

Abella and Alice had just started racing against each other during gym class, and they wanted to see who was faster while having fun at the same time.

Initially, Abella thought that Alice would be the undeniable victor since Abella was just a couch potato. Her thoughts proved correct at first, as Alice was running directly in front of her with rather impressive speed.

"Come on, slowpoke! You're not going to beat me halfheartedly, hahaha~!" She then started sprinting faster and faster, leaving Abella all alone to bite the dust.

Not only Alice, but the other students were running at a speed faster than Abella, and seeing all this raised a competitive fire within her eyes and heart.

This fire was something simple at first, but for some reason, it sparked something inside Abella, causing her to run from a normal 6 mph to something well over that.

Abella was now running so fast that, within seconds, she ran faster than all of her fellow students combined, and they were now eating her dust.

She wasn't paying any attention at all and wanted to run as fast as possible. Abella was enjoying the wind brushing against her face and her feet kicking the ground.

She felt so alive and free that she wanted to keep running, and before she knew it, she had run half a mile in just 15 seconds.

Abella didn't realize that she ran that fast, and when she went to turn around, she saw that the other students had stopped running as well. They all looked at her in complete shock, with their eyes gaping and their jaws hanging.

Even the gym teacher couldn't believe what he had seen. In all of his years of teaching, there has never been a faster student than Abella. Hell, he doesn't even think there's anyone alive who's as fast as her.

Now realizing what she has done, Abella herself is puzzled. She thought to herself, 'Why am I so fast?! Is there something wrong with me?'

Being able to run fast was great on paper, but this fast was highly unusual. She decided to walk over to the bleachers before sitting down and thinking more about it.

The rest of the students got out of their stupor and kept running for about 4–5 minutes, and they were finally done with the first half of the class.

As they were now walking back into the building to do volleyball, Alice walked up to Abella with a confused yet concerned tone. "Hey, what was that? Are you some superhuman or something?"

Abella would've brushed that off with a laugh, but even she thought the same. If it weren't for Alice saying, "I'm just joking, Abella; surely you just have a hidden talent," then she would've believed that was the case.

Now entering the building, Abella couldn't help but think, 'Is it really some hidden talent...?' With no other answers, she decided to put that thought to the back of her mind for now.

While that was certainly weird, she thought that maybe it was some kind of fluke or something and went on with the second half of class.

Robert and the other students were now standing near a volleyball court where some of the school's faculty members had set up while they were running.

Looking at the students, primarily Abella with cautious glances, Robert said, "Alright, we will now be playing volleyball. Since there are an equal number of male and female students, we will have the boys versus the girls."

After saying so, the boys and the girls complained since the boys clearly had a biological advantage over the girls and futanari. There was just no way for the girls to compete, but Robert was insistent that this was how they were going to play.

The female students glared at the teacher, then at the boys, since none of this was fair. But all of a sudden, Alice said, "Listen, we can beat the boys if we work together. If we play believing that we'll lose, then we will. But believing that we'll win, we'll have a better chance!"

All of the girls nodded and were now getting pumped up to face the boys. Even Abella couldn't help but be pumped up as well, completely forgetting her incredible stunt from earlier.

Soon enough, the game between the boys and the girls was just beginning. It was the girl's turn to serve first, with Alice taking the lead, and before long, she threw the ball up into the air before jumping and smacking it over the wide net.

Of course, the boys easily dealt with this by digging it toward the setter, who set it up in the air for another player to smack it toward the girl's side.

The girls did the same, but soon enough, the girls couldn't do anything, and the boys scored a point. The only valuable player the girls had was Alice, who was sweating bullets trying to carry her team.

As the game continued, the girls kept getting scored on, while Alice managed to score two points for her team. However, she knew that if this kept going, then there was no way they were going to win.

Remembering a certain event from earlier, she yelled over at Abella while saying, "Hey, Abella! Wanna see who can score more points?!"

Clearly knowing what she meant by that, Abella furrowed her eyebrows but still obliged with her request. If she did have some hidden talent, perhaps this will help find out more about it.

Like before, the same competitive fire sparked within her, and moments later, Abella rushed with very fast and incredible speed as Alice set up the volleyball for her high up in the air.

Everyone in the gymnasium—Alice, the students, and Robert—watched as Abella jumped in the air with extreme height before the ball had the chance to fully rise to its maximum height.

And then...


Abella smacked the ball with such great strength and force that the ball ended up slamming down into the gymnasium wooden floor with great speed—fast enough that no one could see the ball move.

Seeing Abella land no problem back onto the floor, Alice gave a boulstering laugh as she was now even more pumped up. "WE CAN WIN THIS!"

The score is currently 10-3, with the boys in the lead. However, every time the boys served, Abella was able to receive the ball with great speed and impossible reflexes.

She would then pass it over to Alice, who just set up the ball for her to slam down into the boy's side, and soon enough, the girls were now tied with the boys.

Really, it was just Alice and Abella versus a group of boys, and the rest of the girls just stood there with mixed expressions.

Some were in awe; others were frustrated that they couldn't help. But everyone could agree that Abella was just a monster of a human.

Thirty minutes had passed, and the girls ended up winning an astounding 69-10, and the boys were now a bit peeved about how unfair this all was.

Meanwhile, Alice ran up to Abella and pulled her into a hug as she yelled in great enthusiasm, "We did it! We did it! We did it!"

Abella was just trying to process how she was able to do all of this, but then, all of a sudden, she felt tingling sensations around the base of her skull and along her spine.

She then pushed Alice out of the way before her body instinctively caught a volleyball with one hand, which ended up creating a loud bang sound.

Abella looked at the ball in her hand with surprise before looking at the person who threw it, which was none other than one of the boys with a pissed-off expression.

It was a tall young man with short brown hair and brown eyes. He wore a white t-shirt and blue knee-high pants, just like the girls. However, his body was very toned and showed great muscle.

Abella knew this young man as Derrick, who was the star of the basketball team. He was known for being handsome, prideful, and almost perfect.

Yet, because of Abella, he was humiliated by everyone here, and he couldn't take this standing. So, he tried throwing a cheap shot at her face, but she ended up catching it no problem.

Looking at her unbothered face, he was about to curse her out until Alice beat him to it by yelling at him. "Hey, who the hell do you think you are, huh?! You would really hit a girl because you're upset over one stupid, meaningless game?"

Derrick spat on the floor as he remarked, "Bullshit. I don't want to hear that coming from someone whose friends are freaks! I mean, what the hell was that? Who runs that fast? Who jumps that high? This game was rigged!"

Thinking that this could be ugly, Abella knew that she had to come up with an excuse. She then said, "I'm not a freak. And, uh, I train with my sister after school! That's why I'm always so tired!"

She could only hope that would work, and thankfully, Robert had come in and put an end to the argument by saying, "Alright, that's enough. The game was fair and square. Now hurry up and get changed! Abella, you stay behind; I need to speak with you."

Clicking his tongue, Derrick and the other boys and girls left for the changing rooms, as it was just Alice, Abella, and Robert alone.

Robert told Alice to move along, but she didn't want to leave Abella all alone with Robert since that man was very suspicious. However, Abella told her it was fine and that she'd catch up with her.

Now it was just Abella and Robert alone, and soon he said, "You have really great talent for sports, Abella. I could try and see if there's any room for you on the volleyball team, even though it's close to the end of the year."

Sighing in relief that it was just that, she replied, "No, thank you. I have other aspirations in life that I want to pursue. Plus, I think today was just a fluke or something."

"Really? I don't think so. I think that you'll make a great player, and if it's volleyball you're not interested in, I could see if there are any other sports, if you'd like?" He tried one more time, almost like he was hellbent on trying to get her to play a sport.

But again, Abella shook her head and said no, causing him to sigh in disappointment as he put out his hand. "I see. It's a pity, but I understand. Hand over the volleyball and go to lunch. But please, give it more thought."

Nodding, she then tried handing over the volleyball, but she found it extremely hard to do so. The ball was practically stuck to her hand, and no matter what she did, even using her other hand, it wouldn't budge.

"What's the matter? Just give me the ball, Abella." Robert said with a frown before he tried grabbing it from her hand but found that he couldn't.

"I-I'm trying to give it to you, but the ball is stuck—!" She was about to finish her sentence, but Abella saw that the ball suddenly became unstuck, and because of that, Robert had fallen on his butt since he was trying to pull it from her grasp.

Immediately apologizing, Alice went to help him up, but he shooed her away, clearly embarrassed. "I'm fine; just head to lunch... and remember what I said."

Nodding in response, Abella didn't say anything and decided to do just that. She went to the changing room and changed back into her usual clothing before heading to lunch.

She then went on to complete the rest of her school day while focusing on her classes and questioning what's happening with her body. And soon enough, the school day had ended before she knew it.

Abella was about to walk to her bus when she was stopped by Alice. "Hey, Abella. Do you want to come over to my house and study? I could help you catch up with your homework."

Sadly, though, Abella shook her head and replied, "I'm sorry, but there are some things I got to do at home. But we can reschedule for another day, if that's okay with you?"

Seeing no problem with this, Alice nodded and said that they could come up with a date that works for both of them tomorrow. After that, Alice went to her bus while Abella got on hers.

Sitting down near the front of the bus, Abella started listing her thoughts about what's happening to her. 'Incredible strength, speed, and reflexes. I felt a tingling sensation at both the base of my skull and along my spine. My body had a great change. My eyesight had gotten better. And that volleyball was stuck to my hand.'

Putting all of these together, this sounded very familiar. At least, to Abel, it was. He's read a decent number of comic books about superheroes, and one of them had the same abilities and similar situation as Abella has now.

'I think... I might be Spider-Man... or woman...'


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


