
Chapter 7: Understanding about the Animeverse! (2)


Samurai blades and mecha's gleam, Through steampunk cities and moonlit dream. Magic whispers in cherry blossomed air, Anime verse, a realm so rare.


{Answering..... There are countless planets existing in your galaxy called the Milkeyway, there are multiple galaxies existing in your universe called The Cosmos.... similarly there are multiple universes coexisting in the vastness of the space.....}

{As your planet there also exists countless other planets with different lifeforms.... coexisting without knowing about the existence of one another. }

{Some worlds are not aware of the supernatural only focusing on the field of technology, Some worlds are filled with magicians and knights, some worlds are filled with powerful cultivators, Some are filled with Dragons and ancient beings...etc.}

{The thing stopping the other wolders from knowing about the existence of each other is called the 'Time Barrier'... If one somehow possesses knowledge of other worlds he/she will still not be able to travel to that said world because the Time Barrier exists between their worlds.....If an individual starts traveling at light speed in hopes of reaching another world then it will take them 50 Billion years of human life to just reach there. Making it an impossible endeavor. }

Takeshi was writing all the things the system mentioned while reading it out to not miss a single thing. 'So, the other worlds exist huh? That means I can meet with my other favorite characters like Killua, All-might, and Ainz ....' but after thinking it through and remembering Ainz's undead personality, he shook his head ' Well, let's not meet with Ainz right now.'

but his thoughts soon came to a halt as the system proceeded further.

{While it may seem impossible to cross dimensions or reach worlds many high-ranking mages or demon lords or some worlds can bring someone from other worlds to their world by doing some high-tier summoning rituals...}

The first thing that came to Takeshie's mind was, how a certain demon lord was summoning heroes like Shizu Izawa from her world to the TENSURA world, or how in the demon lord-related anime the priests or kingdoms summoned a hero to save their world.

The system continued -

{The system uses an even more advanced technique to make a web by harvesting the energies of countless universes transcending space and time itself. The system can cut through the time barrier and can link two worlds together creating a portal for the host to travel through multiple dimensions in just a fraction of a second.}

{Some of the worlds will be unlocked when the host will get his missions from the system.}

'hmm, it sounds more interesting than I initially thought' Takeshi smirked while writing down all the important stuff without missing a single word.

{Host, try to call for the 'Animeverse Panel'}

Takeshi was overwhelmed by all the information the system provided. Taking a deep breath Takeshi called "Open Animeverse Panel"

The previous floating window vanished and a new window containing new information appeared in front of Takeshi. 


{Opening Animeverse Panel.....3..2..1..}


[ Panel Name: Animeverse panel 

 Host : Takeshi Minamoto/ Gojo Satoru(?)

  **# Worlds available #** 

* Demon slayer World * (locked)

* Overlord world * (locked)

* Tensura world * (locked)

* HunterxHunter world * (locked)

* My Hero Academia world * (locked)





NOTE: When you are assigned a mission by the system in any of the world mentioned here the said world will get unlocked for a specific period of time. 




{New Task Alert!!}

[ Task : The chosen one, familiarise yourself with the power you possess.

 / Use your skills once to familiarise yourself with the feeling of using them /


'Why would I decline something like this? I was just waiting to test it out myself ' Takeshi was excited like hell as his body started trembling. He was unable to contain his excitement at all.

With his trembling hands, he pressed the Accept button. 


In the streets of Tokyo, there could be seen an extravagant beauty driving on the road. One could see a beautiful luxurious car sailing smoothly in a gentler yet steadier pace.

It was the latest model produced by the Rolls-Royce Motor Cars ~ Rolls-Royce GHOST. It was pure white without a spec of dust corrupting its magnanimous features as if made of snow.

Wherever the car goes, it does not fail to attract all the attention from the passers-by. Inside the car, there was a beautiful young woman with rich brown hair that fell in loose waves around her shoulders, giving her an air of sophistication. She was driving the car with utmost focus while keeping an eye on a certain young man in the back seat. Her striking black eyes are both captivating and mysterious, often revealing the depth of her thoughts. She's dressed in professional attire, donning a sharp black coat that accentuates her confidence and a crisp white shirt that symbolizes her determination. By judging her appearance she seemed quite young. Despite her age, her appearance and demeanor suggest a poised and enigmatic character with a story to tell.

In the back seat of the car, a young man with hair as white as freshly fallen snow sits with a serene expression and an unmistakable air of confidence. His striking blue eyes, a brilliant contrast to his pale hair, seem to hold the wisdom of someone far beyond his years. As the car glides through the city streets, his calm demeanor remains unshaken. He gazes out the window, lost in thought as if he knows something the rest of the world does not. The gentle hum of the car's engine is the only sound that breaks the silence, but his presence speaks volumes.

The girl driving the car certainly knew who this man was, he was her young master. She knew about his prowess and achievements. This man can be called, one of the strongest sorcerers of his generation and she was his personal maid as well as driver appointed by the Matriarch of the Gojo clan. But he never called for her like she never existed. He would do his things on his own and he would never take his car to go somewhere in Tokyo. The girl was losing her confidence and was starting to feel useless, but today she got the chance to serve her young master and she was really happy. 

But the young man sitting in the back seat had other thoughts 'Who the hell is this beautiful woman? I just ordered Walton to prepare a car ' Takeshi wanted to use his skills but he also knew the power of his limitless technique, he didn't want to cause a scene in his clan's training room so he decided that, he would go to a secluded place like a forest of something. He thought he would be a greasy old man or a bulky young bodyguard as his driver but, he didn't expect his driver to be a young girl, and a beautiful one at that. 'She smells really nice...Uhg..what am I thinking ' 'I should just stay calm and look my part.'


'This silence is making me uncomfortable.' while thinking that Takeshi decided to break the silence "What's your name?" he inquired with a gentle voice.

Getting asked a sudden question the girl flustered but, regaining her calm again she replied "I am Eliza Brown, young master. Daughter of Shasha Brown who is the personal secretary of your father." she replied humbly. 

"And what's your position in my household? " Takeshi asked while taking an interest in the running topic. 

"By the orders from your mother, I have been appointed as your personnel maid, young master," she replied

"Hmm..."Takeshi lets out a hmm while thinking about the girl's answer.

Eliza thought the young master was not satisfied with her answer and it made her sad. Taking some deep breaths Eliza said in a reassuring and professional tone.

"Sir," she began, her tone respectful and determined, "I want you to know that I'm here to assist you in any way you may require. Your confidence and calm demeanor have left a strong impression on me, and I'm committed to making your life as comfortable and seamless as possible."

Being impressed by her statement Takeshi gave her a warm business smile and said "Then I will be in your care from now on, Eliza Brown."

Seeing that warm and gentle smile Eliza's heart skipped a beat and a pinch of red appeared on her cheeks. "Yes! Young master, you can trust this maid." 


**{New Sub-quest generated: Fu*k Eliza under 48 hours}**

#{Host will receive Immense endurance and Charm stat.

in case of failure: Inherited Technique Limitless will be Locked

 / Accept / Accept / }#

'Wh-what the fuc*? why so sudden, what's with this sub-quest?' if he fails this sub-quest his Limitless technique which is not fully completed will be locked but, 'where is the decline option?' it's like someone is pointing a gun at my head, and telling me to dance naked for them. 

He tried to reason with the system 'Hey system, where is the decline button? hey HEY!?' but he got no fuc*s given. no answer what-so-ever.

While leaning back in his seat he forced himself to calm 'Well, it says I have to complete this quest in 48 hours so, I have got some time to figure it out. And with this face and status, I am sure I can complete this.....somehow.. ' while thinking about all the things he would get after completing it, he accepted the side-quest. 'I will think about it after I complete my first task.'

Between all this buls*it, I mean While thinking of all the stuff happening, The Car finally reached its destination.

After coming out of the car Takeshi ordered Eliza to stay within the car. "Eliza you stay inside the car, I have some important stuff to do inside the forest."

"But young masted..." Eliza tried to protest but she was soon shut off by Takeshi "Eliza I won't take no for an answer, It's an order. Your life may come at risk if you follow me."

"...As you say, young master," Eliza said worry was written all over her face, she thought Satoru was here to exorcise some powerful curse.

Noticing her worried expression Takeshi chuckled "Oi Oi, don't worry ok? I am the strongest." only god knows how much he wanted the last part of his sentence since he became Gojo Satoru. "Now, just stay here it will only take an hour or so."

After saying he started walking to the deepest parts of the forest.


[A/N: next chap is gonna be fun!] [And will it kill you guys to give some reviews to this beautiful Fan-Fic baby!...yare yare daze(Good grief) sigh!]


I thought about soooo much my mind hurts!! So give me some reviews ok? OK?.......

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


