her hat and said "Eh? Flying broom? That broom can fly?"
Cid then looked at Gamma in confusion "Yes why else would I give you a broom with a witch's hat"
Gamma then tilted her head "I thought master wanted me to clean something for him"
Which cause Cid to stiffle a laughter "phttt no why would I do that" he then knocked her slightly on the head "Now for real it's time for bed"
Gamma then just nodded and jumped onto bed and covered herself and looked towards Cid expectantly
Cid playfully scoff at such actions and went towards Gamma and kissed her on the forehead.
Which he then went towards Delta's room and when he entered he found Delta sitting on the bed with a brush on her lap and her pouting. "Your late"
"Sorry, sorry, I had something to talk about with Gamma"
Delta while still pouting just held out the brush "Brush tail now...please"
Cid then just simply grabbed the brush and started brushing her hair which caused her to wag her tail in delight. Cid when finished then started brushing her tail which made Delta let out an affectionate growl after each stroke.
And with a kiss to the forehead after he was finished he went towards Epsilon and when he was done with her he went towards Zeta's room.
(A/N: if y'all couldn't tell i couldn't find shit to do with Epsilon)
With Zeta, Cid just stayed a bit with her and her baby brother that was staying in a crib close to her.
He played with her ears a bit scratching the back of it which caused her to purr a bit and with that he followed what he has done with everyone else... kissed her forehead and went towards Eta's room.
Eta was just in bed with her limbs all over the place spread eagle sleeping her trouble away and snoring like there's no tomorrow which cause Cid to slightly chuckle and kiss her forehead as well and leave.
Instead of going to sleep in this house however he went back home were he found his sister waiting for him again.
Seeing her Cid then started to tease her "Trying to assault me again?." Which caused her to blush.
"It was only one time, plus you gave me a kiss of your own so I say we're technically even"
"I mean you are competitive and always want to win, for you it's either a win or a lost there could never be a even. So I gotta keep my guard up so you don't one up me."
"You're such a bastard I hope you know that"
"I aim to please, what can I say"
"I don't even know why I love you"
"Oh already throwing the L word around after just one kiss, take me to dinner first"
"You know I meant it as a familial love"
"I don't knowwww that kiss to the lips says something else".
Claire at this point just got up to leave and as she did she just says "I hate you"
"You literally said you loved me like 5 seconds ago, are you sure you're not suffering from any bipolar disorder, we could always get mom to get you checked out"
Claire didn't even have the energy to retort and just left.
When she left Cid just let out a breath of exhaustion as he sank onto his bed "Who knew trying to get your sister off your back to stop asking questions about where I was the whole night would be so exhausting"
And with that Cid closed his eyes falling asleep...
I have 2 fanfics so in order to not overwhelm myself imma do 1 day this one and the other one the next day.
So yeahhhh there's no chapter tomorrow but there is one the day after that one...
~Omni pov~
3 years later...
Cid can be seen walking down the corridor of the Kagenou household while reading a book about ancient languages and magic circles.
A door suddenly shot open as a hand grabbed his shirt and pulled him inside making him drop his book.
Cid was then pulled inside a room which was quickly followed by the door closing and the sound of the door being locked.
Cid was then pushed against the door and pulled in for a kiss.
Claire then put a hand over the back of Cid's hair and pulled him in closer getting more and more passionate with each second.
*Chu* *Mwauuuuh* *Kiiiisssssss*
After a few minutes Claire had to distance herself to be able to breathe.
*huff* *huff* *huff*
Cid with his hands wrapped around Claire's waist said "Well someone's clearly excited today"
Claire who had her arms around his neck was still breathing heavily "Since I'm 15 now that means I have to go to school, which also mean I would have less time to see you, so I thought why not enjoy it"
Cid just looks at Claire with a raised brow "Enjoy it? It looks to me that you're more than enjoying it, you were trying to eat my face with that attack"
Rolling her eyes Claire just scoffed "Oh please like you didn't enjoy it, if you didn't you wouldn't have kissed me back"
Faintly chuckling Cid then pulls Claire closer "Your right, I did enjoy it, why don't we continued where we left off"
Claire only gave him a sensual look before pulling him back into a long kiss.
When they finally disconnected Claire left out a satisfied sigh before leaving the room skipping along and swinging her arms in a happy manner.
When Cid made sure Claire was gone, his shadow started moving and handed him the book he was reading.
Cid while still leaning against the door just went back to reading and while reading he just started talking.
"So did you find it's location, Alpha"
Alpha undoing her stealth skill just sighed and looked at the door from which Claire exited with a bit of jealousy "As expected of Master, even after trying to remain undetected you still managed to find me.
As for if we were successful at discovering it, I am happy to announce that it was a success although we were only able to look at it from afar, we were still able to encounter it, only if it's briefly"
While still looking at the book Cid nodded "Good job, Get everyone ready, it's time for you guys to watch as I officially gain the title as a dragon slayer and we get an official base of operation."
Hearing that she gets to watch her master fight a legendary beast she got quite excited 'Maybe we would be able to watch master fight at full strength'.
She gave Cid a final bow as she began to sink into her very own shadow. Over the years one of the many things Alpha along with the others focused on was their use of shadows, their thinking was 'If I could perfect my uses of shadows I could be one step closer towards master and maybe he'll notice me'
Which motivated them to work harder and grow stronger faster. Surprisingly the one that showed the most results was actually Gamma. Although it didn't start out great, like when she first tried out the flying broom, the first time she got on she started rolling in place and didn't know how to stop.
And when Cid helped her, her head was just bopping all over the place until she just threw up where she stood...it was a sorry sight to see.
Luckily she got better and her hard work paid off, although now she doesn't take the hat Cid gave her off and keeps it with her at all time.
So thanks to their dedication all 7 girls were able to learn a few new spells with their shadows, like the ability to travel through them, which was what Alpha was showcasing.
When Alpha reappeared again she was infront of the other 6 that were sitting down in a meeting room waiting for her. Alpha then sat down at the end of the table where the second largest seat was located, leaving the main and largest seat in the front empty as that was for their lord and master.
(Pic of the table)
Alpha was then the one to initiate the conversation "Alright then, our meeting has now officially commence, for are first matter of topic, It looks like this place is getting to small to hold the current members of Shadow Garden and due to our many members we are becoming more conspicuous towards the cult."
Gamma then added "Your right this place is too small I can't even start our farming projects I am excited to try, master has giving us so many ideas and knowledge that it be a shame to not try it out. With all these ideas just imagine the money we would make"
Beta looking at the current data she has gathered then added "If Gamma can get started on her projects we would be able to solve our current money problems, we have due to currently having to many members"
Delta who had her head lying on the table just asked "Why don't we just ask the boss man for more money, I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving us some"
Zeta just rolled her eyes "You stupid mutt of course he wouldn't mind, our lord is generous like that, but we shouldn't be taking advantage of his kindness.
If we always asked him to always solve our problems then our existence would be meaningless"
Delta just turned her head towards Zeta's direction and started growling
"Stop it both of you, we are still in a meeting you can continue your fighting afterwards" Alpha demanded.
Delta and Zeta just "Hmph" at each other and turned their head at the opposite direction from each other which cause the other members to just shake their heads at their usual antics.
Alpha just continued "We don't have to worry about where we are going to relocate, thanks to master giving us the chance to locate a dragon near the Sacred land Lindwurm, we were able to find to a suitable place to build our headquarters.
Thanks to Zeta's investigation we were able to find both the Ancient City of Alexandria and the The Mist Dragon that resides over it"
Zeta then jumps in "It wasn't easy to find either, especially because of that mist surrounding the area, it's magical properties distorts people's senses and it's extremely poisonous, luckily I was the one to go and explore the area, if it wasn't atleast one of us that person would most likely be dead.
The mist that surrounds it also has the ability to create normal level illusions."
"That's the perfect place for our base, it's Isolated, it's protected by a strong and potent mist, and it even has a guardian protecting it" added Epsilon getting excited about moving.
Alpha then stood up from where she was sitting "Well we have to end this meeting on a short note, master wants us to go with him when he fights the dragon. He demands our presence"
However before they left Alpha called Lambda, a dark elf they saved. Once she appeared Alpha then said "We are going on a mission, since master is coming it should be a short one, so we are leaving you in charge"
Lambda then gives Alpha a military salute expressing her acceptance towards her new orders
Alpha seeing her salute her then nods dismissing her. And once she left they all stood up.
Already wearing their slime suit they all stood up from the table and started to sink into their shadow.
And when they appeared, they found their master Shadow sitting close to the mist on a rock waiting for them with a book on his hands.
When the girls first saw him they looked at him in admiration 'As expected of Master even when he knows everything he still takes time to read and study, he's so studious and he looks so perfect while doing it too.'
seeing that they all arrived Shadow just throws the book back into his shadow. "Well it's about time you guys show up. Epsilon since you're the one with the most magical control you're the one in front along side Delta, with her senses it should be easy for you guys to navigate the Abyss Woods"
With the two of them infront, everyone soon follows their lead while shadow is just in the back quite excited about fighting a dragon.
'I could finally try on my finishing moves I've been making, on an actual opponent. I'm definitely going to enjoy this one quite a bit"
Although slowly the girls managed to maneuver their way through the thick mist thanks to their combined efforts.
With one final step they all arrived a few meters before the abandoned ancient city, but before they could take another step forward a angered voice was soon heard.
The sound of wind was then overheard as a colossal dragon made it's way over them and with a large thump landed right in front of them.
(Pic of Dragon)
The dragon then released a bit of his 'Dragon Fear' to intimidate them "You people sure are foolish if you think you can just enter this one's territory without any consequences"
Shadow then releases his own 'Dragon Fear' shocking the dragon greatly "You're the fool if you think you have the necessary strength to be able to give out any consequences towards this Monarch"
When the girls saw their master willing face the dragon head on protecting them, their already high admiration reach even higher 'Master... he's not even fazed by the dragons might'
Beta just takes out a notebook from somewhere that says "The Shadow Monarch's Legacy", Beta then opens the book and start to quickly move her pen which she also pulled from who knows where and write down while whispering rapidly
"Without even an ounce of hesitation the Shadow Monarch, The Ruler of Life and Death, stood face to face, with the Dragon of Dread and Dreams showcasing their mights to one another"
Meanwhile Cid and Dragon stood face to face. "HOW?! HOW COULD A HUMAN POSSESS THE ABILITIES OF A DRAGON"
Cid just casually shrugs "I am just built different.
Before we even get to fight each other, how about you get a warm up with my girls. Who knows how many years you spent without fighting, you're probably still rusty and need to fight it off. I want to fight you when you're at your best"
The girls listening to their conversation squeal slightly in their minds 'He call me his girl'
The dragon then scoffs at the humans proposal "You sure are arrogant for a human, but I believe that arrogance is justified if your aura i felt earlier is any indicator"
Cid then lefts out a burst of his Conqueror's Haki "It's not arrogance, it's Pride and Confidence in my abilities that I honed through out my life. Plus I want to see how far my pupils have come and how strong they have gotten"
The dragon then narrows his eyes and thinks for a few seconds "Very well human, I shall entertain your idea but don't think for a second I won't he going for the kill, in return I want you to promise me something"
Shadow then nodded his head "If it's something that's not to difficult to accomplish then very well"
"If those girls don't manage to kill me, I want you to do it"
Before anyone can ask anything, the dragon then stated "Due to the magical nature that covers the world, plus the one that is impregnated in the body of the Dragons at the genetic level, the dragon species are practically immortal, so they don't need to eat, or drink anything.
Nor can they die from hunger, old age, dryness, disease, poison, among other natural things, although if they like, they can eat or drink things if they want
so even if the magic power of their bodies is exhausted, or if they suffer heavy damage, be it to their head, chest, heart or others, said normal wounds will return to normal as if nothing happened.
The only way to kill a Dragon is to completely annihilate their entire being"
"I see... very well I shall complete your wish on the condition that I can do with your corpse as I see fit"
"Didn't I just say that you need to completely annihilate my body in order to kill me, there won't be a corpse left"
"That's for me to worry about, I can still kill you and keep your corpse intact don't worry. So do we have a deal"
"You are very greedy for a human, you should control your desires or they will become the death of you"
Shadow then looked at the dragon like he was an idiot "So you want me to leave a perfectly good dragon corpse out here to rot, when I could make great use of it, don't be a dumbass
As for controlling my desires, When you're as strong as I am you are free to indulge in them and do as you please, I will do no such thing as put a limit onto myself no matter how small.
No matter how small such limits are, they will only slow me down on my conquest to being a Supreme Being in the omniverse.
And as for Death... Death isn't something that should be feared it's something that should be appreciated and when their time comes they should embrace it"
And with that Shadow started walking away from the dragon. Once he was a good few meters away he controlled his shadows and made a throne out of it.
Once he sat on it, he just put a leg on the arm rest and rested his head on the other arm rest while leaning on his fist. He then looked at the girls and said "Do a good enough job and I shall reward you, any gift that you desire"
Shadow then saw the lust in their eyes and added "But if I deemed it to be inappropriate I shall decline it and ask you to ask for something else"
Which cause the girls to be dishearten slightly but quickly got back their fighting spirit as they would still be rewarded by their master. The girls quickly turned towards the dragon and gave him a battle hungry smile.
Which cause him to release a drop of sweat 'They really got this excited over a gift? What could these girls possibly want."
Shadow then spoke once again to the girls "Oh by the way if you guys even want a chance to even put a scratch on him you would have to work together."
Alpha hearing her master then got into a fighting position which was quickly followed by everyone else.
The dragon then started to flap his wings as well taking to the sky.
And with that the showdown between the Mist Dragon and Shadow Garden was about to begin.
Should the girls gain special abilities from eating the dragon, growing scales, growing wings, dragon looking eyes, the ability to breath fire.
Should they just get slightly stronger just making their magic more potent and their physique stronger and that's it.
And if I do give the girls dragon eyes,what abilities should it have?