
British PM visit

(January 1950)

With struggling Post war economy, constantly losing colonies, and growing animosity from more than half of the world, especially India, Clement Atlee decided to visit India, to restore relations.

Afterall, due to supporting Pakistan, even the British Embassy was kicked out. For more than two years, the two countries didn't have anny correspondence.

As he arrived in Delhi, only a low ranking diplomat came to receive him.

He was all smiles and polite, "Welcome to India.", but it was clear from the people at the hotel that he wasn't welcomed.

One staff member stared at him long enough to make him uncomfortable. One staff hid her golden jewellery as she saw him, as if he would steal it.

Everyone was polite, and not really disrespectful, but he noticed the small things which made him want to go back to his country.

Since he would meet the Indian PM only tomorrow, he decided to go out for a tour, to see how the country has changed in the two years.

The first thing he noticed was a theatre close to his hotel. And it had a very big poster advertising a movie.


And the poster had a white lady playing as Victoria. And she was looking quite evil.

"Do you want to watch the movie? It has good comedy."

The diplomat accompanying him asked, making him more uncomfortable.

"Sorry, but I don't really know Hindi."

"I can arrange a copy with subtitles for you."

"Oh. Please don't trouble yourself."

"As you wish."

Atlee decided that he wasn't going to include this into his report. As if the MPs weren't against fixing relations with India, it would just give them something to bitch about.

Then, he visited the Red Fort in Delhi, and Taj Mahal in Agra. And he was more uncomfortable knowing the fact that the protocol when a foreign leader visits wasn't followed. The Red Fort and Taj Mahal were packed with tourists, and he even had to wait in the line for foreigners, pay 1 rupee, and go through security checks.

Even though even Indonesia's Vice President got special treatment, and the places he was going to visit were closed for tourists during his visit.

Another thing he noticed was that the main foreign tourists were Americans, and French, most likely because they have shifted a lot of their production, especially textiles, to Bengal.

For around a year, British textiles have been struggling, due to American and French brands. Though all the clothes are produced inside India.

Against the quality and quantity of Indian cotton, wool, jute, leather and other textiles, Britain wouldn't even hope to compete against. Afterall, India had pretty much a monopoly over textiles, especially luxurious textiles, throughout the history. So much so that people smuggled Indian clothes in Britain. And British Textile industry became a monopoly only on the back of India.

But, doesn't this mean that India is just replacing Britain with US and French? Shouldn't this mean that they are just getting exploited?

"No. They are not being beaten up, paid almost nothing, and slaved away like the British did.

Indian Textile Company, Bharat Textile Company, and many cooperative companies produce the clothes on all their own, and just sell them to foreign companies."

This question was answered as he sat with the PM of India, over green tea.

Despite being uncomfortable with his treatment, he had his resolve to resolve the conflict between the two countries. It will be a major achievement for elections next year.

"Mr Satyankar, why don't we let bygones be bygones, and restart the relationship of the two great countries?"

"Would you say that to Nazi too? Because for us, you guys are the Nazis. You can't just loot 99% of our wealth, kill tens of millions, rape millions of our women and children, export us as slaves to different colonies, and expect 'bygones be bygones'."

Atlee turned silent at that.

"And if that wasn't enough, you also created Pakistan, a puppet for you to control. And who provided the weapons that were used by Pakistan when it attacked us?"

"Of course, that was an unfortunate history. But let's aim for the future. We want a strong relationship going forward with India."

"I see. Well, I agree with you somewhat. There is no point in dwelling in the past, is there?

So for a bright future together, how about starting with returning all the treasures that belong to India, and are in Britain for some reason, including the stolen diamond from a child that was kept hostage in Britain and is now resting on your Queen's crown?

And for reparations? How about transferring each and every technology? Like weapons, fighter jets, engines, submarines, radio, TV, everything? And the know how for Small Pox vaccine. We have a list ready.

We won't take money, since you don't really have the capability to pay back even 1% of what you have looted. And the technologies won't be worth more than even a billion rupees."

"Ahaha... Mr Prime Minister, you do realise that what you are asking is outrageous, right? Especially the diamond from the Queen's crown? This will anger all British people."

"Well, then tell those British people the truth instead of propaganda. That their monarchs not only own majority of your country without doing any labour, but also wear stolen treasures proudly.

Atlee ji, we won't settle for anything less than this. Our Hitler, Churchill is still alive without any punishment. We haven't received a single apology yet.

You want to focus on the future, right? Then mark my words. Anything less than this, and not only me, but all my successors wouldn't bother to have any business with your insignificant island country."


"Sorry, I am busy with the upcoming elections. I have already stated our demands. Just remember that British are worse than Nazis for us. It's just that we are the most tolerant people in the world that we are still talking, and even agreeing to overlook the past.

But one hand can't clap. We can't be the only ones who should work for a brighter future. I hope you will deliver the message word to word in your parliament. Please take the recording with you.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • 世界の背景

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Stone -- 推薦チケット
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