
UN meeting-2

(3rd PoV)

As the Indian Foreign minister finished presenting India's stance, the eyes were mostly on UK and France.

USSR was on board with India joining the UNSC, as it will help USSR balance the west, USA and UK, and ROC which is heavily supported by the USA in Chinese Civil War, while USSR was siding with PRC.

ROC was pretty neutral about getting India on the council. It will vote for it to get on the council as it is a neighbouring country with similar history of exploitation at the hands of western countries, and there are many things that they will agree on. But it wasn't 100% on board with it, precisely because India is a neighbouring country. It will just vote Yes to show support, and leave the rest to the other countries.

USA was actually not on board with India getting on the council. It will give India too much power than necessary for USA. But for show, it will vote Yes, to bring India to its side. If it voted No, it will be almost kicking India into USSR's sphere of influence. Indian Ocean is the most important ocean commercially, and the insider capitalists have shown positive interest in having cheap textiles manufacturing in India due to its large poor population, and being the top 3 in almost all raw materials for textiles. Since export of those are now banned to Britain, France and Portugal, and exports of raw materials will be slowly phased out entirely in 5 years, it will help USA to become a top leader in textiles.

It is sure that Britain will not vote in favour though, and it is not sure about France, since it is weak willed and sanctioning France for raw materials of textiles is a death sentence for its fashion industry. While it has many colonies in Africa it 'imports' from, India alone accounts for about 50% of the raw materials, since China can't be counted due to Civil War.

So, USA will vote yes, get all the benefits, and not even bothered by this facade. UK is going to vote No. Even if its entire textile industry is at stake, since most of the raw materials are from India itself. Iron, steel, cotton, silk, almost everything except oil. Pakistan can satisfy some needs for some time, but USA didn't believe in Pakistan to survive the war in the slightest. With Chinese Civil War ongoing, neither it, nor USSR are going to support Pakistan right now. Situation may change after that Civil War, depending on which of these two align with which side. But not right now.

"Pakistan objects accepting India as an UNSC member."

Pakistan, being a member of the organisation before India, spoke against giving India more power than it already has.

"As India's actions over a month, it can be seen that India doesn't have the right and capability to be a member of the UNSC to bring order to the world. India has ignored the agreements with Pakistani and British governments, unrecognised Pakistan, threatened the Princely states against joining Pakistan, and is heading towards a Hindu dictatorship under the current Prime Minister of India, Satyankar Banerjee.

Meanwhile, its has also ignored a meeting with Pakistan's Prime Minister under the excuse of drafting the Indian Constitution, all while declaring Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the current Prime Minister of Pakistan, and many Pakistani ministers as wanted criminals, to be brought before Indian judiciary when it doesn't have the power to do so.

India has also incited violence against Muslims both within and outside India, the most recent being a month ago when Pakistan was achieving its freedom.

If India gets a permanent seat in the Security Council, Pakistan will be forced to leave the organisation, and this may lead Muslim nations to form different opinions. A Muslim oppressing country should never get a permanent seat."

Pakistan presented its opinion, having clearly noticed that India getting a UNSC permanent seat is pretty much the death of Pakistan. Pakistan didn't get any navy since it didn't have any coastline, before it forcefully took Balochistan. It has the military personnel of only 1/9th of the Indian army, it doesn't have any major industries for economic growth, and Punjab will be easy to invade since it is mostly plains. Operation Kashmir has started to secure the Indus basin rivers' water, because if India got it too, it wouldn't even need to have a war.

Pakistan is basically fighting for its existence, since it couldn't get Bengal.

"Well, the speaker of Illegally Occupied Parts of India(IOPI), it's ridiculous that Pakistan was even created, since almost 70% of the muslims in India are still in the legal parts of India. The election in which Muslim league won was also a sham, since only the people with property could participate in it, which was less than 20% of the population of India.

Regarding not following the agreements between India, Pakistan and UK, the Indian Prime Minister never signed on it. He was still imprisoned and UK hastly divided India because it knew that he would never allow it. And he is a dangerous man for colonialists since he isn't as soft as Mr Gandhi, while almost as much people supporting him.

So, it's obvious that Pakistan is a puppet state for UK since it can't control India anymore.

Would UK and Pakistan share all the conversations between Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and Wilson Churchill who killed more people than Adolf Hitler? Who snatched food from Indian Bengalis, burnt down the soil, forced millions to die, forced mothers to rub opium on their baby's mouths so that they will stop crying out of hunger, forced parents to throw their children in dry wells because the UK shipped Indian crops to a tiny island which already had more than enough grains, and it was only for stockpiling.

The person who remarked Indians, which the people who imagine themselves to be 'Pakistani' also are, as beastly people who breed like cattle, and even remarked, 'why hasn't Gandhi died yet?' when he killed more Indians than Hitler killed the Jews?

Why was Muslim League supporting the British Regime during WW2 when people of India were getting arrested, killed and starved, to save its own skin?

Well, we have more proofs against the leaders of the so-called Pakistan. During the Bengal Genocide, party members of Muslim League bribed people with food to change the Saffron flags of temples to green, to incite violence against the Hindus, supported many mass Jihad rackets, forcefully converted and married Hindu women by hoarding food, many of the family members of these party members went as far as marrying six year old girls, or younger. From Bengal alone, we have 23,498 families that are documented taking advantage of the Genocide. And we couldn't even cover whole Bengal due to UK's brutal regime.

A total of 6,039 Hindu temples were destroyed, 10,000+ temples were either vandalised or attacked, in Bengal between 1940-1945 alone. And with the informants inside the Muslim Legaue, we have the definite proof of the party's involvement in all these disgusting acts to take Bengal.

Now, I would like to the person who calls himself as the foreign minister of Pakistan, from where did Muslims come in India first?"

Indian Foreign minister was being brutal, with giving papers to all the countries in the UN. It was clear that the BJS party was suspicious of Muslim League from the beginning, and has been finding its weakness all over the years.

Calming his nerves, the Foreign minister of Pakistan answered.

"When Muhammad Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chouhan."

"I see. Then Pakistan clearly can't even represent Islam in India. If you don't know the history of the excuse you used for getting into power of a British puppet state, you clearly aren't a true muslim. You just used the holy name of Islam and Allah for your own purposes. Allah said to donate, and you hoarded food. Allah said to respect every religion, you killed and raped people in the name of Allah.

The first Muslims in India were in the western coast. Even before being muslims, they interacted and settled in India for trade. Arab traders, ever heard of them? Hindu kings in kerala region alloted lands, built mosques and promoted Islam centiries before that barbarian Ghori was even born. You can still find Indian style mosques in Kerala.

Muslim league isn't muslim. It is just using the name of Islam to achieve its goal. Muhammad Prophet fought against oppression in the Arabian peninsula. Indian Muslims fought against Britishers, united with the Hindus in the 1857 War of Independence, and even before that.

And Muslim League and its imaginary Pakistan, they are the true results of British policy of Divide and Rule, slaves to the British.

Pakistan doesn't represent Muslims. As the nation with first or second largest Muslim population, India does.

The Home Minister of India is a Muslim, the person with the second most authority. A person with more authority than the Prime Minister of the imaginary Pakistan.

India will not allow a British puppet on its soil and ocean, which is not that different from Nazis. The only difference between the Nazis and British is that Nazis targeted Jews with gas chambers, and that the British targeted, and is still targeting Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, Jains, Buddhists, and every third person in the world, by taking their food, lands, brainwashing the people of the lands, and we don't even know how many concentration camps UK is operating."

While most of the countries' diplomats weren't showing reactions on their faces, two countries were in terrible condition. Pakistan and Britain.

Proofs against Muslim League was laid bare for the world to see, and British PM was absolutely feeling the tension by being compared to the Nazis. The British war hero Churchill was being compared to Adolf Hitler.

India was being needlessly aggressive, which was supposed to be a passive nation of Gandhi. It was a very big mistake to let Satyankar live because of the fear of a big revolt.

And now, he and his party are using Britain and Pakistan, mainly Britain, as the common enemy to unite the country. Hate is a tool very powerful for dividing people, and even uniting people.

"*Cough* The United Nations will have a brake now. At 4:30 pm, the voting will be performed by all the 49 members of the UN.

The subject of the voting is: "Making India the 6th Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council."

Countries can choose Yes, No or Abstain."

The chairman of the UN announced, and the meeting had a brake.


After the brake, the voting was held, and the results were shown.

"Making India the 6th Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council."

USA: Yes


ROC: Yes

France: Yes

UK: No

Yes: 29/49

No: 14/49

Abstain: 6/49

Result: India didn't become a member of the United Nations due to UK using its Veto power.

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