34.9% Level Up in Earth Evolution / Chapter 1: The Global Announcement

章 1: The Global Announcement

Under the scorching sun, a pair of young boy and girl strolled together.

The young boy, named Li Wei was handsome and a little muscular.

While the young girl Li Xin was an otherworldly beauty yet short which made people want to protect her.

There was one common thing between them and that is their pale white skin which has not been exposed to sun for who knows how many days.

As they both strolled along the pathway beside the road, Li Wei fluttered his hands to cool himself.

"Ahh, It's so hot! Do you feel it, XinXin?" he exclaimed, feeling the summer heat around him.

Li Xin in response wrinkled her cute nose in agreement, her voice incredulous as she observed the pedestrians on the sidewalk.

"You're right Brother Wei! There is no escape from this oven. But how do these folks endure it? I don't think they want to live like this," she inquired with a puzzled look seeking an answer from him.

Li Wei didn't disappoint her and replied.

"They don't want to live like this XinXin" he said and pointed at the blazing sun.

"It is that guy's fault, he is the main problem. If we could find his switch and turn it off, everyone would be happy," he replied, not caring about the common sense.

"Brother Wei you're a genius! As long we turn off the switch everyone will be happy" Li Xin exclaimed, as if discovering something new.

Li Wei chuckled, "Hehe, you see, XinXin, the key to wisdom is in the cheesy pizzas. If you eat more, you will also become a genius like me," he advised with a proud look.

However hearing this Li Xin's face slumped with dejection.

"Brother, I've been eating pizzas like a hungry cat, but I still feel like a little kid in front of you," she complained with frustration.

Watching her like this Li Wei patted her head and consoled her.

"Don't worry, XinXin. Nothing can stop you If you want to become smarter while eating pizza, one day you will definitely surpass me," he assured her with a smile and pointed at the restaurant.

"Look, we already arrived at the restaurant. Let's go in; our pizza is waiting for us," he declared, proceeding inside with her.

"Sister, the usual," inside the restaurant, Li Wei replied to the receptionist before she could say anything, and headed towards an empty seat with Li Xin.

Watching them, the receptionist shook her head with a smile. "Hey, get the two pizzas ready with extra cheese and cola," she asked to prepare their order, knowing their usual.

"Huh? Sister Zhang, you know them?" asked a receptionist standing beside her with a puzzle.

"Oh, you're the new girl. No wonder you don't know them. They are regular here and only eat pizzas, oh and they come daily" Sister Zhang replied, pointing toward Li Wei and Li Xin.

"What? They eat daily? Don't they get sick?" the new receptionist asked in a amazed voice.

"Yeah, I wonder it too. Just how do they do it without getting sick or gaining weight?" Sister Zhang sighed with a wry smile.

"Here's your pizza with extra cheese and cola," a waiter delivered their meal, placing it on the table.

Li Xin watched the hot, cheesy pizza, and couldn't resist a gulp.

Li Wei chuckled softly at her reaction.

"XinXin, you can eat it," he stated with a gentle gaze.

"Un," Li Xin nodded and took a bite of cheesy pizza.

'It's delicious as always,' she murmured in mind, enjoying her time like a little girl.

'How cute she is,' Li Wei thought as he watched her small mouth taking the bite of pizza.

He too didn't wait further and started savoring the cheesy bite with her while reflecting on how they both ended up like this.

His father had remarried, introducing Li Xin as his stepsister into their happy family. But in a tragic accident, their parents passed away, leaving them alone in the world.

With no other relatives to turn to, they found themselves orphaned at the age of fifteen.

Fortunately, their parents left them enough money to see them through graduation, but instead, they dropped out of school, spending their days immersed in RPG games.

And so, they transitioned from being 15-year-olds to 17-year-olds, with pizza becoming a staple of their monotonous lives.

"How boring is this life. I wish it were more like an RPG Game; it would be more fun, don't you think?" Li Wei asked, glancing at Li Xin, who was munching on the pizza cutely.

"Mhhm, you're right, brother. I also think it would be better," Li Xin agreed without hesitation, as if it were the right thing, when a sudden announcement attracted their attention.

[Ding, **Global Announcement**: Congratulations, inhabitants of Earth. The planet has met the prerequisites for evolution. The process will commence shortly, and every Earthling will be granted the Novice System.] ×3

The unexpected cold robotic voice left everyone on Earth in shock.

"Hey, what on Earth is happening? The Earth's evolution about to begin – is this some kind of joke?"

"Surely, it is just a prankster with a loudspeaker, right?"

"Yeah, you're probably right. It can't be real."

"Quick, let's check online."

"Wait, are you saying this voice reached every corner of the Earth?"

"Could it actually be true?"

But before anyone could figure out, another announcement rang.

***/Ding, Global Announcement/***

[Ding, The evolution of Earth has commenced.]

[Ding, Earth Evolution is entering its first phase... successful.]

[Ding, Congratulations to Earth for progressing into the First Phase of Evolution.]

[Ding, **WARNING**: The first phase of the Monster Invasion is commencing. In a matter of hours, monsters will unleash chaos and destruction across the world.] ×3

[Ding, **Global Announcement**: The distribution of the Novice System has commenced. Congratulations to all Earthlings for acquiring the Novice System. Your mission is to protect the Earth from the impending monster threat, and the Novice System will be your invaluable tool in achieving this goal.] ×3


"What the f**k is this? First Phase? Monsters spawning? Is this evolution for real?"

"No way! Did you hear that the monsters are coming in just a few hours? We're all doomed, damn it!"

Panic spread through the entire planet as everyone came to the realization that it wasn't a prank.

Li Wei and Li Xin, who were in the midst of enjoying their pizza, became shocked.

"Is this real? Did God grant my wish?" Li Wei muttered with excitement as he glanced at Li Xin in doubt.

The voice came directly from the sky, and it was still unbelievable.

"Yes Brother, we should eat quickly and get ready to fight!" Li Xin nodded confirming it as she quickened her pace of eating.

When a sudden cold robotic voice echoed in their minds.

[Ding, the Novice System is binding with you.]

[Completion: 10%...29%...60%...99%...100%]

[Ding, Congratulations to host Li Wei, the Novice System binding is successful.]

Li Wei heard a voice in his head, and a virtual screen panel materialized in front of him.

"It's real, XinXin! Look at this!" Li Wei exclaimed happily, looking at the virtual screen displaying the logs of the system binding.

"I also see it, Brother. It's really happening," Li Xin replied with a excited face looking at her virtual panel.

They were both shut-in gamers and couldn't help but feel excited upon seeing the system panel in reality.

[Ding! Because the host is new, the System rewards him with 10 Skill Points (SP), 10 Attribute Points (AP), and 100 Coins. For instructions on how to use them, please check your character panel.]

Li Wei couldn't help but chuckle as he heard the system voice.

"Haha, look at this, XinXin. There's even a character panel," he laughed, opening the Character Panel by tapping the virtual button.


Name : Li Wei | Age : 17 | Race: Human

Class : None

Level : 0

Skill Point (SP) : 10 | Attribute Point (AP) : 10

Coins : 100


Health Points (HP) : 100/100

Mana Points (MP) : 60/60

Experience Points (XP) : 0/100


Strength : 8 | Agility : 9

Intelligence : 12 | Endurance : 10

Luck : 8 (It cannot be increased with AP)




1. Defend Earth from the Monster Invasion!

Quest Difficulty : ???

Quest Reward : ???


1. Coins are the currency you can use to purchase any skills or other items from the System Shop.

2. To level up skills, you must use Skill Points (SP).

3. You can raise your attributes by using Attribute Points (AP).

4. At every level up, you will receive 10 SP, 10 AP, and 100 Coins.

5. You can earn Coins by completing quests provided by the system or by selling monster corpses to the system shop.

6. You can gain new attributes by choosing a class or by acquiring special skills.

7. You can choose a total of three classes.


"Damn!" Li Wei exclaimed. "It's almost like an RPG game," he murmured and scrolled through the classes.

**CLASS PANEL/ Start**

1. **Warrior**

- Warriors are skilled in close combat. Always fighting head on.

2. **Mage**

- Mages can fight from mid-range and long range with their variety of different magic spell.

3. **Rogue**

- Rouges are skilled into lockpicking, disarming traps and stealth.

4. **Archer**

- Archers use their bows and crossbows to fight with enemies. They are better at long ranged combats.

5. **Healer**

- Healers can restore their health or others with their holy skills.

6. **Paladin**

- Paladins are holy warriors that can use holy magic in their combat skills.

7. **Bard**

- Bards uses their charm and skills to inspire allies.

8. **Necromancer**

- Necromancers command the force of death and undead.

9. **Blacksmith**

- Blacksmith are skilled in making weapons that can be used for various purposes.

Special Class : **Jack-of-all-Trades**

- Jack-of-all-Trades can use all types of skills from other classes but it makes harder to master them with their long list of skills making them weak.

*NOTE* : If you choose this class, you will not gain any special class skills, and you will not be able to choose more classes.


"Hmm, it's interesting," Li Wei muttered and turned towards Li Xin.

"XinXin, Can you show me your Character Panel?" he asked, his eyes filled with curiosity looking at his cute stepsister, who was also busy checking things.

"Umm, here it is," Li Xin replied with nod, showing her character panel to Li Wei.


Name : Li Xin | Age : 17 | Race : Human

Class : None

Level : 0

Skill Point (SP) : 10 | Attribute Point (AP) : 10

Coins : 100


Health Points (HP) : 100/100

Mana Points (MP) : 90/90

Experience Points (XP) : 0/100


Strength : 7 | Agility : 8

Intelligence : 18 | Endurance : 5

Luck : 68 (It cannot be increased with AP)




1. Defend Earth from the Monster Invasion!

Quest Difficulty : ???

Quest Reward : ???


1. Coins are the currency you can use to purchase any.....


"Ehh, why does my luck have to be less than yours? It's not fair, XinXin, give me your luck," Li Wei made a saddened face, as he demanded.

Seeing his sad face, Li Xin stood up, patting his head.

"There, there, Brother Wei, everything is alright," she soothed him like a little child, with a cute smile hanging on her face as she enjoyed teasing him.

Li Wei didn't care about her teasing as long as she is having fun.

"Ahh, it's really unfair. But what classes are you going to choose?" he asked.

"Hmm, it doesn't say that you have to choose right now, so I'll decide later," Li Xin replied tilting her head.

She then fixed her gaze on him, clearly knowing what he was thinking. "Brother Wei, are you going to choose the special one?" she asked.

"Hehe, that's my girl, who knows me very well," Li Wei laughed, pinching her cute little cheeks.

"Umm," Li Xin playfully glared at him but let him pinch her cheeks.

"I think you should choose a Healer first. We'll see what to choose next, and I also saw a Class reset card in the shop. It costs 1000 coins and works below level 10. If you want to change it, you can always do that," Li Wei suggested as he examined the shop items.

"Hmm, I'll follow Brother Wei's advice," Li Xin nodded as she tapped on the Healer Class, she trusted her brother's decision.

[Ding, Are you certain you wish to select Healer as your first class? Yes/No]

A voice sounded in her ear with a prompt on her panel.

"Yes," Li Xin replied promptly.

[Ding, Congratulations to Host Li Xin for selecting the Healer class.]

[Ding, Congratulations for acquiring the following skills: Heal, Cure Poison.]

[Ding, Congratulations for gaining the Medical Knowledge attribute.]

"My status changed quite a lot," Li Xin remarked, observing her panel.

"Hmm," Li Wei also looked at her panel.


Name : Li Xin | Age : 17 | Race : Human

Class : 1. Healer(F)

Level : 0

Skill Point (SP) : 10 | Attribute Point (AP) : 10

Coins : 100


Health Points (HP) : 100/100

Mana Points (MP) : 90/90

Experience Points (XP) : 0/100


Strength : 7 | Agility : 8

Intelligence : 18 | Endurance : 5

Medical Knowledge : 10

Luck : 68 (It cannot be increased with AP)


**Heal (Small) : level 1/5 (0/1000)

The "Heal" skill allows Healers to channel restorative magic or medical expertise to mend wounds and restore health.

**Cure Poison (Small) : level 1/5 (0/1000)

"Cure Poison" allows Healers to neutralize and remove toxins from a person's body, a critical skill when dealing with poisonings and venomous threats.


1. When using skills, it will depend on you how much mana you channel through the skills. The higher the level, the greater the effect of the skills.

2. The skill levels are divided into ranks. You can increase the skill rank by using them or directly using Skill Points to upgrade them. (1 Skill Point = 1000 XP)

3. The class is divided into grades: SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, and F. You can level up the class by completing a certain Class Quest or by upgrading all your skills to the highest level cap. (For F level, the highest skill level cap is level 5)

4. You will only receive Class Quests when you reach Level 10.


"So it's like this," Li Wei nodded, with a understanding expression after reading the information.

"Well, I think I should choose mine too," he murmured and clicked on his panel.

[Ding, Are you certain you want to select the special class Jack-of-all-Trades? Yes/No]

Load failed, please RETRY


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


