80% Traveling in the anime multiverse with a system / Chapter 112: Chapter 113 - Straw Hats Unite

章 112: Chapter 113 - Straw Hats Unite


1): -Slave Liberation!- Rewards: 10.000 system points, 20 Senzu Beans, 3 Million Berries

2): -Army Recruiter- Rewards: Monkey D. Dragon's Respect, 30.000 system points, Title: Hope of all Children


Soren was happy with what he got even though it wasn't much in his eyes, he then went to sleep for the night as tomorrow would be an eventful day.

The next morning Soren woke up and took Ace down to Shakky's Bar, when he walked in Soren saw Rayleigh lunge at him with tears in his eyes. Soren quickly caught Rayleigh with one hand and saw how Rayleigh planned to grab hold of him with no intention of releasing until Soren hears him out, Rayleigh then fell to the ground and started sobbing while crying to Soren about his problems.

[*sob sob* Soren!... *sob* The worst has happened *sob*...]: rayleigh

[What happened Rayleigh?... And how can it make a man like you break down crying like this?]: soren

Soren prepared for terrible news like Zoro and Karin were taken by Marines or worse; the Celestial Dragons, but what came from Rayleigh's mouth next made Soren want to puke blood from the stupid reason Ray was crying.

[*sob, hick*... MY BOOZE!... They are all gone! Im all dried out… I NEED more! Please, you gotta get me more. Or better yet, tell me where you got those delicacies *sob*]: rayleigh

Soren then bent down the the sobbing Rayleigh and then smacked him on the head. He then stood up and yelled at Rayleigh.

[Stand up! Your a fucking MAN for pete's sake… Booze isn't everything in life so learn to go a day without it]: soren

Rayleigh then sat up and started acting like a child, he took his pointer fingers and started touching them together while pushing them to make a (^) shape. Soren could visually see as Rayleigh started to become pale in the face as sweat dripped from his forehead, he looked like a man dying of thirst as he started scratching his left arm with his right hand making himself look like a crack fiend.

'What in the fuc-... How will this man ever survive in an AA meeting? His opener would be "Hi, I'm Rayleigh, and I need Booze to keep living" I guess I should get him a bottle *sigh*': soren

Soren bought a bottle of Whiskey from the shop and tossed it over to the child-like Rayleigh. Once he saw the bottle be tossed, he quickly started scrambling towards it so it wouldn't break after touching ground. After he caught it, Rayleigh popped the lid off and started drinking it like a baby would drink from a bottle, Soren even thought he saw Rayleigh's eyes start to close being content with the liquor.

Soren looked around the room to see it filled with a bunch of people who just watched how easily Soren shut Rayleigh up, after he finished scanning the room he saw a familiar group of people over in the corner with some evil grins on their faces. Soren and Ace then walked up to the bar table and took a seat, and a little while later a beauty with Orange hair and a tattoo of a Windmill and Orange walked into the bar while catching the attention of the nasty group of people in the corner, then a big fat man with a Red vest and a Straw hat called over to the beauty who just walked in.

[Hey beautiful, why don't you come sit over here with me and I'll show you a good time]: fat guy

The beauty known as Nami Ignored the fat guy and continued to sit there. The fat guy then spoke again but this time in a more angered voice.

[I said come sit with me for a drink, don't you know who I am?]: fat guy

[No thanks, I'm waiting for someone]: nami

Everyone in the bar had been scared shitless when Nami ignored and declined the offer of the fat man who was posing as someone he's not. The fat guy then took a gun from an ugly troll who was sitting next to him and started to speak.

[You must not know who I am! I'm Straw Hat Luffy, and you need to apologize]: straw hat luffy

The bartender who was serving the bar today then spoke up as he was scared.

[You better apologize miss, or I fear that he will kill you]: bartender

Nami Ignored both the threat of Straw Hat Luffy and the warning of the old bartender. Soren then looked over towards the man who said he was Straw Hat Luffy along with Ace, and right before Ace could say anything Soren stopped him. The troll who gave Straw Hat Luffy the gun had taken it and walked up to Nami while putting her arm around Nami's shoulder while pointing the gun at Nami's face, the troll then started speaking.

[My captain over there is Straw Hat Luffy and I am his Navigator, Nami… Do you know what that means?]: navigator nami

Before anyone could do anything a man with a big Afro and hat walked into the bar and raised a slingshot while shooting out a green pellet he spoke.

[Not on my watch, green eater go!]: afro guy

The pellet popped and a giant green plant came out wland wrapped Navigator Nami up, it was also at this point that the other people in Straw Hat Luffy's group came over to start a fight. Before the guy with an Afro known only as Ussop was able to shoot another pellet Spren stood up and cut off Straw Hat Luffy, seeing this Straw Hat Luffy then pointed his gun at Soren's face and spoke.

[Looks like I need to end a few heros]: straw hat luffy

Soren just stood there as the gun was placed to his forehead, the trigger was pulled as Nami and Ussop tried to save the man who stood between them and Straw Hat Luffy, but right as everyone thought it was the end for the man a "Ping!" Was heard as the bullet ricochet off Soren's forehead and hit a wooden beam.

[How terrible… My disciple Straw Hat Luffy has fallen so low to become a fat slob who no longer remembers his teacher and would dare attack a defenseless girl?... I should punish you now, quickly, bend over my knee so I can reinstall my teachings into your monkey brain]: soren

Everyone in the bar who had their eyes closed to keep from seeing a thought to be gruesome scene, slowly started to open their eyes after hearing Soren speak, 2 in particular felt this voice was familiar. Both Nami and Ussop opened their eyes to see Soren standing there with his hand around Straw Hat Luffy's wrist, Soren was then pulling Straw Hat Luffy over his knee to start spanking.

[Who are you?! Do you know who I am?! I'm Straw Hat Luffy! The man with 400 million berries on his head]: straw hat luffy (I raised his bounty in this fan fiction)

Soren ignored Straw Hat Luffy's retort and just swung his hand down making a loud *Whack!* sound that was then covered by screams of pain. Soren had covered his hands in Armament Haki to give "Luffy" his spankings, Soren then started to tell Straw Hat Luffy a bit more about himself, as it seems that Straw Hat Luffy forgot about their time training together when Soreb raised him for 9 years.

[You see… I feel that it was my fault as a parent figure that you have turned out this way, I didn't discipline you hard enough. And it shows now that you forgot about me, your teacher… And most importantly, Ace your brother who has been sitting next to me this whole time]: soren

The people in the bar started to watch in horror as this man started to spank Straw Hat Luffy, and it got even weirder when Soren spoke about raising him and once Soren brought up Ace and the looked next to him and saw the "Dead" Ace, they all started freaking out. Straw Hat Luffy was still angry at this man who just started spanking him but couldn't speak as ever time he would try Soren would whack him again. Nami and Ussop were crying right now due to Ace's appearance, when they heard Ace had died and how Luffy was heartbroken it destroyed the Real Straw Hats as well. Soren then had enough of touching this fat pig and decided to spill the beans about the imposters.

[Oh wait!... Your not Luffy, Luffy can't turn fat due to his Devil Fruit… You Imposters]: soren (Luffy can't get fat he can only stuff himself and look bloated but once the food digests he will turn slim again)

The people heard Soren and started to catch on, they then started to surround the group of Straw Hat Imposters and beat them up. Soren, Ace, Nami and Ussop then left the bar to catch up, Soren told them about how Misha was waiting at the docks and Zoro was somewhere with Karin so he doesn't get lost. Soren then went back to his boat to start Ki meditation while he waits for the rest of the Straw Hats to show up, and after a couple more days of waiting Luffy was now on the Island, Soreb could tell due to him spreading his Observation Haki out to cover the whole Island. Soren then took Ace and started flying into the sky over towards where Luffy was, and because there was no "Straw Hat Imposters" looking for Luffy's head, Luffy was slowly making his way towards Shakky's Bar. Soren was flying over head but watched as by luck or just Plot Armour as Luffy ran into a group of Marines, the one leading the group was a beauty who was on Soren's "To Get List" the Marine was former Marine Captain now Rear Admiral- Hina. Soren felt like the stars had aligned, he then brought himself and Ace down right on top of Luffy, Ace had even started shouting.

[LUFFY! Look here, it's me Ace!]: ace

Luffy quickly looked upwards when he heard the name Ace, and once he saw both Ace and Soren, he started to cry while in mid battle with a group of Marines. Soren then placed Ace down and grabbed Luffy's collar with Telekinesis right before Luffy lost his head by a blade strike.

[You guys stay here and catch up, I will go check out the pretty lady over there]: soren

Soren didn't mind more then 1 woman with him on his journey, and Misha was okay with this as long as she gets his child before anyone else does. It seems like this thought was placed in her head by someone but Soren couldn't tell who, but that didn't matter as right now he was trying to recruit member 2 and get her on board with Harem plan.

[Hello pretty lady… My name's Soren, what's yours?]: soren

Hina didn't say anything, she just scoffed and spit out towards Soren who dodged with no effort.

[I see… I also see that you have tried to kill my Student while he was crying over getting to see his brother once more after 2 years. How shameful]: soren

Hina just drew her sword and charged towards Soren while giving the order for her men to stand back and give her room. Soren saw this and decided to play with her for a bit while teasing her.

[Oh… So you act first huh?... I'm gonna note that down for Bed time play]: soren

As Soren used little to no effort to dodge all of Hina' s attacks, she started to get frustrated and shout at Soren.

[I wish you would just die you dirty pervert!... Once I kill you I will be promoted to Vice Admiral and kill your students too]: hina

[Whoa… Not too fast, I might not be able to hold it any longer… Speaking of your wish, I got this set of balls that can grant any wish you would want… hehe]: soren

Hina started to get Red in the face as Soren was teasing her with dirty jokes, her once elegant moves when she would swing her sword are now erratic as she just swung to try and his Soren, there was no elegance. Soren decided to make himself known in her heart by disappearing and reappearing next to her with her hand being bound by him. Soren then whispered into Hina's ear before giving her a kiss on the lips and disappearing once more along with Ace and Luffy, Hina was then left there with a bright Red face while touching her lips and thinking back on what he whispered into her ear.

[Is it really that big!?]: hina

Soren, Ace and Luffy reappeared inside Shakky's Bar stunning the costumer's, and both Rayleigh and Shakuyaku. Soren then disappeared once more only to reappear with 8 more people, Soren came back with Nami, Ussop, Sanji, Zoro, Karin, Brook, Chopper and Frankie (or Franky, I forgot)

[Welcome back you guys, it seems like 2 years to train made great work on all of your mental states… Sanji most importantly… It seems he will never be able to look another Lady-Boy in the eye ever again]: soren

Sanji was about to ask "who the hell told him" but realized that he told nobody himself, this made Sanji wonder how Soren knew. Everyone then looked toward Rayleigh in anticipation for the answer on if the boat was done being coated.

[... I am proud to say…]: rayleigh


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C112
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


