100% Life Begins After The End (TBATE) / Chapter 4: Xyrus City

章 4: Xyrus City

Obviously I heard and read about how Xyrus was a floating city. However actually seeing it in person is another thing entirely. I couldn't tear my eyes off it the entire time we traveled to the gate below. Arthur was equally starstruck as we passed through the gate and then we were in the middle of a massive city square.

Other gates, stood nearby the one we had just passed through. People lined up in front of guards like we had been below. Having papers checked before being allowed through. It was such a strange sight. People were just teleporting from one city to the next, but from what I had read we didn't know how to recreate them.

Yet people still trusted them as if it was the most normal thing. How do you know something won't go wrong and you'll be sent completely off course?

"Rey, we'll be going to the guild to report the completion of the escort." Helen said as she approached our cart. We all got out and began exchanging good byes with the Twin Horns. Our destination was further into the center of the city, so this is where we would be parting.

With plenty of hugs and a couple of tears from Angela, as well as a very distinct "hmm." From Jasmine we went on our way. We were headed to a friend of dad's, someone he had helped while dad was still an adventurer.

"I'm sure it will be fine. Vincent has asked me to be guard numerous times. He's a fairly well known merchant in this area and has a large manor. I'm sure he'll have a place for us to stay." Mom didn't seem quite sure but she nodded.

"Besides. Maybe we just start living here? We're already getting the boys tutors, and if we save up I'm sure we'll be able to send them to the academy." Mom's eyes widened.

"You think so? Xyrus Academy?" Dad just nodded with a smile. Soon I could see the manor dad was talking about and sure enough it was pretty big.

But would this family really let us live with them? What in the world did dad do for this guy? We had almost reached halfway when I felt mana coming from off to the side. Dad, and Arthur seemed to have noticed it as well as we all turned to see a young boy.

He was about mine and Arthur's age, with long, sleek black hair, as well as bright blue eyes. He held a real sword sword in his right hand, though it was sheathed.

I know I felt mana coming from his direction, but I couldn't see it on him now. It was as if the mana was being hidden.

I had watched his eyes as he looked at Reynolds and Alice, and they seemed happy. Reassured or something. That changed when he looked at me and Arthur. His eyes widened in surprise. It seemed Arthur noticed too.

The boy tried to hide his surprise, but he kept flicking his eyes to me and Arthur everytime he looked back to our parents.

"I'm Reynolds Leywin. Is Vincent Helstea around?" I watched his eyes dart back to my father where he smiled.

"Yes, father is currently inside. Should I tell him you're here?"

"So Tabitha had a healthy boy. That's good, you seem strong too." Dad said after looking the boy over with a smile of his own.

"Ah well, not exactly. Mother had a healthy daughter." We all looked between each other with confusion, giving the bo-girl? Another look over. Sure I would have described him as a pretty boy, but I was pretty sure he was a boy and not a girl.

"No, no. Haha, I'm not their daughter. I'm their adopted son. Jaron Helstea, pleased to meet you Reynolds and…" He clarified quickly upon seeing our confusion.

"Ah sorry. This is my wife Alice, and our sons, Roland and Arthur Leywin." Once again I noticed the boy's eyes widen briefly when Reynolds pointed out Arthur. Did this kid somehow know Arthur? His gaze moved from Arthur to me and he just seemed even more confused. What was going on here?

"It's nice to meet you all. Well let's move closer to the manor. I'm sure Father has already seen you from the window and is heading down." He said as he turned towards the manor.

"Please. Lead the way." Dad said and allowed the lizards pulling the cart to roll forward.

"Not to be nosy, but are your sons both mages as well? I haven't met any mages my age before." Jaron asked.

"Ah yes, they are. Arthur awakened around 3 and Roland a couple weeks before 4." Jaron nodded at dad's words.

"I'm a fire and wind augmenter myself, currently at the light red stage." He said with a nonchalant smile. My jaw dropped. This kid was a higher stage higher than Arthur and only 2 away from dad's own light orange. I was the lowest at Dark red, having broke through a couple days after our battle with the bandits.

"That's amazing." I finally said. Before the boys could respond a voice came from the big house.

"Rey! My friend! The hero who saved my life! What brings you to this little city? Ah, I see you've met my son already." A thin bespectacled man in a suit exclaimed as he quickly walked up to our cart. Standing next Jaron, as we disembarked.

"Yes, it was surprising to find out that he was a mage already." Dad replied stepping forward and hugging Vincent.

"Dad, their sons are mages too like me!" Jaron said to Vincent, whose eyes widened as he adjusted his glasses.

"Truly? What a coincidence." He said as he looked over me an Arthur. After another round of introductions we were brought inside where we once again were once again subjected to introductions to Tabitha, and Lilia.

"So you've brought them to Xyrus to get them a tutor, and plan to stay?" Dad nodded at Vincent's words.

"Hmm, well does this mean you're also willing become captain of the guard at the Auction house?" Vincent asked.

"Yes. I was actually going to bring that up too. Is that offer still available?" Dad asked.

"Of course! We actually recently renovated to hold 3 times as many people. And I need someone like you to whip those new recruit guards into shake. You'd be doing us a favor if anything." Tabitha glanced at Alice's growing belly and then at all of us and nudged Vincent in the ribs.

"Ah, also please stay here with us. I'm sure Tabitha would welcome the company of Alice, and Jaron would enjoy having some more kids similar to him." Jaron nodded at his Father's words as did Tabitha, who smiled brightly.

"Are you sure? We wouldn't be a bother?" Mom asked and Tabitha stood up and walked over to her.

"I'm sure! I know how hard it is to go through pregnancy, and I would love to have someone to talk to during the day." She said sweetly as she looked at mother.

"Thank you, that's very kind, Tabitha."

"Here, let's let them continue talking about guard duties. We can enjoy some tea in the solarium." Alice thanked Vincent again and followed Tabitha out of the room along with Lilia.

"It seems this house is going to get a little bit more interesting. Wouldn't you agree, dad?" Jaron looked up at Vincent.

"Theirs one thing I know about a Leywin, and that's that there's never a dull moment." He responded, laughing softly.

"I'm going to go back to training now!" Jaron said as he stood up to leave.

"Oh. Alright. Why don't you take Arthur and Roland with you?" Jaron turned back and looked at us with a smile.

"Do you guys want to come spar?" He asked and I could feel Arthur's battle junky ness kick in.

"Ya. Cmon Roland, let's go." Arthur took off and I followed after.

"I'll send Gerald out to get you all when it's lunch time. Try not to get too dirty, you know how your mother is." Vincent called to us as we ran out the house.

We followed Jaron out to a big opening of grass, and soon we saw a bird fly down and land on his shoulder. It's body was a deep green color, with bright yellow beak and talons. He has a mana beast?

"You know you're almost too big to be doing that." Jaron said to the bird. He grinned and chuckled soon after.

"Haha, maybe you're right." When he turned and saw mine and Arthur's confused faces, he chuckled.

"Sorry guys. This is my bonded mana beast, say hi to Tuk. Tuk greet them as well." Jaron said.

"Hmm. More hatchlings have entered the nest. And more with already formed cores. How strange." The voice that came through was like a whistle and an elderly voice at the same time. It was kind of confusing.

"I'm Roland, nice to meet you Tuk."

"And I'm Arthur. Nice to meet you."

The bird just nodded his head and turned back to Jaron.

"Don't be rude Tuk, we can't talk like our guests aren't here. Besides I'm not entirely sure myself." Jaron scolded Tuk.

"Sure about what?" I asked and Jaron looked me over before looking at Arthur.

"I wanted to learn about your journey to Xyrus. Did anything exciting happen?" He asked, but for some reason I got the feeling it wasn't what he really wanted ask. His intentions didn't feel malicious or anything.

It's just that in my past life since I was such a loner, I had observed people a lot. And I mean a lot. I listened to people be fake friends with others to fit in and stuff like that. That was the sort of feeling I was getting. Like I said not with bad intentions, but more guarded.

"Well besides when we got attacked by bandits, not really." Arthur spoke up from the side and I could definitely see the interest in Jaron's eyes.

"Oh really? What happened, is everyone okay?" He asked with genuine concern. It was really hard to read this kid. Pieces started clicking into place. Early awakening. Bonded, light red at only 4. Speaks really well despite being adopted from an orphanage. Not to mention the deceiving way he speaks. Is he a reincarnator, too?

"Ya, I almost fell off a cliff, but Roland managed to save me with hand made of earth. Though he did nearly squeeze all the air out of me." Arthur chuckled as he elbowed me. He saw my expression and arched an eyebrow. I guess my emotions were playing enough across my face for him to notice.

"Wow that's amazing. Good thing he was there to save you!" Jaron said with a smile.

I turned to Arthur and whispered in his ear.

"I think Jaron might be like us." I saw the bird move its head just slightly and Jaron definitely widened his eyes as he looked up at Tuk. Arthur also turned to me with surprise.

"Are you sure?" He asked allowed, and I just shrugged. It's not like it mattered, I hadn't thought about the fact the bird would be able to hear us.

"Ya. Don't you agree Jaron?" His eyes darted between me and Arthur.

"You knew about us before we got here, didn't you?" I pressed.

"Ahh. Well. You're not completely wrong." I drawled as he looked between us and Tuk.

"You mean you are like us?" Arthur asked. "A reincarnator?" Jaron tensed but eventually sighed. He looked around and saw the woods off further away.

"Lets get a little further away, I don't want to risk our parents hearing us." Tik nodded at Jaron's words and lifted into the air.

"I know a good spot. Follow me hatchlings." We began following after him and Jaron turned to me.

"How did you figure it out?" He asked.

"It's easy when you know what to look for. It's unheard of for kids to have awakened before 10. Yet me and Arthur had and then we found out you had. The way you speak, doesn't fit a 4 year old, but it's passed off as just being smart for your age since you awakened early."

He looked at me with wide eyes, and caught Arthur's glances

"And you, Arthur?" Arthur shrugged.

"I've learned to trust Roland's instincts. He figured me out after all even though I had thought I had been careful." Now Jaron was confused.

"Figured you out? You mean you didn't know from the beginning?" Jaron asked me.

"Huh? I mean I had my suspicions early on, but that's just because he didn't behave like a normal baby." He shook his head.

"I mean you didn't know who Arthur was?" He asked seriously and if it wasn't for the serious expression I would have thought he was joking.

"No? I had only just been reborn myself, how would I already know Arthur." Jaron didn't respond right away and seemed to be thinking really hard.

"So you're saying you had never heard of this world before coming here?" He finally asked and I just shook my head confused.

"Are you saying you had?" I asked. Me and Arthur both looking at him expectantly.

"Well yes… This place." He waved his hand around. "Xyrus. Dicathen. Arthur. All of them are from a book I read in past life." He said and as he finished we all stopped walking. I looked to Arthur who looked at me and we both looked back to Jaron severely confused.

"You… read about it?" Arthur finally managed to ask. Jaron just slowly nodded.

"But Roland wasn't in it. That's what I thought maybe he might be like me. Someone that had read the book. So many things are different though. I'm the books, Arthur was supposed to fall off that cliff and he meets a dragon. Eventually meeting the Elf princess, reacuing her and taking her back to her kingdom."

I cocked an eyebrow at him. Really? What kind of life path did the supposed author of that book have in store for Arthur? Meeting a dragon and saving an Elven princess at the age of 4?

"I'm sure it's hard to believe but it's true. Even I'm not supposed to be here." Jaron finished.

"Well, we are here. Is there anything we should know?" I asked and Jaron furrowed his brow.

"There's going to be a war. I can't remember details and I never finished the series anyways. I just remember that Arthur was a big piece in that war. One of the only mages from Dicathen that was able to stand against the stronger mages of the other continent. For the most part though they're losing the war" he trailed off and we all stood there speechless.

"My original plan, was to get as strong as possible and help Arthur during the war. But now I can't help but wonder what else might be different. Arthur was supposed to gain a beat will from the dragon. Well not exactly a dragon, they were something called an Asura." Jaron was biting a finger as he stared at the ground, clearly thinking about a lot of things.

"Did Arthur know about the war in the books?" I asked and they both looked at me.

"Huh? Well maybe not exactly. He had wanted to get revenge for the dragon Asura who he had grown to care for. Why?"

"Because if he didn't know about the war then he likely didn't prepare as well as he could. If I know my brother, he would have done everything to prevent it. Either way what I'm trying to say is, now he has us 2 that know about it. We can train and prepare for it." I said looking between the 2 of them.

Arthur smiled and nodded. Jaron looked worried, but eventually nodded as well.

"You're right. We have plenty of time. The true beginning of it isn't until Arthur turns 12 and starts attending the academy." Jaron said

"I'm not sure how to feel about you knowing my life from a book." He chuckled nervously.

"Ah ya. I can see how that would be weird." Jaron replied.

"Okay enough of that. Nothing will change unless we get stronger. How strong was Arthur when he was still not stronger than the other continents mages?" Jaron winced at my question.

"Even at the white core stage." Jaron finally said and sucked in a breath, Arthur whistling.

"It seems we got our work cut out for us then." I said. Both of them nodded.

"Alright. We'll teach us, Jaron." Arthur said. "If you know about this world, teach us every little trick you think of for us to get stronger. I was a master swordsman in my last life, so I can teach us the sword." He finished resolutely.

"Very well. There's no time to waste." Jaron said with a confident smile on his face.

"Young master Jaron! Lunch is ready!" A voice yelled from a distance away.

"Ah well. After lunch I guess." Jaron said. We all nodded. I felt glad to have a direction. Before I was just getting stronger because it was relatively easy to purify your core. Now we had a goal we needed to accomplish. Or everyone on Dicathen would suffer for it.

I'm sure we had all thought about telling the grown ups about the incoming war, but we all knew how they would respond. Regardless if we were genius mages they would still see us as the 4 year old kids we were.

We would just have to prepare for the worst. Me, Arthur and Jaron would find a way to save our new homes.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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