59.11% Fallout 4: Rebirth At Vault 81 / Chapter 295: 269. Dark and Light

章 295: 269. Dark and Light

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As the leaders left the room, the sense of purpose that had brought them together in the first place was stronger than ever. The Commonwealth was still a dangerous place, but with the Constitution Commandos on the move, it was clear that the tides were beginning to turn. And though their presence might not always be seen, their impact would be felt across the wasteland.

The next morning, as the sun began to rise over Sanctuary, casting long shadows across the settlement, the Constitution Commandos gathered in the training yard. The air was crisp and filled with anticipation. The previous day's successes had left the Commandos in high spirits, but they all knew that today was the beginning of a new chapter in their mission to protect the Commonwealth.

Sico, Sarah, Preston, MacCready, and Robert stood together at the front of the yard, facing the thirty teams of Commandos who were assembled before them. The training yard, normally used for drills and exercises, now felt like the staging ground for something much larger. The Commandos, dressed in their combat gear and ready for whatever came next, stood in disciplined rows, their eyes fixed on their leaders.

Sico stepped forward, his expression serious but calm. He had spent the night going over the plan they had all agreed upon, and now it was time to share that plan with the Commandos. "Good morning, everyone," he began, his voice carrying across the yard. "You've all proven yourselves in combat, and I want to start by saying how proud I am of each and every one of you. Yesterday was just the beginning, but today, we move forward with a new strategy."

He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "As you know, the Commonwealth is a dangerous place, and it's going to take more than just brute force to protect the people out there. We need to be smart, we need to be strategic, and we need to operate in ways that keep us one step ahead of our enemies. That's why we've decided to divide the Constitution Commandos into two distinct groups—each with its own mission, but both working toward the same goal."

Sico gestured to the teams before him, his voice steady as he explained the division. "The first group will be what we're calling the 'Light Group.' Your job will be to operate openly across the Commonwealth. You'll be the face of the Commandos—the ones who are seen helping settlements, taking down threats, and providing aid wherever it's needed. You'll build our reputation, give people hope, and show them that there's a force out here fighting for them. Your presence will be known, and your actions will inspire others to stand up and fight for their homes."

He then turned to the other half of the group. "The second group will be known as the 'Dark Group.' Your mission is just as important, but it will require a different approach. You'll operate in the shadows, taking on the dirty work that needs to be done but can't be seen. You'll handle the covert operations—the missions that require stealth, precision, and a certain level of secrecy. You'll gather intelligence, eliminate key threats before they become too dangerous, and disrupt enemy operations from behind the scenes. The work you do will be critical, but it won't always be recognized, and that's by design. You'll be the unseen protectors of the Commonwealth, ensuring that our enemies never know what hit them."

The Commandos exchanged glances, some of them already beginning to understand the significance of this division. But Sico wasn't finished. He stepped back, allowing Robert to take the floor and explain the reasoning behind this strategy.

Robert, with his usual calm and authoritative demeanor, addressed the Commandos. "The reason we're doing this is simple. The Commonwealth is a place where not every problem can be solved with a show of force. Some threats are best handled quietly, without drawing attention to ourselves. By dividing into these two groups, we can cover more ground, tackle more threats, and do it all in a way that keeps us safe and effective."

He pointed to the map behind him, marked with key locations across the Commonwealth. "The Light Group will ensure that the people know we're out there, providing hope and security. But the Dark Group will ensure that we can take on the threats that can't be faced in the open. The Commonwealth needs both kinds of protection, and by working together, we'll be able to provide it."

Robert's gaze swept across the gathered Commandos. "This isn't just about fighting—it's about strategy, about knowing when to be seen and when to stay hidden. Both groups are equally important, and each of you has been chosen for the group that best suits your skills. You'll be briefed on your specific missions and assignments after this, but remember: whether you're in the Light Group or the Dark Group, you're all still Constitution Commandos, and you're all fighting for the same cause."

Preston stepped forward, adding a final word of encouragement. "This division isn't about creating distance between us—it's about making us stronger, more adaptable. The Commonwealth is counting on us to protect it, and with this plan, we're going to do just that. We've got each other's backs, no matter what."

Sarah nodded, her voice firm. "We're going to make a real difference out there. So get ready—your assignments are coming, and the Commonwealth is waiting. Let's show them what the Constitution Commandos can do."

As the leaders finished speaking, the Commandos stood a little taller, their resolve hardening. They understood the importance of the task ahead, and they were ready to face it—whether in the light or in the dark. The sense of unity and purpose that had been forged in battle was now even stronger, and as they prepared to move out, each Commando knew that they were part of something bigger than themselves.

With a final salute, the Commandos dispersed, ready to receive their assignments and take on the new challenges that awaited them in the Commonwealth. Sico, Sarah, Preston, MacCready, and Robert watched them go, knowing that they had made the right decision. The future of the Commonwealth was uncertain, but with the Constitution Commandos divided into the Light and Dark Groups, they were ready to face whatever came next.

As the Commandos began to disperse, a palpable sense of purpose hung in the air. Sico watched as the leaders of the Light and Dark Groups prepared to brief their respective teams. He had full confidence in Preston, Sarah, Robert, and MacCready, but he wanted to ensure everything went smoothly, so he decided to oversee the assignment process.

Preston was the first to step forward, addressing the Commandos who would form the Light Group. His voice was clear and strong, filled with the kind of optimism that had always made him a natural leader. "Alright, Light Group, gather around!" he called out, and the chosen Commandos quickly formed a semi-circle around him.

"Your mission is to be the face of the Constitution Commandos," Preston began. "We're going to be out there in the Commonwealth, helping settlements, taking down threats, and spreading hope. But remember, our goal isn't just to fight—it's to inspire. We're here to show the people that they're not alone, and that there's a force out here working to make the Commonwealth safer. You'll be assigned to various regions—some of you will help establish defenses in vulnerable settlements, others will focus on clearing out known raider or super mutant camps."

He then began distributing specific assignments. Each team was given a detailed briefing on their objectives, with Preston providing additional guidance on how to approach their tasks. He emphasized the importance of building relationships with the people they helped, reminding the Commandos that trust and cooperation were just as important as their combat skills. Sico could see the Light Group members nodding in agreement, their expressions determined. They were ready to make a difference.

Meanwhile, Sarah had taken charge of the Dark Group. The Commandos assigned to this group were more diverse in their backgrounds—scouts, snipers, former infiltrators—all accustomed to working from the shadows. Sarah's tone was quieter, more measured, but it carried the weight of experience. "Dark Group, over here," she said, and her team quickly assembled.

"The work we're going to do isn't glamorous," Sarah began, her voice steady. "But it's necessary. Our missions will be covert, often dangerous, and rarely recognized. We'll be gathering intelligence, disrupting enemy operations, and eliminating key threats before they become too big to handle. Our goal is to keep the Commonwealth safe by stopping problems before they start."

She distributed assignments with precision, providing each team with detailed instructions on how to approach their targets. Sico noticed that she was careful to match each team's strengths with the nature of their mission. Some were tasked with infiltrating enemy bases to gather intel, while others were assigned to take out high-value targets or sabotage enemy supply lines. Sarah emphasized the importance of stealth and discretion, reminding her team that their success depended on staying out of sight and striking when the time was right.

Robert and MacCready worked together to handle logistics and ensure that both groups had the resources they needed for their missions. They distributed gear, ammunition, and other supplies, making sure that each team was well-equipped for the challenges ahead. Robert's methodical approach complemented MacCready's hands-on style, and together they made sure that no detail was overlooked.

As Sico observed the assignment process, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. The Commandos were more than just a group of fighters—they were a well-organized, disciplined force, ready to take on the challenges of the Commonwealth. He could see the determination in their eyes, the resolve that had been forged through their shared experiences.

Once all the assignments had been distributed, Sico stepped forward to address both groups one final time. The Commandos fell silent, their attention focused on their overseer.

"Before you head out, I want you all to remember one thing," Sico began. "No matter where your missions take you—whether you're in the light or the dark—you're not alone. We're all part of the same team, and we're all working toward the same goal: to make the Commonwealth a safer place for everyone. Stay sharp, stay focused, and trust in each other. We've got each other's backs, and that's what makes us strong."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "You've all been chosen for your roles because you've proven yourselves time and time again. I have no doubt that you'll succeed in your missions. Now, let's go out there and show the Commonwealth what the Constitution Commandos are made of."

With that, Sico gave a final nod to Preston, Sarah, Robert, and MacCready. The leaders exchanged glances, each one silently acknowledging the weight of the responsibility they carried. Then, with a final salute, the Commandos began to move out, splitting into their respective groups and heading toward their assigned destinations.

Sico watched them go, his heart swelling with a mix of pride and determination. The road ahead would be difficult, but he knew that with the Commandos operating in both the light and the dark, they had a real chance to turn the tide in the Commonwealth.

As the last of the Commandos disappeared into the distance, Sico turned to his fellow leaders. "We've given them their assignments, but our work doesn't stop here. We need to stay vigilant, monitor their progress, and be ready to adapt as the situation changes. The Commonwealth is counting on us, and we can't afford to let them down."

Sarah, Preston, Robert, and MacCready all nodded in agreement. They knew the stakes were high, but they were ready for the challenge.

After a brief moment of silent reflection, Sico turned back to his fellow leaders, the determination in his voice mirrored in his expression. "We've given them their assignments, but there's one more thing I need to do before we move forward," he said, his tone serious yet confident.

Sarah, Preston, Robert, and MacCready looked at him, waiting for him to elaborate.

"I'm going to head over to the Minutemen headquarters," Sico continued. "Nora needs to know that the Constitution Commandos have been successfully formed and deployed. She's put her faith in us, and it's time she hears that we've delivered on our promise."

Preston, who had always been closely tied to the Minutemen, nodded approvingly. "Nora will be pleased to hear the news. The Commandos represent everything the Minutemen stand for—defending the Commonwealth, protecting the people. Let her know that we're ready to make a difference out there."

Sarah stepped forward, placing a hand on Sico's shoulder. "You've done a good job, Sico. We all have. Now, let's make sure Nora knows that the Commonwealth has a new line of defense."

Robert, ever pragmatic, added, "We'll keep an eye on the Commandos here while you're at headquarters. If anything comes up, we'll handle it."

MacCready, who always brought a touch of levity to even the most serious situations, grinned. "And hey, maybe tell Nora we're ready for a victory party when we get back. Just a thought."

Sico chuckled, appreciating MacCready's attempt to lighten the mood. But he knew the gravity of the situation. "I'll be back soon," he assured them. "In the meantime, stay on top of things here. We're just getting started."

With that, Sico turned and began making his way through Sanctuary toward the Minutemen's headquarters, which was located in the heart of the settlement. The path was familiar to him, lined with the makeshift homes and defenses that had been built by the settlers and Minutemen alike. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pride in what they had accomplished—Sanctuary was more than just a settlement now; it was a symbol of hope and resilience in a world that had seen too much darkness.

As he approached the main building that served as the Minutemen HQ, Sico saw Nora standing outside, speaking with a group of settlers. She was dressed in her usual combat gear, her stance relaxed but authoritative. It was clear that she had earned the respect of everyone around her—settlers and soldiers alike. When she noticed Sico approaching, she smiled warmly, finishing her conversation before turning her full attention to him.

"Sico," she greeted him. "I was just about to come looking for you. How did it go with the Commandos?"

Sico returned her smile, feeling the weight of the morning's events lift slightly. "It went well," he replied. "The Constitution Commandos have been officially formed and deployed. We've divided them into two groups—the Light Group and the Dark Group. They're out on their first missions as we speak."

Nora's eyes lit up with a mix of pride and relief. "That's fantastic news. I knew you and the others would pull it off, but it's still good to hear that everything is going according to plan."

She gestured for him to follow her inside the HQ, where they could discuss the details in a more private setting. As they entered the building, Nora led him to a small, makeshift office that had been set up as her command center. Maps of the Commonwealth covered the walls, dotted with markers indicating Minutemen patrols, settlements in need of assistance, and potential threats.

Sico quickly briefed Nora on the specifics of the Commandos' deployment, explaining the roles of the Light and Dark Groups and how they would operate to protect the Commonwealth. He could see the wheels turning in Nora's mind as she absorbed the information, considering how the Commandos would fit into the larger strategy of the Minutemen.

"This is exactly what we needed," Nora said after a moment. "The Commonwealth is a big place, and while the Minutemen have been doing our best, we've been stretched thin. Having the Commandos out there, both in the open and behind the scenes, is going to make a huge difference."

Sico nodded. "That was the idea. We're not just focusing on fighting—we're focusing on strategy. The Light Group will give people hope, and the Dark Group will take care of the threats that we can't afford to deal with publicly."

Nora leaned back in her chair, a thoughtful expression on her face. "This is going to change the game for us, Sico. The Commonwealth is still a dangerous place, but with the Commandos in the field, we might finally be able to turn the tide in our favor."

She looked at him with a mixture of gratitude and respect. "Thank you, Sico. For everything you've done to make this happen. I know it hasn't been easy, but you've done an incredible job."

Sico felt a surge of pride at her words, but he remained humble. "It wasn't just me. Preston, Sarah, Robert, MacCready—they've all played a huge role in getting the Commandos ready. And the Commandos themselves—they're the ones out there making it happen."

Nora nodded, acknowledging the truth of his words. "You're right. But it takes a good leader to bring all those pieces together. And that's exactly what you've done."

For a moment, they sat in silence, both of them contemplating the road ahead. Then, Nora stood up, her expression resolute. "We've got a lot of work to do, but I feel more confident knowing that the Commandos are out there. Let's keep moving forward, Sico—there's still so much to do, and the Commonwealth is counting on us."

Sico stood as well, his resolve matching hers. "We won't let them down, Nora. Whatever it takes, we'll make sure the Commonwealth is safe."

With that, they exchanged a final nod of understanding. Sico knew that the real work was just beginning, but with the Commandos deployed and the Minutemen's support, they had a fighting chance. The Commonwealth was in good hands.


• Name: Sico

• Stats :

S: 8,44

P: 7,44

E: 8,44

C: 8,44

I: 9,44

A: 7,45

L: 7

• Skills: advance Mechanic, Science, and Shooting skills, intermediate Medical, Hand to Hand Combat, Lockpicking, Hacking, Persuasion, and Drawing Skills

• Inventory: 53.280 caps, 10mm Pistol, 1500 10mm rounds, 22 mole rats meat, 17 mole rats teeth, 1 fragmentation grenade, 6 stimpak, 1 rad x, 6 fusion core, computer blueprint, modern TV blueprint, camera recorder blueprint, 1 set of combat armor, Automatic Assault Rifle, 1.500 5.56mm rounds, power armor T51 blueprint, Electric Motorcycle blueprint, T-45 power armor, Minigun, 1.000 5mm rounds, Cryolator, 200 cryo cell, Machine Gun Turret Mk1 blueprint, electric car blueprint, Kellogg gun, Righteous Authority, Ashmaker, Furious Power Fist, Full set combat armor blueprint, M240 7.62mm machine guns blueprint, Automatic Assault Rifle blueprint, and Humvee blueprint

• Active Quest: -

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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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