57.14% Jujutsu Kaisen: The Traveller / Chapter 15: Chapter 15

章 15: Chapter 15

Hiroyuki's heavenly restriction gives him a huge amount of Curse Energy in exchange for a slower CE recovery rate. Not only that but, if another person was made aware of this fact, Hiroyuki's CE pool would increase once again, the same goes for his slower CE recovery rate.

So, given such a fact, imagine if a large number of people were made known of this and was spread around through gossip uncontrollably.

In the future, Hiroyuki's CE pool would surely become so massive that he could probably cover an entire city with his Curse Energy alone if he decided to spread it around. A pretty ridiculous idea that can only exist in someone's dream, one could say.

But that's what makes it SCARY because it's a ridiculous idea that is not impossible to achieve. That's right, It would be pretty scary indeed, especially for Hiroyuki himself.

Well, just from a couple of people, his CE recovery already became so slow to the point that once he fully exhausted his CE pool, he had to wait almost four days just to get it all back.

It became THAT slow just from five people knowing it. Hiroyuki himself and Senjumaru included.

So if that hypothetical future were to actually happen, at that point, his CE recovery rate would surely be non-existent already. He'll probably die of old age first before he could even generate at least ten percent of his entire CE pool.

That's why back then, when he first found out about this, Hiroyuki did everything he could to stop the information from spreading around. Because at that time, he was still not ready.

Even right now, given the years that have passed, Hiroyuki is still not that ready. Well, he won't be affected that much anymore by it, but as much as possible, he likes to keep it hidden for a couple more years.

Roughly around five years more. That's the time he came up with. A time when he would most likely be fully ready already and won't be affected anymore even if the information about his Heavenly Restriction were to spread around.

At that point, he might even spread it out himself. 


Unfortunately, it seems that this plan won't happen anymore because the thing that Hiroyuki was trying to prevent, already happened. Because currently, the fact that Hiroyuki possessed such Heavenly restriction was already made known to the entire Gojo clan.

What's more unfortunate is the fact that, when this happened, Hiroyuki wasn't home. So when the information was spread around, nobody had a way to make sure if the rumors were true or not. 

So for some time, everyone believed it. And just like any scandalous news about famous celebrities, it was spread around the entire clan before anyone could even react.

Obviously, Hiroyuki was immediately made aware of it when this happened even though he was not home. Well, out of nowhere, his CE pool started surging and growing uncontrollably. And for the bearer himself, there's no other logical reason why such a thing even happened. 

That's why, as fast as he possibly could, he quickly went home, in hopes that he could still do some damage control. He got back after a couple of hours and just like he predicted, it was already too late. 

Everyone already knew his secret. 

Obviously, the moment he was seen by the entire clan, everyone immediately realized that the rumor about their Young Master possessing a Heavenly Restriction... was fake news. 

Well, logically speaking, since the entire clan was already aware of his HR, his CE pool should've been so massive already. But the level of CE that everyone saw at that time, was still the same. Not even a slight change was made.

Since, apart from Senjumaru and Hiroyuki himself, no one is aware of the existence of the Cursed Heart, the very thing that is keeping and regulating all that massive CE that everyone expected to see.

So everyone assuming that the rumors were lies, is just fair. Well, whether it is or not, It's not like it matters to Hiroyuki.

At least not anymore. 

What matters the most is finding out the culprit for such happening. That's why, wasting not even a second upon arriving, both Senjumaru and Hiroyuki immediately investigated. 

But their "investigation" did not even last that long because all they had to do was to find the people who originally knew of it. 

Meaning, the three maids who were first made known of Hiroyuki's HR. However, before they can even ask them, Hiroyuki already knows that the chances of them being the culprit are extremely low. 

Not because Hiroyuki trusts them that much but because... they simply can't.

Cause upon knowing about the existence of Binding Vows, Hiroyuki immediately went back to the trio and subjected them to it. Forcefully keeping them from opening their mouths in regards to Hiroyuki's information.

So to make matters short, it wasn't them... Or at least, that's how it is supposed to be. Because trying to find the three, strangely enough, they only found two.

The last one was missing.

No matter how hard they try to search, they simply can not find her whereabouts. Even after days of waiting, she did not appear. 

So the conclusion for this is simple... she was kidnapped by someone.

Even the members of the clan who immediately made some investigation upon becoming aware of the situation thought the same. Nobody even thought of the possibility that she might've just run away.

All the clues that had been gathered pointed to one thing. Someone took her.

But who? That's everyone's question. Unfortunately, no one can come up with an answer. But the motives for it are pretty obvious.

It's to target the Six Eyes.

But, since the security around is much tighter than before, the kidnappers probably decided to not risk it and just gather crucial information instead. Due to that, they got the missing Maid.

At least, that's what everyone thought.

Obviously, Hiroyuki was pretty worried that one of the Maid who was close to him was kidnapped and that someone was actively targeting Satoru now.

But right now, he's more worried about the fact that rumors about him were still spreading around. Because even after a couple of days, from time to time, his Curse Energy Pool is still surging and increasing, even though the rumors around the Clan are already over. 

The rumors were also spread to other places, not just in the clan. That's the only plausible reason for it.

Hiroyuki didn't know what methods the Kidnappers used but one thing was for sure, it was very effective that they managed to also get the information about him as well despite the Binding Vow's existence.

Of course, Hiroyuki is aware that Binding Vows, at the end of the day, are just another form of agreement. And just like any agreement, regardless of the punishment for breaking it, it can be broken. 

But given the Maid's personality, which Hiroyuki knows well, she would most likely choose to just die rather than spit even a single piece of information about the Clan. So the fact that the current situation turned out like this is really a surprise for Hiroyuki.

In any case, the fact that the kidnappers managed to dig so much information that they were even aware that spreading Hiroyuki's Heavenly Restriction would give him more bad than good is pretty concerning.

That's why Hiroyuki and Senjumaru immediately started preparing to take action as a response. 

The preparation, given how the security around the Clan became tight again, became a little bit slower. But after a couple of days of work, it's finally finished... or more so, 'found'. 

That's the reason why, on a certain day, the moment midnight hits, both Hiroyuki and Senjumaru suddenly disappear from their respective rooms. 

And the next place they were actively seen, was on the outskirts of Shinjuku, all while running across to the now-emptied streets.

Now the reason why they are here is because of the fact that, actually, in the past, due to Hiroyuki's very cautious nature, he asked Senjumaru to mark the three maids, just in case they decided to run away or something like this were to happen.

So that means, the maid that was kidnapped, was marked by Senjumaru's Technique. And wherever the Maid got dragged into, it was bound to leave some residuals on the way.

Obviously, residuals can be easily hidden, any experienced Sorcerer can do such a thing. 

Fortunately, Senjumaru's technique is pretty unique. They can cover it up but they wouldn't be able to get rid of it. Not to mention that Senjumaru possesses extreme sensitivity to Curse Energies, so much so that even Hiroyuki himself described it as borderline ridiculous in the past.

Still, whoever the kidnapper was was skilled enough to hide the residuals so well that it took them days before finally getting the lead.

But now that they finally got a scent of it, uncovering the rest is pretty easy. 

So to make the long story short, currently...

They're on a hunt.

Evrabonzz Evrabonzz

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C15
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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