28.26% Harry Potter : A Better Ronald Weasley / Chapter 13: chapter 13 : Fulgur Diabolica

章 13: chapter 13 : Fulgur Diabolica

Winter period arrived and Ron spent it sleeping and continuing to learn from Merlin who had almost nothing left to teach him because he understood and assimilated everything almost immediately.

He also hung out a lot with Luna and had even seen Cedric Diggory again who told him about his impressive fame, even the 5th years knew him and it made Ron happy to see him again.

At the beginning of spring, Harry told him about the diary of a certain Tom Reddle that he had found and it bothered him the day when in their absence, someone had ruined their room to find this diary, Ron had been very upset by all of this.

Another time, it was a Quidditch match which was canceled to the great happiness of Ron who was going to be able to sleep in complete laziness but McGonagall called them to the infirmary because Hermione had been petrified. This time he had enough.

While they were in the Gryffindor common room, Ron was lying with a book on his face when McGonagall came in and told them about the new rules, telling them that the school is in danger of closing due to the recent attacks.

When she said it, her face was very pained and Ron saw it, he really liked this woman so it bothered him.

Harry: Ron we have to go see Hagrid, he knows something.

Ron: Yes, me too. Go ahead and pick me up if you need me, you'll tell me everything. I have to speak with Professor McGonagall.

They came to an agreement before going their separate ways.

"Professor McGonagall?!" Ron called as he entered the woman's office.

Minerva: Mr. Weasley, I thought I was very clear earlier with the new rules! No student travels alone after sunset!

Ron: Yeah, it's a shame about the rule. I think I know what's causing all this aggression.

Minerva: Weasley...

Ron: I'm serious. You probably know that Harry is a Parselmouth, right?! Well the first time we discovered the first case of petrification with Filch's cat was because Harry said he was lured by scary whispers. The night he broke his arm at the Quidditch match, he told us he still heard those voices while he was in the hospital wing before you took the petrified photographer kid away!

Minerva: He saw us?!!

Ron: He saw you. Additionally, when Filch surprised him again, Harry told us that he was lured by the same whispers again.

Minerva: So?

Ron: I'm getting there! I know I looked like I was asleep when you told us about the chamber of secrets but I listened anyway and according to what you said. It's all about Slytherin and his heir. The emblem of this house is a serpent and it is known that the chamber of secrets contains a monster or thing that attacks the enemies of the heir of this house. Harry, who is a parseltongue, said he listened to inaudible whispers from everyone except himself apparently and each time, there was a case of petrification. So the person who did this is either another parseltongue or it's...

Minerva: A snake...

Ron: Yes, but a normal snake can't use petrification spells. I have read a lot of articles on the fantastic animals of the great Newton Scamander and a species of snake indeed has the capacity to petrify people thanks to its gaze if the victims are struck indirectly. Note also that the victims have no signs of injury on them.

Minerva: Oh my god...! You mean it's a basilisk ?! 

Ron: It's just a theory, Professor. The fact is that this animal usually kills with its gaze unless, as I said, the visual contact was indirect.

Minerva: Very well, thank you Weasley. I will talk to Professor Dumbledore about it, you can return to your dormitory and above all be careful.

He returned to the common room where he waited for Harry who returned later and told him everything that had happened at Hagrid's house.

Dumbledore and the Minister for Magic were there and despite Dumbledore's protests, Hagrid was accused and shipped off to be investigated or will be sent straight to Azkaban.

Lucius Malfoy had joined them to tell Dumbledore that he was going to be removed from his position because of the recent attacks but before he was taken away, Hagrid left a clue for Harry that was hidden and that was to follow the spiders.

Ron thought this might be an interesting clue that might lead them to the basilisk so they left discreetly to follow a small troop of spiders who were leaving Hagrid's house to go to the Forbidden Forest.

There was a lot of darkness so Ron burst forth by summoning a floating sphere of light using a spell he had created himself, a derivative of the 'Lumos' spell.

The sphere of light seemed to be intelligent and followed them, lighting their way.

They followed the little spiders to the lair of Aragog, the giant spider that Hagrid had taken care of a long time ago, he was quite scary but they told him that they came in Hagrid's name so the spider remained calm.

There was a conversation between them about the Chamber of Secrets and the thing that attacked people.

Ron asked him if it was a snake and more specifically a basilisk and Aragog confirmed that he heard the sounds of a reptile and the other spiders said they saw a giant snake when he was smaller 50 years ago at Hogwarts.

They noticed more and more big spiders were coming so they said they were going to leave but the giant spider planned to offer them to his children to eat. They were quickly surrounded before Ron took charge.

Ron: Harry, whatever happens you stay under the cloud.

Harry: What cloud?!

"Fulgur nubus" Ron said slowly twirling his wand above their heads as a dark storm cloud with electrical arcs in it began to manifest just above them and several flashes of lightning hit the spiders too close to them by the hundreds.

They went in another direction with the cloud to protect them and kill the spiders and when they were safe, the cloud dissipated.

Before Harry said anything, Ron promised to show him how to perform the spell.

Now they had confirmation that it was a basilisk and that Hagrid was innocent. All that remained was to find out how the basilisk moved and where it came from.

When they returned to the castle, an announcement was made from McGonagall that all students were to immediately go to their dormitories and all teachers were to meet in the second floor corridor.

They went to listen to the teachers' conversation where McGonagall told them about Ron's suspicions and also told them that a student had been kidnapped, it was Ginny Weasley. Ron inhaled coldly upon hearing this as anger began to overwhelm him.

Guilderoy Lockhart was assigned to find the room because of the skills he boasted about but Ron ignored all that and took Harry with him to go interview the ghost of the girl who died 50 years ago and it was Mimi.

The girl told them about her death and gave them certain clues that led them to believe that the entrance to the room was in these baths.

They finally found the entrance to the chamber and Harry had to speak parseltongue for the door to open into an underground tunnel.

Harry: We should go find someone.

Ron: No time, my sister is in danger and I only trust myself to save her.

He immediately jumped inside and Harry followed him so as not to leave him alone. They continued down and Harry opened a large door with the parselmouth a second time and they entered a large wetland with snake statues.

they saw Ginny lying on the ground unconscious in the distance and walked towards her.

Ron cautiously walked towards his sister before taking her in his arms and trying to free her several times when a voice startled them...

"She won't wake up…" a guy looking older than them from who knows where said as he moved forward.

" Who are you ? Did you do this to her?" Ron said pointing his wand at him.

Harry: Tom? Tom Reddle?

Ron: The guy from the diary ? It's him ?

Harry: Yes, that's him I saw. (to Tom) Are you a ghost?

Tom: A memory…kept in a journal for over 50 years.

Ron: If you're the one who did this to my sister, bring her back right away and I'll destroy you without too much pain.

Tom: I can't...you see, the weaker Ginny gets, the stronger I become.

He began to confess to them how he had manipulated the girl's mind through the journal into working the chamber of secrets, releasing the basilisk on the students, and leaving blood messages on the walls of the school.

"Ahahahahaha! I'm angry, now I'm so angry ahahahah » Ron laughed angrily, almost shaking.

Harry: Why did you do all that?

Tom confessed to them why he did all that and told them he was the memory of Voldemort when he was 16.

Meanwhile Dumbledore's phoenix had arrived and threw a hat which Harry grabbed, it was empty so he and Ron looked at each other in confusion.

Tom called the basilisk mockingly and told Harry that Parseltongue was going to be useless to him because the beast only obeyed him.

Harry alerted Ron several times who was in a daze looking at his increasingly cold sister.


Seeing that Ron didn't react, Harry looked for what to do when the hilt of a sword appeared and he drew it without even knowing what to do with it.


The basilisk quickly came out of one of the statues to Tom's laughter.


It opened its large mouth equipped with several fangs when Ron just raised his wand at it.

"Fulgur diabolica" he said in a very low voice as a large red lightning came out from his wand to attack the snake and the power of the spell was so terrible that in two seconds the snake's body started to burn before to explode into several pieces of burnt flesh while the blood and venom of the beast splashed everywhere, especially on the blade of the sword.

This spell was ancient, terribly brutal and required colossal anger, something Ron had in him at the moment because of Ginny.

The raw power was enough to kill a basilisk, one of the most powerful fantasy beasts, thanks to the large amount of magic Ron possessed.

Tom was deeply shocked by this as was Harry and Ron threw Tom's diary that Ginny was holding at his friend.

Ron: You destroy the diary, you destroy the memory it contains...

Harry had just realized what his friend had just told him and immediately grabbed the book.

"NOOOOOOO" Tom screamed before Harry stabbed the diary with the sword which started to destroy Tom's specter while like blood, a black liquid leaked from the hole Harry made.

He spotted this several times and the specter was completely destroyed. As soon as it was done, Ginny's body warmed and she opened her eyes.

Ginny: Ron, Harry…

Ron: We're here little sister, you're safe.

Harry: Ginny...

Ginny: It was me who did all this but I didn't do it on purpose, it was Tom...he-(interrupted)

Harry: We know Ginny, you are a victim like any other.

"Let's get out of here, I hate this place" Ron said getting up with his sister.

They finally got out of there with the diary and headed straight to McGonagall's office where they reported everything except how they beat the basilisk, Ron lied that Harry had killed him by sticking the sword in his face so his head and his whole body had exploded, she found it strange but she knew that the sword was a magical artifact of the founder of Gryffindor.

She and Snape went to check it all out at the scene and it confirmed everything the children said. They quickly sent an owl to the Ministry of Magic to inform them of the situation.

"Why did you tell her it was me?!" Harry asked Ron in their room.

Ron: (Yawns) I'm not interested in fame and I don't want them to watch me too much! Beating Snape in a duel has already attracted too many stares. You are the famous Harry Potter if you do this kind of thing then it's clean.

Harry: But I'm not interested in fame either, especially if it's based on a lie.

Ron: Take this as a gift for helping me save my sister, I know you like her.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Harry said turning his face away in embarrassment.

Ron: She talked to us a lot about you at home...

Harry: (turns around) IS IT TRUE?

"Good night Harry" He said amusedly leaving his friend in the clouds and sleeping almost immediately. It was quick, his sleep was very fast.

The next day, Dumbledore received them in his office and gave them a speech before promising them a reward. He freed Ron and stayed with Harry to talk with him.

Outside, Ron was walking casually when he saw Lucius Malfoy arriving with a house elf at his side.

Their paths crossed and Lucius looked at the child with a contemptuous smile while Ron yawned, wiping the tear from his eye.

They continued on their ways when behind Ron, Lucius suddenly fell to the ground while walking mysteriously on his cloak.

"krkrkrkrkrkkr" Angry, the man heard a snicker behind him but Ron had already turned a corner and was no longer visible.

Time passed and the end-of-year banquet arrived. Like last year, Ron was sitting in a certain place with Luna when he saw Hermione in the distance who had been brought out of her petrification.

The girl ran to give Harry a hug and she looked for him to see him sitting in the distance with Luna so her smile faded a little, Ron gave her a thumbs up to welcome her back before continuing his conversation with Luna.

Dumbledore demanded attention and from everyone, he asked for a round of applause for the staff who worked to cure the basilisk victims and also announced that the exams had been canceled much to the annoyance of Ron and Hermione.

Hagrid entered too, he had been exonerated and released from Azkaban, he stopped near Harry and thanked him with Hermione, he looked for Ron who saw him from afar.

"My thumb hurts" Ron said annoyedly in front of Luna who solemnly nodded her head. He gave Hagrid a thumbs up who did the same.

Harry gave him a hug and everyone gave him a round of applause to show they were happy for him and it made the half-giant cry.

Two days later, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Luna were in their cabin on the train.

Ron: Two years in this school and none of them have been normal because of that Voldemort!

Harry: Yeah, but we did pretty well, didn't we?

Hermione: We had a lot of fun even though I got petrified and there was no test.

"You would have still finished behind me and Luna" Ron said lazily resting his head on Luna's shoulder still next to him.

Luna: You know that sleeping like that risks hurting your neck a lot.

"Now my best pillow is talking!" He said mockingly and Luna pinched his nose.

"You win Luna, you win!" He said feigning pain and she let go of him with a satisfied smile. Lucius, out of nowhere as usual meowed before jumping to sit on his lap.

(END of events of the second film)

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