37.27% Star Wars: The Yautja / Chapter 41: Chapter 41

章 41: Chapter 41

A group of Jedi emerged from a ship on the armpit of the Galaxy: Mos Eisley, Tatooine. This was the largest town and spaceport in all of Tatooine, filled with slavers, thugs, and pirates. The only reason that this place was not as chaotic as somewhere like Lok was originally, was due to the presence of Jabba the Hutt. As one of the leaders of the various families in the Hutt Cartel, Jabba was feared and respected by the people there. Only fools would dare to act up in his territory. 

The 'Jedi' walked away from their ship and toward the north-east of the town. This was the area furthest from Jabba's Palace and therefore the location with the weakest influence from him. 

"Remember, we are pretending to be Jedi. No using the Dark Side," Nott warned under her mask. In order to sell the illusion that it was the Jedi who had attacked, the Acolytes were not only unable to use the Dark Side of the Force but they had also changed their clothes, lightsabers, and even faces.

The faces were changed thanks to Nott's skill in Sith Alchemy. She learned how to make Masks that could change a person's entire physical structure to the point that medical scanners were unable to tell the difference. She could turn a Twi'lek into a human if she felt like it. 

Each Mask that Nott created was modeled after an actual Jedi. She choose to only use Jedi Knights and Padawans as they would be the only ones reckless enough to lead an assault on a criminal organization. 

The group soon arrived outside of the Black Sun base where the Vigos was holed up. There were several Zaku II outside of it as well as 2 guards. 

The group of Jedi walked up to the guards peacefully but with force behind their steps, causing the guards to feel uncomfortable. 

"What can we do for the honorable Jedi to arrive in such force?" one of the guards asked while the other ran inside to inform the others

"We have word that your Vigos here knows many things. One of those things is information on the Yautja and their secret dealings with the Sith," Caina came up with a believable reason for why they had come to Tatooine. Instead of making it look like they were coming to deal with the Black Sun, they wanted the other side to think they were after Yautja. 

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 

As soon as they heard that, the guards let them inside to meet with the Vigos. It was now an open secret that the Yautja and Black Sun did not get along with one another so it was no wonder that the Jedi had come to them in order to find out any secrets that they had. 

The group of Jedi were brought into a large meeting room where several individuals were sitting around a table. There were a few Goufs standing in the room but besides those 3 droids, the security was very lacking. 

'Heh. They hate us but use our droids for protection,' Nott thought when she saw the Goufs standing on the sides

"Master Jedi," Hure Rhoho, the Vigos that ruled over Tatooine stood up and greeted. "We thank you for your visit. We have heard of why you have come to us and we are more than ready to help with..."

"Enough of your blathering," Nott interrupted him. "Kill them all."

All of the Jedi ignited their lightsabers and quickly got to work, killing all of the Black Sun members in the room as well as the droids before any were able to get a shot off. Once everyone inside the room was dead, the group made their way outside of the room before killing each Black Sun member that they came across with extreme prejudice before taking all of the loot.

It took 3 days before anyone found out that it was the Jedi who had exterminated the Black Sun group on Tatooine.

--- Fest ---

Several Mandalorians and the members of the Storm Troopers stood on the roof of a facility while the snow pelted them from above. They each had cords attached to their belts, ready to repel down. 

"Explosives in place?" Boxe asked

"Yes, Ma'am! Explosives are ready to detonate and we are ready to make entry," one of the squad captains confirmed

"Good. Jump on 2 and detonate on 3," Boxe ordered

The others got near the edge of the room with the Mandalorians and members of the Savage Claws being the first ones ready to jump down.

The group repelled down on the wall before kicking off and using the jetpacks to gain some distance. A member of the Savage Claws then detonated the explosives, destroying the wall.

With the wall gone, the Savage Claws were the first to enter through the wall, unleashing a wave of flames in every direction with their flamethrowers. The Mandalorians followed close behind them, finishing off anyone who didn't die immediately from being set ablaze. 

With the first hall cleared, the Mandalorains and Storm Troopers began making their way through the building, killing off everyone that they came across with single well-placed shots. 

The attack was the same thing that all Mandalorian assaults were: fast, fierce, and efficient

--- Balosar ---

HK-47 and Sektor stood inside of the Black Sun facility with countless dead bodies around them. Each of them was taken out with either a snap of their neck, a blaster bolt between their eyes, or some type of explosive destroying their body. 

A group of Kampfer stood outside of the room, standing over a room full of hostages who had their hands behind their heads while they were on their knees.

"Master has no need for more Meatbags. Execute them all," HK-47 ordered the other droids

The droids raised their blast cannons in each hand before firing all around, killing every hostage they had without a shred of mercy. The carnage was something that would scar all of those who found those bodies for years to come. 

--- Hidden Facility ---

A guard stood next to a warehouse while smoking a cigar when two, cloaked blades pierced through her chest now covered in the blood. The woman looked back to see a pair of glowing eyes staring at her before feeling the blades rip back out of her chest and letting her fall to the floor. 

--- Space Station orbiting Undisclosed Moon ---

Dozens of bodies torn apart by energy blasts lay on the floor while a group of droids resembling some type of reptilian creature with dreads stood above them. They were loading goods into the ship that they had arrived in without alerting anyone.

A single droid stayed behind on the ship before a holographic countdown appeared in front of its chest. When the countdown reached zero, the droid detonated and created a massive explosion, destroying the entire space station and leaving no evidence behind of the attack, on debris. 

--- Black Sun Headquarters, Coruscant ---

The Underlord of the Black Suns looked at all the alerts going off across the various storage facilities in panic.

"Order the Vigos in those areas to handle them! If they get away, we will lose over a 3rd of our wealth!"

"My lord!" a woman kneeled down in front of him. "We have tried contacting all of the Vigos in the areas but we have gotten no response. We fear that..."

"Fuck! Who dares to act so bold against the Black Suns?! I don't care if we have to get mercenaries and pirates involved. I rather them take the loot than let these bastards get away with it!"

--- Lok ---

Jial looked at the blue screen before him and smiled

[Mission: Kill the Tatooine Vigos

Rewards: 1x Premium Cruiser Summon

Mission: Kill the Fest Vigos

Rewards: 1x Premium Companion Summon

Mission: Kill the Balosar Vigos

Rewards: The Corsair

Mission: Raid 5 Black Sun Storage Facilities

Rewards: 1x Grey Knight Squad

Mission: Reduce the wealth of the Black Sun organization by at least 20%

Rewards: 1x Premium Companion Summon]

[Missions complete. Rewards have been sent to the Host's Storage]

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C41
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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