96.1% Naruto : Hinata Hyuga / Chapter 74: Lost Everything.

章 74: Lost Everything.


The ground beneath Hinata's feet shattered as she disappeared from her initial position. In an instant, her speed reached such a level that her whole body started to morph due to air resistance.


Chiriku's neck tilted from the force of her backhand as he was sent flying, destroying six trees in his path.

"Argh," he groaned in pain. While still airborne, Neji appeared from the ground and, with a tremendous kick, sent him flying into the sky.

"Where do you think you're going? Get back here," Hinata's eyes zoomed in on the man in the sky. With a flick of her hand, a red chakra string shot out from her fingertip and wrapped around the man's ankle.

Chiriku's non-existent hair flew in the opposite direction as he was slammed harshly into the ground like a hammer on hot iron.


"Argh…" he cried in pain; three of his ribs were broken on the spot.

Neji, who was hiding beneath the ground, kicked him again in the back, intensifying his pain. When Chiriku was three feet in the air, Neji landed on the ground with his hand extended, "Eight Trigrams: Sixteen Palms." His chakra surged forth, and within seconds, Neji hit him 30 times, finally concluding his onslaught with a kick to Chiriku's abdomen.


Neji slightly tilted his head as a lightning-fast arrow passed beside his ear.

Drip! Drip! Blood dripped from the gaping hole in Chiriku's shoulder as lightning arcs discharged from his body.

Through his wound, Hinata could be seen with a smirk as she twirled her bow.

"Arghhhh," the man yelled, holding his wound and glaring at them. They didn't give him any chance to retaliate.

"Tch, how pitiful," Hinata looked down on him with disgust. "All you're doing is screaming like a pig. We thought you were strong, but you're nothing but a fraud."

Chiriku's eyes became bloodshot. His skills were being challenged; his reputation as a shinobi was questioned. Was he truly a fraud? No, he wasn't.

But he was proven wrong in the next instant. 


But before he could say anything, his vision blurred, a beep sounded in his ears, and his face was deformed by a staff.

Thud! His body was embedded in a nearby stone, his eyes whitened, and drool mixed with his blood wetted his robes.

Thump! Hinata stamped the bottom of the staff on the ground, her eyes fixated on the unconscious man.

"What now?" Neji asked. The thing they were looking for hadn't appeared yet.

"Heh, the first thing he will do is curse me," she chuckled, raising her hand as a ball of water appeared in her palm. "Wakey-wakey."

Splash! Chiriku's consciousness was pulled back from his slumber. The first thing that came into his vision was the cocky smirk of his foes.

"Bitch!" he exploded in rage. The boulder behind him was blown to smithereens as a golden apparition of a goddess-like being with thousands of hands appeared behind him.

Hinata raised her hand and made a gesture as if she was counting something. "You are a disgrace to a monk."

Swish! A larger-than-usual hand made out of Yang chakra in the form of a fist destroyed everything in its path as it headed toward Hinata.

She raised her hand, her middle finger and thumb meeting each other. With a flick, a string made of red chakra cut and dispersed through the hand, continuing to destroy everything in its path.

Chiriku's eyes widened as a streak of red appeared in front of him. Fwish! Half of his chakra avatar dispersed when it came in contact with the string.

He barely managed to dodge, or he would have been bisected in half. Sweat dripped from his forehead at the sheer cutting ability of the attack.

"Byakugan!" Both of their eyes activated for the first time in the battle.

Chiriku's eyes squinted in indignation when he realized his opponents had not even been using their kekkei genkai. "Don't you dare mock me!"

Chakra swirled inside him as the chakra-constructed avatar fully formed again.






Hundreds of fists attacked them from every direction.

Clasp! Hinata's palms pressed together, and as she separated her hands, five red, intangible, elastic, hard, and sharp strings connected to her fingertips.

As the first fist came, it was dispersed as soon as it connected with her web of strings.

The second fist was deflected to the side.


In less than five minutes, thousands upon thousands of chakra fists were destroyed; some were deflected, and some were even sent back to their owner.

That's how effective chakra strings are in the hands of someone like her.

As for Neji, he was spamming rotation after rotation, making numerous craters in the ground.

But there was one thing common between Neji and Hinata: a slight smile on their faces and their eyes fixed on their opponent.

Neji was analyzing every chakra point in the avatar, its construction patterns, weak spots, and how the chakra was molding inside its owner's body.

"What's wrong? Can't touch me anymore?" Chiriku laughed from the other side of the battlefield.

"Do you know why you are still alive?" Neji asked calmly.

"Because you can't kill me!" Chiriku yelled, intensifying his onslaught as more and more fists were thrown at them.

Neji just shook his head as he continued to spam his rotation.

Chiriku tilted his head and gazed at Hinata as if he had some personal grudge against her.

"I will kill you first," he said, and more and more fists rained down on Hinata. In reality, all of them were dispersed. All of her focus was on his chakra flow.

She lifted her gaze slightly and looked him in the eyes, a little laugh escaping her lips when she heard he would kill her. "Your delusion makes me chuckle."


"Finally," Neji whispered as he destroyed all of the incoming fists with a big rotation.

"Finally what? Are you ready to give up? You must be out of chakra now," Chiriku said, making a lot of assumptions. That big rotation made him think Neji had attempted his last-ditch effort.

Hinata nodded to herself, retracting the chakra strings back into her pathways.

Her hands widened slightly. "Rotation," she whispered and began a big rotation.

In the midst of the rotation, her eyes became intensely focused, as if she was doing something big.

One of her hands lowered, and the other was placed parallel to the earth, her two fingers pointing forward. With a thought, the rotation became intangible, its centrifugal and centripetal forces starting to change as it continued to compress. Its center point began to shift towards her finger, and in an instant, the chakra dome passed through her body.

The chakra never lost its mass as it compressed, and due to this phenomenon, it became so condensed that its color changed.


Her hand flung back due to recoil. But the aftermath was worth it.

Without Chiriku noticing, there was a small hole in his defenses. It continued through his body to the boulders behind him.


The surroundings lit up with a large explosion as the condensed chakra couldn't hold itself.

It was the phenomenon that occurs when mass is condensed rapidly and then suddenly released. This happens because the densely packed material is under high pressure, and when released, it rapidly expands, creating a shock wave and releasing a large amount of energy. And that is what happened here.

"I missed," she thought to herself. It was by no means a perfect jutsu, after all, she had just created it on the spot. "It needs some work. What should I call it? Hehe, let's go with Chakra Bomb."


On the other hand, Chiriku's mind hadn't caught up with the events. Suddenly, his eyes widened when a kick shattered through his chakra avatar, his neck arching upwards as Neji's foot firmly planted on his chin.


In mid-air, Neji spin-kicked the man, sending him toward his sister.


In an instant, Chiriku's neck was in Hinata's ironclad grip as she raised him from the ground and slammed him into the ground with all her might.

"Arggghh," Chiriku's eyes whitened, his soul leaving his broken body.

"You were alive because I allowed it," she whispered, wiping away the trail of his blood from her face.

The last blow was powerful enough to create a crater beneath his dead body.

Soon, Neji landed on the edge of the crater, his eyes unwavering. "I have cleared all traces of rotation from the ground," he said, approaching his sister with a scroll in his hand.

"Wait a second, he has something more," Hinata stopped him from sealing the dead body.


The air started to wither away from her right hand as a purplish creature began to manifest.

Thump! She gently placed her palm on Chiriku's heart. Wisps of chakra started to come out of him, and the next moment he was sucked dry.

Even though it was like a drop in the ocean, she still chose not to waste it.

And just like that, Chiriku the monk was dead. His jutsu was stolen, his life was taken, and even after his death, he was sucked dry. Now his body would be sold in the black market.

Even if you wish for death, never let it come in the form of Hinata.


Neji put the scroll on the dead body, and with a puff of smoke, it vanished. Now Neji was holding 30 million Ryo.

"This will cause a commotion," Neji said, tossing the scroll in his hand.

"Did we do that? I don't think so," she looked around and asked innocently. Her intentions were clear: if no one saw it, did it really happen, did they do it? Hell no.

Were they good people? Absolutely not. They were born killers. Neji understood this, but he was just concerned. In the end, what mattered was that their family was happy and could see another day without worrying. After all, they had to feed 100 people, and money didn't grow on trees. It's not like they wanted to kill; they had to kill.

"What's with the somber face?" she asked.

"Oh, it's nothing," he shook his head, a slight smile on his face when he looked into her eyes. 'Don't worry, sister, I am fine,' he thought.

Soon, they reached the back of the Fire Temple where Ren and Ritsu were sitting on a seal pattern, their hands maintaining a specific hand sign.

It was a barrier they had cast that prevented any sounds from traveling outside and a powerful genjutsu that didn't allow anyone to see what was happening outside the temple.

"Let's go," Hinata tapped on Ren's shoulder.

"You quickly dispatched him," Ren said. He had witnessed their fight with his Byakugan.

"Exchange the money and find out if something interesting is happening," she tossed the scroll to him, which he excitedly received.

"Let's go," she said, and all four of them disappeared from the crime scene.





End of the arc, how do you like it, The Next chapters (short) will be focused on the outside world and Naruto. 

gimme your powerstones, would you? 

Devils_hand Devils_hand

I like my main characters to be badass. is there something wrong with me...

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C74
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


