82.36% Naruto, Be My Son / Chapter 285: Chapter 285: Join the Whitebeard Pirates? Kimimaro's decision!

章 285: Chapter 285: Join the Whitebeard Pirates? Kimimaro's decision!

Konan always felt that doing so was not very good... because does this mean that they can quietly sold "Uchiha Madara"?

Although the existence of that guy made Konan feel uncomfortable all over, she always felt that the other party was not a normal person.

But it has to be admitted that the Akatsuki organization has developed to this scale, and that guy has also made a lot of effort.

Moreover, there is a follower next to that "Uchiha Madara". Once she sells him, it is equivalent to selling that follower as well.

This makes the unstable factors change from one to two.

But the next second, an idea popped up in Konan's mind - what if the Whitebeard Pirates can help their Akatsuki organization to solve these two unstable factors?

Konan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

She is considering how feasible this thing is.

She is also weighing the pros and cons.

"If I use this news to infiltrate the Whitebeard Pirates, I must sell Uchiha Madara and that Tobi."

Konan murmured to herself: "Using the two of them to gain the opportunity to infiltrate the Whitebeard Pirates, the key is... I don't know if it can be successfully implemented."

Just as Konan wanted to give up this idea, she hesitated again.

Because "Uchiha Madara"'s actions undoubtedly added a lot of risks to the Akatsuki organization out of thin air, his behavior in Konan's eyes is an uncontrollable and unstable factor.

That is to say, before she revealed this news to the Whitebeard Pirates, "Uchiha Madara" became that unstable existence and would threaten the existence of the Akatsuki organization.

Shouldn't I have the obligation to eliminate the unstable existence in the organization?

If we keep that guy around, he's sure to continue to cause trouble for the Akatsuki organization, and bring more trouble to the Akatsuki organization.

"The Akatsuki organization was established by Yahiko. After Yahiko's death, it was Nagato and I who took over Yahiko's dream and made the Akatsuki organization grow stronger. Uchiha Madara is just a partner who joined halfway. Neither I nor Nagato have ever truly trusted him."

Konan took a deep breath slowly: "He has already made contributions to the Akatsuki organization... The only thing he can bring now is a special information channel and a Mangekyou Sharingan that can control the Tailed Beasts."

"As for the information aspect, as long as the Akatsuki organization puts more effort into it, we can also build an intelligence network that is not inferior to 'Uchiha Madara'. As for the Mangekyou Sharingan..."

The purpose of the Akatsuki organization is to capture the nine Tailed Beasts, and the Mangekyou Sharingan is particularly important in this process.

It is for this reason that "Uchiha Madara" has been able to sit steadily in the position of "partner" in the Akatsuki organization.

"But we already have a newcomer - Uchiha Itachi!"

A light flashed in Konan's mind: "Uchiha Itachi also has Mangekyou Sharingan, his eyes should also be able to control the Tailed Beasts!"

With this said, the advantage of "Uchiha Madara" is completely gone in Konan's eyes.

That guy is already dispensable.

In the end... Konan made a decision.

She decided to sell "Uchiha Madara" and "Tobi", and use the information she currently has to gain the trust of the Whitebeard Pirates.

She can only silently say "I'm sorry" to "Uchiha Madara" in her heart.

For the sake of the Akatsuki organization, for the dream of the past, she doesn't mind selling a person she has never trusted.


That guy definitely won't know that it was her who sold him for a while.


Kimimaro felt a bit out of place with the Whitebeard Pirates.

Even Orochimaru-sama, a prisoner of the Whitebeard Pirates, has endless things to do every day.

Being a prisoner of the pirate group himself, he was idle all day, which made Kimimaro a bit dazed.

He didn't know why this was happening.

His daily life is basically a three-point line.

Get up → Receive treatment → Go to sleep.

He has been living this way for a long time, even if Orochimaru-sama is by his side, this kind of life has not changed.

Kimimaro could clearly see that Orochimaru-sama had taken the Whitebeard Pirates as his new "shelter".

Orochimaru-sama has been studying a non-humanoid creature recently.

Orochimaru-sama also told him that as long as the cloned body that was researched can grow up, then this cloned body will be his most perfect reincarnation container.

The thing he was most worried about started to happen, Orochimaru-sama now has a better reincarnation container than him, Kimimaro.

In this case, what is the meaning of his existence?

Kimimaro was very confused. Even if his bloodline limit genetic disease was cured, what would it mean?

After all, Orochimaru-sama is no longer interested in his body.

Many times, Kimimaro wanted to sneak into Orochimaru-sama's research room and destroy everything inside.

In this way, he would be Orochimaru-sama's most perfect container.

But this kind of bold and reckless idea just filtered through his mind and he threw it behind his head.

He is not the kind of person who forgets his gratitude because of selfishness.

Just as Kimimaro was a little dazed, a sudden voice from the side interrupted his thoughts: "Shikotsumyaku brat, I told you to raise your arm, didn't you hear me?"

Kimimaro turned his head and found that the voice came from Tsunade, who was treating him.

In the face of Tsunade's reminder, Kimimaro was indifferent.

His immobility, just like a piece of wood, made Tsunade frown and mutter: "Could it be that the medicine is not right, and it has ruined this kid's brain?"

"I don't need to be saved... let this genetic disease accompany me for a lifetime." Kimimaro's voice, as faint as a mosquito, sounded silently.

Although the voice was very small, it was still heard by Tsunade. Tsunade raised her eyebrows: "Hey hey, you little brat, could it be that your brain is really broken by the medicine? What are you talking about?"

Kimimaro shook his head: "Even if you cure me, I don't know what I should do, let alone what I can do."

His little hand was tightly clutching the corner of his clothes: "Orochimaru-sama has a better vessel, he doesn't need me anymore."

"My belief in life, my reason for existence, are all for Orochimaru-sama. And Orochimaru-sama..."

Before Kimimaro could finish his sentence, he was punched in the head by Tsunade, who was on fire.

With a "bang" crisp sound!

Kimimaro's eyes suddenly widened, and under Tsunade's strange power, this punch almost cracked Kimimaro's forehead.

"...Ouch, it hurts." Kimimaro covered his head, looking at Tsunade very puzzled, not knowing why this woman was angry.

"Stupid little brat! Why are you so pretentious!" 

Tsunade, imitating Whitebeard's tone, stretched out a fair finger and poked Kimimaro's forehead, complaining angrily: "In this world, if only Orochimaru cares about you, then why should I treat you? Why does Naruto want me to treat you? Why does Whitebeard let you stay on Moby Dick and not drive you away?"

For every sentence Tsunade said, she poked Kimimaro's forehead: "Can't you move your brainwashed brain and think about it, how can a ten-year-old kid be like a severe depression, you don't look like depression!"

"A stinky little brat, You don't know anything!"

Tsunade became more and more angry, she grabbed Kimimaro's ear and gritted her teeth: "Come with me!"

Tsunade forcibly pulled Kimimaro's ear and dragged him off the sick bed.

Her strength was not something Kimimaro could resist.

Tsunade dragged Kimimaro onto the deck in such a way.

The two of them, one big and one small, attracted a lot of attention.

"Eh? What's wrong?" Naruto, who was training hard, was a little curious and looked at Kimimaro and Tsunade, he muttered: "Did Kimimaro offend Sister Tsunade?"

Sasuke wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, and pondered with his fingers on his chin: "Tsunade-sama seems to be very annoyed... I don't know what happened."

They watched as Tsunade dragged Kimimaro in front of Whitebeard.

Even Kimimaro himself didn't expect that Tsunade would drag him here.

In Kimimaro's line of sight, Whitebeard was sitting on a big chair with a big horse, and he was still holding a big wine pot in his hand.

With Whitebeard's exaggerated figure, the wine pot he was holding was bigger than Kimimaro, and he could probably stuff Kimimaro into it.

Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp——Whitebeard drank several jin of strong wine heartily, his rugged and heroic face was slightly drunk, and he looked down at Tsunade and Kimimaro in front of him with his eyes down.

Whitebeard placed the wine jug beside him, his vacant eyes crinkled into a smile as he asked, "Gurarararara! What's up? Tsunade, you little brat, have you finally figured it out? Want to join the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Tsunade twitched at the corner of her mouth, shook her head, and then pointed to Kimimaro next to her, "I think this little brat should join the Whitebeard Pirates more than I should, so he can find his life's purpose."

"Oh no..."

Tsunade placed one hand on top of Kimimaro's head, saying, "He shouldn't just join the Whitebeard Pirates, this little brat must join the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Then, Tsunade turned to Kimimaro, "Did you hear that? Little brat! Today, you will acknowledge Whitebeard as your father and join the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"You need to have a real family, a group of real family members, to teach you the meaning of life!"

Seeing a little brat younger than Nawaki talking about death, Tsunade couldn't help but get angry.

So, she used the most direct and brutal method.

That is to forcibly make Kimimaro acknowledge Whitebeard as his father, and forcibly make Kimimaro join the Whitebeard Pirates.

Let this little brat feel what family and home are.

In this way...

He won't be talking about Orochimaru all day long.

"Oh? Gurarararara!" Whitebeard asked Kimimaro, who was stunned, in a slightly drunken tone, "Little brat, do you want to join the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Faced with Tsunade's exasperated tone and Whitebeard's questioning tone, Kimimaro didn't know what to say for a while.

He wanted to say that Tsunade had forcibly brought him here, that it was not his wish, and that he did not want to come here.

But he couldn't say this sentence when it reached his throat.

Because the "family" and "family members" in Tsunade's mouth... For Kimimaro, who is an orphan, it is indeed full of poisonous temptation.

Kimimaro had to admit in his heart that he admired a man like Whitebeard.

The powerful strength shown by Whitebeard, and that chivalrous mind, have a fatal attraction for a little brat like Kimimaro who is not very old.

He has been a prisoner in the Whitebeard Pirates for so long, and he knows that the Whitebeard Pirates is a very special family.

Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, Kakashi, Karin and other members of the pirate group, the kind of mutual love and unity shown in daily life, are all seen by Kimimaro.

It's all fake to say that you don't envy and hope.

Kimimaro always wants to have a family, wants to have family members, also wants to be cared for by others, and hopes that his power can help those who care about him and those who care about him.

"Orochimaru-sama he..."

Kimimaro didn't expect that one day he would be so hesitant and dilly-dally.

Just as Tsunade scolded, how did he become so pretentious?

Is it because the time he spent in the Whitebeard Pirates has changed his character and thoughts a lot?

"Orochimaru is nothing!"

Tsunade gave Kimimaro another knock on the head, which hurt so much that Kimimaro was almost in tears. This is a physiological instinct.

Tsunade was so angry that her chest was undulating, and she snorted, "If you didn't want to join the Whitebeard Pirates, you would have turned around and left. You must have this idea in your heart!"

"That scoundrel Orochimaru has already become a captive of the Whitebeard Pirates, hiding on the Moby Dick all day like a turtle, afraid to go out for fear of being assassinated by the Akatsuki, or running into that guy Jiraiya."

Tsunade continued, "Kid, that scoundrel Orochimaru can't run away, he's going to be locked up in the Whitebeard Pirates for the rest of his life, and I'm going to keep an eye on that guy for the rest of my life!"

"You don't want to be kicked off the ship one day because you're an outsider, do you?"

Tsunade waved her hand, "Forget it, there's no use talking so much to a stubborn kid like you, consider my good intentions wasted."

Just as Tsunade was about to pull Kimimaro away, she found that the kid was resisting her strength.

Kimimaro bit his lip.

His subconscious told him that if he missed this opportunity, he would really miss it.

Under Tsunade's somewhat surprised gaze, he pulled his hand back.

Kimimaro took a deep breath, "Tsunade-sama, thank you for enlightening me."

This was the first time he addressed Tsunade as Tsunade-sama.

"I... I understand."



(End of Chapter)

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