
179: Or, Loki dies...

When the terms of the diplomat David were presented.

Everyone present except Andrew and Gwen shrank their pupils unconsciously.

What does the United States want to do?

Everyone knows that this is to take advantage of the New York incident to monopolize Asgard's compensation.

In that case, the science and technology of the United States will surely advance by leaps and bounds, and then the backward technology will be given to other countries.

Under this situation, the United States will surely become the most powerful country on earth.

Everyone also understands that according to the United States, wars will be launched all over the world in the future.

Then conquer the whole earth.

Rogers clenched his fists, he didn't expect things to go in this direction in the end.

Although he participated in the Second World War as a soldier of the United States.

But his intention was to stop the war, to end the war.

And hope for world peace.

He also knew the dark side of the top brass in the United States.

But he didn't expect that today, they didn't even pretend, they just put it on the surface.

And the same thing that the United States people did not expect.

This scene is being broadcast live simultaneously to all parts of the world through the Red Queen's network.

The diplomat's remarks instantly caused an uproar in the whole world.

In addition to the other cities of the United States, the remaining few cities have come forward to condemn the shameless behavior of the United States.

In Manhattan, New York, the injured civilians are filled with righteous indignation one by one.

They didn't expect that it would be their own country that would cause them a second injury.

At a parliamentary session.

Several senior officials also saw this scene.

One of the executives suddenly panicked, and immediately said: "Who broadcast these live broadcasts."

"Is it Tony?"

The Secretary of State waved his hand indifferently: "It doesn't matter who it is, the people at the bottom are forgetful."

"As long as we give them some more compensation when the time comes, we can buy some network navy to bring the rhythm."

"Everyone will soon forget about it."

The Secretary of State rose from his chair: "The most important thing right now is Odin's attitude."

"As long as he agrees."

"I believe that within five years, our United States will once again become the most powerful country in the world."

Listening to the Secretary of State's words, several other members of Congress nodded in agreement.


Has the United States done less dirty things all along?

But the money that the United States spends every year on public opinion is not in vain, no matter how dirty they are.

There will be pre-arranged people to wash the floor for them.

It doesn't matter if you don't wash it clean.

Almost all of the world's social media platforms are in their hands, and they can't scold you or talk about you.

Then your account will be blocked.

Let you have nothing to say.

Except for that eastern country - China!

China has its own social software forum, coupled with the rapid development of its economic network in recent years.

More and more people in China know the truth.

In addition, the well-known ones that were previously arranged were hammered one by one.

The Secretary of State looked at the roof of the Stark Building again: "As long as it works this time!"

"No one on earth can openly disobey us."

"Our United States of great freedom and democracy is the strongest country on this earth!"

Others in Congress also watched nervously.

There was a strange light in his eyes, as if David had successfully negotiated.

Seeing Odin in the picture, he replied with a smile: "It's definitely no problem, it's all caused by his son."

"Then, as compensation for the United States, it is natural."

Hearing this, the entire Congress cheered up.

It worked!

Odin would!

David also immediately smiled and said very happily: "Thank you very much, Your Excellency the great Odin."

"I thank you on behalf of all the United States Nation."

David looks so sincere and sincere.

Like a dog that got its owner's bone.

Just when David was happy, Odin's face became a little embarrassed: "But..."

"I said it doesn't matter, Your Emperor doesn't seem to be very satisfied with my conditions."

Odin immediately threw the question to Andrew.

Gwen and Tony frowned at the same time, looking at Odin with a hint of disgust.

At this moment, Odin's amiable face is as annoying as they seem to both of them.

Full of hypocrisy and hypocrisy.

Hearing this, David frowned.

Was it Odin's condition that the Emperor did not agree to?



It is the great honor of one's own celebrity through the ages.

"Your Excellency Odin, please wait a moment, and I will order him to agree to your terms."

"Don't worry, the Avengers are ours."

David arranged his clothes to make himself look full of confidence and turned to Andrew.

"The Emperor, I think the great God-King Odin, offers enough to smooth out the damage New York has received."

"I order you, stop this useless fight, and don't continue to cause unnecessary casualties."

"Otherwise, you will be the public enemy of the whole United States!"

David's appearance is really like the superior is reprimanding the subordinate.

Gwen, who was on the side, was suddenly very angry. When she was about to teach him a lesson, Andrew raised his hand to stop Gwen.

"You ordered me?"

David nodded: "You Avengers, are nothing but Nick Fury's subordinates."

"And I'm Nick Fury's boss."

"Am I not qualified to order you?"

"Or are you going to disobey my orders?"

Having said that, David turned his head to look at Rogers: "Captain, it seems that the way you discipline your subordinates is not very good."

Rogers frowned.

I don't have that ability, so I dare to discipline the emperor.

Obviously, this diplomat should have come here in a hurry and did not have a comprehensive and detailed understanding of Avengers.

It led him to naively think that Avengers is a subordinate organization of the United States' S.H.I.E.L.D.


Before David turned his head back, Andrew slapped him away, and spit out a few teeth.

scattered in mid-air.

The sudden rise made everyone dumbfounded.

Andrew's slapping is not to David, but the face of the United States!

Immediately afterwards, Andrew stretched out his hand and grabbed David by the collar.

At this moment, David's head was full of things, and he couldn't react at all to what happened.

"Listen, it's your business how your United States plans to talk to Odin!"

"Now is the time for me to talk to him, don't think that a cat or a dog can jump in front of me."

"Get Lost!"

David was thrown out by Andrew, flew in the direction of the fighter jet, and smashed heavily on the surface of the plane.

sunk in.

Even if not dead, it is estimated that it is crippled.

"Odin put away your tricks."

"I now give you one last chance to either restore New York to its original state and resurrect those killed by Loki,"

"Or, Loki dies..."

Andrew took out The Emperor's Sword in his hand and aimed it at Loki's neck.

Odin's face finally became extremely ugly...

To be continued...


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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C179
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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