
Settling Down

Uptil now we have read that Adonis has been integrated into the Lovegood family and is adapting to his new body. He has also made a list of the events going to happen in school according to cannon and some information that he knows about himself and his family.


( MC POV )

After making the list of events I started introspecting myself to see what gifts have I gotten and what is my current strength. I gave it a thought and remembered that all reincarnated protagonists are able to access the realm of consciousness (dantian and all that) so I sat in the lotus position, closed my eyes and tried to feel the magic concentration inside me. I focused on to where my magic core was and somehow, by instinct, was able to locate it near my heart, the solar plexus to be precise. I found the golden orb, and tried to touch it with my will. As soon I thought of that, it took me to my realm of consciousness which I believe is one of the perks that I received. This is because here I could even feel the state of my complete body which would make occlumency defenses easier to build and visualize as well as keep a track of my complete body growth. My realm of consciousness was the most beautiful place I have ever witnessed. There was an endless sea glowing purple in color along with a starry night sky up above. "How beautiful!!" was the only thing that came out of my mouth. I guess children's realms of consciousness are always beautiful like this because they are not tainted by the malevolence, treachery and reality of the cruel world.

I felt a slight tug and my spiritual projection was slowly dragged towards a golden orb in the centre of my domain. The size of this orb was that of a basketball but slightly bigger than that. This is my soul. 'I feel that the size is slightly bigger than usual, maybe it must have been because it was baptized with light while crossing the golden portal' I thought. I concentrated on the surrounding magic and tried connecting to it. Immediately the surrounding magic started moving towards me in the form of a cyclone with me in the eye of it. It rushed through my hands, through my meridians, and moved through my whole body nourishing it thoroughly. After completing the cycle, it finally moved towards my magic core and started merging into it. 'I think this is another gift of mine, that I am naturally sensitive towards magic' I thought. ( Because I don't think that every magical child will have that much sensitivity to magic otherwise every child would be powerful at a very early age ) This continued for an hour and slowly my body reached it limit so I ceased the accumulation. 

When I opened my eyes, I saw that it was already morning, so I got up and decided to approach my father about the magic spots that I could see. 'I think that is also a part of my powers'. I went downstairs only to find little Luna awake and sitting in the garden, alone. I went and sat beside her and said, "Morning Luna, did you have a good night's sleep?" She turned towards me smiled a little and said, "Morning brother, yes I did." I felt pity for this child when I saw her, she had lost her mother at an early age and when she was in school she bullied by housemates just because she was different. As we sat there watching the sun rise, I couldn't help but ask, "Luna, do you miss mother?" She turned her head and stared towards me for a few seconds and said, "Yes. I do every day. I miss the food mama made, I miss the way she played with me, I miss the way she would protect me when I stole and ate your pastry, I miss the way she hugged me to sleep." I did not expect her to say so much. She must have been waiting for someone to sit beside her and ask this question and it broke the walls she had been subconsciously building around herself to protect her from emotional traumas and she began sobbing after saying that and I couldn't help but take her in my embrace, and console her. She started crying while hugging me tightly. I caressed her back and said, "Its alright Luna, just let it all out." After a few minutes of crying, I said, "Always remember Luna, mama has never left us. She will always be alive in you and me. If you are sad mama will be very sad as well. Never ever think that you are alone. You will always have me and daddy to protect you. She pulled back a little and looked into my eyes before smiling and said, "Yes!! Adonis!!" 

Just then we heard a voice, "Hey don't forget your old man there!" We turned around and saw that Father was standing there at the door with a smile on his face. I guess he heard all of our conversation, and was happy that I was able to get through to Luna while he couldn't and remove the knot in her heart. Luna was so happy that she got up and ran towards father and jumped into his embrace and shouted, "DADDY!!" He caught her into his arms and did a spin which just led to her bell like laughter. As soon as they stopped and turned around, we saw a stunning scene. There were countless beautiful flowers blooming in the garden!! We all were shocked to see this scene. It was so beautiful. There were different varieties of flowers with various colours and even bioluminescent plants. The fragrance of flowers started wafting everywhere and the light of the Sun shining on them created a picturesque scene. This scenery was created due to Luna's magic riot. As we know magic, in its purest form, brings our will to reality and projects our emotions in the best expressible way into the world. And this time Luna was so happy that her magic couldn't help but react causing the flowers to bloom as if it was springtime. Father was ecstatic again that both of his children have been blessed with magic. At that moment watching my father and sister genuinely smile, I decided that whatever happens, I am not going to let anything make those smiles disappear. 

After we had a hearty breakfast, we moved to the living room. After settling down, I addressed a my father, " I have to talk to you about something. "What is it son?" he asked. I said, "I can see small multicolored lights floating in the air since I have awakened my magic." He was shocked until Luna said, "Me too!" This time he just smiled and said, "Both of you have awakened our ancestral bloodline gift, which is called mage sight." "What is mage sight?" I asked. He went into his room and came out with a worn out book and said, "This is a book handed down in our family since generations. It explains the heritage and abilities of our Lovegood family. Actually we have a descended from a long-lost line of druids. Druids are nature magic users who subvert the natural energy present around them to impose their will. They were a species that have respected and worshipped nature and have always tried to maintain harmony in it. That is also the reason that we have a close affinity towards flora and fauna(animals). The ancestral silver hair we get are because somewhere in our ancestry, we have had the blood of elves in us. Mage sight is also a gift to us from our Elven ancestors and the reason we are able to do nature magic easily is due to our descent from druids. As you can see that there are different colored light spots floating around, that helps us distinguish places and even people with different concentrations and the types of magic. If you look around our house you will find a lot of magic concentrated here. This is the reason that we chose this particular place to settle down and claim our lands. Most of our land has been shrouded under the ancient barriers created by our ancestors to protect the woods and nature under our protection. Though we have been in decline in the last few centuries and not many heroes and famous figures have come from our family, we are still a noble family with a significant background" he said with a hint of pride. "We always had talented people in our family, but we also understood the fact that if this information is leaked outside, we will be subjected to the whims of those powerful than us. The Lovegood family has always tried to focus on natural and kind side of magic instead of the destructive and violent side. It is not like we did not study combat magic, we can protect ourselves very well, its just that we try to avoid it if it is avoidable." 

I can understand that any man would have would have pride in himself if he was from a line impressive as this. Even I was overwhelmed for a moment. But after calming down, I realized that noble titles do not matter if we don't have the strength to back them up. Therefore, building our strength is the first priority I have. I asked him, "Father, how much money do we have at the moment?" He froze after hearing this question. I thought may be we are so broke that he is ashamed to tell us about our financial situation. As if sensing my doubt, he looked towards me and answered, "To be honest, we have around 500 galleons in our vault as of now. I know its not enough but that is not the reason that I froze. It was because I suddenly remembered that there has been a vault under the name of our family in Gringotts, which has not been accessed in the past one century. To access the vault it needs seven drops of blood from any child who has mage sight in our family. Mind you, mage sight is a rare gift even in our family as it is an extremely powerful ability if one knows how to wield it. Very few people in our family have been blessed with this ability." He then went again into his room and brought back a ring.

( https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.desertcart.in%2Fproducts%2F220846675-mens-huge-ring-silver-men-ring-men-ring-amethyst-ring-gift-for-him-925-sterling-silver-two-tone-ring-statement&psig=AOvVaw1SJ1CVi7q3C54FAlNL1uqA&ust=1698866792609000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCJij44-CoYIDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF ) 

The ring had a silver body with beautiful intricate patterns and a brilliant purple amethyst embedded into it. He handed it to me and said, "This is the heir ring of our family. You just have to wear it on the middle finger of your left hand and it will do its job." I took the ring from his palm and put it on my middle finger on the left hand. Immediately it came to life and coiled itself around my finger tightly. I felt a slight prick on my skin and saw blood coming out which was being absorbed by the ring. After ten seconds, the ring, as if feeling satisfied tasting my blood, changed form a bit and finally settled nicely on my finger, fitting my size. There was an influx of information into my mind about the vault in Gringotts with a number 782 and where was it located. After gaining this information, I was even more excited as to what goodies must be there inside the vault for mine to take. I instantly got up and said, "Father, can we make a visit to Gringotts?" He as if understanding my excitement, chuckled slightly and said, "Sure, why not?" Luna jumped happily and said "Yay!! We are going to Diagon Alley!! Daddy, we cannot miss Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour." He said, "Of course, little one." We moved towards the fireplace and grabbed some floo powder and chanted loudly, "Diagon Alley!!" Then came the nauseating feeling of being stretched and squeezed through space and after what felt like eternity which was a total of five seconds, came out of the other end of the fireplace. After coughing a little and brushing off the dust the surroundings came into view. "Ah! The Leaky Cauldron" I said. The gateway to the magical realm. The bridge between the ordinary and the extraordinary. The veil between belief and disbelief. A place with such significance, turned out to be a dilapidated tavern?! 


Thank you for reading uptil here. Please let me know your thoughts about this chapter. I hope the length of this chapter was able to satisfy you. I will try to increase the length slowly.

What happens when Adonis first interacts with the magical world? Keep reading to find out..........

The suggestions for harem members (2) are : 

Hermoine Granger ( I think she deserves better than Ron )

Daphne Greengrass 

Fleur is older than mc by 3 years so it will be difficult to create a romance as they are in different schools. Too many dissimilarities. 

I want the romance to develop and lead to steamy encounters as we go ahead in the story ( from appropriate age obviously ). Because directly jumping to R-18 just takes out the fun. Getting results after putting efforts is more enjoyable to me than directly handing down the main part.

Both of the abovementioned girls appropriate choices according to me as one can represent the innovativeness of the muggle world while the other can represent the traditions, etiquette, grace and poise of the wizarding world.   

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


