81.25% Bleach Void

Mugai the expert.

Mugai was currently sitting on the combatant's table waiting for his name to be called.

The Stage where the battle was to be held was a small room with a second level where people could sit or stand and watch the match while the Exam was held below, watched by all the teachers and any audience that wanted to watch from above. A referee was also present to stop the match in case of any mishaps happening.

There where many 1st and 6th year students present as it was lunchtime when the matches where set and many of them came to watch. The audience included Kira, Renji, Rukia, Tōshiro and Momo who were shocked to say the least after hearing the news.

Rukia on the other hand was invited by Renji who talked a lot about this new guy.

Suddenly a group of people entered the top floor and everyone was shocked, First it was the Principal and Lieutenant of the first division Sasakibe Chojirō Followed by the Captain Of the 13 division Jushirō Ukitake and Captian Soi-fon of the 2nd division along with Kaien shiba who was the Lieutenant of the 13th division. The crowd was shocked as the Sixth years started to talk about the people entering.

"Are they those people here to watch the match?".

"Wait isn't that Shunsui Kyoraku, the Captain of the 8th division and his Lieutenant Nanao Ise".

"No way that's Ginrei Kuchiki, even the Noble Captain is Interested in him. How Many Captains does that make now".

Then everyone looked at the next Person and Silence filled the room As the entire Room was in Awe.

"Oi no way that's the Captain commander of the Gotei 13, it's really him, it's the Fucking founder himself.".

Everyone in the audience as well as the teachers were shocked to say the least seeing the group of people who came to watch the match.

"Ni-san is kinda Awesome isn't he". Tōshiro said.

"I get what you are saying". Momo said in a daze.

Mugai eventually came out of his waiting Room as the time for the match was about to begin.

"Participant Mugai!. You will be facing off against our Guest instructor Ryu-Fon in Hakuda exam. The match will end the moment one of you get 3 hits on your Opponent or If one of you is injured or unable to continue. Alright get in Positions".

Meanwhile Ryu-fon was sweating as he started to panic. 'Why is Commander Soi-fon here, did she Find out. Shit I knew the kid was a High profile target, I can't quit now. Atleast I will take the Dam Kid down with me'.

'Oi Yashahime This guy seems way too Hostile to be in a Friendly match'.

[Yes he is trying to kill you].

'Why the fuck I don't even know the guy, was he their when I talked back to Soi-fon or something'.

[No he wasn't].

Mugai was able store the blade inside his body and call upon it similar to Aizen after he fused with Hogyoku and His Zanpakutō. Mugai himself was shocked at first but he had already surpassed the normal realms of a Shinigami and he was an abnormal so he didn't give it much thought.

"Alright begin!". The Instructor announced as he brought his hand down.

"Let's hope the kid isn't pressured by Yama-ji". Shunsui joked.

The battle began as Ryu-fon decided to Rush towards Mugai However As soon as he Tried to Rush his body fell to the ground paralysed And Mugai stood Behind him Facing the other side as he said. "Well that was that".

Everyone Stood their Grounds as no noise was made and even Time seemed to stop.

"Ah. Mr Referee he is out cold". Mugai said which brought the Referee out of the trance.

He calmed down and walked to check at Ryu-fon however he instantly knew that Ryu-fon was out as he was Foaming at the mouth.

"Oi Ukitake did you see it?". Shunsui asked.

"Ya barely. He Shunpoed and hit him into the air after landing two hits onto his stomach and chest then moved passed him". Ukitake answered

"Captain Soi-fon, how many of our Shinigami can do that". Shunsui asked Soi-fon even though he knew the answer.

"I don't think Most captains let alone Normal seated officers can do that". Soi-fon answered. She was still shocked and as she knew he was only a little slower than her.

"Ano Ginrei san what do you think? ". Shunsui asked again.

"He held back quite a lot of that's what you are asking".

This shocked Ukitake, Soi-fon and the three lieutenants. Ginrei was famous for being able to tell if a person was strong or not by watching them. His perspective abilities were know by all who where present.

"It seems we have another Unparalleled Genius Yam-ji, makes me feel old seeing the young ones rise". Shunsui said in a lazy tone.

Yamamoto on the other hand was simply looking at the kid as he Thought about how this will affect the Seiretei. 'I guess i should be happy that he will be Joining the Gotei 13'.

Everyone came out of their trance but by this time Mugai had walked away to the resting area.

"What the hell was that?!". Rukia asked Renji.

"I Don't know!". Renji answered.

"It was Shunpo but really really fast one". A blacked haired 6th year standing besides them who had a 69 tattooed on his face Answered. This was none other than Shuhei Hisugi.

A man with slate gray eyes and long black hair, which he kepts up in intricate white headpieces called kenseikan which symbolize his nobility as the head of the Kuchiki Clan, wearing three on top of his head and another two on the right side. In addition to the standard shihakushō was Watching the match.

Byakuya Kuchiki Gripped his sword as remembered a certain Werecat after he saw Mugai's speed. "It seems this won't be as boring as I hoped". Byakuya murmured to himself.


The next match was called and Mugai stepped out as saw his next opponent and was shocked. Standing before him was Byakuya Kuchiki with determined eyes. Byakuya kept his Zanpakutō sheathed as he stepped forward.

"Student Mugai where is your Zanpakutō?". The refree asked.

"We are using real Blades, and here i thought we would use Wooden swords".

"You are Applying for a Expert stage fight. Of course you will use real swords". The Referee said as if it was a natural thing to know.

"Alright I see then". Mugai said as he walked up to the stage in order to fight And then did something that shocked everyone. He clapped his hands and a swords tip came out of his hands extending outwards as it caught it when the entire blade was out and took up a stance.

"You have quite the tricks". Byakuya said as he unsheathed his blade and stood before Mugai.

"Begin!". The Refree yelled.

Both of them disappeared from their place as sound of metal clashing against metal could be heard. Next moment both of them appeared in the centre of the stage with their swords in a bind. Both of them jumped back as they stared at each other.

"It seems that the match is over". Ginrei commented and everyone looked at him.

"Captain Kuchiki what do you mean?". Nanao asked.

"It's Byakuya's loss". Ginrei said.

"You!.. stop holding back, don't you dare look down on me!". Byakuya roared as Mugai smiled.

"Ya I was gonna anyway, it was fun fighting you but it's about time I end this".

'blade of hunger: Starvation'.

Mugai appeared behind Byakuya in an instant as he sheathed his Zanpakutō into his hand.

Suddenly a bloodied slash appeared on Byakuya's chest as Blood splurted out of his shoulder as he kneeled down and fell to the floor.

Everyone including the Captains where shocked not at the speed or the precision of the cut but rather the amount of contained Malice behind it.

"What a Monster". Shunsui said as he whistled.

(An: Leave comments and reviews, it helps a lot).

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


