
Uzumaki in Village

In the confinement room, Ryouma looked at the Jiraiya who had many tags on his body and a needle above his neck. Even if he liked Jiraiya as a character, here he is talking about a real person from a different village, and if Jiraiya did something unnecessary, he would pierce his Pituitary Gland with the Needle and then kill him.

"Wake him up," Ryouma said and minutes later, Jiraiya woke, and he found himself locked with chains and his chakra sealed.

"So, Ijiyara kun, who are you?" Jiraiya heard this voice, but he focused on the chains around him and the chakra in his body.

He tried to use chakra, but he couldn't and as for his body, he felt that he was weakened than before.

"Why have you captured me?"

"You are suspected to be a Spy from the village, and I have captured you. If you won't answer our questions, you will be sent to Hozuki Castle as Prison or be killed if you act."

Jiraiya looked at the boy and he said, "What should I do to leave?"


"You already knew about everything, right?" Jiraiya asked and Ryouma smiled at his words.

"You are right, I know you are Jiraiya, and I knew that if I pressured you in the name of war and fights, you would comply, but I wonder why you didn't show any resistance."

Jiraiya looked at Ryouma and said, "If I fought, others would be implicated and if I died, Konoha would know about this and you two would fight, so I just chose to accept the punishment and do what I have to do."

"Hmm? How Noble! Anyways, why were you in the village?" Ryouma said with no change in his expression and Jiraiya frowned as he heard this.

"If you are here as a spy, Konoha will pay the price and if you are here for yourself and look at Kusagakure's culture, you will pay the price," Ryouma said, and Jiraiya's expression changed as he heard this.

"I came here on myself because I want to know about the author of Miko Miko Mi, and Suka Suka no Si,"

"Hmm! As expected of a perverted person who wrote Icha Icha Tactics. So, what do you think of Kusagakure?" Ryouma asked and Jiraiya snorted at him and said, "I am not a pervert and it's an art."

"As for Kusagakure, it is a good village, and the villagers are happy. Also, I want to check the different things in Kusa and see the changes you made."

"Meh! No need to butter me up, your punishment won't be lessened. What I want is all the knowledge you have related to Fuinjutsu and Genjutsu. Also, 500,000 Ryos as a punishment fee and a contract stating that you won't fight Kusa until you are attacked."

"Huh?" A stunned look appeared on Jiraiya's face, and he said, "I won't be signing a contract,"

"Hmm? Then what will you do?"

"I can give knowledge related to Fuinjutsu and Genjutsu, and even money but I won't sign a contract," Jiraiya said and Ryouma looked at him for a moment.

"Hmm, Good! It's a deal but know that if you leave without fulfilling the price, you will regret it in future."

Ryouma said as he patted his shoulder and then he walked outside the room.

"Knock him out and place him in an inn and remove the seals there."

Saying this, Ryouma left the place and instead of getting the things, what he wanted if for Jiraiya to leave the village without paying anything.

'Then, I will have reasonable excuses for everything,'

Ryouma thought and he went to his office, while Jiraiya was knocked and then placed in an inn.

Fifteen minutes later, Jiraiya woke up and he found himself in a different place. He checked his body for any seal and sensing that everything was clear, he sighed, and a burst of laughter escaped his lips.

"What an interesting boy. Anyways, I will just fulfil the deal while looking around and when I am done, I will pay the fees," Jiraiya muttered as he shook his head, and he hadn't even thought of leaving without paying.

Why? It was because he could sense that the boy was serious when he said that Jiraiya would regret it in future, and what he was more worried about were the eyes the boy had. The eyes held no fear and showed confidence in being able to do anything.

"It's been quite some time since I have been caught like this," Jiraiya muttered as he walked outside the room and sensed people following him. He didn't bother with them as he knew that they were ANBU placed on him, and it was perfectly reasonable to do so.

When he passed from the Academy, his expression changed as he saw a red-haired girl walking out with a smile on her face and his eyes widened.

Before he could rush to her, he calmed himself and said, "Can you come out? I need to ask about a kid I saw."

"Leader had said that if he talks about these matters, tell him that you and Konoha have the right to say in this and you won't be getting to know or meet them. One is enough and he won't let another one become a sacrifice for the village."

Jiraiya's expression changed as he heard this, and he walked in the direction of the office to talk with him about the Uzumaki girl he saw in the Academy.

Inside the office, Ryouma had no expression on his face as he got the news about the event, and he looked at the door and waited for Jiraiya to come.

Minutes later, Jiraiya knocked on the door and entered, he saw Ryouma looking at him with no expression on his face, but his eyes were cold.

"What is it?" Ryouma asked in a plain voice and Jiraiya opened his mouth and said, "About the red-haired girl I saw..."

"Are you related to Uzumakis?" Ryouma asked before Jiraiya could complete his words.

"You aren't related, nor they are related to you! Why would you think you will get any answers to your questions?"

"If I find you looking around the place and gathering information about them, I will declare you a Spy and you will be hunted by everyone. So don't even think about this and do whatever you came here for."

"Also, if I find out that you have released news about them to other villages, or if Konoha's Ninja came to kidnap them," Ryouma looked at Jiraiya and he continued, "The results would be worse, worse than what you can imagine."


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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C11
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


