31.81% Stargate Goa'uld Korr / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Apophis

章 7: Chapter 7: Apophis

Dr. Daniel Jackson finished his oral report and observed the expressions of astonishment, fear, and bewilderment on his own team and the base commander, General Hammond.

Daniel wasn't surprised by their reactions, as he was still nervous about everything he had seen, and his hands trembled occasionally. For his teammates, they only heard a story about how Earth might be invaded and bombed. Billions of people would die, and those left alive would be enslaved. It was terrifying, but they were just words.

Daniel had seen it all with his own eyes… Well, at least he had been there and witnessed many people die when the SGC, from another universe, was invaded by Apophis and his ships attacking Earth.

After inwardly acknowledging the state of his teammates and General Hammond, Dr. Daniel Jackson looked at the last person in the briefing room, Colonel Maybourne, a member of both the military and the NID, an intelligence agency theoretically responsible for protecting the Stargate project from internal threats on Earth but, in his opinion, nothing more than thugs and corrupt individuals.

The last time the NID acted, they wanted to kidnap, imprison, torture, and who knows what other atrocities to extract information about advanced technology from a group of human inhabitants of another world, who were pacifists and refused to share their technology for fear that extremists might cause calamity by using it.

On that day, Maybourne had given Daniel a look that promised eternal enmity after Daniel helped the Tollan escape from him and his thugs. Daniel guessed that their animosities would be irreconcilable from that day on, but he didn't care too much. People like Maybourne gave him the creeps, and he couldn't imagine being friends with him. However, the next day, Maybourne returned to the Stargate Command with a new assignment in hand to open an office there, and Daniel feared he was planning revenge against him. That's why he spied on his meeting with General Hammond to try to figure out his purpose.

Daniel wasn't the only member of his team, but he was the only one who could act boldly to gather information, as Jack and Sam were military with a rigid hierarchy, and Teal'c was an extraterrestrial guest who would raise too many suspicions if discovered eavesdropping on official conversations.

Everything was normal during Daniel's attempt to spy, and he even managed to overhear part of Maybourne's new assignment, explaining that he was only a diplomatic liaison, and General Hammond still had total control of the SGC. As it ended, since Daniel couldn't run away and make his blatant espionage even more blatant, he pretended to read a newspaper while waiting for Maybourne to leave to talk to General Hammond.

Daniel hoped that when leaving the office, Maybourne would growl at him or ignore him, but Maybourne did neither; instead, he greeted him before leaving, and Daniel would swear he was smiling with happiness. A smile that was confirmed only a few hours later. From that day on, Maybourne changed his demeanor toward his entire team and the SGC. He was friendly, approachable, and General Hammond even said he was reasonable.

Daniel was scared. He couldn't understand how a man who one day was full of hatred and murderous intentions toward him and his group would present himself to them the next day, showing a friendly smile. A smile that had already lasted for two months. It was too strange, insane, and frightening. Something sinister was happening with that man, and Daniel jumped every time he saw him because he couldn't comprehend what the hell he was planning.

Daniel snapped out of his thoughts when he met Maybourne's gaze, thinking that perhaps he had been overthinking, and Maybourne had simply suffered a brain accident that made him lose his mind because, of all the people in the room, he was the only one showing a satisfied and expectant expression, with a genuine smile of happiness.

If the Tollan returned and knelt before him, offering their apologies and all their technology, Daniel supposed he wouldn't be happier than he was now.

"Maybourne, stop smiling; you're giving me the creeps," said Jack, who was as indiscreet as ever.

Colonel Maybourne cleared his throat uncomfortably but said nothing, even though Jack raised an eyebrow for him to explain, and when Maybourne pretended not to see it, he cleared his throat loudly and pointed to his raised eyebrow to indicate that he was asking a question. Maybourne looked at him coldly.

"I think it's an interesting story, but we need more evidence. I suggest sending an SG team to explore the location as soon as possible," said Maybourne.

"That's reasonable," said General Hammond, looking at Maybourne with a furrowed brow.

"We'll get everything ready," said Colonel O'Neill, whom Daniel suspected enjoyed provoking the Goa'uld.

"No! We will send another team," said Maybourne.

In the end, he had managed to control his tone of voice, but it was clear that initially, he sounded alarmed. Jack slammed the table, snapping everyone out of their stupor.

"Maybourne, spill it!" Jack reprimanded.

"Jack, I don't understand what you're talking about," Maybourne excused himself with a serious tone and a serene face.

"Maybourne, your words sound like, 'No!, those who go on that mission will die, send others,'" Jack said with a threatening expression. "Now, it's clear you know something we don't, and although your unscrupulous protection of my team touches me, I want to know what the hell you're thinking by withholding vital information," Jack threatened.

Daniel agreed; Maybourne was sure that the team they sent to the address Daniel had provided would die. Daniel didn't know why Maybourne wanted to save their lives, but the fact that he sent others to their death just to keep information to himself meant he was still the same thug as always, without any empathy for others.

"Colonel Maybourne, I know you're not under my command, and I can't give you orders, but I don't like you playing with the lives of men under my command, and if necessary, I'll use the red phone to get to the bottom of this," General Hammond threatened.

Maybourne frowned and contemplated for a long minute.

"I can't tell you everything, and what I tell you here can't leave this room. This information is considered top-secret, and any leak will be considered a risk to national security," said Maybourne, subtly threatening them with making them all disappear.

"I'm terrified!" said Colonel O'Neill mockingly. "Start talking already!" he reprimanded. Maybourne nodded, ignoring his mocking tone as if he didn't notice anything.

"Two months ago, an ally informed us of this attack and the Goa'uld forces that would participate in it. Of course, we didn't blindly trust this, but Dr. Jackson's report is consistent with the provided information, which leads me to confirm it as true, and I was preparing to start preparations for a counterattack," explained Maybourne, leaving them all stunned.

"You mean that address is probably a Goa'uld world from where the attack will be launched?" said Jack. Maybourne nodded indifferently. "And even knowing that, you were going to allow an SG team to die there," said Jack through gritted teeth.

"We can't be sure of that. Goa'uld security has already proven to be flawed…

"Maybourne, you're a vile and despicable being!" Jack insulted, looking at Maybourne with murderous intent, but Sam seemed to ponder and then frowned.

"Sir, I don't understand, why send another team?" Sam asked, to no one in particular.

"Our informant asked me to be kind to you and not make things difficult for you. Also, to watch your security," Maybourne confessed without flinching.

Daniel had to admit he was as perplexed as everyone else in the room. The person who had known about an attack on Earth for two months and had given all that information to Maybourne couldn't be from this planet, so Daniel wondered which extraterrestrial they had met who cared so much about their lives.

"Have the Nox changed their minds and want to offer us something more than a method to clean tree leaves?" Jack asked sarcastically.

The truth was that, despite his seemingly carefree comments, Jack was a perceptive person, and the Nox were the only advanced alien species they had encountered capable of helping them in this situation. But the Nox had made it clear that they wouldn't help in any war; they only accepted a cultural exchange, and that required all of Daniel's diplomatic skills. It was also thanks to an ally…

"The report from an ally!" Daniel said, and Maybourne grimaced, confirming his theory to everyone in the room.

"You're in contact with the guy who caused a stir back then," Jack said. Maybourne nodded with a sigh.

"His identity remains a secret; I've only spoken to one of his creations, but I'm sure it has nothing to do with the hippie species," Maybourne retorted with disgust. He held a particular grudge against pacifists.

"Creations?..." General Hammond raised his hand to interrupt Sam.

"What help has this ally offered us against this attack?" General Hammond asked, steering the conversation back to the crucial matter.

"We have a cargo ship thanks to him, although I don't think it will be of much use. According to the specifications of the two ships approaching Earth, the one we have is just a transport. However, the envoy said that, as the ships got closer to Earth, they would contact us again," Maybourne explained.

"And you believed him?" Jack asked incredulously.

"I think talking wasn't the only thing they did; if he earned Colonel's trust, he must have given him some things," Daniel said, unable to remove the accusing tone from his words. Maybourne nodded.

"Yes, he gave us some things," Maybourne said dryly; it was evident that he wasn't going to tell them what his agency had received. Daniel wasn't sure if he wanted to ask.

"Some undetectable spying device? Some device that reads minds? Some bug that gets into people's heads and allows you to control them remotely?" Jack asked, putting into words Daniel's fears. Judging by the silence that ensued, they all shared the same fears.

"Some things!" Maybourne repeated in a dry tone.

"Do these gifts have anything to do with the recent corruption and espionage scandals?" Colonel O'Neill insisted.

Daniel was surprised by two things: first, that Jack connected these two points, and second, that to connect them, he had to read some report.

"I saw it on television," Jack clarified, realizing he had left them all stunned. Daniel cleared his throat.

"Well, that makes sense. I mean, the gifts Maybourne received and the sudden success of security agencies discovering spies and catching corrupt senators who committed treason," Daniel clarified.

There had been several recent scandals, spies and even senators paid by other powers, infiltrated in Congress, foreign agents in intelligence agencies, and even in the Pentagon. Maybourne and his people hadn't been idle with the technology they had been given. Because of their effects on the country, the NID had already allied with the NSA and the CIA.

"Some things!" Maybourne emphasized, indicating that he wasn't going to tell them anything.

"Well, where are these allies? Why aren't they stepping through the Stargate right now to help us?" Jack's complaints were interrupted by the base alarms announcing an unscheduled call.

Maybourne went from a serious and intriguing expression to one of absolute happiness.

"Maybourne, I told you, stop smiling; you're scaring us," Jack reprimanded.

Daniel had to admit he was nervous, wondering what they had promised Maybourne to make him happy, and he couldn't help but recall the artifacts mentioned by Jack.

"To the Stargate room!" General Hammond ordered with a sigh of helplessness.

When they arrived at the Stargate room, the wormhole was already forming.

"Close the iris," General Hammond ordered once the wormhole stabilized.

"Let's hope they know how to use the radio," Jack commented, but as soon as he finished speaking, two people walked through the portal as if the iris wasn't there.

"That's Tollan technology," Daniel said incredulously.

Daniel had seen this technology in use when he helped the Tollans escape from Maybourne's clutches. The others nodded, and Maybourne looked significantly at the General to indicate that these were the people they were waiting for.

General Hammond gave the order to withdraw the troops who had entered the portal room, and a few minutes later, they were back in the briefing room with an addition of two people: a tall man with black hair, light blue eyes, a chiseled face, and dressed in casual attire, which was a current Earth model. Beside him was a pale-skinned teenager with light blue hair and scarlet red iris eyes, with some Asian features on her face.

According to their introductions, when General Hammond went down to welcome them in the Stargate room, their names were 00 and 03. Daniel thought of what Maybourne said about contacting one of his creations.

"I suppose Maybourne has already told you about us," 00 said. "We are here to help you with the attack that the system lord Apophis has launched against your planet.

"Currently, two of his ha'tak ships are making final preparations to initiate their attack on this planet. At most, it will take one more day. Most likely, they will start the last leg of their journey to Earth in twelve hours," 00 raised her arm, pointing to the front where a realistic and colorful hologram of two pyramid ships orbiting a planet appeared.

"These are the mentioned ships. They are two ha'tak ships, each with a Jaffa troop complement of no less than a thousand warriors. There are also some minor lords and human servants present to witness how Apophis destroys your civilization.

"These ships have at least twelve death gliders each and two to three al'kesh bombers for strategic or tactical missions. While 00 spoke, images of the things she mentioned were appearing in the hologram along with some specifications written in English.

"You have two options to stop this attack," 03 intervened. "The first is to send an explosive device with nuclear capability through the portal to this address," he said, and to everyone's surprise, the address was the same one Daniel had brought from the other reality. "Apophis has the portal inside one of the ha'taks to transport supplies, and it will also be used so that once they are in Earth's orbit, his Jaffa keep the portal active, preventing you from escaping this planet using the portal."

"However, this portal is also a vulnerability that can be exploited to destroy both ships, as their shields will be deactivated, and if there's an explosion, its range will be sufficient to destroy them both. This plan will pose the least risk at the moment of execution, but it carries the most risk In the long term because it will put you in the sights of the System Lords, and they will send their fleet against you, considering you a serious threat," explained 03 with a serene expression.

"What's the second plan?" Jack asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The second plan involves using the portal as a means to initiate an invasion of your ships and take control of them and everything Apophis has stored on them for you," explained 00.

"I like that plan. When do we start?" Jack asked.

"Colonel O'Neill, stay calm," General Hammond said diplomatically.

"Using your own portal to invade your ships and kill your troops and allies will make Apophis look like a fool and a weak lord, which, in turn, will cause his Goa'uld vassals to betray him, other lords to attack him, and, in general, everyone wanting to take advantage of his misfortune, leading to his eventual downfall and freeing Earth from his threat," explained 00 with a serene face.

The plan sounded good, but Daniel felt a chill thinking about its consequences for Apophis. It seemed that if this plan succeeded, Apophis's life would become a tragedy.

"The Goa'uld rule the galaxy by subjugating other species and peoples, killing, torturing, and enslaving people. If that is Apophis's fate, it will be an act of justice to carry out this plan," intervened Teal'c, whose words were measured in any meeting, limiting himself to nodding.

"Well said, Teal'c. Let's make the snake's life difficult," Jack supported.

Daniel had to admit that he already felt better. Sam pointed to the ships in the hologram.

"Those ships are advanced technology; shouldn't they have an alarm system in case their ships are invaded?" Sam asked, looking at their allies. 03 nodded.

"Ha'tak ships have internal sensors that will sound the alarm for the intrusion of more than ten individuals, warning whoever is in charge of the ship's bridge. If they confirm a threat, they will sound alarms throughout the ship. They could even seal the area using shields.

"For that reason, we are here. Our collaboration in this mission will be to infiltrate and take control of the bridge of both ships, closing access to important areas to prevent some sabotage countermeasures by the Jaffa or Goa'uld present.

"Once this happens, your army will enter through the portal and suppress the enemy forces. I believe that when it comes to ground combat, your projectile weapons are far superior to Jaffa energy staffs. On the other hand, the person who sent us has given you a sarcophagus before, which means you don't have to fear casualties," explained 03.

"General, I've always thought it's better to avoid dying," Colonel O'Neill said. General Hammond nodded, unable to hide a half-smile.

"I'll contact the president to inform him of our current situation. We'll need personnel…" Maybourne raised his hand, interrupting.

"Sir, as I mentioned before, this invasion had already been announced. We also had all the information about the Goa'uld ships, their defenses, and the troops we would find on them. The president is already informed and has five battalions practicing boarding tactics and the best strategies to take control of these.

"Now that the bridge will be taken by our allies, the mission is simpler: we just have to clear the place by force, trying not to damage advanced technology that can be useful to us," explained Maybourne, looking at Jack with narrowed eyes while emphasizing the last part.

"I'll keep my hands away from any explosive device," Jack said seriously.

"I'll contact the president to inform him of the plan adjustments," General Hammond said, sounding powerless in the face of the NID's undisclosed plans.

Two hours later, Daniel arrived at what, according to the information given by their new allies, was a cargo hold of a Goa'uld ship. Daniel saw dozens of boxes that would be filled with Goa'uld weaponry for their invasion of Earth.

"Wait here. Once we have taken control of the bridges of both ships, you can open the portal to report, and the capture of the ships can begin," said 00.

"How will you take control of the command bridge?" Sam asked. That part of the plan hadn't been explained. 00 looked at 03, who shrugged and disappeared in a burst of energy. Daniel and his group were left stunned.

"The bridge of the second ship has been taken and secured," said 03 on their radios a few seconds later. Daniel was once again left stunned.

"I'll inform you as soon as I've completed my part," said 00 and disappeared in a flash of light.

"The bridge has been taken, and the ship secured; you can start clearing the enemy forces," came 00's voice on their radios a few seconds later.

"Hurry!" Jack ordered.

His team encountered 00 an hour later as they made their way to the bridge. 00 was standing in front of what looked like a door, and upon seeing them, she touched it, and it opened, revealing a room and a sarcophagus.

"There's a Goa'uld inside; it's likely the commander of this invasion," said 00, activating the Goa'uld artifact and causing it to begin opening.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Daniel said, but it was too late. Jack pulled out a zat gun and activated it.

"It seems like a good plan to me; let's greet the snake. I have to ask him about a friend," Jack said.

Daniel knew he was referring to Skaara, an Abydonian abducted by Apophis and turned into a host for a Goa'uld. His wife, Share, was also abducted and turned into a host, so he also pulled out a zat gun; he didn't forget the promise he made to Share's father…

Daniel's thoughts were interrupted when the Goa'uld in the sarcophagus rose, and they saw that it wasn't Apophis but Skaara. Daniel managed to snap out of his shock and aim, just like Jack, but it was too late, and the Goa'uld activated his personal shield.

"O'Neill," said the Goa'uld with a smile, and Jack shuddered at his familiar tone.

"He is not Skaara," Daniel reminded him.

"You'd better keep sleeping," said 00, extending her hand, which passed through the Goa'uld's personal shield as if it weren't there; she touched his face, and the Goa'uld fell unconscious.

"He won't wake up for another eight hours. You can leave him in a corner. If he's an acquaintance, I'll extract the symbiote as soon as your army finishes clearing the ship," explained 00, disappearing in a flash of light.

"Teal'c, help me take him to the portal. We'll send him to Earth when we open the portal to report," said Jack, who apparently didn't want to take any risks.

"We should take their weapons first," added Sam, pointing to the Goa'uld Kara Kesh.

Five hours later, as the medics separated the wounded and dead from their invasion forces from the Jaffa serving Apophis, who fought until the end without surrendering for a second, they received a radio communication.

"Colonel O'Neill, the Stargate has been activated, and a Goa'uld has entered. I think it's Apophis. We're under fire in the cargo hold," reported one of the guards left to watch the portal.

Jack started running while giving orders to send reinforcements to the hold where the Stargate was.

Five minutes later, upon arriving at the location, the guards were unharmed, and Apophis was held by the neck by 03, who observed him with curiosity. Apophis's guard was at his feet, surrounding him, as if they had fainted upon approaching him.

"He just appeared and grabbed him by the neck. The Jaffa who approached fell unconscious," explained a soldier who seemed dazed when they arrived.

"Tau'ri, the System Lords…" Apophis lost consciousness before finishing his threat. 00 appeared next to 03 in a flash of white light.

"Make him forget about these two ships and send him back through the portal to his planet, along with some Jaffa," said 00, and 03 nodded. Daniel looked somewhat horrified as 03 plunged his left hand into Apophis's head, and the Goa'uld convulsed.

"Apophis will wake up on his planet believing that these ships were destroyed. He must think that because if the System Lords find out that they captured two Ha'taks, this plan will have the same result as using a nuclear device," explained 00.

"You mean they can alter his memories?" asked Sam. 00 nodded indifferently.

"Please tell me you haven't given that technology to Maybourne," said Jack. Daniel shared the same concern.

"We haven't done that," replied 00, and Jack raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, I must have missed the part where you tell us what technology you've given him," Jack said teasingly.

"That's because I didn't say it," replied 00 with a smile. "Colonel, for intelligence to be effective, it's better when fewer people know its procedures and hidden cards," she added, but from her faint smile, she understood that this caused them some degree of frustration.

"You'll also receive gifts," consoled 03.

"What gifts?" Jack asked, preempting Sam.

"These ships will be modified by us for you, adding a naquadriah-based power source, just like the cargo ship we gave you before. This will increase its maximum speed by seventy times.

"With the surplus energy, we can also enhance sensor systems, weapons, shields, and install plasma repeater cannons. The new shields can be adjusted to provide the same camouflage system as the cargo ship we previously retrieved for you.

"In addition, this ship comes with Death Gliders, whose power source will be changed. We'll replace the staff weapons installed on them with mobile plasma repeater cannons and add a weapons and flight control system that will make them more maneuverable and faster. We'll add a shield generator that will allow the use of camouflage technology and an automatic targeting system. As for the Al'kesh, their upgrades will be the same as those of the Ha'tak ship," explained 03.

"Sir, according to the specifications of this ship, it can traverse the entire galaxy in just three years. If that speed is increased by seventy times, this ship could traverse the entire galaxy in a little over half a month. With just this advantage, we could have a significantly superior strategic capability to the Goa'uld," explained Sam, and Jack nodded approvingly.

"Well, just for that, I can forgive you for giving dangerous toys to Maybourne, but no more; the guy is already dangerous enough," said Jack.

03 smiled and withdrew his hand from Apophis's skull, then pointed to the portal, and with a gesture of his hand, it activated without causing any instability.

03 threw Apophis from six meters away, flying into the portal, using only his right hand and without appearing to exert himself. Then he looked at the Jaffa on the ground, and their bodies floated to follow their god through the portal.

"And when will we get this technology of cosmic superpowers?" asked Jack.

"When you have developed it yourselves," said 03, with an amused smile.

Jack looked at Sam, raising an eyebrow.

"Sir, I don't even understand what I've seen," Sam complained.

Jack was about to complain, but three Jaffa entered the cargo hold. Still, no one raised their weapons.

This was Bra'tac, Teal'c's mentor. They had encountered him when raiding the ships. According to him, he had been planning his own rebellion to prevent the attack on Earth and had no idea that the Tau'ri were so capable.

"Are you sure we couldn't keep Apophis?" asked Daniel, reluctant about the way they dispatched their only lead to find his wife.

"Not if you want to keep the attention of the Goa'uld on him and not on Earth," said 00, examining the cargo hold while soldiers tended to the casualties from Apophis's invasion. They now had two sarcophagi, and the serious injuries and casualties could recover.

"Colonel O'Neill, we have completed our work here. As soon as you finish cleaning up these ships, you can call us to begin their upgrade," said 03, making another gesture toward the Stargate to activate it as before.

"Wait, how are we going to contact you? And Skaara is still possessed by a Goa'uld," Daniel hurriedly added.

03 halted his walk towards the Stargate and turned back to them. In front of him appeared a box in a flash of light.

"This is a Goa'uld work computer; you can install it at your base. It is thousands of times more powerful than yours, and we've integrated a communication system and an interface to make it user-friendly. You can use it to communicate with us. Once you finish your tasks, we will attend to your friend. But it's only for emergencies; we don't plan to solve all your problems for you, only when we consider that they surpass you," explained 03 and tried to turn away.

"Wait, could you leave us another one of those computers? We have another base linked to the Stargate project that also needs one for the study of all these things," said Sam, and even Teal'c looked at her strangely.

"Carter!" Jack reprimanded, and Sam blushed.

03 looked at 00, but she ignored everyone and crossed the Stargate. 03 shrugged, and two more boxes appeared in the location.

"The extra computer is a personal gift for her," said 03, looking at Sam, then turned around and crossed the Stargate. Everyone was surprised.

"Carter, ignore what I said before; please ask for more things next time," Jack said, and Sam bit her lip.

Author's Note: Eight months have passed, and Apophis has arrived on Earth, becoming a gift to increase Korr's influence on the planet.

Author's Note 2: In the next chapter, we will see the reaction of the Goa'uld System Lords to the fall of Olokun. It has been a month since the end of the conquest war, which was Korr's attack on Olokun, and they are already in motion, except for Apophis, who has fallen out of favor, and Olokun, who is sleeping in a cargo hold alongside the Wraith, Alterans, and 01.

Author's Note 3: My apologies to those who want to know what happens in the cargo hold; that is part of the plot, argument, and story, but it will not start to be clarified until Chapter 20 and 21.

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