8.1% Dragon Ball Alternative / Chapter 8: Chapter 8 – Are You Kidnapped?

章 8: Chapter 8 – Are You Kidnapped?

The roar of the engine reverberated through the sky, a thunderous sound that sent flocks of birds scattering in all directions. Inside the plane, however, the atmosphere was a stark contrast, suffused with an oppressive silence that seemed to grip everyone on board. Well, everyone except Goku, who appeared to be completely oblivious to the tension, humming a cheerful tune that sounded suspiciously like 'Baby Shark' softly under his breath.

Ajax occupied the seat behind Bulma in the cockpit, his head resting against the cushioned headrest. His mouth curved slightly downward in a contemplative frown as he gazed out of the window, the hum of the spacecraft's engines provided a steady backdrop to the quiet tension that hung in the air.

Even now, Ajax could feel the weight of Bulma's displeasure pressing down on him, permeated as it was in the oppressive silence. While he'd expected that his wish might raise some concerns, he hadn't anticipated Bulma's reaction to be quite so vehement. In all honesty, Ajax hadn't considered his wish to be all that serious or offensive. After all, he'd crafted it with great care, taking into consideration Bulma's, and by extension, the Z Fighters' delicate sensibilities when it came to matters of wishing for power. He hadn't at all expected Bulma to go off like she did.

Despite the strain in his relationship with Bulma, not everything had taken a sour turn for Ajax. Goku's enthusiasm to spar with him had actually, inadvertently accelerated his quest for a mentor. Without any effort on his part, Ajax had secured a top-notch letter of recommendation to Master Roshi, courtesy of none other than Goku himself. And, as everyone knows, learning under Master Roshi meant access to the legendary Kamehameha. As thoughts swirled in his mind, Ajax's cheeks reddened with a faint blush of embarrassment, reminiscing his disastrous attempt at using the Kamehameha. Well, no need to relive that one any further. He would really rather not die from embarrassment today, thank you very much.

Now, contrary to what most people might assume, Master Roshi wasn't actually Ajax's first choice of mentor. If he had his pick, Ajax would have preferred Tien Shinhan, and he had a good reason for it. While Master Roshi might be the more obvious choice, the elderly hermit had little to offer when it came to pure techniques. Since he is stuck as a human, he understands that the most significant advantage humans possess is their advanced ability to manipulate Ki. The best way to capitalize on that and remain competitive, at least in the beginning, is the number of techniques in his arsenal.

In this regard, Tien, and by extension his alma mater, beats Master Roshi hands down. The Crane School has a reputation for its ability to employ a diverse array of devastating techniques effectively, often to the user's detriment. But, for Ajax, as long as said detriment isn't immediately fatal, he will be able to adapt eventually. Moreover, their focus is on taking down opponents decisively, a skill Ajax sorely needed for the powerful adversaries he will face ahead. That being said, Ajax wasn't one to complain when an opportunity landed in his lap. He, and THE MASTERPLAN by extension, can adapt. Master Roshi is perfectly fine.

Ajax trained his gaze on the expansive glass window of the jet, his dark eyes penetrating beyond to the depths of the dark blue ocean beneath, silently tracing the path of distant islands with them.

Minutes later, the plane gradually began its descent. Initially, the drop in elevation was gentle, a subtle and almost imperceptible movement. But then, guided by Bulma's hand, the angle of descent increased and the aircraft descended purposefully. Finally, with a rush of air and a soft thud, the jet made contact with the ground. The impact sent a small plume of sand billowing outwards as it landed on a small, sandy island in the middle of nowhere.

The island itself was unremarkable and modest, a small expanse dotted with only a few solitary palm trees, their fronds frolicking in the wind. Amongst these palm trees stood a single, gaudily pink house, its vibrant hue contrasting with its surroundings. Before the plane had even touched the ground, the doors of the pink house swung open, and its inhabitants emerged from within. They walked towards the jet; their faces etched with warm smiles.

As soon as the sand had settled from the plane's landing, the cabin doors swung open with a hiss. Goku, brimming with palpable excitement, was the first to rise from his seat and stand at the threshold of the plane, grinning from ear to ear.

"Come on, guys! Let's go say hi!"

Goku left first, his footprints carving a trail on the beach as he walked away from the plane. Bulma and Ajax followed closely behind, making their way to the exit and descending from the aircraft's ramp that now rested on the soft, welcoming sand.

And so, Ajax officially sets foot onto the Kame House for the very first time. His eyes roved over the surroundings, observing the new environment. The house, he noted, was modest in size, almost resembling one of those mini-House-on-Wheels gimmicks he had seen on television. Its pink exterior was an assault on one's retinas, but thankfully, years of enduring the ocean's salt and humidity had muted its once-vibrant hue.

Ajax shifted his gaze and found himself facing three figures he recognized. At the forefront was an elderly man in sunglasses, holding a weathered cane in hand and grinning so widely that it exposed his missing teeth. Standing beside him was a massive sea turtle, a character that Ajax had honestly forgotten existed. Completing the trio was a short, bald man, with six distinctive incense burn scars adorning his shaved head. The three of them waved their greetings cheerful expressions, each reflecting varying degrees of delight.

Goku led the way and was the first to approach the trio. His face lit up with a bright, excited smile as he waved to them.

"Yo, Master Roshi, Krillin, Turtle! Nice to see you all again!"

Master Roshi and Turtle responded in kind, waving their greetings. Krillin, however, took a step forward, meeting Goku halfway. He extended his hand, and their fists met in a friendly bump.

"Goku, I haven't seen you for so long! Wow, you've gotten stronger, haven't you?" Krillin's words held genuine admiration, and he couldn't hide the traces of awe in his voice.

Goku's laughter rang out in response, a warm and hearty sound. "I sure have! I'm not about to slack off with Piccolo around!"

Amidst the jovial reunion, Bulma walked up with a more leisurely pace, practically sauntering, and greeted them with a hint of unenthusiasm that couldn't be ignored. As her presence became evident, the group's attention shifted, heads turning to face the approaching Bulma.

"Oh, Bulma!" Master Roshi, perverted as ever, couldn't resist a cheeky comment. His voice carried a teasing tone as he addressed her. "I see you've gotten some real character development since I last saw you!"

Master Roshi revealed a lecherous grin on his face, revealing his uneven teeth while extending one of his hands in a cupping motion to clarify exactly what he was referring to. His fingers wiggled playfully in the air, and a mischievous chuckle escaped his lips. Unsurprisingly, this earned him a nasty, scathing glare from Bulma, her arms crossed and her eyes shooting daggers.

"Screw off."

Now, Master Roshi is by no means an idiot. He might be a pervert, which is something he will proudly admit anytime anywhere, but he did not live to the ripe age of three hundred without learning how to read a room. Master Roshi knew that some battles were better left unfought, and it was evident to everyone gathered on the island—except perhaps Goku, who remained in his own cheerful world— that Bulma was in no mood for any bullshit. Her piercing glare, sharp as a knife, conveyed her intent with unyielding clarity. Master Roshi coughed awkwardly and unsubtly shifted the conversation.

"Now who's this strapping young lad here? Goku, you didn't happen to kidnap him, did you?"

A comically affronted expression appeared on Goku's face as if someone had told him that someone had eaten the last piece of the Chashu Pork.

"What? No silly! This is Ajax. He is an orphan who recently made a wish with the Dragon Balls to cure himself of his taminal illness. His dream is to be a martial artist! I'm also his hero, I think!"

'You won't be my hero for much longer if you keep airing out all my dirty laundry like that.' Ajax couldn't help but grumble to himself, feeling more than a little disgruntled.

"Terminal," Bulma corrected at the same time as Ajax's grumbling. "And he wished for more than just the cure. He also threw in some pseudo-immortality for himself in the mix." Bulma's icy gaze intensified as she shot a withering glare in Ajax's direction.

Bulma's correction fell on deaf ears, as her second statement had seized everyone's attention. Three pairs of eyes shifted toward Ajax, their expressions a vivid mixture of shock, astonishment, and apprehension. Ajax, now the center of this unexpected scrutiny, felt a flush of self-consciousness wash over him as he raised his hands, waving them awkwardly.

Caught in this spotlight, Ajax felt the weight of the crisis Bulma had dumped on him. He knew he had to address the sudden revelation and defuse the tension RIGHT NOW. A slight but noticeable strain crept into his smile, a response to being called out in such a public manner. Ajax didn't have the time to gather his thoughts so he decided to just go with the truth.

"Well, to be specific," he began, his voice steady, "my wish was for the ability to adapt and overcome any illnesses or negative physical conditions I recover from either now or in the future." Ajax's eyes met those of his audience, his expression one of earnestness as he tried to talk down the gravity of his wish. "I'm not entirely certain if it's true yet, but Bulma is of the opinion that it applies to aging as well."

The initial shock that had gripped the residents of Kame House began to ebb away, replaced by a sense of contemplation. The weight of Ajax's wish and its implications hung in the air, prompting them to consider the potential consequences.

Master Roshi, ever the voice of reason, spoke up with a measured tone. "That's not entirely dissimilar to my Paradise Herb, is it?" He bounced the idea around for a moment, then added, "It's not the worst-case scenario, not really, since it's not immortality in the truest sense."

"It's fine! Ajax is a good person!" Goku's voice resonated loudly, carrying his unwavering trust as he gave Ajax a hearty pat on the back.

Bulma, ever perceptive, watched with narrowed eyes as a certain degree of relaxation settled over the Kame House residents as Master Roshi and Goku's words were processed. She certainly regrets bringing Goku into this now. Bulma opened her mouth to continue voicing her thoughts, but Ajax caught her intentions and avoided her potentially probing questions by timely interjecting himself into the conversation.

"Oh! Where are my manners?" Ajax chimed up, his tone congenial and welcoming. "Like Goku said, my name is Ajax. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Ajax followed the greeting with a small but respectful bow. Krillin, his eyes kind but still containing the smallest hint of caution within them, nodded in response and extended his own friendly greeting.

"Hello, nice to meet you, Ajax. I'm Krillin." Krillin's smile took on a mischievous glint, and he leaned towards Ajax as if sharing a secret. His voice, however, was anything but quiet, making it clear that the so-called secret was meant for everyone. "You're sure you aren't kidnapped, right? It's okay, I can fight off Goku if you are."

Krillin, ever the joker, offered Ajax a playful wink, letting him in on the jest. Ajax chuckled at Krillin's sense of humor. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Bulma's jaws snapping shut, her moment to continue the conversation lost. The wry smile tugging at his lips grew wider.

However, Goku, who had been distracted by Turtle waddling away, turned to Krillin with a look of utter betrayal on his face, the joke flying over his head.

"Krillin! I would never! Do I really seem like that kind of person to you?"

"I don't know, Goku…"

Goku and Krillin began to bicker and squabble playfully, causing laughter to ring around the island. And just like that, the tension that had briefly lingered was now thoroughly broken.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


