~Cid's Pov~
Three years soon passed...
Thanks to the black heart I currently possess my body kept getting nourished by the Mana of it, making my looks all the better. It was Making my skin and hair glossier and smoother, even tho I was 3 years old you can just tell I'm going to become better looking than Cid was originally going to be.
For most of my time for the last three years I just kept magically enhancing my body making it permanently stronger and much more durable which made me able to start exercising much earlier than any toddler ever should. I guess that's the beauty of Magic, it makes the impossibility a reality.
I've been thinking alot about what to do next with magic thinking alot about different animes and Mangas from my other past life's and the more I thought about it the more idea's kept coming to mind
For example since this is technically an anime and manga world who says specific types of techniques from different animes, manga, and novels won't work in this world
Right now in the middle of the night I'm in a open field about to test out if anime moves work in this world, for starters the most simple one's to test out would be the six powers of the marines also know as the 'Rokushiki Techniques' from One Piece
The first move I tried was what I believe to be the easiest to execute 'Soru' or also known as 'Shave', since I'm in a open field I don't have to worry about running into a wall if I mess it up
The premise of Soru is to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye which would allow the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power.
Since I was just 3 years old my speed wasn't up to standard when trying to perform such move so I had to magically enhance myself to actually be able to do it
Although it was difficult I now knew that I could do it, which makes the possibility for more power endless but I'm not going for alot of different powers, too many power at some point would just become redundant
After all like Bruce Lee once said "I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times"
And so that's what I'll do.
Seeing that anime martial arts were possible i decided to try on a technique from the magical side of entertainment.
I sat down in the grass in the open field with my legs crossed and started to concentrate on the magic power around and inside of me. I then drew in all of the magic power towards the center of my abdomen and started to shape it into a sphere.
Once the sphere was made, it felt like it still didn't belong to me just yet, like it's inside of me but I can't have access to it. By now it was just a pure clear sphere made out of magic.
I then tried to recall the things I knew about the Mana core from the novel 'The Beginning After the End'. Even tho I stopped reading it around the 400th chapter due to the many annoying Pov switches it was still a good read.
'A Mana Core is classified into six colors: black, red, orange, yellow, silver, and white. One's mana color starts off as black, due to the body's blood and other impurities mixed with the mana particles as they form together into a mana core. Each stage of the mana core colors is split into three shades(dark, solid, and light).
except silver which is split into initial, mid and high and white core which does not have stages. In general, the lighter the mana core color, the purer one's mana core was. Therefore, there was more power one could have access to.' (A/N: straight from the wiki page)
'So I was missing my blood to make it officially mine' I thought to myself
Sighing I just put my hands inside my shadow and pull out a blob of slime and as I was holding it in my hand I started to pour magic power into it and changed the shape from a blob into a sword. With the sword now in my hand I made it sharp and positioned it to my other hand and made a cut in the middle.
Since I knew slime was going to be an important material I had my shadow soldier's gather them up, but instead of killing them right away I put them in the sub dimension of my shadow and turned a part of it into a breeding ground for slimes.
Once the cut was made I returned the slime sword back into my shadow, I then lifted my shirt and put the palm with my blood at the very center of my abdomen and used magic power to push the blood inside and into the crystal clear orb.
Once my blood and the crystal orb made contact a type of mana explosion happened creating a crater with me in the center due to the formation of my mana core.
When I checked the core again, I noticed that instead of it being clear it was now a dark red color. Seeing this just put a smile on my face, it looks like its going to be much easier to manipulate mana once it leaves my body and core.
Wanting to test out my mana core I then stood up from the crater and stretched my hands slightly i then use the magic in my magic core and started using the red mana particles inside of it and as I used it I started to shape it into a fireball.
The fire being used then turned purple which made the fireball purple as well and once it was made I launched it into the sky it flew for a few meters before dissipating into the air and turning back into magic power.
I see, so once the magic power from the outside goes inside the core it turns into elemental mana particles and once it's used it reverts back to magic power, quite interesting. And since my magic power is a purple color the elements turns into that specific color as well.
I then tried to summoned the other 3 elements to see if I would have some type of limitations and upon calling the wind, ground, and water, I discovered that they were mostly the color black with a slight purple accent but apart from that nothing seems to be amiss.
I would have to continue to purify my core to see if I discover anything new. So for now the only thing I could do is practice the Rokushiki Techniques and purify my mana core.
A/n: I'm having a hard time deciding should Claire join shadow garden after she gets kidnapped or just continue keeping her in the dark for now.
~Cid's Pov~
And just like that 2 years passes and I'm now 5 years old.
I'm back in the open field and infront of me is Igris with a sword in his hand while I have my slime made sword in mine. We just continued staring at each other as all the other shadows are out and in circling us.
"Are you ready Igris" I asked excited about finally able to face him. Igris just nods even though he's still worried about hurting me, ever since I could walk I would try and face Igris to test my swordsmanship against him but Igris would decline expressing his worry that I'm to small and could get hurt if I'm not careful.
It wasn't until I finally turned 5 that Igris finally caved in, which is why I'm now infront of him with my sword ready.
I take a deep breath and position my sword slightly and use 'Soru', I disappeared from where I was standing and reappeared infront of Igris with our swords clashing into each other creating sparks and as Igris pushed the sword i was sent skidding slightly.
I got in position again and used 'Soru' once again but instead of a slash I sent thrusts multiple times which he managed to block with the flat side of his lightning blade.
While still thrusting my blade I started to use geppo, which allows users to push themselves off the air itself with superhumanly strong kicks, allowing them to travel through and remain in midair for an extended period of time.
It was kinda like I was flying while kicking the air. And while kicking the air I turned my thrusts back into slashes which Igris was still able to block.
Wanting to at least get a hit in a used a 'Soru' in the air while also using 'Geppo' so it was hard to detect me, but since I wasn't at my strongest since I was still a child Igris was still able to follow me with his eyes even tho his eyes were moving at a quick speed.
While still trying to confuse him I decided to use a move I have been working on since I found out I could use other anime moves and started practicing the 'Rokushiki'. My eyes suddenly gave off a red glint as I saw 1 second into the future, where I attacked Igris and how he managed to block it.
Using that to my advantage I did as I did in the vision but slightly altered the course near the end and as I was about to hit Igris, he managed to grab my arm and flung be across the land which I managed to land back on my feet.
Seeing that the fight was over Beru started clapping extremely fast "BRAVO MY LIEGE BRAVO, YOU ARE JUST GETTING USED TO YOUR NEW BODY AND YOU ALMOST MANAGED TO HIT IGRIS BRAVO"
Igris just started nodding as he said "Well done sire, that was done splendidly"
The rest of my shadows watching the fight just started nodding as agreeing that I'm getting better at fighting which I am, obviously.
Especially after finally getting Haki through out the years of practice. Since I knew my spirituality is more advanced thanks to my reincarnation, I knew that getting Haki was just a matter of time so during the night I would go into the forest and shut off most of my senses and just wear a blind fold
I would then get my shadow soldier's to spread around the forest and attack me at random intervals. Which was quick and painful since once again I had to readjust my pain tolerance. Both conquers and Armament Haki are a bit tougher to learn than observation. Especially since I'm still in a child's body
So thats what I mostly focus on for the last 2 years, even after 2 years all I managed to get was 1 second into advanced observation Haki, that's what I mostly focus on even tho it was mostly during the night time that I would go practice.
It would have been weird to explain to my sister what I was doing walking around like an idiot with a blindfold on...
'Should I do that?' I thought to myself, 'I mean it would he cool and I would later be known as the blind swordsman who had one of his senses cut off just to enhance the other.' As I thought more into this the more crazy ideas I kept coming up with.
'I could do it like Gojo, from Jujutsu Kaisen and just come up with something like my eyes have a special property, that they need to be seal or else it would be catastrophic I could go totally Chunni with this and make someone accidentally take off my blindfold
And once it comes off I could just grab my eye and release a huge amount of magic power saying "You, what have you done" while still covering my eyes. hmmmm should I do it or not... oh well I still got ten years to decide'
When I finished with my contemplating, one of the shadows I left with Claire informed me that she was about to sneak into my room once again and so with a quick thought I made all my shadow soldier's return and slowly sank into my own shadow
I then appeared right next to my bed and as I appeared the door handles jiggle slightly which made me go inside the covers quickly.
And as I made it inside the covers the door slightly opens and 7 year old Claire comes and sneaks in while closing the door softly to not notify anyone. And as she closed it she scurries along and climbed inside my bed and under my cover
She without whispering just said "Open your eyes I know your not asleep" I sighed before opening my eyes
"You caught me sneaking out one time, can you just let it go already, I haven't done it since" I said lying through my teeths. She came in the room when I was about to jump out the window to test out my flying skills.
which by this time I know it was a rookie mistake, i wasn't expecting someone to come in my room so I wasn't actively searching for anyone.
And it's annoying to have you're detection skills on all the time, even in your own home. Which by now I learned to always have it on even to my own discomfort thanks to Claire.
"You're my little brother, it's my job to take care of you whether you like it or not" she said pouting.
I just gave her a deadpan look "You do know I'm stronger than you right, you still haven't won any sparring sessions against me"
She just continues to pout "Doesn't matter, I'm still your older sister so that means you are my responsibility" she than paused before tears started gathering in her eyes "What if something happens to you when I'm not there, yes you are stronger but you're too reckless for you're own good" and with that she just comes closer and hugs me tighter.
'I can't say it doesn't make me feel fuzzy inside when she says things like this, I mean c'mon anyone would' I thought to myself while also sighing.
As an only child in both past lifes I can't say I didn't always wonder what it's like to have a sibling. 'Can't say I hate it' I thought to myself fully enjoying the hug and soon falling asleep as well.
I don't remember what Igris calls Jinwoo so imma just go with Sire, you can correct me if I'm wrong tho