2.77% Thanos : Chronicles of The Mad Titan / Chapter 1: Transmigration and the price to return
Thanos : Chronicles of The Mad Titan Thanos : Chronicles of The Mad Titan original

Thanos : Chronicles of The Mad Titan

作者: Emmanuel_Capricorn

© WebNovel

章 1: Transmigration and the price to return

He was a man who had everything.

He had a loving wife who took care of his home and beautiful children.

He had a strong son who looked up to him.

He had an innocent little daughter who never fails to put a smile on his face.

And he had a job that actually pays well, had healthcare and seasonal vacations.

What more could he ever ask for? He truly had everything.

But in the past, he was always not so fortunate. He had an abusive mother who killed herself by overusing drugs.

A father whom he never knew. Actually, his mother pointed out some men who could potentially be his father but he never really cared about that.

Orphaned at the young age of 9, he had to fight for candies and blankets on a daily basis.

Luckily, as if to make up for his bad upbringing, he was blessed by the Gods with strong genetics that made him a specimen.

He stood at an intimidating height of 6'10. His tall frame was filled with thick muscles gained from sheer grit and lots of juice, making his weight a whopping 225 kg or 500 pounds.

He was built like a God of War.

Even when he barely got scraps to eat at the orphanage, he was always big and powerful.

He did not even reach 5 feet at the age of nine when his mother died but by the age of 13, he could beat up grown men like a child.

His strength and size had made it easy for him to not only survive but thrive in that cruel world. Gangs were very much interested in his intimidating stature.

He grew stronger and stronger, bigger and bigger, meaner and meaner. He never hesitated to hurt the world that had hurt him.

Let's just say he was not the most innocent man in the world.

But luckily, he was never involved in a serious case. He could proudly say that he had never tasted the food in jail.

Time passed and the future was kinder to the giant man. He found a treasure. A treasure that became his weakness which could easily penetrate his thick muscles and touch his heat.

He found love. He found her.

And love changes people. A good woman can change even the toughest of men.

He built a home. And he started a family, or 'bloodline' as he liked to call it.

His beautiful wife. His 11-year-old son who inherited his powerful body.  His little princess who was already 7 years old. And also another small warrior coming soon.

They were his world.

They were everything.

He was the happiest man in the world.

A man who had everything.


He drove his F-350 pick-up truck through the driveway and parked it in the garage. Then with obvious eagerness, he swiftly exited his truck. At least as swift as his massive body could move.

He closed the door and went to the back of the truck and unloaded the heavy broken weights on it. His muscles tensed under the layer of his body fat and he easily unloaded the weights.

He had a bit of a belly and he had a higher body fat percentage compared to his younger days but he was still as strong, if not stronger than ever.

He heaved a huge sigh after he was done and with excitement unbecoming of his intimidating stature, he closed the back and ran to the front door of his house.

It would definitely be a funny sight for anyone who saw it. A giant man like him - who looked like he eats dinosaurs for breakfast - running giddily around his house.

The sky was already dark and the stars twinkled brighter than usual in that black expanse with no moon. And as if to imitate that, he was later than usual, his family must be waiting for him.

He did not ring the doorbell and instead knocked loudly on the door. The sound of rapid footfalls and happy screams almost made him break the door off instead of waiting for it to be opened.

When the door was opened, a tiny ball of pure joy bolted at him. He bent down and picked it up with a hearty laugh.

"Daddy!!!" Her princes called out and tried to hug him with her tiny arms.

He carried her with one arm and she hugged him on his side. He kissed her head before turning to his son who was also eagerly waiting to greet him. 

But unlike his daughter, the boy was trying to hide his excitement, an indication that he was growing into a fine teenager.

Not to him though, his son could act edgy to anyone else but to him he was still just a small boy.

"Hello little boy." He called out with his deep voice, and the boy came to him with a fake scowl.

"Don't call me that old man!!" His son said but still approached him.

He laughed, "Maybe when you are this tall." He said and showed a certain height with his hand. A height which increased each year to always be slightly higher than his son.

"Come here." He said and scooped his son up with his other hand. Both his children laughed in joy and it was the greatest sound in his ears.

He stopped and walked inside the house. His beautiful wife was waiting for him and he immediately approached her with his children in hand.

His wife was a tall woman, standing at an impressive height of 6'2. She was a woman too tall for most guys to feel comfortable with.

But to him, she was just perfect. He did not need to bend down for a kiss as she jumped up to give him a peck on his lips.

"You look tired." She said and ran her hand over his body to check if he had any dirt or injuries on him.

"I am not." He said and scooped her up in his arms too. They laughed happily and his wife asked him to put her down but he did not until his arms grew tired.

Finally, he put down his family. He noted that he needed to train harder as his children were growing.

He wanted to always be capable of carrying them in his arms. He wanted to always be strong enough to carry his world.

His wife asked him to clean himself while she prepared the table for dinner.

Another kiss on her lips and he went to clean himself.

After a quick shower and putting on his clean clothes, he stared at the sheld inside his room. He had a smile on his face as he looked at the things displayed on the shelf.

There were different photos framed on that shelf, from the picture of his marriage, his youth, his children, It was all displayed there.

His greatest treasures and achievements.

And even though he did not pay attention to it, one could see different trophies on the side. Trophies that were shaped like a man holding up the world.

There were three such trophies and on it was the following words. 'Champion Strongman : Thanos Kovalyov.'

Yes. His horrible mother had not just abused him but also named him after the purple villain in the Marvel comics.

He hated that name when he was young. Finding it to be humiliating to be named after a villain. But as he grew older he had come to like his name.

His last name on the other hand was something he took from his russian wife.

He wore a pleasant smile as he recalled all the good and bad things that happened in his life. The good obviously shadowed the bad things.

He was a happy man.

"Dear, Dinner's ready!!" He heard a call from his wife and with a gently shake of his head, he turned around and tried to walk to the kitchen.

'Tried' was the keyword here.

Before he took a single step, he felt the world spinning and his vision turned black. He had many thoughts in that short period.

Was it a heart attack? Was all the steroid abuse in the past finally catching up to him? He had stopped using it and the doctor said he was fine, so what was happening?

There was no pain. Nothing he was feeling indicated that he was dying.

But he knew he was 

What was happening?

His mind instantly went to his family. His pregnant wife, his son, and his daughter.

His world.

The only thing he knew was that he did not want to leave them. He needed to protect them. He needed to be there for them.

But fate was cruel. As it always was.

Everything was black.

And when he saw light again, he was in a different place.



A different world.


[3rd POV]

Thanos opened his eyes and what greeted him was an unfamiliar sight.

Endless rocky terrain spread across everything the eye could see. There was no sky as the ground seemed to meet space itself then and there.

There were clouds and storms of many colors, some he was familiar with but some which he had never seen before.

There were also stars and planets spread across what was supposed to be the sky and Thanos couldn't help but marvel at the sight.

It was so big and wide.

Thanos closed his eyes, his mind abuzz with countless thoughts and confusion. He took in a deep breath and calmed his mind.

With a clearer mind, he opened his eyes again and the same sight greeted him. The grey rocks of Earth and the space-like sky.

Something was wrong.

Something was very very wrong.

Was this an illusion? A hallucination? Maybe he was in a coma and this was a dream, he remembered passing out and falling.

Thanos did not panic and tried to assess the situation as best as he could. Everything was so different yet he had this sense of confidence and familiarity in his heart.

He looked around and scanned the surroundings again and again but after failing to understand anything, he turned his attention on himself.

He was bigger and he also felt stronger - if that was even possible. But the most obvious thing he noticed was his powerful and giant jaw.

Thanos chewed at his own teeth and grabbed his jaw to get a feel for it's shape. It was not his.

Then he looked at his own hands. They were big and their purple colour instantly told him that they were not his hands.

"What the heck is going on?" He asked himself, yet he was again surprised by his deep and profound voice. It was low and deep. It did not vibrate but rumbled off his throat.

Now he was sure that he was in a body not his own. A different body. A stronger body.

'But who's?' 

He looked around again and noticed the eerie silence in the surroundings. He again noticed that he was sitting on a giant throne that was weirdly floating majestically.

It was not the time right now but he thought it was very cool. Really badass.

He closed his eyes again because he could not focus with the strange sight of his surroundings. Then he went deep into his own thoughts.

He sat there on the floating throne for an unknown amount of time before he eventually opened his eyes again. This time, his eyes held a sense of awareness and realization of his situation.

Sitting on a floating throne, in an uninhibited barren world like the last boss or something. With purple skin, a gigantic body and a huge jaw.

Surely it was not only him but that sounded an awful lot like someone he knew. Someone who should not be real.

Someone he always shared a weird connection with because he was named after said person.

"Thanos. The Mad Titan." He said and looked at his reflection on the armrest of his throne.

Lo and behold, it was the face of the purple alien himself.

Thanos had read fanfictions and other books about transmigration so he had some sort of grasp and understanding of his situation.

Most likely he had died and now he had transmigrated into the body of Thanos.

For what purpose? He did not know.

His heart clenched in pain when he thought about his family. His world back in that universe. They needed him, they needed their father and protector.

He had to get back. He had to return to them.

And as he was mourning and despairing in his own mind, worried about his family, he heard a voice echoing around him.

The voice was everywhere and Thanos could not pinpoint which direction it was coming from. The voice sounded robotic with no specific gender.

[To return to your world, you must pay a price] The voice said, leaving Thanos to contemplate deeply.

He could return? To his world? To his family?

Thanos was determined to return home. He decided then and there that he was willing to pay any price to go back home.

To his family.

His wife, his son, his daughter. 

He was willing to pay any price to return to his world.

[To return to your world, you must pay a price] The voice echoed out again in the same robotic manner.

His heart burned with hope when he heard the voice again. 

Anything. He would do anything.

"What is the price?" he asked the open space, hoping whatever was talking to him could also hear him.

[The price is half of all life in the universe.] The voice replied.

Thanos paused at the answer, half of all life in the universe? Like the original Thanos did?

So to go back home he needed to commit genocide on a universal level. To return home he needed to spill the blood of trillions of innocents.





"Sounds simple enough," Thanos said. His eyes showed apathy when he said such words.

In his mind, half of all life in the universe was a small price to pay to return to his family.

He was no hero, he was no saint. He did not care about the lives of strangers.

After the declaration, the robotic voice ceased to exist, never to be heard again. Thanos remained on his throne.

He did not know what kind of being put him here or why they were doing such things. But Thanos accepted his helplessness against such a being.

Though he threatened, whatever this being was, it better not hurt his family. He didn't know how but he would kill anyone who hurt them.

That's a promise.

After doing so, Thanos decided to just focus on the important thing right now.

Returning home.

Which means now he had plans to make and worlds to destroy.

He would have to stand against all that is good, including the heroes. He would have to fight against destiny and fate itself.

It sounds hard but losing was not an option for Thanos.

He would go back home and return to his family.

And he would not let anyone get in his way.

With his resolve made and his goal finalized, Thanos finally cast aside his calm demeanor and allowed himself the long-awaited panic.

"What the fuck."

[IMG : Thanos]


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


