66.66% I Woke Up In Warlock Of The Magus World / Chapter 6: Interaction

章 6: Interaction

The large bonfire, which used to be the epicenter of the youth community, was extinguished. Instead of the tall, dancing flames, only a thin wisp of smoke rose slowly towards the sky. It rose with a silent lament.

Most of the tents had already been taken down, their wooden and canvas structures now piled up on nearby wagons.

The young people who used to fill the space around the bonfire with laughter and stories were now inside the wagons. The line of wagons was lined up, each one pulled by horses.

I ignored a few men wearing black tunics who were clearly knights. There was no time to pay attention to them now. My priority was to find the people I needed for the mission.

I walked towards my wagon, following my memories. The door was open, and I entered. The first thing I noticed was the structure of the walls, made of hollow planks that allowed light and air to pass through. It was as if we were in a wooden cage. The other passengers were fair-haired, blue-eyed youth with distant expressions. Their eyes were closed, lost in their own daydreams. No one seemed to notice my arrival.

Frustrated, I frowned as I looked around the wagon. I didn't find anyone I was looking for in this wagon.

Leylin, George, Ourin, Besita, and Lilith, they must be in other wagons.

I sighed deeply and settled next to a chubby young man who seemed intimidated by my presence. The wagon began to move, and my body began to bounce to the rhythm of the bumps. As the camp receded, my mind was filled with uncertainty about what the future held and worries about what would happen next.

Looking through the gaps in the window, I observed the surroundings passing by. The trees were falling behind, their canopies turning into fast-receding green blurs. Dust rose in small clouds as the wagon wheels advanced, and the heavy steps of the horses echoed inside the carriage.

I sighed and nestled more comfortably in my seat, close to other young people who seemed as absorbed in their thoughts as I was. My hand instinctively found the katana attached to my waist. I pulled it gently closer to me, precisely at chest height, and hugged it, feeling the comforting touch of the hilt in my hands.

I decided to make use of the travel time to calm myself and continue meditating. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. I took a deep breath, feeling the air fill my lungs, and then exhaled slowly. I repeated the process several times, trying to reach a state of tranquility.

As the carriage wheels continued to turn and the horses maintained their steady pace, I entered a state of moderate concentration. The sounds and movements around me gradually faded as I delved deeper into the practice of breathing.

[Your Strength increased by 0.1]

And so, time passed slowly.

At this moment, the travel group stopped. The man in the black robe shook the bell in his hands.

"Ding ling ling!"

The sound of the bell ringing marked the end of my meditation.

"Ladies and gentlemen! It's time to disembark from the carriage for lunch!"

I opened my eyes and got up. When the man in the black robe announced the lunch break, a buzz of activity ran through the carriage.

I decided to leave first, pushing the chubby young man next to me with a little force. He didn't protest, and I quickly left the carriage, eager to stretch after hours of confinement in that space.

Outside, I found several young people emerging from their respective carriages, all preparing for lunch. However, my attention was focused on those who stood out in the crowd.

And then, my sense of smell was filled with the scent of a rose. It was sweet, captivating, and seemed to hang in the air like a seductive invitation. I looked in the direction of the scent and saw her: "Bessita."

She was simply stunning. Her fair skin contrasted with the tight red clothing that accentuated her curves. Her nearly white platinum hair and ruby-red eyes were breathtaking. The exotic charm she exuded was undeniable.

Upon seeing her, I took a deep breath to capture even more of that sweet aroma. The question of how to win her over crossed my mind. I knew it wouldn't be a simple task, but by the end of this journey, I would have her in my hands.

As I moved away from the enigmatic figure of Bessita, my eyes scanned the surroundings, and I soon spotted Ourin, a young man with fiery red hair. His musculature was impressive, his arms as thick as those of a bodybuilder from my previous world. He appeared to be enjoying the attention he was receiving from a group of onlookers, flaunting his strength with an arrogant smile.

While watching Ourin, I realized that the competition would be fierce. To confront someone like him, I would need more than just confidence. I decided that meditating and training for a few more days was essential before putting my plan into action.

My thoughts soon turned to George, a young man whose large eyes and thick eyebrows highlighted his delicate features. His shiny golden hair and muscular body exuded an aura of virility.

George wore a crossblade at his waist and part of an armor. It was evident that all these young people were formidable, and I, who had never fought before, was determined to surpass them.

After searching for a while among the young people exiting the carriages, I decided to approach the one right behind mine. My intuition told me that Lilith was there. Anticipation consumed me as I made my way toward them.

As I approached the carriage, I finally saw her. Lilith was wearing noble attire that resembled the tights of my previous life, emphasizing her long legs and radiating a seductive charm.

[Author's note] : She appears in chapter 8.

Her brown hair cascaded gracefully over her shoulders, and the freckles on her face added a touch of innocence to her appearance. I couldn't help but smile as I approached her.

"Hello, fair lady," I greeted with a noble tone, as if I were born for this world. Everyone around turned to look, but I stood my ground and continued, "I'm speaking only to her." I ignored the curious glances, realizing that sexuality in this world was much more open than in my previous life. Interactions with sexual intentions in broad daylight were not unusual.

Lilith opened her mouth, surprised by my approach. "Hello, what's your name?" she asked.

Before I could respond, a warning from the system that was with me echoed in my mind.

"[The system prevented an inferior intelligence from reading the host's cells]."

I turned my head and found Leylin still inside the carriage, staring at me with a puzzled expression, as if something was amiss.


1202 Words

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


