0.73% The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows / Chapter 1: Chapter 1

章 1: Chapter 1

~Mc's pov~

As I finished reading the latest chapter of the Manga 'The Eminence in Shadow' all I could think about was how can a character be so weird, stupid, and likable at the same time.

Don't get me wrong I really like the character and think he's cool but it's just frustrating watching him. As an assassin myself a being who works in the dark, I really like the part of the whole secret second life thing he has going on.

But not the whole mob thing, you can still live a really high profile life and live a totally second life about being in the shadows without anyone finding out. Trust me I would know as apart from just being a famous assassin I'm also a really high profile Movie Star and no one knows of my assassination jobs.

To everyone else Ryan Martin and Azrael The Angel of Death Incarnate are two whole different beings.

When I was little I was heavily neglected and would just spend my times in the streets just wondering around.

Having nothing better to do I just started to pick pockets and enjoyed the feeling of it until I was eventually caught. I was 14 years old when he got me and during that time I had to mature early in order to take care of myself and not starve. I guess one thing I resent my parents for was not letting me enjoy what being a kid felt like.

The being who caught me just so happened to be the most legendary assassin of his time which by the way is a really big fucking coincidence, it was like one in a billion chance of that happening.

When he saw me almost get away with his wallet, he just raised a brow and said that I had talent for being undetected, I just told him that when you're neglected you tend to blend in to not cause trouble cause just as you're quickly neglected it can quickly turn into abuse.

The old man just looked at me longer than normal and said "you know I was just looking to retire and train my next successor and look at what God put in my way"

Even tho I didn't know it at the time, he came to be a very important figure in my life, he was someone I respected from the bottom of my heart. Although I did always found it funny that a being that deals with death for a living would be so religious as to mention God when we first met.

The old man asked me if I wanted to be his successor and me being the neglected kid that I was, fucking agreed like an idiot.

I was pretty naive back then, luckily he was genuine.... Now that I think about it, I was fucking kidnapped wasn't I.

While thinking about the old man all I remember was the lessons he taught me. Some of the lessons weren't even about being an assassin they were just about life. Like the time I asked him why he was so religious.

His answer was honestly quite shocking, He told me it was so he has something to believe in, that even if it was tiny he wanted to have faith in something and keep him grounded from losing himself in the art of killing and becoming a monster that only knows how to kill.

I came to respect that so I chose to believe in something too...

Myself, I believed that I had the will to not go down such a road.

And thanks to that I was trained into the perfect assassin until the old man unfortunately passed away, as a side effect my acting became perfect thanks to his training.

Although thanks to my neglectful self still wanting validation i went into the movie industry and got the validation from the masses and fans.

That wasn't the only thing that bastard of a old man taught me, I still remember when he threw me into a brothel when I just turned 18 to get immunity towards beauty and sex and not get distracted during missions.

So as I was saying before you don't need to be a background character to be the Eminence in the shadows, you just need power and a whole lot of skills.

Now I know what you might be saying "what's a cool movie star assassin like you doing just reading manga, anime and novels of the sorts, isn't that only for people that want an escape from reality and have a miserable life"

And to that I tell you to fuck off anime is for everyone.

I still remembered when I encountered anime, it was for an infiltration mission and seducing a target the only way to get closer to the target was to get into the hobbies they enjoyed which just so happened to be anime. I had to spent hour upon hours to get closer to this target but along the way the more I watched the more I enjoyed it. Until I became hooked and unto the downward spiral I went...


Now as I was saying about Cid, it's fucking weird how everything just lines up for him it's like lady luck gets on her knees just for him with how much things just works out for him with those million dollar coincidences.

Now that I think about it maybe lady luck is a whore.

Cause I had my fair shares of lucky situations like meeting the old man, which I still find it seriously suspicious, and then him just retiring and looking for a disciple at the right time.

Now the reason for why I'm monologuing and talking about the latest chapter of the Manga and about Cid...

While waiting on a roof top with a sniper infront of me waiting for my target, I decided to spent most of my time reading mangas I saw just updated, the last one I finished reading was the current chapter of 'Eminence in Shadow' and as I finished reading I got a notification on my burner phone where I take assassination missions

And the notification just so happened to be an email. And the main title for it was "Reincarnation interview..."

Looking at the title all I could do was snicker slightly.

'How did they even get a hold of my burner phone and really a interview about being isekai to another world like those lame Fanfics how funny'

I thought while reading it, seeing that it would be a while before my target arrives I decided to entertain the idea seeing this as just an obvious joke.

As I clicked on the link it presented, it took me to a website with a question in the middle of it with a next button next to the answer section

The first question was the most stereotypical question "If you were giving the chance to be reincarnated into another world where would you want to be reincarnated at"

Having just finished reading 'Eminence in Shadow'  I obviously chose it, I mean c'mon when you finish reading something the first thing that pops to mind is what would I do in this situation, so just having finished reading the latest chapter my most obvious choice would be it.

The next question was "Which character from "Eminence in Shadow" would you want to be reincarnated as and during what time period and condition "

It wasn't that hard of a question which caused me to monologue about the character and my life


Now back on the question my choice would be obvious once again, it would be Cid Kagenou i mean I could hit the random button but there's a chance I would get reincarnated as a girl instead so noooooo thank you.

Now about the time period I chose the time when he was Minoru, his previous incarnation, as it would let me hone all my skills to the upmost limit and learn new ones.

As for the condition it would be to be able to know exactly when I'm supposed to die and be able to reincarnate once again as Cid.

The next question was "If you could have the full skill set of any character who would it be"

While looking at this question the answer was obvious, Sung jin Woo. Who wouldn't want to be the Shadow Monarch.

While looking further down I notice a add on section and it says I could choose something the character has but it has to be something from the same character.

So while thinking about it I decided on the shadows he had when he got killed he had about 1,000 of them, which in my opinion is a perfect starter amount.

"Well that was short" I mumble seeing that I already answered everything and with that I hit sent and tossed my phone to the side as I went back into the scope of my sniper.

And as my target arrives I fire my shot killing him completing another successful mission.

And as I stood up while putting my sniper onto my shoulders I suddenly get dizzy

"Wha-" I muttered as I start to fall face first and as my face touches the floor of the roof, to the side I see my phone with the screen on and in the middle was a check mark with the letters spelling out "Approved" right under it.

'No way' were my last thoughts as I lost consciousness...

章 2: Chapter 2

~Omni pov~

'No way'

Those were Ryan's last thoughts before he passed away with his phone in his hands looking at the check mark in his phone spelling out Approved.

And as he passed away his soul slowly drifted into space and into the light where he woke up crying as a baby in the arms of a Japanese woman and as Ryan struggled to control his new baby body he hears somebody speak in Japanese.

"Congratulations madem it's a healthy baby boy, do you have a name ready for your new son." the doctor asks Ryan's new mother.

The mother looking exhausted from the labor just smiles while holding her baby and says "yes me and my husband have decided to name him Minoru Kagenō" while looking at her husband with a loving gaze.

Now hearing that name Ryan who's name is now Minoru starts laughing like crazy inside his head as thanks to his previous jobs understands perfect Japanese.


But what came out was cute little baby giggles, the Japanese couple hearing their baby start giggling when his name was mentioned just smile back at him unaware of this little gremlins thoughts.

"Awww you see that honey it seems he really like the name" the husband says while looking at his baby boy.




phew I just had to get that out of the way no matter how mature someone is or how trained I was, there was no way I wasn't going to celebrate being reincarnated especially as future Cid and knowing my future it's definitely worth the celebration.

It's even harder to go back towards my training in this new body it's hard to control my emotions properly

Oh well I guess I'll use what I got and that's this new life as Minoru. I'll uses it to study things i wasn't able to in my past life and make myself even smarter and more knowledgeable before dying once more and re-reincarnating into Cid'

And with these thoughts he soon fell asleep in his mother arms with a tiny smile on his face.

~Mc pov~

Before I knew it 4 years has passed and I discovered somethings about myself, my memories have become better, I somehow feel spiritually better, its hard to explain it. My cognitive ability have all been upgraded and it's either one of two things

One, it's probably thanks to my age, since kids from a early age pick up things quicker and are able to grasp things better I'm at the stage where things just seemed easy

Or two since I reincarnated my soul probably absorb the soul of who would have been the original Minoru and strengthen itself making it stronger.

If it's the second one I'm not going to be like those wimpy reincarnated guys from those novels that get depressed about taking the body of someone. First of all I'm an assassin and second of all his soul at the moment of my reincarnation was just a blank slate.

A good analogy for it would be like ripping a piece of paper, if the paper had content on it i would feel bad since it was the hard work of a person but since the paper was empty nobody is gonna cry over it. If that makes sense.

Since my cognitive are at the all time high I decided to take advantage of it incase it is indeed the former reason.

Now about the skill sets of Sung jin Woo, it would seem like I still don't have access to them which means I would have to die one more time in order to activate them

Probably for saying I wanted to reincarnated as Cid not Minoru...

Oh well, I guess in the mean time I will just have to use this time to develop other skills I didn't get to explore previously. I started to show my interest in music which my parents were elated about. Since in the original, Minoru's parent made him learn about music, they probably wanted a musically inclined child which worked in my favor.

Thanks to that they hired a tutor for me and when I showed my talent and quick learning to him, he really wanted to teach me. So thanks to the tutor I started learning many types of instruments

So thanks to that as well I went towards many music competitions and won them all, my music was just as good as the original composer if not better when I was 10 which quickly brought me fame. Which I was already used to thanks to my previous life.

Thanks to that fame many rich businessman that held great extravagant parties and dinners would send a formal invitation so I could play at their parties, even though it was an invitation I would still get paid millions of yens thanks to it.

Seeing that I was already good with music I decided to focus on other things since I had no need for it anymore. One of the main things I focus on was martials arts.

But I also focus on other things the would make me richer in another world like cooking and different types of culinary cuisines.

Which would be helpful if I wanted to open a big business empire in the future. The things i mostly focused on was about different types of alcohol, chocolate like how the original Cid did, sauces, spices, and the likes

I also dabble in fashion, as the leader of a future organization I need to appear presentable after all. After all the quote goes 'The clothes makes the man'.

I know what you may be thinking "But Minoru how are you able to learn so many things so fast in just that short amount of time surely there has to be a limit right, it just seems illogical"

The answer to that my not so existing friends is that six fucking years is alot of time, some of the things I talked about all I had to do was read and remember them which thanks to my 'spiritual awakening' was super easy, so no it's not illogical.

And so when I turned ten I 'abandoned the music industry' and focused mostly on martial arts for five more years.

During those 5 years I studied many different types of martial arts, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Tai Chi, Kickboxing, Karate, Kung Fu, Aikido, Judo, Kendo, Krav Maga, Wing Chun, Jeet Kune Do, Hapkido, Capoeira, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Ninjutsu and many types of different weapons.

And let me tell you it hurts, I may be mentally strong but I had to readjust my pain tolerance once again

Thinking about it, I'm going to have to re-do this once again when I died.... Fuck

Now then thanks to reaching the age of fifteen I realized that it was my soul that was strengthen, it wasn't thanks to my age that I was smart, which is a blessing in it's self.

Anyways thanks to all the martial arts I learned I started to create my own by taking the best part of each one of them and interconnecting them where they fit best at.

Especially swordsmanship, which was one of the things I really focused on. Since I knew i was going to a world of sword and magic I mostly practiced my swordsmanship making it extremely deadly, elegant, and sharp, can't forget about stylish as well

Which would leave people in awe due to my swordsmanship. I guess being in the movie industry in my previous life has left me with the desire to show off and put on performances...

And to learn all of these martial arts I would travel the world with all the money I earned from the music competitions and party invites, and meet different practitioners. I would then later fight them, during these fight I would then start copying them which would shock them and start to teach me willingly.

When I turned 15 my parents had to move to America for a job relocation, I didn't care much as I wasn't really that close with them. It's especially hard to do that when you're an adult mentally when you started.

And since i am going to "Die" I don't really see the point of getting along with them it's a waste of time and would just make them grieve even harder when it happens, which would just seem cruel, I'm an assassin not a monster.

I then went to Japan to last the rest of my years there. I decided to go for the school the original Minoru went to 'Sakurazaka Senior High'. The reason is simple it's for Akane Nishino, and no it's not for lustful reasons.

One of the many things the old man taught me was how to control my lust, one of the many reasons why so many assassin's failed their mission or were killed during it was because they couldn't control themselves and gave in into lust.

Though I wouldn't mind building a harem in a near future. This desire mostly comes from not really having any meaningful relationships except from the old man...

So no the reason wasn't lust it's cause she can be of use especially when this world goes to shit.

And so of I went and enrolled in school were people started to recognize me but left me alone due to my presence which I controlled to give out a 'Don't want to be bothered' kind of feeling which people found weird.

During my high-school time I mostly kept to myself once again not finding any reason to interact with anyone and spent the rest of my time studying things about business and what could be of any help.

And that went on until I finally turned 17 and my next seat neighbor then turned to be Akane Nishino.

That was when I realized that i have just entered the final months of my life.

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  • 世界の背景

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