10.43% Naruto : Trickery / Chapter 12: Naruto : Chapter 12

章 12: Naruto : Chapter 12

Then Ino's paralysis stopped. She first wanted to yell at him, but thought better of it and sat down. Twice having been hit with senbons and being paralysed was enough. And Naruto would obviously do it again if he felt they were too loud.


Half an hour after the other teams had been taken by their jonin senseis team seven still sat in the classroom. Sasuke was busy glaring at Naruto, Sakura was mooning over Sasuke and Naruto was drawing in a notebook.

He was working on a new seal and everything was better than having to deal with his so called team-mates.

Then the door opened and a silver haired man with gravity defying hair came in. Naruto looked up. He recognized the man. He was the jonin he had copied the shadow clone jutsu from. He was Kakashi Hatake, one of the best jonin in the village.

His dad's old student. It seemed like the Hokage had kept his word and given him a sensei who wouldn't hate him for the fox. Kakashi had to know about sealing and perhaps he even knew that he was the Yondaime's son.

"Hm, my first impression, you are boring. Meet me at the roof in five minutes." He said and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Sasuke and Sakura stood up and walked out of the room. Naruto waited a moment and then followed. If there were traps on the way, the two idiots would trigger them. He would stay alert. It was always better to be on guard and over the years it had become second nature to him. He heard cursing in front of him.

Obviously Kakashi's lateness had had a reason. True to his suspicions, Sakura was trapped in a sling of ninja wire around her feet and dangling from the ceiling. Sasuke was pinned to the wall with two shuriken through his sleeves.

"You really should listen better. I told you to always be on guard. There were only a few reasons our sensei would be late and preparing a small test with traps was one of them."

He said. He threw a kunai at the wire that held Sakura in the air and made her fall to the ground. "Get the bastard freed and follow me." He said and walked on.

On the way he lazily disabled two more traps. Then they reached the door to the roof. Naruto carefully checked for more traps on the door and found none. He opened it a little bit, only for Sakura shoving him out of the way being impatient.

She shouted they would be late. Naruto threw himself down when he felt projectiles coming at them. Sasuke, who had seen that there would be traps to expect, followed Naruto's example. Both avoided being hit.

Naruto rolled out of the line of fire and was ready to defend himself in case of an attack. He saw that Sakura was pierced by five senbons and whining. Sasuke behind him was also ready for another attack.

"Well, my second impression is, we need to work on your speed in disabling or avoiding traps. You are late. You needed six and a half minutes to get here. But I have to acknowledge that you at least got here as a team.

Even if the girl shouldn't have got that impatient. Better being late than dead. If I was an enemy I could have killed you easily. Which leads us to my next question, what was your first mistake?" Kakashi asked, looking sternly at them.

"Taking the route you expected us to take. We could have avoided this by using another route. The best way would have been if we had used chakra to stick to the wall and climbed up here. But as two of us don't know this exercise and we are supposed to be a team we had to take the only other route." Naruto said.

"Correct. That exercise will be one of the first things you will learn during your time as genin. That is if you manage to become genin." Kakashi said eye smiling.

"What do you mean, if we manage to become genin? We graduated, so we are genin!" Sakura said.

"No, not yet, but I will tell you about that later. Sit down." Kakashi instructed them.

He pointed at three benches in front of him. The three sat down with Naruto checking the underside of his bench for traps but not finding any. Kakashi nodded appreciatively at Naruto's action.

"For now I want you to give me a short introduction of yourselves. Name, age, likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams. Pinky you start." Kakashi ordered.

Sakura looked confused.

"How should we do that, sensei? Couldn't you start to give an example?" She asked.

"What does Shinobi rule number three say? Blacky." Kakashi said, ignoring Sakura's question.

"A ninja has to always follow a direct order of his superior." Sasuke answered.

"Correct." Kakashi answered.

Sasuke was impressed with this jonin. He clearly knew what he did and had a no nonsense attitude. Perhaps this would work out well. He would see how strong he was.

"So, Pinky, I gave you a direct order and I expect you to follow my orders or you should just quit being a ninja."

Sakura nodded intimidated by Kakashi.

"Yes, sensei. My name is Sakura Haruno. I am twelve years old. The thing I like, more the person I like is …." She looked at Sasuke and blushed

"… my hobby is…" she again looked at Sasuke and blushed harder and giggled "…my dream is…" she looked at Sasuke and squealed.

"Your dislike?" Kakashi asked annoyed. He just had to get a fangirl.

"Ino Pig and Naruto!" She shouted.

"We will have to work on your attitude. Shinobi rule number twenty five, Blondie?"

"A ninja never shows his emotions." Naruto recited calmly.

"Correct." Kakashi said.

Sasuke was surprised. He didn't think Naruto had paid attention in class. And then his new skills. Why was Naruto so different than before? He would find it out.

Sakura huffed. She had the right to show her love to Sasuke.

"Okay, next is Blacky." Kakashi said.

Sasuke obviously disliked the nickname but kept quiet.

"Sasuke Uchiha, twelve years old. I like nothing in particular and have many things I dislike. My hobby is training. I don't have a dream, more of an ambition, I will resurrect the Uchiha clan and I will kill a certain somebody." He stated.

Sakura had hearts in her eyes, thinking Sasuke was so cool. Naruto rolled his eyes. The emo had no reason to be all egoistical and full of hate. He was treated like a pampered prince in the village. Kakashi had expected something like that.

"Okay, next Blondie." Kakashi continued.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I am twelve years old. I like the old man and Ichiraku's. I dislike most of the villagers, especially those that can't distinguish a scroll and a kunai.

My hobby is training and gardening. My dream is to become the strongest ninja ever and show this village just how much they screwed up." Naruto said.

'He really is different from what his file said, but Hokage Sama warned me. If we don't get him out of the darkness, he could become a problem for the village. Not that I can blame him.' Kakashi thought.

"Okay, my name is Kakashi Hatake, I'm twenty six years old. My likes and dislikes are none of your concern for now. I have many hobbies and my dream, I never really thought about it." He told them.

'The only thing we found out was his name and his age.' Sasuke and Sakura thought.

'I know that voice from somewhere.' Naruto thought, trying to place the voice of his sensei.

"Now that introductions are over, I will come to the part that you aren't genin yet. There is a rule in the village that all genin have to be confirmed by their respective jonin senseis. Each sensei gives his team a test.

And from the twenty seven genin that passed the graduation exams in your year only nine will be accepted as genin. That means this test has a probability of failure of sixty-seven per cent." Kakashi pointed out.

"What? But what was the meaning of the exams then?" Sakura protested. There was no way in hell she would give up being on the same team as Sasuke.

"That was to weed out the hopeless cases. The only one that has a say if you become genin or not am I." Kakashi said giving an imposing figure with his arms stemmed at his sides and looking down at them.

Naruto's memory finally connected the voice and the pose.

'Dog?' He questioned mentally.

Dog had been an ANBU that had often protected him when he was younger. Naruto really hoped his sensei was his old ANBU guard. He had really liked dog, especially as the man had often given him some sweets to help him over the shock after attacks. Kakashi handed them a piece of paper with information.

"The test will be tomorrow morning at seven at training ground three. Bring all your equipment. Oh, and you better don't eat breakfast or you will just throw up." Kakashi informed them.

Then Kakashi disappeared in a cloud of smoke again. Sasuke stood up and walked away, Sakura closely behind him to try and get a date with him. Naruto wondered how long it would take for her to be killed on a mission like that.

He decided preparation was necessary and used the body flicker to get to training ground three. He spent three hours inspecting the training ground to be prepared for the next day.

He didn't know if his so called team-mates would remember the lesson about knowing the terrain before a fight, but he did know that they wouldn't listen if he told them about it.

Naruto then went into the woods to a river where he knew tasty fish could be caught.

He caught three fishes for his dinner, went to his field to get some fresh vegetables and then went to prepare his food. A small campfire and an hour of cooking later, he had grilled fish and roasted vegetables.

He ate and then extinguished the fire. On his way home he took to the roofs to avoid the glares from the villagers. He also didn't want to be found by messengers of the council. They would surely bitch about his behaviour in class. Well, let them bitch. He was a ninja under the command of the Hokage; they had no power over him.


Kakashi had observed Naruto after the meeting was over. He was positively surprised that he went to the training ground where the test would be to get an idea which environment he would have to work with.

After that he caught himself some fish and disappeared somewhere else. Kakashi let him go.

It wouldn't be good if Naruto thought he followed him. He needed to gain Naruto's trust to help him. From his estimation the team meeting had gone well enough. Naruto was good and knew how to act as a ninja. Sasuke needed to get over his complexes.

The best way to get there would be to practically isolate him from the village until the chunin exams. So he would have to carefully choose the D-Rank missions his team did. No missions inside the village where the villagers could show their bias against Naruto and towards Sasuke.

But at least Sasuke had the necessary skill to be a ninja. Attitudes could be corrected over time. Getting skills that should have been taught in the academy to an appropriate level was harder. Sakura would have to go through hell.

She didn't consider her surroundings, she was loud, had a superiority complex towards Naruto and was a fangirl. Really bad combination. He would see her skills in a battle situation tomorrow. But he didn't expect much.


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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


