50% I'm Satoru In My Hero Academia And More... / Chapter 4: chapter 4

章 4: chapter 4

As I continued to pay attention to the lesson, I noticed the girls were still looking at me. To be honest, I had forgotten about my good looks. Nevertheless, this was starting to get uncomfortable. It's not like I could do anything about it, but the fact that primary school girls were looking at me that way made me feel a bit strange. Well, I can only ignore them and hope the FBI doesn't come for me.



Recess had finally arrived, and I was sitting under a tree, not doing anything in particular. Unlike at the orphanage, here I couldn't sneak away to train. You could say I was wasting time just staring at the sky.

I yawned, feeling the urge to sleep. Darn it... It was happening again. A tiredness that came out of nowhere and that slight headache. Of course, it was due to the Six Eyes ability. Since they can't be turned off, they are constantly absorbing my cursed energy, which eventually starts to wear me down. Even keeping my eyes closed doesn't seem to work.

But... Where can I get some bandages? Maybe I should ask one of the caregivers. They should understand...


"Oh," I was interrupted from my thoughts by a voice I didn't know. Although I had already seen her coming, I didn't expect her to want to talk to me.

I turned around and looked at her more closely. A girl with the most expressionless face I've ever seen. Her eyes didn't reflect any emotion or interest. What the heck did she want?

"What?" I asked without much enthusiasm.

The girl, unfazed by my apathetic response, continued. "Can you move from my favorite spot? I always sit here during recess. So, go somewhere else."

I furrowed my brow. Was she really telling me to leave? Why on earth would I have to move for someone I didn't even know?

"Why?" I asked, with no intention of moving.

The girl finally showed a slight hint of emotion, and it was boredom. "I just like this spot, and now you're taking up my quiet corner. Go away."

Okay, this was ridiculous. But I wasn't in the mood to argue. Yet, I didn't want to leave either. This place was peaceful and far enough from the other kids.

I decided to suggest something rather than simply leave. "What if we share the spot? There's enough space for both of us."

The girl frowned, as if the idea of sharing was odd to her. But in the end, she nodded, seemingly without another choice, and sat down next to me. At first, everything seemed to be going fine, but slowly, I started feeling uncomfortable. She, on the other hand, seemed content just watching the clouds pass by. I tried to ignore her at first, as if she were invisible, but I couldn't. Not even losing myself in my thoughts seemed to work. I felt like I had to say something.

"Uh...". I was about to speak, but just at that moment, the school bell rang.

The school bell cut the tension in the air, and with a sigh of relief, I watched as the girl simply got up and went to her class. To be honest, I felt relieved. The discomfort I had been feeling dissipated with her departure.



From that day on, the girl and I would meet in the same spot during recess. Although our first interaction hadn't been the most friendly, we soon got used to sharing that quiet corner under the tree. While she continued to maintain her characteristic lack of expression, there was something about her presence that intrigued me.

She didn't seem like a normal girl her age. At first glance, anyone would say she was unexpressive, but thanks to my Six Eyes, I could perceive her microexpressions, those small facial gestures that reveal what someone truly feels. As time went by, I started noticing those subtle changes on her face. Calmness, sadness, and loneliness. Those were the main emotions I could detect.

Despite her apparent apathy, something in me felt the need to understand her. Maybe it was because, in a way, I identified with her. Or maybe I just had nothing better to do. So, one day, I decided to break the silence and start a conversation.

"Um... why aren't you with your friends?" I asked cautiously, wanting to know more about her. To be honest, that was what intrigued me the most about her. At that age, children were usually very social; I even had friends back then.

She slowly turned her gaze to me, as if evaluating my intentions, and for a few seconds, she just stared at me before responding.

"I don't have any." Despite her lack of expression, I could see a slight twitch on her lips. Her response left me pensive. Now that I thought about it, she always seemed to spend her time here during recess, and I had never seen her socialize with anyone.

"You really don't have any friends?" I asked with a mixture of surprise and concern. She shook her head.

Darn it, what should I say now? I've always been socially awkward, and this situation was no different. I should've started with another question. Now that I thought about it, we had never introduced ourselves.

"Well... My name is Satoru. Just Satoru, I don't have a last name." I introduced myself with a small smile, trying to hide my anxiety.

The silence extended for a few seconds as we maintained eye contact. My gaze focused on her, awaiting her response. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the tree under which we were sitting, and the distant murmur of children playing provided a backdrop that seemed to wait for the silence to be broken.

Finally, after a moment that felt like an eternity, she broke her expressionless demeanor and spoke in a soft, calm tone.

"I'm Yui. My name is Yui Kodai."

For a few seconds, that name spun in my mind. Something about it felt strangely familiar. Could Yui have been a minor character in "My Hero Academia"? I wasn't exactly a big fan of My Hero Academia, but I had watched several episodes of the anime. I knew the main characters, but the secondary ones weren't as memorable to me.

As her name twirled in my mind, I tried to remember if Yui Kodai was a character that had appeared in the anime. I couldn't be sure, but something told me that maybe I had seen her somewhere. This only increased my curiosity about who Yui was.

I decided to ask another question, as from what I knew about her personality, she didn't seem very interested in asking me questions.

"What is your Quirk?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going. I was sure that if she had a noteworthy Quirk, I might recognize it and perhaps that would give me more clues about who Yui really was.

She considered my question for a moment before responding. "I can alter the size of anything I touch."

Yui's answer took me by surprise. It was an interesting Quirk, and suddenly, my mind started connecting some dots. Yui Kodai, the girl with the ability to change the size of things she touched. The pieces began to fall into place, and I remembered seeing her in the anime. She was a student from Class 1-B.

This was too much of a coincidence. I didn't expect to come across a character from My Hero Academia. The idea that fate or some capricious god was playing with me took hold of my thoughts. I had seen many fanfics where the protagonist encountered anime characters by the hand of fate or a god, and this situation was starting to feel like a strange version of those stories.

But before I could delve further into the matter, the school bell rang, signaling the end of recess. Yui got up and began walking towards her class, leaving me somewhat discontent. However, a few steps away, she stopped and turned to look at me.

"Goodbye, Satoru," she said, her face displaying a small but imperceptible friendly smile before continuing on her way and leaving me alone under the tree.

"Well... that went better than I expected."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


