14.28% Jujutsu Kaisen: The Traveller / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

章 3: Chapter 3

Upon hearing what Yuki got for his Gift or Cursed Technique, or whatever it was supposed to be, he immediately appeared confused.

"Tier Magic? What is that?" 

Unexpectedly, after seeing Yuki's confusion, Dude didn't answer right away. He instead pondered about something first, which lasted for a couple of seconds. After he finished doing that, is when he finally gave Yuki a reply.

"You see, back then when you got Aura as your gift, I didn't explain it very well to you because it's a little bit straightforward. You use it, and then it works, no explanation is needed." 

A fact that Yuki himself can agree on. Though a little bit of help would have made his life in the past much easier that's why after hearing this, he can't help himself but shoot an annoyed look at Dude. Which was ignored by the latter anyway as he just kept on with his explanation.

"But with this, I guess it's just fair to elaborate it even further. But I'll only explain it once so listen carefully..."

After that, Dude started explaining to Yuki what kind of ability Tier Magic is. 

But, the explanation lasted for only a short while and, Yuki can tell that all of it contained only the most basic things. Which Yuki already expected given that Dude is known amongst Travellers as a very stingy guy when it comes to giving information.

Fortunately, Yuki who was a pretty huge fan of Overlord back in his past-past life, didn't have a hard time understanding and realizing everything.

"I guess Lady Luck is indeed with you on this one." Dude said out loud.

And Yuki was about to agree, but he stopped cause he quickly noticed and realized the peculiarity in Dude's tone just now. What he said surely sounded like praise at first but his tone and expression while saying that didn't match at all. 

"What is it?" Yuki asked, with a tone full of suspicion.

"Hmm? Heh, well, nothing much. It's just that, you became a bit too lucky this time around. Too much for your own good in my opinion."

After hearing what Dude just said, Yuki's confused expression resurfaced again. Rightfully so because he cannot understand how being too lucky is bad, or at least, that's how Dude is making it sound to be.

Hence he urged Dude to clarify things even further for him. Fortunately, Dude seems to be in a good mood today that's why he agreed to elaborate... which honestly, from a Traveler's point of view, is a rare scene to come by. Even Yuki himself already expected a no for an answer.

Either way, he is thankful nonetheless.

"Well, I can see that you don't understand the World of JJK that well. And I am not obligated to inform you of it but... as a part of the compensation, you can take my next words as nothing but a piece of friendly advice." Dude paused for a second as he switched his tone from a pretty jolly one to a much more serious one before speaking again.

"... You don't want to bring the entirety of Tier Magic into that world."

"Huh? Why is that?"

"Well, It's a mess to explain. But to put it in simple terms... it's too OP. Once you bring this gift with you as it is, it will drastically tilt the power balance in that world."

"And I would not want that to happen cause... why exactly?"

Yuki tried to pry more while Dude was still in the phase of giving information gifts like Santa on Christmas. Unfortunately for him, this phase seems to be over already cause immediately after asking this question, Dude crossed both of his arms and made a loud noise as a reply.

"EEENG! The questioning is over! That's all I can say to you."

"What?! But I barely got anything from that." Yuki said in a frustrated tone.

But as usual, Dude just ignored his protest flatly and proceeded with his own business. 

"Now, tell me what you want. Would you go with Tier Magic as it is? Or follow my advice? Either way, I'm fine." 

Yuki's frustration grew even further after hearing this. But he forcefully calmed himself down cause he needed to think very hard about his next decision. 

But, in the first place, he doesn't know much about JJK world just like what Dude stated. That's why no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't come up with a plausible cause for Dude's warning to him. 

Well, Yuki understood as well that he wouldn't give that advice to him for no reason at all. As stingy as his personality is, he at least knows that Dude wouldn't put him in harm's way.

That's why after a whole minute of pondering around such things, Yuki finally decided...

"Alright. Let's do your way."


After that, Dude then explained how this entire 'way' would go.

Originally, if Yuki decided to go with the Tier Magic gift as it is, he would then be given the potential to learn everything that Tier Magic has to offer. Ranging from First Tier Spells to Super Tier Spells. Literally everything.

That's why when Dude described it as too OP for JJK world, he meant it. 

Now, to make this OP thing a little bit more tamed, what Dude had in mind is basically handpicking it.

To make the long story short, First, he would give Yuki 100 points. As to what he could do with these 100 points... well, he can use it to 'Buy' Spells from Dude.

The price of each spell would then be decided based on the Tier of that particular Spell. For example, a first-tier spell is 1 point, and a tenth-tier Spell is 10 points. A super Tier Spell on the other hand is worth 15 points, all for the reason that the implication of it is a bit different compared to the rest. As usual, Dude didn't explain any further than that.

In any case, Dude also said that he did not include some of the Spells within the selection. Thankfully, he explained the reason for it. He said that all the spells he just included in the 'Selling' list were spells that he deemed fine enough, and the ones he included are just too broken that if Yuki included it within his arsenal, then what they are doing right now will just be practically useless.

Yuki didn't think much of it though.

Unless he's planning to destroy the entire world in his next life, which is pretty unlikely, then he doesn't really need that much power. As long as it is decent, he's content with whatever it is. In any case, it's not like the Spells that were left on the list are not that powerful. Dude is just blatantly downgrading it.

At least, that's what Yuki thought to himself while browsing through the selection of spells.

In any case, other than these facts, Dude also said that, since they were practically degrading his gift, as per regulation, he would personally give him another compensation to make up for it. 

As to what that compensation is... Dude simply said that he would give him a Helper.

At that moment, hearing the term for the first time, Yuki was about to ask what a Helper was. But before he could do so, Dude interrupted him and showed him a bunch of pictures.

Yuki would then study the contents of those very pictures, and not long after that, he immediately understood what a 'Helper' is. No more explanation is needed after that.

Well, how could he not? These pictures basically contain Anime Characters that are very, recognizable for Yuki. In short, it's his Waifus. In his defense, as the saying goes, there's no place like home. A war veteran he may be, but deep down at his very core, he's still the same old him. A weeb.

Now after all of this is done. After finalizing his spells and selecting his 'Helper', Yuki was finally done. Now, there's only one thing left to do.

"NOW! With all of that done, let's proceed to the reincarnation process shall we?" Dude, wasting no more time, as usual, said out loud with an enthusiastic tone. 

Yuki on the other hand, said nothing and just gave Dude a nod as a reply. 

"Alright, let's do this." After this, Dude flashes Yuki a smile one last time before clapping both his hands. 


Immediately after that clap was made, Yuki was suddenly surrounded by lights. Even his vision, as this was happening, also brightened up to the point where he could see no more. 

Though, as uncomfortable as this might sound, he felt no sort of discomfort, nor any nervousness while this was ongoing. It's all because Yuki, already experienced this before. He already knows why this is happening and what's going to happen next. 

Exactly a couple of seconds from now, he will be reincarnated again in a new world. There, he would lose his memories as a Traveller and live a new life.


Now, the lights surrounding Yuki started to intensify even more, and at the same time, a warm sensation started hitting his entire body, a clear sign that the reincarnation process was about to be executed. But amidst this happening, Dude's clear voice suddenly entered his ear.

"I wish you good luck, Traveller. Have fun down there."

Upon hearing this, Yuki was about to respond. Probably to say his goodbye and a little bit of gratitude, but before he could even mutter a word, the lights that were surrounding him suddenly exploded.

After that, nothing.

He didn't know when it happened but as that happened, his consciousness faded away. And the next moment he opened his eyes. 


He was already in a different place.

Evrabonzz Evrabonzz

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


