55.17% As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe / Chapter 16: Initiate gank fight

章 16: Initiate gank fight

As he revved the engine of the black and silver Harley-Davidson, Red Hood sped through the city. It was late at night now and the city was even more shrouded in darkness then it usually was. The only light visible was from the street lamps and the occasional neon sign.

The sound of the engine hummed loudly in his ears as he rode down the empty street. He tightly gripped the handlebars, feeling the wind violently whipping against his body  As he cruised along, he could not help but take in the nostalgic sight of the city around him. Gleaming skyscrapers loomed overhead, lighting up the night sky. He passed by dark alleys and abandoned buildings, the sounds of his motorcycle drowning out the eerie backdrop.

He slalomed through traffic, skillfully maneuvering around cars and trucks that loomed in front of him. The city was a maze of roads, highways, and flyovers, and he navigated it with ease.

As he approached a sharp turn, he braked hard and leaned into it. The wind roared in his ears as he took the turn at speed. The glowing cityscape whizzed past him in a blur of lights and colours. The thrill of speed and power was electrifying, and he felt alive in a way. Just driving and cruising through the roads, no fighting or killing involved. Just a mellow drive.

Though his drive did take him to the much more crappier part of Gotham city, people littered the street's with a vacant looks in their eye's. Their clothes dirty and torn whilst they prance along, seeming lost.

It was a familiar sight to the former Robin. One he could not forget despite everything, he himself was nothing but a street rat once upon a time. Stealing for and from whoever, as long as he could just to keep his stomach from rumbling. He remembered it clear as day, the event that changed his life. Him trying to steal the wheels of the Batmobile.

He would laugh at the memory, problem is that was the beginning of it all, was it not? How he became the second Robin, Batmans sidekick. The thrill that came with putting villains behind bars, nothing better for his naive child mind at the time. But he grew more aggressive as time went on, as well as incompetent. That incompetence showed when he had gone after his mother and the Joker.

Red Hood shook his head to rid himself of the thoughts as he sped through the city, now was not the time to reminisce. He had a job to do afterall, and said job included tracking someone down.

Whilst outside Gotham he busted down a criminal base, it was a high-end place. Expensive security equipment and an absurd number of guard's. Though they were dealt with, without any real difficulty. Most of the guards were amatures with guns and any security system was easily disabled. He expected the place to be manufacturing something akin to guns or maybe a drug manufacturing ring. He was right on the latter, though barely.

Titan serum, or more accurately a modified version of the serum. He had recognised the formula right away, hell he had used a lighter version of the serum once. But this version seemed waterd down, as in random chemicals were mixed in. He had investigated further, as to who the mastermind could have been. He had of course originally thought of Bane, but that man was much too prideful to sell this waterd down version of the serum.

And he was no idiot, he would not manufacture the serum in such an easy to reach location. Furthermore he would also not let the formula for any kind of titan serum just be lying around for all to see. Though further investigation had told him of someone who was more privy to any kind of information. He had tracked down that person for awhile now and eventually the wild goose chase led him to good 'ol Gotham City.

And surprisingly enough Batman was not here, it was a miracle that man would step away from the city regardless of world ending threats. Though that was neither here nor there. Red Hood had of course noticed the state the city was in, meaning the amount of mercenaries present. Being something of a mercenary himself, he was quick to figure out Black Mask had put out a bounty on some guy's head.

Though he had not put much thought into the matter as he was still searching for his person of interest. Though the investigation had led him to a Black Mask warehouse where said person on interest could have potentially been at, it was practically littered with heavily armed men. He had of course kicked all their assess, did he have to? No he did not. But he wanted to piss off his ol' buddy Black Mask even if by a minuscule amount. He was however glad that he had attacked the base, as he discovered something interesting.

A syringe with a familiar radiant substance. Titan serum in one of their possessions, either Black Mask was the ring leader and was distributing all of this or he was another buyer of the true mastermind. Either way this was an interesting development, so he had put off on finding the person of interest for the time being. He focused on sniffing out Black Mask territories for more clues. Funny thing is though, once he got to some, all of the guards were already taken care off. He thought that Tim or maybe Cassandra were being extra active but that didn't seem to be the case. Either one would have taken these men to the GCPD, also it was clear these men were robbed.

Though he was not deterred as he had eventually found another Black Mask territory, though this one was significantly harder to sniff out. As it had taken him a while to actually find the place.

His motorcycle came to halt as he put out his kickstand before climbing off the motorcycle. He walked through the main gate, which consisted of two large rusted iron gate's that were easy to squeeze through. An old railway station, seemingly out of order for year's now. But to anyone competent enough they would know that criminals could thrive in such places.

Yet where were they? He did not spot any guards, and the lenses of his helmet detected no security system in place. Frowning, Red Hood silently but hastily moved through the station, though his steps came to a quick halt. Why? Because he had just figured out where all the guards were.

They were all piled up into a giant heap consisting of atleast twenty or so men. Someone had beaten him to it, again it seemed. He would have liked to ponder about it more but the rapid fire of a gun quickly got his attention.

"So whoever did this, must still be around." Without another thought he made his was the source of the sound. This led him to deeper in the railway station, he hid himself behind an old rusted and torn container as he overlooked the scene. There were ten or so men, or there were as one seemed to be headless and another unconscious. Though he ignored the amount of guards, instead he focused on something else.

Someone suddenly appeared behind one of the men, who held Ak-47 in his hands the barrel still steaming. Signalling that he was the one responsible for the earlier shots.

Suddenly, the man let out a piercing scream as the assailants hand tore through the clothing in his back, the hand dug into his flesh tearing through muscle fibres and flesh as if tearing mere paper apart. And then he ripped out the guard heart as if tugging out a hair string. The assailants face appeared to be blank as he held the heart in his hand, feeling its warmth and beating against his fingers. He then threw the heart onto the floor like a disgarded toy, where it layed still, its life force extinguished. The man however was still screaming depsite his heart being torn from his chest, his body writhing in agony as his crimson blood flowed out onto the ground . The assailant did not seem to care much, it seemed his mind was too preoccupied with something else.

Red Hood studied the one responsible. Given how tall he was and how his face was coverd, it was hard to deduce how old he was. Though that white hair certainly stood out.

Red Hood continued watching as in a feeble attempt the other's tried attacking. But a number of the seven remaining men dwindled to a zero in an instance. Everything had happend so fast even he had to do a double take, either heads flew high or hearts were ripped from the chests of the almost unfortunate victim's. The ground was practically painted red from all the blood that spilled, yet that white haired man stood unscathed. From his attire to his hair, not a single drop of blood was found on him. Though the exception was his right hand which did seem a tad bloody.

Though Red Hood was more so surprised by the fact that everything happend in an instance not even he was able to follow what had occured. He would have liked to think of how this unknown individual had done this but something else quickly caught his eye. One of the men who was still alive shakingly sat up, the man looked at the carnage with shock and confusion. For a good while he had just started at the scene like a deer in headlights but eventually he made a move, he pulled out a container before he took out the syringe from in it.

Red Hood immediately noted what it was, titan serum. The man seemed to hesitate for a second before he firmed his resolve somehow. Then he plunged the syringe into his arm. His veins became more apperant as they took on a green colour, then his muscle exploded in an instant growth. They tore through his clothing as he grew in size, a vacant look in his eye's as  a vicious snarl escaped his lips.

("So you lose your sanity when you take the serum.") He had not actually seen the modified titan serum in action, but this provided some useful insight. Depsite the similarities being clear, this serum was still vastly inferior to Bane's ("The differences are notable too, though. I could figure more out if I could study that guy. But I'd need him alive, else the serum might exit his system upon his death.")

With those thoughts, Red Hood whipped out his gun as he swiftly fired two shots of his gun. The bullets pelted against the large behemoths head, halting his charge at the white haired one.

"Mind not killing this one? I actually kinda need him." Red Hood spoke as he approached him, steaming gun in hand.

"Eh, he doesn't look like the talkative type." He spoke leisurely as he gestured to the growling large man who had long since recoverd from the earlier attack. He did not seem too surprised or botherd by Red Hood's sudden appearance.

"Don't need him for an interrogation." Red Hood stated, content on only informing him of that much. "Though I'd like to ask who the hell you are, but I'm no Batman, so I could care less..." He started as he put his gun in its holster before reaching for his utility belt. He pulled out two rather smooth yet high-tech looking knuckle-dusters.

"So how about giving me a hand? Usually I wouldn't even ask for help but that's also because I'd usually just put a real bullet in his head and call it a day, but unfortunately no killing for me." Red Hood spoke that sentence all too casually but the other boy did not seem to mind. "Though you made quite the mess, enchanced strengh? Nah, doesn't matter. How good are you at holding back?"

"Pretty decent, though one slip up and the big guy's gonna turn to mush." He spoke with a shrug.

"Uh-huh, well titan serum is for mainly enchancing strength, endurance and durability. But seems like this guy's using an unfinished version." He stated slamming his knuckles together. "A modified version, even love taps should work on him. So lets tire him out."

"Ah, the art of jumping. I don't really need to but its fun to do."

Red Hood did not really get what his word's meant but there was no time to ponder as the large man charged them yet again, they leaped out of the way as the behemoth slammed into nothing, and so the beatdown began.


Gojo with a grin acted first as his body blurred, he appeared at the behemoths side. Normally he could end this in a single punch, but Red Hood seemed to want him alive for some reason. Were it anyone else making such a request then he would have just killed this abomination. But Red Hood was deserving of respect as he possessed something other's in this universe severely lacked. Common sense.

So with that thought he clenched his right fist as it shot out. He delivered what he perceived as a simple love tap.


A loud sound rang throughout the area as a heavy shockwave shot out. Blood left the behemoths mouth as his body twisted to the side under the force, though he did not have time to react. Red Hood was already on him, his fist along with his knuckle-duster sinking into the exposed abdomen of the large men.

"Grahhh!!" A pained and hoarsed scream escaped the behemoth as he was attacked in a vulnerable spot, yet he was still not granted a moment of respite.

Gojo kicked him in the back of his knee where significantly less muscles were, though it would not have matterd much either way. The behemoths leg shook as he lossed his balance, he fell to his knees as he was immediately assaulted again. A right jab from Red Hood shook his vision as a cross from Gojo made him lose what remaining senses he had.

But did the two let up? Of course not.

Several jabs came from Red Hood, all directed at the exposed stomach of the large man who had long since given up on even reacting as even in his primal state he saw no point. A rear upper cut came from Gojo caused the behemoths head to snap upwards, only for said head to change directions as a right hook from Red Hood pushed his head to the side.

A jab to the face from Gojo made his vision blurred as Red Hood raised a leg before landing a swift kick on the back of his head. A palm strike to his face from Gojo, another lead hook from Red Hood. A high kick to his face from Gojo, a haymaker to the already messed up face from Red Hood. An axe kick from Gojo struck his chin with absurd force as Red Hood followed up with another rear hook to the face.

Jabs, punches and kicks followed as the large man that used to be Chris was assaulted by an array of attacks. Though Gojo and Red Hood were quite litteraly throwing light jabs depsite the absurd force behind the attacks. So like alcohol slowly damaging your liver, the damage slowly racked up on the giant of a man.


Gojo and Red Hood watched as the large man's body fell over with a heavy thud.

The jumping was a success.

They were half tempted to fistbump at a job well done. Well almost well done, the behemoth was still breathing but his face had seen better day's. Or maybe not, he was still kind of ugly even before injecting himself with the serum.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


