
Arab-Israel War

(26th May 1948)

(3rd PoV)

"Breaking news! After Israel declared itself a nation yesterday, all Arab nations have united against it, starting an Arab-Isreal War."

"Indian PM Office has advised the countries to calm down, and has extended refuge scheme for the Jews of Israel."

The world was in an uproar due to the major war, especially in the oil rich region of Southwestern Asia.

It has been 5 months since Gandhi was murdered, which has resulted in a national emergency for India until the Constitution formation is done.

Due to the major event, the riots were intense, which have calmee down a lot in the five months.

It has even led to the rise of the Mosair sect in the Muslim population of India, which have sided with Hindus against the other sects of Islam, since they were being persecuted as well.

Many masjids were demolished by the new sect itself, citing the need to bring revolution in the religion by destroying the structures built upon the destruction of important places for the people of other faith. The most notable place demolished by the new sect was Babri Masjid, which was built upon the Ram Mandir by Aurangzeb.

It focussed on taking power from Masjids and Mullas, and making the religion into a personal form rather than a community form headed by Mullas. Mosair sect considered having a leader means greater possibility of extremism.

The 'Mosair Revolution', as it has been coined, is being compared to the protestant revolution that occured for reforms in Christianity.

And of course, as the Church was against this revolution, the muslim countries are also against it. They have called for genocide of the new sect, and were preparing for a war against India to 'save' the oppressed Muslims.

But thankfully for India, and not very thankfully for Israel, their attention has now shifted to their new bigger enemy, the jews of Israel.

Since they were preparing for a war with India, a country with the world's most or second most population, they are prepared a lot more.

And it didn't help that Britain has provided them a lot of aid in the form of weapons to deal with India for months, which will now be used against Israel. India will be the next target after the annihilation of Israel.

Due to Oil scarcity, India has started importing majority of crude oil from USSR, and has started storing it in large quantities for future use. India has also allowed certain American Oil companies to operate and process the oil into useable forms, due to not having the necessary technology right now, and the danger of a large scale war and the warning from CIA that India may be attacked by the Middle East.

Energy Research Institutes of India(ERIIs) were set up in Bokaro, Raipur and Surat with the joint partnership of the Indian Government and Tata, because USA and other countries refused to transfer the oil processing techniques and technology.

Also, IIA(Indian Intelligence Agency) has started infiltrating Guyana, which has a huge portion of Indian population that were brought as slaves during British Raj. While oil hasn't been found there yet, the groundwork is being laid for it to be a major oil supplier, and defend against US's CIA and the bordering country Venezuela which may attack Guyana once oil is found, whether it leans towards communism or US provides it 'freedom'.


Two days passed since the war started, and British Intelligence agencies passed on the news to Iran that Indian Navy ships have been deployed.

At the same time, India announced that it has no intention of entering the war, and there are only for transporting refugees from Israel to India. If anyone attacks a ship for transporting jew refugees as humanitarian aid, it will show the world that the Arab alliance isn't fighting for Palestinians, but for genociding jews, just like Hitler did.

Fearing the European retaliation, Arab alliance decided against attacking the ships meant for refugess, but demanded that there shouldn't be more than one warship in the fleet.

US also sent its naval fleet to protect the non-military ships, and take out some refugees itself.


One the fifth day of the war, the world heard an unexpected and shocking news.

"India has invaded Goa, and Portugal surrendered within a day. Goa has become a territory of India."

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