
章 8: Ch.8

[Timeskip, 3 years…]

|AN-Sorry if this bothers you, I am trying to speed things up but also keep the pacing relatively normal.|

I am currently writing down something in my phone, as I typed away a penguin waddles over to me, "Wonk, Wonk." It said with a a blank expression, "Not the now Gunther, papa writing down ideas for his quirk.." I said dismissively, Gunther merely looks up at me with his casual blank expression. I let out I sigh, "Okay boy.. let's go get you some fish." I said getting up from my chair.-

I went downstairs and was greeted with the amused face of my mother. "Was Gunther begging for fish again?" She said with a smile, "Yeah." I said with a drawn out sigh, "Oh don't be so dramatic~" she teasingly says with an added chuckle. I ignore my mother's antics and go over to th freezer and grab one of the raw salmon we had left.-

I tossed the fish to my gluttonous penguin. And grab my glasses out my pocket, "I'm going out for a walk.." I said and walked away my mother nodded and went back to cleaning the house, Gunther followed after me only leaving the fish bones on the ground.-

I guess I should give a ran down of thes three years, well I have started my physical training for one. I started going to my fathers basement gym that he never uses, I started training my body about when I turned 11. Now I'm 13 and I started my first year of middle school.-

It's been okay I guess, so far the most Ive been doing there is daydreaming, quite productive If I don't say so myself haha. My quirk on the other hand, well, let's me tell you something about quirks. See when you hit puberty your Quirk also hits a growth spurt, my quirk certainty did. All my training with my quirk plus the growth spurt has boosted my raw power and stamina. For example previously I said I could make 6 small chunks of Ice or 36 snowballs, Well now I can't make a chunk of Ice the size of a small house before getting tired, that also implies to snow.-

And my Crown mode… Well.. besides my time limit extending to 20 minutes, my power in that state is quite frankly scary. But my mind can't seem to handle that type of power yet.. Rob didn't mention if my overall willpower can't override the crown I become like a quarter of ice Kings Looneyness! Well it's not that bad, I still want to help people in my crown mode its just that doesn't mean I have to do it in a sane way..-

I am actually about to go into my crown state the now.. I have been avoided it lately, last time I froze half of the forest over, thank god it was winter and nighttime and my parents were sleeping, so in the mourning it just looked like the weather was cold that particular night.-

I eventually make it to the forest, I made sure to go deep into the woods so my parents would hear or see what was about to happen. I sit down Gunther notices this and walks away from me about 12 feet away. I closed my eyes and activate the Crown state.-

The transformation happens quite quickly and I jump up with a mad grin, "HAHA! Ice to be back!" I shouted and the ground freezes over, "Ohh~ it's about to get chilly HAHA!" It begins to snow and Gunther starts to slide over the frozen ground with slight happiness in his beady eyes.-

My eyes swoop around the place and I start to walk in the direction of my house, Gunther turns to me and his eyes widened at were I am heading, "Wonk!" He wonks in worry attempting to pull me back to no avail, "HAHA, Gunther, Papa is going to to beat up some villains!" I said patting him on the head and picking him up and putting him between my armpit, "Wonk, Wonk!" He try's to break from but to no success.-

I jumped in the air and start flying towards the City. However my flight is cut to a stop when I feel Gunther biting into my arm, "Ouch, Gunther bad boy!" I swoop down and land on my face.-

I attempt to get up but my pointy nose seems to have gotten suck into the ground, "Gunther help Papa!" I squirm on the ground, my penguin just Wonks and sits down.-

I say like that until my nose shrinks back to normal and my crown disappears, "Ugh, I am such and idiot. That could have been the end of my future hero career." I said rubbing my sore nose. I turn to Gunther and give him a greatful smile, "Thanks Gunther, I would have become a vigilante if it was for you.." I pat him on his head getting a Wonk in return.-

I looked up at the sky and flop onto my back, god, in hindsight I probably only use Crown mode when I get to UA, because there I'll be able to control myself a bit more, hopefully..-

I get up, thankfully I didn't use my powers in the Crown state so my body doesn't hurt as much as it normally dose when I use it.-

I arive home to a confused mother, "Did you do the thing you wanted to do you were only out for.." she looks down to her watch, "28 minutes." It took me 8 minutes to get to the area in the forest I wanted to get to and I was basically suck in that ground for 18 minutes, I need to make sure I don't faceplant into the ground when I'm a hero, when I'm in my crown state.-

Well, only three more years until The UA exams…-



I wanted to show in this chapter what the crown can do to Kori's mind when he isn't strong enough to take in that much power. I know I said I wouldn't make him super crazy but it can happen to him if his willpower weakens under the Crown influence. Obviously he wouldn't hurt the innocent but he would certainly beat the shit out of villains.. He will eventually keep himself under control and in his crown state, but he will always me a little loony using it..

Au revoir!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


