~Omni pov~
It's has been 2 weeks since the creation of Shadow Garden and Alpha joining
she can be seen in a field in the middle of the day wearing a slime suit wielding a sword made out of slime standing infront of Cid who had a sword made out of slime as well
Cid didn't even use any technique, he just used his strength to propelled himself towards Alpha.
Alpha barely had anytime to react as she gathered magic at the bottom of her feet causing her to be blasted forwards toward Cid with her sword raised ready to strike him
Cid just lazily parried it pushing her back and swung his sword at her torso slicing a bit of her suit exposing her stomach.
Alpha with a bit of magic manipulated the slime suit to fix it , she then gather more magic at the bottom of her feet to give herself an even bigger boost and pushed herself towards Cid at a faster speed
Cid saw Alpha's sword coming towards him in a horizontal angle and he just leaned backwards in order to dodge it, once it was past his head he turned his sword into gauntlets and punch Alpha in the stomach knocking the air out of her and sending her flying and skidding and rolling across the ground
Once Alpha managed to stop herself she just started coughing while holding her stomach on all fours with her sword on the floor.
Cid just sighed while looking at her and said "I told you be more creative when using the slime sword, one of it's main ability it literally to be able to change it's shape
all you have used is a sword I know that that's what you are most comfortable with but you sometimes gotta leave your comfort zone in order to grow stronger"
Alpha just got up from the ground while holding her sword and put on a serious expression and ran towards Cid once again
And with that they spent the afternoon training until it was getting dark.
Cid just put a hand over her head as he healed her and while he was healing her Alpha said "Master, while I was out investigating in the morning I overheard alot of people talking about a group of bandits trying to sell a 'demon possess' slave and they're leaving in the morning tomorrow after resting in the forest for the night."
Cid then nodded as he took his hands off her head once he was finished healing her. He then covered himself with his shadow and once he dispelled it he was seen wearing his slime suit with his hood up completely covering his face.
He then turned towards Alpha and said "Well what are you waiting for we have a few bandits to catch"
Alpha just smiled as she morphed a ball of slime from gloves into a magicians mask that covered a bit of her eyes and said
"I'm ready master"
Cid then pulled Alpha closer into his chest which caused her to blush slightly and with that he summoned Kaisel from under him and flew into the sky...
While in the air Cid asked "Do you know which direction they are at."
Alpha while holding on onto him then nodded "Yes Master" she then point north and said "They are in that direction I spent the entire morning searching for them, it was a bit difficult but I managed to do it"
Alpha then looked in Cid's as if wanting to be praised for her hard work
Cid seeing her just scoffed slightly with a smile on his lips and patted her head "Good work"
And after flying around for a few minutes Cid spots a campfire with bandits surrounding it and drinking away their worries
Cid didn't even hesitate as he pushed Alpha off Kaisel
Alpha feeling being pushed just turned towards Cid as she looked at him in shock as she fell off Kaisel.
she then turned around while falling and started to flap her arms with a panic expression trying to fly
"WWWAAAAAHHHHHH MASTER YOU'RE SO CRUEL" Alpha shouted while she continued falling while flapping her arms
She then proceeded to close her eyes tightly and tried to morph the slime on her back, all she got was a mismatch pair of disfigured wings.
The bandits who were just drinking away just heard a shout and looked upwards toward the sky
The main leader of the bandits then stood up in shock "What the hell is that thing!!!" He said as he saw the thing falling down grow abnormal looking wings
And when she got close to the floor the wings made one big flap killing off all the momentum it had while falling
Alpha once killing off all of her momentum returned her suit to how it once was and rolled on the ground due to landing weirdly and got herself adjusted.
Without even thinking Alpha used her burst step and appeared infront of the bandit leader who was standing up.
Due to his shock expression he wasn't able to react fast enough as Alpha made a sword out of slime and decapitated him causing blood to splash everywhere while his head flew off his neck
The other bandits then jumped in shock and took out their sword as they ran towards Alpha while screaming
Alpha seeing that they were surrounding her just closed her eyes and made spikes appeared all over her suit.
She then spread her arms as she made the spikes fly off in every direction, causing some of the bandits close to her to die due to them being impaled in the head by the spikes
Seeing them stop advancing towards her Alpha gathered more slime she has stored and made a sword as she blasted off into the other bandits
Some tried to take a swing at her but she managed to parried most of them and some did make contact with her but it didn't make it far due to her increasing the durability of the area of the strike.
After each swing of her sword the bandits would either lose a limb or be killed, this kept going on until they were no more bandits left
When she was done she was standing in the middle of limbs, bodies, and blood everywhere.
she was with both her hands on her knees panting with one eye close due to the exhaustion
While letting her guard down a bandit pushed a body off of him and stood behind Alpha and with a sinister smile swung his sword downward.
And just as his sword was about to make contact Iron, one of Cids shadows, appeared from her shadow and blocked the sword with his shield
"ROOOAAARR" Iron then let out a battle cry as he swung his axe with his other hand splitting the bandit in half
Alpha who turned around just looked at this in amazement 'So cool' she thought totally in awe while looking at her master's summons
Cid then started walking towards her with Kaisel walking right behind him and as he walked towards her he just shook his head and said "seriously what is up with you girls and not always making sure your opponents stay dead"
Alpha then got embarrassed and bowed down towards him "Sorry master it won't happen again and thank you for saving me"
Cid once again just shook his head "Don't thank me thank iron" he said while patting iron's arm
Alpha then nodded and bowed towards Iron and said "Thank you for saving my life"
Iron then grew bashful as he rubbed the back of his head
Cid just smiled while looking at him, he then turned his head to the carriage that was off to the side where he detected a sign of weak life and made his way towards it.
~Omni pov~
Cid then calmly walked towards the carriage and opened the flaps to get a look inside with one look inside he saw a body with black markings all over it just a few days away from completely turning into a corpse.
Cid just sighed before reaching out his hand to fix the magic overload the body was experiencing, however before he could get started Alpha appeared right behind him with Iron following closely behind
She pulled softly on the long coat of the suit to grab his attention
Shyly she asked "Could you teach me how to do it. I want to be able to help them as well."
Cid just smiled and said "sure" and so with the use of Ruler's Authority he pulled the body out of the cart and held it infront of him he then grabbed Alpha's hand which made her cheeks gain a red coloring showing she was embarrassed.
While holding her hand he guided her magic to slowly fix the body that was suffering from the curse. Slowly but surely the blacken part of its skin started disappearing until what stood floating in the air was a beautiful white haired elf.
Cid then carefully put her on the ground which caused her to wake up from her sleep and as she woke up she didn't feel that agonizing pain she usually felt
The white haired elf then started looking all over her body and once she saw that it was all clear she looked up in surprise and with teary eyes asked "H-H-How is it possible, I was supposed to die, how am I still alive"
Alpha then decided to introduce herself "I am Alpha, and I belong to an organization called Shadow Garden..."
Alpha then went on a long rant about everything she learned and about how her master was the one to cure her and heal her body.
The white hair girl then bowed down towards the floor and with teary eyes said "Thank you, thank you" many more times expressing her gratitude.
Even though she was grateful she was still shocked by all the information Alpha has provided her, it would almost seem unreal if it didn't sound logically and totally plausible.
She then looked at Cid with wonder and gratitude in her eyes.
Cid while looking at her just surrounded her in his shadow and got her dressed in the slime suit making it a perfect fit for her and once he dispelled the shadow he said
"From today forward you shall throw away the previous name you once held and from now one shall be known as Beta
Welcome to Shadow Garden!!!"
And with that Beta has officially joined Shadow Garden becoming the second member to join.
Two weeks later...
Beta's face can be seen to have a green coloring as she kept getting sick after cutting down a bandit after their annual bandit hunting to get more training in.
Due to Beta not being a part of Shadow Garden for long she is still indecisive about what to do with her life and how to go about it, which distracted her during battle.
Which gave the bandit a perfect opportunity to deal a decisive blow on her but before that could happen the head of the bandit just flew off his shoulders.
Alpha was the one who saved her as she has gotten much stronger after practicing her swordsmanship with Igris and all the other knights Cid has in his ever growing army.
After Alpha finishes off the last bandit Beta can be seen still out of it and distracted which causes Alpha to just shake her head and sigh and tried to comfort her
But no matter how hard to tried she still couldn't get through Beta. Alpha last choice was to ask help from her master but before she could ask for help Cid just grabbed onto her shoulder and said with a confident smirk
"Don't worry, I got this".
Alpha just gave him a smirk back having full confidence in her masters ability to be able to help Beta.
And with that they all went to sleep
After a night out bandit hunting, Beta goes to bed in a abandoned house in the middle of a ghost town, which Cid remodeled with the help of his shadow soldiers, and just lays there staring at the ceiling unable to fall asleep properly due to her frequent night terrors
And while still staring at the ceiling she hers a chair next to her bed scoot closer which causes her to jump slightly and when she looked over she saw her master with a book on his hands
She then softly whispered "Master Shadow" due to Cid constantly calling himself the Shadow Monarch both Alpha and Beta have started to call him 'Master Shadow' out of respect.
Cid then looks at Beta with a soft smile and says "So I heard you are having difficulty in deciding what to do next and what to do with your life I hear"
Beta with a bit of hesitation just slowly nods.
Cid just nodded right back and says "very well then I guess I'll just have to share a bit of my knowledge and wisdom with you"
Beta then gets a bit excited about being able to learn new things about the one she now calls master
Cid then proceeded to tap the side of his head as he said "You see in my head there is the knowledge and wisdom that spans across multiple worlds and universes" 'Aka Manga, Novels, and anime' Cid thought the last part to himself.
'As expected of Master, no wonder he's so smart and strong' Beta thought as her worship towards her master increased.
"Are you ready?" He asks her which was followed by Beta rapidly nodding.
Cid then brings his hand near his mouth and clears his throat
"Ahem Ahem Ahem"
And in a deep voice he starts off
"Fame, Wealth, Power..."
he then proceeded to tell the best story that ever existed.